blob: e7040891fe21f988e6cb4dba48b445af590ba67d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.udfs;
import io.netty.buffer.DrillBuf;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.DrillSimpleFunc;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.annotations.FunctionTemplate;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.annotations.Output;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.VarCharHolder;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class CryptoFunctions {
* This class returns the md2 digest of a given input string.
* Usage is SELECT md2( <input string> ) FROM ...
@FunctionTemplate(name = "md2", scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class MD2Function implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String outputString = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.md2Hex(input).toLowerCase();
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = outputString.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, outputString.getBytes());
* This function returns the MD5 digest of a given input string.
* Usage is shown below:
* select md5( 'testing' ) from (VALUES(1));
@FunctionTemplate(name = "md5", scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class MD5Function implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String outputString = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.md5Hex(input).toLowerCase();
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = outputString.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, outputString.getBytes());
* sha(<text>) / sha1(<text>): Calculates an SHA-1 160-bit checksum for the string, as described in RFC 3174 (Secure Hash Algorithm).
* ( The value is returned as a string of 40 hexadecimal digits, or NULL if the argument was NULL.
* Note that sha() and sha1() are aliases for the same function.
* > select sha1( 'testing' ) from (VALUES(1));
@FunctionTemplate(names = {"sha", "sha1"}, scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class SHA1Function implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String sha1 = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.sha1Hex(input);
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = sha1.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, sha1.getBytes());
* sha2(<text>) / sha256(<text>): Calculates an SHA-2 256-bit checksum for the string. The value is returned as a string of hexadecimal digits,
* or NULL if the argument was NULL. Note that sha2() and sha256() are aliases for the same function.
* > select sha2( 'testing' ) from (VALUES(1));
@FunctionTemplate(names = {"sha256", "sha2"}, scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class SHA256Function implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String sha2 = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.sha256Hex(input);
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = sha2.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, sha2.getBytes());
* This function returns the SHA384 digest of a given input string.
* Usage is shown below:
* select sha384( 'testing' ) from (VALUES(1));
@FunctionTemplate(name = "sha384", scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class SHA384Function implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String sha384 = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.sha384Hex(input);
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = sha384.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, sha384.getBytes());
* This function returns the SHA512 digest of a given input string.
* Usage is shown below:
* select sha512( 'testing' ) from (VALUES(1));
@FunctionTemplate(name = "sha512", scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class SHA512Function implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String sha512 = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.sha512Hex(input);
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = sha512.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, sha512.getBytes());
* aes_encrypt()/ aes_decrypt(): implement encryption and decryption of data using the official AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm,
* previously known as "Rijndael." AES_ENCRYPT() encrypts the string str using the key string key_str and returns a
* binary string containing the encrypted output.
* Usage: SELECT aes_encrypt( 'encrypted_text', 'my_secret_key' ) AS aes FROM (VALUES(1));
@FunctionTemplate(name = "aes_encrypt", scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class AESEncryptFunction implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder rawKey;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String key = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawKey.start, rawKey.end, rawKey.buffer);
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String encryptedText = "";
try {
byte[] keyByteArray = key.getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8); sha ="SHA-1");
keyByteArray = sha.digest(keyByteArray);
keyByteArray = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(keyByteArray, 16);
javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec secretKey = new javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec(keyByteArray, "AES");
javax.crypto.Cipher cipher = javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"); // lgtm [java/weak-cryptographic-algorithm]
cipher.init(javax.crypto.Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
encryptedText = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(cipher.doFinal(input.getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
} catch (Exception e) {
//Exceptions are ignored
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = encryptedText.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, encryptedText.getBytes());
* AES_DECRYPT() decrypts the encrypted string crypt_str using the key string key_str and returns the original cleartext string.
* If either function argument is NULL, the function returns NULL.
* Usage: SELECT aes_decrypt( <encrypted_text>, <key> ) FROM ...
@FunctionTemplate(name = "aes_decrypt", scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE, nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL)
public static class AESDecryptFunction implements DrillSimpleFunc {
VarCharHolder rawInput;
VarCharHolder rawKey;
VarCharHolder out;
DrillBuf buffer;
public void setup() {
public void eval() {
String key = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawKey.start, rawKey.end, rawKey.buffer);
String input = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.StringFunctionHelpers.toStringFromUTF8(rawInput.start, rawInput.end, rawInput.buffer);
String decryptedText = "";
try {
byte[] keyByteArray = key.getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8); sha ="SHA-1");
keyByteArray = sha.digest(keyByteArray);
keyByteArray = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(keyByteArray, 16);
javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec secretKey = new javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec(keyByteArray, "AES");
javax.crypto.Cipher cipher = javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"); // lgtm [java/weak-cryptographic-algorithm]
cipher.init(javax.crypto.Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
decryptedText = new String(cipher.doFinal(javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(input)));
} catch (Exception e) {
//Exceptions are ignored
out.buffer = buffer;
out.start = 0;
out.end = decryptedText.getBytes().length;
buffer.setBytes(0, decryptedText.getBytes());