blob: 64d87f33af53091c1f06343ffd33ec7e8233356a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.drill.common.collections.ImmutableEntry;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.ExecutionSetupException;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException;
import org.apache.drill.common.logical.StoragePluginConfig.AuthMode;
import org.apache.drill.common.logical.FormatPluginConfig;
import org.apache.drill.common.logical.StoragePluginConfig;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.logical.StoragePlugins;
import org.apache.drill.exec.server.DrillbitContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidTypeIdException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException;
* Plugin registry. Caches plugin instances which correspond to configurations
* stored in persistent storage. Synchronizes the instances and storage.
* <p>
* Allows multiple "locators" to provide plugin classes such as the "classic"
* version for classes in the same class loader, the "system" version for
* system-defined plugins.
* <p>
* provides multiple layers of abstraction:
* <ul>
* <li>A plugin config/implementation pair (called a "connector" here)
* is located by</li>
* <li>A connector locator, which also provides bootstrap plugins and can
* create a plugin instance from a configuration, which are cached in</li>
* <li>The plugin cache, which holds stored, system and ad-hoc plugins. The
* stored plugins are backed by</li>
* <li>A persistent store: the file system for tests and embedded, ZK for
* a distibuted server, or</li>
* <li>An ephemeral cache for unnamed configs, such as those created by
* a table function.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The idea is to push most functionality into the above abstractions,
* leaving overall coordination here.
* <p>
* Plugins themselves have multiple levels of definitions:
* <ul>
* <li>The config and plugin classes, provided by the locator.</li>
* <li>The {@link ConnectorHandle} which defines the config class and
* the locator which can create instances of that class.</li>
* <li>A config instance which is typically deserialized from JSON
* independent of the implementation class.</li>
* <li>A {@link PluginHandle} which pairs the config with a name as
* the unit that the user thinks of as a "plugin." The plugin entry
* links to the {@code ConnectorEntry} to create the instance lazily
* when first requested.</li>
* <li>The plugin class instance, which provides long-term state and
* which provides the logic for the plugin.</li>
* </ul>
* <h4>Concurrency</h4>
* Drill is a concurrent system; multiple users can attempt to add, remove
* and update plugin configurations at the same time. The only good
* solution would be to version the plugin configs. Instead, we rely on
* the fact that configs change infrequently.
* <p>
* The code syncs the in-memory cache with the persistent store on each
* access (which is actually inefficient and should be reviewed.)
* <p>
* During refresh, it could be that another thread is doing exactly
* the same thing, or even fighting us by changing the config. It is
* impossible to ensure a totally consistent answer. The goal is to
* make sure that the cache ends up agreeing with the persistent store
* as it was at some point in time.
* <p>
* The {@link StoragePluginMap} class provides in-memory synchronization of the
* name and config maps. Careful coding is needed when handling refresh
* since another thread could make the same changes.
* <p>
* Once the planner obtains a plugin, another user could come along and
* change the config for that plugin. Drill treats that change as another
* plugin: the original one continues to be used by the planner (but see
* below), while new queries use the new version.
* <p>
* Since the config on remote servers may have changed relative to the one
* this Foreman used for planning, the plan includes the plugin config
* itself (not just a reference to the config.) This works because the
* config is usually small.
* <h4>Ephemeral Plugins</h4>
* An ephemeral plugin handles table functions which create a temporary,
* unnamed configuration that is needed only for the execution of a
* single query, but which may be used across many threads. If the same
* table function is used multiple times, then the same ephemeral plugin
* will be used across queries. Ephemeral plugins are are based on the
* same connectors as stored plugins, but are not visible to the planner.
* They will expire after some time or number.
* <p>
* The ephemeral store also acts as a graveyard for deleted or changed
* plugins. When removing a plugin, the old plugin is moved to ephemeral
* storage to allow running queries to locate it. Similarly, when a
* new configuration is stored, the corresponding plugin is retrieved
* from ephemeral storage, if it exists. This avoids odd cases where
* the same plugin exists in both normal and ephemeral storage.
* <h4>Caveats</h4>
* The main problem with synchronization at present is that plugins
* provide a {@code close()} method that, if used, could render the
* plugin unusable. Suppose a Cassandra plugin, say, maintains a connection
* to a server used across multiple queries and threads. Any change to
* the config immediately calls {@code close()} on the plugin, even though
* it may be in use in planning a query on another thread. Random failures
* will result.
* <p>
* The same issue can affect ephemeral plugins: if the number in the cache
* reaches the limit, the registry will start closing old ones, without
* knowning if that plugin is actually in use.
* <p>
* The workaround is to not actually honor the {@code close()} call. Longer
* term, a reference count is needed.
* <h4>Error Handling</h4>
* Error handling needs review. Those problems that result from user actions
* should be raised as a {@code UserException}. Those that violate invariants
* as other forms of exception.
public class StoragePluginRegistryImpl implements StoragePluginRegistry {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StoragePluginRegistryImpl.class);
private final PluginRegistryContext context;
* Cache of enabled, stored plugins, as well as system and ad-hoc
* plugins. Plugins live in the cache until Drillbit exit, or
* (except for system plugins) explicitly removed.
private final StoragePluginMap pluginCache;
private final DrillSchemaFactory schemaFactory;
private final StoragePluginStore pluginStore;
* Cache of unnamed plugins typically resulting from table functions.
* Ephemeral plugins timeout after some time, or some max number of
* plugins.
private final LoadingCache<StoragePluginConfig, PluginHandle> ephemeralPlugins;
* Set of locators which provide connector implementations.
private final List<ConnectorLocator> locators = new ArrayList<>();
* Map of config (as deserialized from the persistent store or UI)
* to the connector which can instantiate a connector for that config.
private final Map<Class<? extends StoragePluginConfig>, ConnectorHandle> connectors =
new IdentityHashMap<>();
public StoragePluginRegistryImpl(DrillbitContext context) {
this.context = new DrillbitPluginRegistryContext(context);
this.pluginCache = new StoragePluginMap();
this.schemaFactory = new DrillSchemaFactory(null);
locators.add(new ClassicConnectorLocator(this.context));
locators.add(new SystemPluginLocator(this.context));
this.pluginStore = new StoragePluginStoreImpl(context);
this.ephemeralPlugins = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(24, TimeUnit.HOURS)
(RemovalListener<StoragePluginConfig, PluginHandle>) notification -> notification.getValue().close())
.build(new CacheLoader<StoragePluginConfig, PluginHandle>() {
public PluginHandle load(StoragePluginConfig config) throws Exception {
return createPluginEntry("$$ephemeral$$", config, PluginType.EPHEMERAL);
public void init() { -> loc.init());
try {
} catch (PluginException e) {
// Should only occur for a programming error
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to load system plugins", e);
private void loadIntrinsicPlugins() throws PluginException {
for (ConnectorLocator locator : locators) {
Collection<StoragePlugin> intrinsicPlugins = locator.intrinsicPlugins();
if (intrinsicPlugins == null) {
for (StoragePlugin sysPlugin : intrinsicPlugins) {
// Enforce lower case names. Since the name of a system plugin
// is "hard coded", we can't adjust it if it is not already
// lower case. All we can do is fail to tell the developer that
// something is wrong.
String origName = sysPlugin.getName();
String lcName = sysPlugin.getName().toLowerCase();
if (!origName.equals(lcName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"Plugin names must be in lower case but system plugin name `%s` is not",
ConnectorHandle connector = ConnectorHandle.intrinsicConnector(locator, sysPlugin);
pluginCache.put(new PluginHandle(sysPlugin, connector, PluginType.INTRINSIC));
private void defineConnector(ConnectorHandle connector) {
ConnectorHandle prev = connectors.put(connector.configClass(), connector);
if (prev != null) {
String msg = String.format("Two connectors defined for the same config: " +
"%s -> %s and %s -> %s",
connector.configClass().getName(), connector.locator().getClass().getName(),
prev.configClass().getName(), prev.locator().getClass().getName());
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
private void defineConnectors() {
for (ConnectorLocator locator : locators) {
Set<Class<? extends StoragePluginConfig>> nonIntrinsicConfigs = locator.configClasses();
if (nonIntrinsicConfigs == null) {
for (Class<? extends StoragePluginConfig> configClass : nonIntrinsicConfigs) {
defineConnector(ConnectorHandle.configuredConnector(locator, configClass));
private void prepareStore() {
if (loadEnabledPlugins()) {
} else {
private void initStore() {"No storage plugin instances configured in persistent store, loading bootstrap configuration.");
StoragePlugins bootstrapPlugins = new StoragePlugins();
try {
for (ConnectorLocator locator : locators) {
StoragePlugins locatorPlugins = locator.bootstrapPlugins();
if (locatorPlugins != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Failure initializing the plugin store. Drillbit exiting.", e);
pluginStore.putAll(bootstrapPlugins); -> loc.onUpgrade());
* Upgrade an existing persistent plugin config store with
* updates available from each locator.
private void upgradeStore() {
StoragePlugins upgraded = new StoragePlugins();
for (ConnectorLocator locator : locators) {
StoragePlugins locatorPlugins = locator.updatedPlugins();
if (upgraded != null) {
if (upgraded.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, StoragePluginConfig> newPlugin : upgraded) {
StoragePluginConfig oldPluginConfig = getStoredConfig(newPlugin.getKey());
if (oldPluginConfig != null) {
copyPluginStatus(oldPluginConfig, newPlugin.getValue());
pluginStore.put(newPlugin.getKey(), newPlugin.getValue());
* Identifies the enabled status for new storage plugins
* config. If this status is absent in the updater file, the status is kept
* from the configs, which are going to be updated
* @param oldPluginConfig
* current storage plugin config from Persistent Store or bootstrap
* config file
* @param newPluginConfig
* new storage plugin config
protected static void copyPluginStatus(
StoragePluginConfig oldPluginConfig,
StoragePluginConfig newPluginConfig) {
if (!newPluginConfig.isEnabledStatusPresent()) {
boolean newStatus = oldPluginConfig != null && oldPluginConfig.isEnabled();
* Initializes {@link #pluginCache} with currently enabled plugins
* defined in the persistent store.
* @return {@code true} if the persistent store contained plugins
* (and thus was initialized, and should perhaps be upgraded), or
* {@code false} if no plugins were found and this this is a new store
* which should be initialized. Avoids the need to check persistent
* store contents twice
private boolean loadEnabledPlugins() {
Iterator<Entry<String, StoragePluginConfig>> allPlugins = pluginStore.load();
int count = 0;
while (allPlugins.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, StoragePluginConfig> plugin =;
String name = plugin.getKey();
StoragePluginConfig config = plugin.getValue();
if (! config.isEnabled()) {
try {
pluginCache.put(createPluginEntry(name, config, PluginType.STORED));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failure while setting up StoragePlugin with name: '{}', disabling.", name, e);
pluginStore.put(name, config);
// If found at least one entry then this is an existing registry.
return count > 0;
public void put(String name, StoragePluginConfig config) throws PluginException {
name = validateName(name);
// Do not allow overwriting system plugins
// This same check is done later. However, we want to do this check
// before writing to the persistent store, which we must do before
// putting the plugin into the cache (where the second check is done.)
PluginHandle currentEntry = pluginCache.get(name);
if (currentEntry != null && currentEntry.isIntrinsic()) {
throw PluginException.systemPluginException(
"replace", name);
// Write to the store. We don't bother to update the cache; we could
// only update our own cache, not those of other Drillbits. We rely
// on the cache refresh mechanism to kick in when the Drillbit asks
// for the plugin instance.
pluginStore.put(name, config);
private String validateName(String name) throws PluginException {
if (name == null) {
throw new PluginException("Plugin name cannot be null");
name = name.trim().toLowerCase();
if (name.isEmpty()) {
throw new PluginException("Plugin name cannot be null");
return name;
public void validatedPut(String name, StoragePluginConfig config)
throws PluginException {
name = validateName(name);
PluginHandle oldEntry;
if (config.isEnabled()) {
PluginHandle entry = restoreFromEphemeral(name, config);
try {
} catch (UserException e) {
// Provide helpful error messages.
throw new PluginException(e.getOriginalMessage(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PluginException(String.format(
"Invalid plugin config for '%s', "
+ "Please switch to Logs panel from the UI then check the log.", name), e);
oldEntry = pluginCache.put(entry);
} else {
oldEntry = pluginCache.remove(name);
pluginStore.put(name, config);
public void setEnabled(String name, boolean enable) throws PluginException {
// Works only with the stored config. (Some odd persistent stores do not
// actually serialize the config; they just cache a copy.) If we change
// anything, the next request will do a resync to pick up the change.
name = validateName(name);
StoragePluginConfig config = requireStoredConfig(name);
if (config.isEnabled() == enable) {
StoragePluginConfig copy = copyConfig(config);
validatedPut(name, copy);
* Configs are obtained from the persistent store. This method is
* called only by the UI to edit a stored plugin; so no benefit to
* using the cache. We also want a plugin even if it is disabled,
* and disabled plugins do not reside in the cache.
* <p>
* Note that each call (depending on the store implementation)
* may return a distinct instance of the config. The instance will
* be equal (unless the stored version changes.) However, other
* versions of the store may return the same instance as is in
* the cache. So, <b>do not</b> modify the returned config.
* To modify the config, call {@link #copyConfig(String)} instead.
public StoragePluginConfig getStoredConfig(String name) {
return pluginStore.get(name);
public StoragePluginConfig copyConfig(String name) throws PluginException {
return copyConfig(requireStoredConfig(name));
private StoragePluginConfig requireStoredConfig(String name) throws PluginException {
StoragePluginConfig config = getStoredConfig(name);
if (config == null) {
throw new PluginNotFoundException(name);
return config;
public String encode(StoragePluginConfig config) {
ObjectMapper mapper = context.mapper();
try {
return mapper.writer()
} catch (IOException e) {
// We control serialization, so no errors should occur.
throw new IllegalStateException("Serialize failed", e);
public String encode(String name) throws PluginException {
return encode(requireStoredConfig(validateName(name)));
public StoragePluginConfig decode(String json) throws PluginEncodingException {
// We don't control the format of the input JSON, so an
// error could occur.
try {
return context.mapper().reader()
} catch (InvalidTypeIdException | UnrecognizedPropertyException e) {
throw new PluginEncodingException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PluginEncodingException("Failure when decoding plugin JSON", e);
public void putJson(String name, String json) throws PluginException {
validatedPut(name, decode(json));
public StoragePluginConfig copyConfig(StoragePluginConfig orig) {
try {
// TODO: Storage plugin configs don't define a "clone" or "copy"
// method, so use a round-trip to JSON to accomplish the same task.
return decode(encode(orig));
} catch (PluginEncodingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("De/serialize failed", e);
public StoragePluginConfig getDefinedConfig(String name) {
try {
name = validateName(name);
} catch (PluginException e) {
// Name is not valid, so no plugin matches the name.
return null;
PluginHandle entry = getEntry(name);
return entry == null ? null : entry.config();
// Gets a plugin with the named configuration
public StoragePlugin getPlugin(String name) throws PluginException {
try {
name = validateName(name);
} catch (PluginException e) {
// Name is not valid, so no plugin matches the name.
return null;
PluginHandle entry = getEntry(name);
// Lazy instantiation: the first call to plugin() creates the
// actual plugin instance.
return entry == null ? null : entry.plugin();
private PluginHandle getEntry(String name) {
PluginHandle plugin = pluginCache.get(name);
if (plugin != null && plugin.isIntrinsic()) {
return plugin;
StoragePluginConfig config = getStoredConfig(name);
if (plugin == null) {
return refresh(name, config);
} else {
return refresh(plugin, config);
// Lazy refresh for a plugin not known on this server.
private PluginHandle refresh(String name, StoragePluginConfig config) {
if (config == null || !config.isEnabled()) {
return null;
} else {
// Handles race conditions: some other thread may have just done what
// we're trying to do. Note: no need to close the new entry if
// there is a conflict: the plugin instance is created on demand
// and we've not done so.
return pluginCache.putIfAbsent(restoreFromEphemeral(name, config));
// Lazy refresh of a plugin we think we know about.
private PluginHandle refresh(PluginHandle entry, StoragePluginConfig config) {
// Deleted or disabled in persistent storage?
if (config == null || !config.isEnabled()) {
// Move the old config to the ephemeral store.
try {
if (pluginCache.remove( == entry) {
return null;
} catch (PluginException e) {
// Should never occur, only if the persistent store where to
// somehow contain an entry with the same name as a system plugin.
throw new IllegalStateException("Plugin refresh failed", e);
// Unchanged?
if (entry.config().equals(config)) {
return entry;
// Plugin changed. Handle race condition on replacement.
PluginHandle newEntry = restoreFromEphemeral(, config);
try {
if (pluginCache.replace(entry, newEntry)) {
return newEntry;
} else {
return pluginCache.get(;
} catch (PluginException e) {
// Should never occur, only if the persistent store where to
// somehow contain an entry with the same name as a system plugin.
throw new IllegalStateException("Plugin refresh failed", e);
private void refresh() {
// Iterate through the plugin instances in the persistent store adding
// any new ones and refreshing those whose configuration has changed
Iterator<Entry<String, StoragePluginConfig>> allPlugins = pluginStore.load();
while (allPlugins.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, StoragePluginConfig> plugin =;
refresh(plugin.getKey(), plugin.getValue());
public StoragePlugin getPlugin(StoragePluginConfig config) throws ExecutionSetupException {
try {
return getPluginByConfig(config);
} catch (PluginException e) {
throw translateException(e);
private ExecutionSetupException translateException(PluginException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause != null && cause instanceof ExecutionSetupException) {
return (ExecutionSetupException) cause;
return new ExecutionSetupException(e);
public StoragePlugin getPluginByConfig(StoragePluginConfig config) throws PluginException {
// Try to lookup plugin by configuration
PluginHandle plugin = pluginCache.get(config);
if (plugin != null) {
return plugin.plugin();
// No named plugin matches the desired configuration, let's create an
// ephemeral storage plugin (or get one from the cache)
try {
return ephemeralPlugins.get(config).plugin();
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof PluginException) {
throw (PluginException) cause;
} else {
// this shouldn't happen. here for completeness.
throw new PluginException(
"Failure while trying to create ephemeral plugin.", cause);
// This method is not thread-safe: there is no guarantee that the plugin
// deleted is the same one the user requested: someone else could have deleted
// the old one and added a new one of the same name.
// TODO: Fix this
public void remove(String name) throws PluginException {
name = validateName(name);
// Removing here allows us to check for system plugins
// Must tell store to delete even if not known locally because
// the store might hold a disabled version
* If there is an ephemeral plugin of this (name, config), pair,
* transfer that plugin out of ephemeral storage for reuse. Else
* create a new handle.
* @param name plugin name
* @param config plugin config
* @return a handle for the plugin which may have been retrieved from
* ephemeral storage
private PluginHandle restoreFromEphemeral(String name,
StoragePluginConfig config) {
// Benign race condition between check and invalidate.
PluginHandle ephemeralEntry = ephemeralPlugins.getIfPresent(config);
if (ephemeralEntry == null || !name.equalsIgnoreCase( {
return createPluginEntry(name, config, PluginType.STORED);
} else {
// Transfer the instance to a new handle, then invalidate the
// cache entry. The transfer ensures that the invalidate will
// not close the plugin instance
PluginHandle newHandle = ephemeralEntry.transfer(PluginType.STORED);
return newHandle;
private void moveToEphemeral(PluginHandle handle) {
if (handle == null) {
// No need to move if no instance.
if (!handle.hasInstance()) {
// If already in the ephemeral store, don't replace.
// Race condition is benign: two threads both doing the put
// will cause the first handle to be closed when the second hits.
if (ephemeralPlugins.getIfPresent(handle.config()) == null) {
ephemeralPlugins.put(handle.config(), handle.transfer(PluginType.EPHEMERAL));
} else {
public Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> storedConfigs() {
return storedConfigs(PluginFilter.ALL);
public Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> storedConfigs(PluginFilter filter) {
Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> result = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<Entry<String, StoragePluginConfig>> allPlugins = pluginStore.load();
while (allPlugins.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, StoragePluginConfig> plugin =;
boolean include;
switch (filter) {
include = plugin.getValue().isEnabled();
include = !plugin.getValue().isEnabled();
include = plugin.getValue().getAuthMode() == AuthMode.USER_TRANSLATION
&& plugin.getValue().isEnabled();
include = true;
if (include) {
result.put(plugin.getKey(), plugin.getValue());
return result;
public Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> enabledConfigs() {
Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> result = new HashMap<>();
for (PluginHandle entry : pluginCache) {
if (entry.isStored()) {
result.put(, entry.config());
return result;
public void putFormatPlugin(String pluginName, String formatName,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig) throws PluginException {
pluginName = validateName(pluginName);
formatName = validateName(formatName);
StoragePluginConfig orig = requireStoredConfig(pluginName);
if (!(orig instanceof FileSystemConfig)) {
throw new PluginException(
"Format plugins can be added only to the file system plugin: " + pluginName);
FileSystemConfig copy = (FileSystemConfig) copyConfig(orig);
if (formatConfig == null) {
} else {
copy.getFormats().put(formatName, formatConfig);
put(pluginName, copy);
public FormatPlugin getFormatPluginByConfig(StoragePluginConfig storageConfig,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig) throws PluginException {
StoragePlugin storagePlugin = getPluginByConfig(storageConfig);
return storagePlugin.getFormatPlugin(formatConfig);
public FormatPlugin getFormatPlugin(StoragePluginConfig storageConfig,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig) throws ExecutionSetupException {
try {
return getFormatPluginByConfig(storageConfig, formatConfig);
} catch (PluginException e) {
throw translateException(e);
public SchemaFactory getSchemaFactory() {
return schemaFactory;
// TODO: Remove this: it will force plugins to be instantiated
// unnecessarily
// This is a bit of a hack. The planner calls this to get rules
// for queries. If even one plugin has issues, then all queries
// will fails, even those that don't use the invalid plugin.
// This hack may result in a delay (such as a timeout) again and
// again as each query tries to create the plugin. The solution is
// to disable the plugin, or fix the external system. This solution
// is more stable than, say, marking the plugin failed since we have
// no way to show or reset failed plugins.
private static class PluginIterator implements Iterator<Entry<String, StoragePlugin>> {
private final Iterator<PluginHandle> base;
private PluginHandle entry;
public PluginIterator(Iterator<PluginHandle> base) {
this.base = base;
public boolean hasNext() {
while (base.hasNext()) {
entry =;
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Skip this one to avoid failing the query
return false;
public Entry<String, StoragePlugin> next() {
return new ImmutableEntry<>(, entry.plugin());
public Iterator<Entry<String, StoragePlugin>> iterator() {
return new PluginIterator(pluginCache.iterator());
public synchronized void close() throws Exception {
pluginStore.close(); -> loc.close());
* Creates plugin entry with the given {@code name} and configuration {@code pluginConfig}.
* Validation for existence, disabled, etc. should have been done by the caller.
* <p>
* Uses the config to find the connector, then lets the connector create the plugin
* entry. Creation of the plugin instance is deferred until first requested.
* This should speed up Drillbit start, as long as other code only asks for the
* plugin instance when it is actually needed to plan or execute a query (not just
* to provide a schema.)
* @param name name of the plugin
* @param pluginConfig plugin configuration
* @return handle the the plugin with metadata and deferred access to
* the plugin instance
private PluginHandle createPluginEntry(String name, StoragePluginConfig pluginConfig, PluginType type) {
ConnectorHandle connector = connectors.get(pluginConfig.getClass());
if (connector == null) {
throw UserException.internalError()
.message("No connector known for plugin configuration")
.addContext("Plugin name", name)
.addContext("Config class", pluginConfig.getClass().getName())
return connector.pluginEntryFor(name, pluginConfig, type);
public ObjectMapper mapper() {
return context.mapper();
public <T extends StoragePlugin> T resolve(
StoragePluginConfig storageConfig, Class<T> desired) {
try {
return desired.cast(getPluginByConfig(storageConfig));
} catch (PluginException|ClassCastException e) {
// Should never occur
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"Unable to load stroage plugin %s for provided config " +
"class %s", desired.getName(),
storageConfig.getClass().getName()), e);
public <T extends FormatPlugin> T resolveFormat(
StoragePluginConfig storageConfig,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig, Class<T> desired) {
try {
return desired.cast(getFormatPluginByConfig(storageConfig, formatConfig));
} catch (PluginException|ClassCastException e) {
// Should never occur
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"Unable to load format plugin %s for provided plugin " +
"config class %s and format config class %s",
formatConfig.getClass().getName()), e);
public Set<String> availablePlugins() {
return pluginCache.names();