blob: 29eb7b197098b1ac5df36612507f6d4c64c25e06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package exec.user;
option java_package = "org.apache.drill.exec.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "UserProtos";
option optimize_for = SPEED;
import "SchemaDef.proto";
import "Types.proto";
import "UserBitShared.proto";
import "BitData.proto";
import "BitControl.proto";
import "ExecutionProtos.proto";
////// User <-> Bit RPC ///////
enum RpcType {
ACK = 1;
// user to bit
RUN_QUERY = 3; // user is submitting a new query to the drillbit
CANCEL_QUERY = 4; // user is sending a query cancellation request to the drillbit
RESUME_PAUSED_QUERY = 11; // user is sending a query resume request to the drillbit
GET_QUERY_PLAN_FRAGMENTS = 12; // to get plan fragments from query
GET_CATALOGS = 14; // user is requesting metadata of catalog(s).
GET_SCHEMAS = 15; // user is requesting metadata of schema(s)
GET_TABLES = 16; // user is requesting metadata of table(s)
GET_COLUMNS = 17; // user is requesting metadata of column(s)
CREATE_PREPARED_STATEMENT = 22; // user is sending a request to create prepared statement
GET_SERVER_META = 8; // user is sending a request to receive server metadata
// bit to user
QUERY_DATA = 6; // drillbit is sending a query result data batch to the user
QUERY_PLAN_FRAGMENTS = 13; // return plan fragments
CATALOGS = 18; // return catalogs metadata in response to GET_CATALOGS
SCHEMAS = 19; // return schema metadata in response to GET_SCHEMAS
TABLES = 20; // return table metadata in response to GET_TABLES
COLUMNS = 21; // return column metadata in response to GET_COLUMNS
PREPARED_STATEMENT = 23; // return preparated statement in response to CREATE_PREPARED_STATEMENT
SERVER_META = 9; // return server infos in respose to GET_SERVER_META
QUERY_RESULT = 10; // drillbit is reporting a query status change, most likely a terminal message, to the user
// user to bit and bit to user
message Property {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
message UserProperties {
repeated Property properties = 1;
message RpcEndpointInfos {
optional string name = 1; // example: Apache Drill Server, Apache Drill C++ client
optional string version = 2; // example: 1.9.0
optional uint32 majorVersion = 3; // example: 1
optional uint32 minorVersion = 4; // example: 9
optional uint32 patchVersion = 5; // example: 0
optional string application = 6; // example: Tableau 9.3
optional uint32 buildNumber = 7; // example: 32
optional string versionQualifier = 8; // example: SNAPSHOT
enum SaslSupport {
message UserToBitHandshake {
optional exec.shared.RpcChannel channel = 1 [default = USER];
optional bool support_listening = 2;
optional int32 rpc_version = 3;
optional exec.shared.UserCredentials credentials = 4;
optional UserProperties properties = 5;
optional bool support_complex_types = 6 [default = false];
optional bool support_timeout = 7 [default = false];
optional RpcEndpointInfos client_infos = 8;
optional SaslSupport sasl_support = 9;
message RequestResults {
optional exec.shared.QueryId query_id = 1;
optional int32 maximum_responses = 2;
message GetQueryPlanFragments {
required string query = 1;
optional exec.shared.QueryType type = 2;
optional bool split_plan = 3 [default = false];
message QueryPlanFragments {
required exec.shared.QueryResult.QueryState status = 1;
optional exec.shared.QueryId query_id = 2;
repeated exec.bit.control.PlanFragment fragments = 3;
optional exec.shared.DrillPBError error = 4;
enum QueryResultsMode {
STREAM_FULL = 1; // Server will inform the client regularly on the status of the query. Once the query is completed, service will inform the client as each query chunk is made available.
// STREAM_FIRST = 2; // Server will inform the client regularly on the status of the query. Once the query is completed, server will inform the client of the first query chunk.
// QUERY_FOR_STATUS = 3; // Client will need to query for status of query.
enum HandshakeStatus {
SUCCESS = 1; // Handshake is successful (including authentication if any)
RPC_VERSION_MISMATCH = 2; // Client and Server RPC versions are different
AUTH_FAILED = 3; // User authentication failed
UNKNOWN_FAILURE = 4; // Unknown failure, refer to the error message for more details
AUTH_REQUIRED = 5; // User authentication required
message BitToUserHandshake {
optional int32 rpc_version = 2;
optional HandshakeStatus status = 3;
optional string errorId = 4;
optional string errorMessage = 5;
optional RpcEndpointInfos server_infos = 6;
repeated string authenticationMechanisms = 7;
repeated RpcType supported_methods = 8;
optional bool encrypted = 9;
optional int32 maxWrappedSize = 10;
* Enum indicating the request status.
enum RequestStatus {
OK = 1;
* Request timed out. Futher attempts can change any API specific parameters and retry or just retry the request.
* Simple filter which encapsulates the SQL LIKE ... ESCAPE function
message LikeFilter {
optional string pattern = 1; // pattern to match
optional string escape = 2; // escape character (if any) present in the pattern
* Request message for getting the metadata for catalogs satisfying the given optional filter.
message GetCatalogsReq {
optional LikeFilter catalog_name_filter = 1;
* Message encapsulating metadata for a Catalog.
message CatalogMetadata {
optional string catalog_name = 1;
optional string description = 2;
optional string connect = 3;
* Response message for GetCatalogReq.
message GetCatalogsResp {
optional RequestStatus status = 1;
repeated CatalogMetadata catalogs = 2;
optional exec.shared.DrillPBError error = 3;
* Request message for getting the metadata for schemas satisfying the given optional filters.
message GetSchemasReq {
optional LikeFilter catalog_name_filter = 1;
optional LikeFilter schema_name_filter = 2;
* Message encapsulating metadata for a Schema.
message SchemaMetadata {
optional string catalog_name = 1;
optional string schema_name = 2;
optional string owner = 3;
optional string type = 4; // Type. Ex. "file", "mongodb", "hive" etc.
optional string mutable = 5;
* Response message for GetSchemasReq.
message GetSchemasResp {
optional RequestStatus status = 1;
repeated SchemaMetadata schemas = 2;
optional exec.shared.DrillPBError error = 3;
* Request message for getting the metadata for tables satisfying the given optional filters.
message GetTablesReq {
optional LikeFilter catalog_name_filter = 1;
optional LikeFilter schema_name_filter = 2;
optional LikeFilter table_name_filter = 3;
repeated string table_type_filter = 4;
* Message encapsulating metadata for a Table.
message TableMetadata {
optional string catalog_name = 1;
optional string schema_name = 2;
optional string table_name = 3;
optional string type = 4; // Type. Ex. "TABLE", "VIEW" etc.
* Response message for GetTablesReq.
message GetTablesResp {
optional RequestStatus status = 1;
repeated TableMetadata tables = 2;
optional exec.shared.DrillPBError error = 3;
* Request message for getting the metadata for columns satisfying the given optional filters.
message GetColumnsReq {
optional LikeFilter catalog_name_filter = 1;
optional LikeFilter schema_name_filter = 2;
optional LikeFilter table_name_filter = 3;
optional LikeFilter column_name_filter = 4;
* Message encapsulating metadata for a Column.
message ColumnMetadata {
optional string catalog_name = 1;
optional string schema_name = 2;
optional string table_name = 3;
optional string column_name = 4;
optional int32 ordinal_position = 5;
optional string default_value = 6;
optional bool is_nullable = 7;
optional string data_type = 8;
optional int32 char_max_length = 9;
optional int32 char_octet_length = 10;
optional int32 numeric_precision = 11;
optional int32 numeric_precision_radix = 12;
optional int32 numeric_scale = 13;
optional int32 date_time_precision = 14;
optional string interval_type = 15;
optional int32 interval_precision = 16;
optional int32 column_size = 17;
* Response message for GetColumnsReq.
message GetColumnsResp {
optional RequestStatus status = 1;
repeated ColumnMetadata columns = 2;
optional exec.shared.DrillPBError error = 3;
* Request message to create a prepared statement. Currently prepared
* statement only accepts a SQL query. Query parameter support is not
* included in current implementation.
message CreatePreparedStatementReq {
optional string sql_query = 1;
* How a column can be used in WHERE clause
enum ColumnSearchability {
NONE = 1; // can't be used in WHERE clause
CHAR = 2; // can be used in WHERE clause but only with LIKE predicate
NUMBER = 3; // can be used in a WHERE clause with all the comparison operators except LIKE
ALL = 4; // can be used in a WHERE clause with all the comparison operators
* Whether a column can be updatable.
enum ColumnUpdatability {
* Metadata of a column in query result set
message ResultColumnMetadata {
* Designated column's catalog name. Empty string if not applicable.
* Defaults to "DRILL" as drill has only one catalog.
optional string catalog_name = 1;
* Designated column's schema name. Not set if not applicable. Initial implementation
* defaults to no value as we use LIMIT 0 queries to get the schema and schema info
* is lost. If we derive the schema from plan, we may get the right value.
optional string schema_name = 2;
* Designated column's table name. Not set if not applicable. Initial implementation
* defaults to no value as we use LIMIT 0 queries to get the schema and table info
* is lost. If we derive the schema from query plan, we may get the right value.
optional string table_name = 3;
optional string column_name = 4; // column name
* Column label name for display or print purposes.
* Ex. a column named "empName" might be labeled as "Employee Name".
optional string label = 5;
* Data type in string format. Value is SQL standard type.
optional string data_type = 6;
optional bool is_nullable = 7;
* For numeric data, this is the maximum precision.
* For character data, this is the length in characters.
* For datetime datatypes, this is the length in characters of the String representation
* (assuming the maximum allowed precision of the fractional seconds component).
* For binary data, this is the length in bytes.
* For all other types 0 is returned where the column size is not applicable.
optional int32 precision = 8;
* Column's number of digits to right of the decimal point.
* 0 is returned for types where the scale is not applicable
optional int32 scale = 9;
* Indicates whether values in the designated column are signed numbers.
optional bool signed = 10;
* Maximum number of characters required to display data from the column.
optional int32 display_size = 11;
* Is the column an aliased column. Initial implementation defaults to
* true as we derive schema from LIMIT 0 query and not the query plan.
optional bool is_aliased = 12;
optional ColumnSearchability searchability = 13;
* Defaults to READ_ONLY
optional ColumnUpdatability updatability = 14;
* whether the designated column is automatically incremented.
optional bool auto_increment = 15;
* Whether column's case matters for collations and comparisons. Defaults to true.
optional bool case_sensitivity = 16;
* whether the column can be used in ORDER BY clause
optional bool sortable = 17;
* A fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances are created
* if the method ResultSet.getObject is called to retrieve
* a value from the column. Applicable only to JDBC clients.
optional string class_name = 18;
* Is the data type a currency type? For JDBC only.
optional bool is_currency = 20;
* Server state of prepared statement. Contents are opaque to
* client. Client just need to submit this object in RunQuery to
* the prepared statement.
message PreparedStatementHandle {
optional bytes server_info = 1;
* Prepared statement. It contains the query metadata and handle to prepared
* statement state on server.
message PreparedStatement {
repeated ResultColumnMetadata columns = 1;
* In order to execute the prepared statement,
* clients need to submit this object in RunQuery message.
optional PreparedStatementHandle server_handle = 2;
* Response message for CreatePreparedStatementReq.
message CreatePreparedStatementResp {
optional RequestStatus status = 1;
optional PreparedStatement prepared_statement = 2;
optional exec.shared.DrillPBError error = 3;
* Request message for getting server metadata
message GetServerMetaReq {
enum CollateSupport {
CS_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
CS_GROUP_BY = 1; // COLLATE clause can be added after each grouping column
message ConvertSupport {
required common.MinorType from = 1;
required common.MinorType to = 2;
enum CorrelationNamesSupport {
CN_NONE = 1; // Correlation names are not supported
CN_DIFFERENT_NAMES = 2; // Correlation names are supported, but names have to
// be different from the tables they represent
CN_ANY = 3; // Correlation names are supported without restriction
enum DateTimeLiteralsSupport {
DL_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
DL_DATE = 1; // DATE literal is supported
DL_TIME = 2; // TIME literal is supported
DL_TIMESTAMP = 3; // TIMESTAMP literal is supported
DL_INTERVAL_YEAR = 4; // INTERVAL YEAR literal is supported
DL_INTERVAL_MONTH = 5; // INTERVAL MONTH literal is supported
DL_INTERVAL_DAY = 6; // INTERVAL DAY literal is supported
DL_INTERVAL_HOUR = 7; // INTERVAL HOUR literal is supported
DL_INTERVAL_MINUTE = 8; // INTERVAL MINUTE literal is supported
DL_INTERVAL_SECOND = 9; // INTERVAL SECOND literal is supported
DL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR = 11; // INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR literal is supported
enum GroupBySupport {
GB_NONE = 1; // Group by is not supported
GB_SELECT_ONLY = 2; // Group by supported with non aggregated columns in select
GB_BEYOND_SELECT = 3; /* Group by supported with columns absent from the select list
if all the non-aggregated colums from the select list are also added */
GB_UNRELATED = 4; // Group by supported with columns absent from the select list
enum IdentifierCasing {
IC_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
IC_STORES_LOWER = 1; /* Mixed case identifier is treated as case insensitive
and stored in lower case */
IC_STORES_MIXED = 2; /* Mixed case identifier is treated as case insensitive
and stored in mixed case */
IC_STORES_UPPER = 3; /* Mixed case identifier is treated as case insensitive
and stored in upper case */
IC_SUPPORTS_MIXED = 4; /* Mixed case identifier is treated as case sensitive
and stored in mixed case */
enum NullCollation {
NC_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
NC_AT_START = 1; // NULL values are sorted at the start regardless of the order
NC_AT_END = 2; // NULL values are sorted at the end regardless of the order
NC_HIGH = 3; // NULL is the highest value
NC_LOW = 4; // NULL is the lowest value
enum OrderBySupport {
OB_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
OB_UNRELATED = 1; // ORDER BY supported with columns not in SELECT list
OB_EXPRESSION = 2; // ORDER BY with expressions is supported
enum OuterJoinSupport {
OJ_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
OJ_LEFT = 1; // Left outer join is supported
OJ_RIGHT = 2; // Right outer join is supported
OJ_FULL = 3; // Full outer join is supported
OJ_NESTED = 4; // Nested outer join is supported
OJ_NOT_ORDERED = 5; /* Column names in the ON clause don't have to share the same order
as their respective table names in the OUTER JOIN clase */
OJ_INNER = 6; // Inner table can also be used in an inner join
OJ_ALL_COMPARISON_OPS = 7; // Any comparison operator is supported in the ON clause
enum SubQuerySupport {
SQ_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
SQ_CORRELATED = 1; // Correlated subquery is supported
SQ_IN_COMPARISON = 2; // Subquery in comparison expression is supported
SQ_IN_EXISTS = 3; // Subquery in EXISTS expression is supported
SQ_IN_INSERT = 4; // Subquery in INSERT expression is supported
SQ_IN_QUANTIFIED = 5; // Subquery in quantified expression is supported
enum UnionSupport {
U_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown support (for forward compatibility)
U_UNION = 1; // UNION is supported
U_UNION_ALL = 2; // UNION_ALL is supported
* Response message for GetServerMetaReq
message GetServerMetaResp {
optional RequestStatus status = 1;
optional ServerMeta server_meta = 2;
optional exec.shared.DrillPBError error = 3;
message ServerMeta {
// True if current user can use all tables returned by GetTables
optional bool all_tables_selectable = 1;
// True if BLOB are included into the max row size
optional bool blob_included_in_max_row_size = 2;
// True if catalog name is at the start of a fully qualified table
optional bool catalog_at_start = 3;
// The catalog separator
optional string catalog_separator = 4;
// The term used to designate catalogs
optional string catalog_term = 5;
// COLLATE support
repeated CollateSupport collate_support = 6;
// True if column aliasing is supported
optional bool column_aliasing_supported = 7;
// CONVERT support
repeated ConvertSupport convert_support = 8;
// Correlation names support
optional CorrelationNamesSupport correlation_names_support = 9;
// Supported ODBC/JDBC Date Time scalar functions
repeated string date_time_functions = 10;
// Supported Date Time literals
repeated DateTimeLiteralsSupport date_time_literals_support = 11;
// Group By support
optional GroupBySupport group_by_support = 12;
// Unquoted Identifier casing
optional IdentifierCasing identifier_casing = 13;
// Quote string for identifiers
optional string identifier_quote_string = 14;
// True if LIKE supports an ESCAPE clause
optional bool like_escape_clause_supported = 15;
// Maximum number of hexa characters for binary literals (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_binary_literal_length = 16;
// Maximum length of catalog names (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_catalog_name_length = 17;
// Maximum number of characters for string literals (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_char_literal_length = 18;
// Maximum length of column names (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_column_name_length = 19;
// Maximum number of columns in GROUP BY expressions (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_columns_in_group_by = 20;
// Maximum number of columns in ORDER BY expressions (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_columns_in_order_by = 21;
// Maximum number of columns in SELECT expressions (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_columns_in_select = 22;
// Maximum length of cursor names (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_cursor_name_length = 23;
// Maximum logical size for LOB types (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_logical_lob_size = 24;
// Maximum number of bytes for a single row (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_row_size = 25;
// Maximum length of schema names (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_schema_name_length = 26;
// Maximum length for statements (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_statement_length = 27;
// Maximum number of statements (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_statements = 28;
// Maximum length of table names (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_table_name_length = 29;
// Maximum number of tables in a SELECT expression (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_tables_in_select = 30;
// Maximum length of user names (0 if unlimited or unknown)
optional uint32 max_user_name_length = 31;
// How NULL are sorted
optional NullCollation null_collation = 32;
// True if NULL + non NULL is NULL
optional bool null_plus_non_null_equals_null = 33;
// Supported ODBC/JDBC numeric scalar functions
repeated string numeric_functions = 34;
// Outer join suport
repeated OrderBySupport order_by_support = 35;
// Outer join suport
repeated OuterJoinSupport outer_join_support = 36;
// Quoted identifier casing
optional IdentifierCasing quoted_identifier_casing = 37;
// True if connection access is read only
optional bool read_only = 38;
// The term used to designate a schema
optional string schema_term = 39;
// Characters used for escaping (empty if not suported)
optional string search_escape_string = 40;
// True if SELECT FOR UPDATE is supported
optional bool select_for_update_supported = 41;
// List of extra characters that can be used in identifier names
optional string special_characters = 42;
// list of SQL keywords
repeated string sql_keywords = 43;
// Supported ODBC/JDBC string scalar functions
repeated string string_functions = 44;
// Subquery support
repeated SubQuerySupport subquery_support = 45;
// Supported ODBC/JDBC systen scalar functions
repeated string system_functions = 46;
// The term used to designate a table
optional string table_term = 47;
// True if transaction is supported
optional bool transaction_supported = 48;
// UNION support
repeated UnionSupport union_support = 49;
// current schema
optional string current_schema = 50;
* Request message for running a query.
message RunQuery {
optional QueryResultsMode results_mode = 1;
optional exec.shared.QueryType type = 2;
* Input for query type LOGICAL, PHYSICAL or SQL.
optional string plan = 3;
* Input for query type EXECUTION. Input is a set of executable fragments.
repeated exec.bit.control.PlanFragment fragments = 4;
* Input for query type PREPARED_STATEMENT. Input is a prepared statement handle
* to state on server side which is returned in response to CreatePreparedStatementReq.
optional PreparedStatementHandle prepared_statement_handle = 5;
* Input for indicating the limit on a query's result set.
optional int32 autolimit_rowcount = 6;