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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.scan.v3.schema;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.CustomErrorContext;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.ResultSetLoader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.ProjectionFilter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
* Computes <i>scan output schema</i> from a variety of sources.
* <p>
* The scan operator output schema can be <i>defined</i> or <i>dynamic.</i>
* <h4>Defined Schema</h4>
* The planner computes a defined schema from metadata, as in a typical
* query engine. A defined schema defines the output schema directly:
* the defined schema <b>is</b> the output schema. Drill's planner does not
* yet support a defined schema, but work is in progress to get there for
* some cases.
* <p>
* With a defined schema, the reader is given a fully-defined schema and
* its job is to produce vectors that match the given schema. (The details
* are handled by the {@link ResultSetLoader}.)
* <p>
* At present, since the planner does not actually provide a defined schema,
* we support it in this class, and verify that the defined schema, if provided,
* exactly matches the names in the project list in the same order.
* <h4>Dynamic Schema</h4>
* A dynamic schema is one defined at run time: the traditional Drill approach.
* A dynamic schema starts with a <i>projection list</i> : a list of column names
* without types.
* This class converts the project list into a dynamic reader schema which is
* a schema in which each column has the type {@code LATE}, which basically means
* "a type to be named later" by the reader.
* <h4>Hybrid Schema</h4>
* Some readers support a <i>provided schema</i>, which is an concept similar to,
* but distinct from, a defined schema. The provided schema provides <i>hints</i>
* about a schema. At present, it
* is an extra; not used or understood by the planner. Thus, the projection
* list is independent of the provided schema: the lists may be disjoint.
* <p>
* With a provided schema, the project list defines the output schema. If the
* provided schema provides projected columns, then the provided schema for those
* columns flow to the output schema, just as for a defined schema. Similarly, the
* reader is given a defined schema for those columns.
* <p>
* Where a provided schema differs is that the project list can include columns
* not in the provided schema, such columns act like the dynamic case: the reader
* defines the column type.
* <h4>Projection Types</h4>
* Drill will pass in a project list which is one of three kinds:
* <p><ul>
* <li>{@code >SELECT *}: Project all data source columns, whatever they happen
* to be. Create columns using names from the data source. The data source
* also determines the order of columns within the row.</li>
* <li>{@code >SELECT a, b, c, ...}: Project a specific set of columns, identified by
* case-insensitive name. The output row uses the names from the SELECT list,
* but types from the data source. Columns appear in the row in the order
* specified by the {@code SELECT}.</li>
* <li{@code >SELECT ...}: Project nothing, occurs in {@code >SELECT COUNT(*)}
* type queries. The provided projection list contains no (table) columns, though
* it may contain metadata columns.</li>
* </ul>
* Names in the project list can reference any of five distinct types of output
* columns:
* <p><ul>
* <li>Wildcard ("*") column: indicates the place in the projection list to insert
* the table columns once found in the table projection plan.</li>
* <li>Data source columns: columns from the underlying table. The table
* projection planner will determine if the column exists, or must be filled
* in with a null column.</li>
* <li>The generic data source columns array: {@code >columns}, or optionally
* specific members of the {@code >columns} array such as {@code >columns[1]}.
* (Supported only by specific readers.)</li>
* <li>Implicit columns: {@code >fqn}, {@code >filename}, {@code >filepath}
* and {@code >suffix}. These reference
* parts of the name of the file being scanned.</li>
* <li>Partition columns: {@code >dir0}, {@code >dir1}, ...: These reference
* parts of the path name of the file.</li>
* </ul>
* <h4>Empty Schema</h4>
* A special case occurs if the projection list is empty which indicates that
* the query is a {@code COUNT(*)}: we need only a count of columns, but none
* of the values. Implementation of the count is left to the specific reader
* as some can optimize this case. The output schema may include a single
* dummy column. In this case, the first batch defines the schema expected
* from all subsequent readers and batches.
* <h4>Implicit Columns</h4>
* The project list can contain implicit columns for data sources which support
* them. Implicit columns are disjoint from data source columns and are provided
* by Drill itself. This class effectively splits the projection list into
* a set of implicit columns, and the remainder of the list which are the
* reader columns.
* <h4>Reader Input Schema</h4>
* The various forms of schema above produce a <i>reader input schema</i>:
* the schema given to the reader. The reader input schema is the set of
* projected columns, minus implicit columns, along with available type
* information.
* <p>
* If the reader can produce only one type
* for each column, then the provided or defined schema should already specify
* that type, and the reader can simply ignore the reader input schema. (This
* feature allows this scheme to be compatible with older readers.)
* <p>
* However, if the reader can convert a column to multiple types, then the
* reader should use the reader input schema to choose a type. If the input
* schema is dynamic (type is {@code LATE}), then the reader chooses the
* column type and should chose the "most natural" type.
* <h4>Reader Output Schema</h4>
* The reader proceeds to read a batch of data, choosing types for dynamic
* columns. The reader may provide a subset of projected columns if, say
* the reader reads an older file that is missing some columns or (for a
* dynamic schema), the user specified columns which don't actually exist.
* <p>
* The result is the <i>reader output schema</i>: a subset of the reader
* input schema in which each included column has a concrete type. (The
* reader may have provided extra columns. In this case, the
* {@code ResultSetLoader} will have ignored those columns, providing a
* dummy column writer, and omitting non-projected columns from the reader
* output schema.)
* <p>
* The reader output schema is provided to this class which resolves any
* dynamic columns to the concrete type provided by the reader. If the
* column was already resolved, this class ensures that the reader's
* column type matches the resolved type to prevent column type changes.
* <h4>Dynamic Wildcard Schema</h4>
* Traditional query planners resolve the wildcard ({@code *}) in the
* planner. When using a dynamic schema, Drill resolves the wildcard at
* run time. In this case, the reader input schema is empty and the reader
* defines the entire set of columns: names and types. This class then
* replaces the wildcard with the columns from the reader.
* <h4>Missing Columns</h4>
* When the reader output schema is a subset of the reader input schema,
* the we have a set of <i>missing columns</i> (also called "null columns").
* A part of the scan framework must invent vectors for these columns. If
* the type is available, then that is the type used, otherwise the missing
* column handler must invent a type (such as the classic
* {@code nullable INT} historically used.) If the mode is
* nullable, the column is filled with nulls. If non-nullable, the column
* is filled with a default value. All of this work happens outside of
* this class.
* <p>
* The missing column handler defined its own output schema which is
* resolved by this class identical to how the reader schema is resolved.
* The result is that all columns are now resolved to a concrete type.
* <p>
* Missing columns may be needed even for a wildcard if a first reader
* discovered 3 columns, say, but a later reader encounters only two of
* them.
* <h4>Subsequent Readers and Schema Changes</h4>
* All of the above occurs during the first batch of data. After that,
* the schema is fully defined: subsequent readers will encounter only
* a fully defined schema, which it must handle the same as if the scan
* was given a defined schema.
* <p>
* This rule works file for an explicit project list. However, if the
* project list is dynamic, and contains a wildcard, then the reader
* defines the output schema. What happens if a reader adds columns
* (or a second or later reader discovers new columns)? Traditionally,
* Drill simply adds those columns and sends a {@code OK_NEW_SCHEMA}
* (schema change) downstream for other operators to deal with.
* <p>
* This class supports the traditional approach as an option. This class
* also supports a more rational, strict rule: the schema is fixed after
* the first batch. That is, the first batch defines a <i>schema commit
* point</i> after which the scan agrees not to change the schema. In
* this scenario, the first batch defines a schema (and project list)
* given to all subsequent readers. Any new columns are ignored (with
* a warning in the log.)
* <h4>Output Schema</h4>
* All of the above contribute to the <i>output schema</i>: the schema
* sent downstream to the next operator. All of the above work is done to
* either:
* <ul>
* <li>Pass the defined schema to the output, with the reader (and missing
* columns handler) producing columns that match that schema.</li>
* <li>Expand the dynamic schema with details provided by the reader
* (and missing columns hander), including the actual set of columns if
* the dynamic schema includes a wildcard.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Either way, the result is a schema which describes the actual vectors
* sent downstream.
* <h4>Consumers</h4>
* Information from this class is used in multiple ways:
* <ul>
* <li>A project list is given to the {@code ResultSetLoader} to specify which
* columns to project to vectors, and which to satisfy with a dummy column
* reader.</li>
* <li>The reader, via the {code SchemaNegotiator} uses the reader input
* schema.</li>
* <li>The reader, via the {@code ResultSetLoader} provides the reader output
* schema.</li>
* <li>An implicit column manager handles the various implicit and partition
* directory columns: identifying them then later providing vector values.</li>
* <li>A missing columns handler fills in missing columns.</li>
* </ul>
* <h4>Design</h4>
* Schema resolution is a set of layers of choices. Each level and choice is
* represented by a class: virtual method pick the right path based on class
* type rather than using a large collection of if-statements.
* <h4>Maps</h4>
* Maps present a difficult challenge. Drill allows projection within maps
* and we wish to exploit that in the scan. For example: {@code m.a}. The
* column state classes provide a map class. However, the projection notation
* is ambiguous: {@code m.a} could be a map {@code `m`} with a child column
* {@code 'a'}. Or, it could be a {@code DICT} with a {code VARCHAR} key.
* <p>
* To handle this, if we only have the project list, we use an unresolved
* column state, even if the projection itself has internal structure. We
* use a projection-based filter in the {@code ResultSetLoader} to handle
* the ambiguity. The projection filter, when presented with the reader's
* choice for column type, will check if that type is consistent with projection.
* If so, the reader will later present the reader output schema which we
* use to resolve the projection-only unresolved column to a map column.
* (Or, if the column turns out to be a {@code DICT}, to a simple unresolved
* column.)
* <p>
* If the scan contains a second reader, then the second reader is given a
* stricter form of projection filter: one based on the actual {@code MAP}
* (or {@code DICT}) column.
* <p>
* If a defined or provided schema is available, then the schema tracker
* does have sufficient information to resolve the column directly to a
* map column, and the first reader will have the strict projection filter.
* <p>
* A user can project a map column which does not actually exist (or, at
* least, is not known to the first reader.) In that case, the missing
* column logic applies, but within the map. As a result, a second reader
* may encounter a type conflict if it discovers the previously-missing
* column, and finds that the default type conflicts with the real type.
* <p>
* @see {@link ImplicitColumnExplorer}, the class from which this class
* evolved
public interface ScanSchemaTracker {
enum ProjectionType {
* This a wildcard projection. The project list may include
* implicit columns in addition to the wildcard.
* This is an empty projection, such as for a COUNT(*) query.
* No implicit columns will appear in such a scan.
* Explicit projection with a defined set of columns.
ProjectionType projectionType();
* Is the scan schema resolved? The schema is resolved depending on the
* complex lifecycle explained in the class comment. Resolution occurs
* when the wildcard (if any) is expanded, and all explicit projection
* columns obtain a definite type. If schema change is disabled, the
* schema will not change once it is resolved. If schema change is allowed,
* then batches or readers may extend the schema, triggering a schema
* change, and so the scan schema may move from one resolved state to
* another.
* <p>
* The schema will be fully resolved after the first batch of data arrives
* from a reader (since the reader lifecycle will then fill in any missing
* columns.) The schema may be resolved sooner (such as if a strict provided
* schema, or an early reader schema is available and there are no missing
* columns.)
* @return {@code} if the schema is resolved, and hence the
* {@link #outputSchema()} is available, {@code false} if the schema
* contains one or more dynamic columns which are not yet resolved.
boolean isResolved();
* Gives the output schema version which will start at some arbitrary
* positive number.
* <p>
* If schema change is allowed, the schema version allows detecting
* schema changes as the scan schema moves from one resolved state to
* the next. Each schema will have a unique, increasing version number.
* A schema change has occurred if the version is newer than the previous
* output schema version.
* @return the schema version. The absolute number is not important,
* rather an increase indicates one or more columns were added at the
* top level or within a map at some nesting level
int schemaVersion();
* Drill defines a wildcard to expand not just reader columns, but also
* partition columns. When the implicit column handlers sees that the
* query has a wildcard (by calling {@link #isProjectAll()}), the handler
* then determines which partition columns are needed and calls this
* method to add each one.
void expandImplicitCol(ColumnMetadata resolved);
* Indicate that implicit column parsing is complete. Returns the implicit
* columns as identified by the implicit column handler, in the order of the
* projection list. Implicit columns do not appear in a reader input schema,
* and it is an error for the reader to produce such columns.
* @return a sub-schema of only implicit columns, in the order in which
* they appear in the output schema
TupleMetadata applyImplicitCols();
* If a reader can define a schema before reading data, apply that
* schema to the scan schema. Allows the scan to report its output
* schema before the first batch of data if the scan schema becomes
* resolved after the early reader schema.
void applyEarlyReaderSchema(TupleMetadata readerSchema);
* The schema which the reader should produce. Depending on the type of
* the scan (specifically, if {@link #isProjectAll()} is {@code true}),
* the reader may produce additional columns beyond those in the the
* reader input schema. However, for any batch, the reader, plus the
* missing columns handler, must produce all columns in the reader input
* schema.
* <p>
* Formally:<pre><code>
* reader input schema = output schema - implicit col schema
* </code></pre>
* @return the sub-schema which includes those columns which the reader
* should provide, excluding implicit columns
TupleMetadata readerInputSchema();
* Identifies the missing columns given a reader output schema. The reader
* output schema are those columns which the reader actually produced.
* <p>
* Formally:<pre><code>
* missing cols = reader input schema - reader output schema
* </code></pre>
* <p>
* The reader output schema can contain extra, newly discovered columns.
* Those are ignored when computing missing columns. Thus, the subtraction
* is set subtraction: remove columns common to the two sets.
* @code the sub-schema of the reader schema which excludes the columns
* which the reader provided. The result are the "missing" columns which
* have no values in a given batch of rows
TupleMetadata missingColumns(TupleMetadata readerOutputSchema);
* Returns the scan output schema which is a somewhat complicated
* computation that depends on the projection type.
* <p>
* For a wildcard schema:<pre><code>
* output schema = implicit cols U reader output schema
* </code></pre>
* <p>
* For an explicit projection:<pre><code>
* output schema = projection list
* </code></pre>
* Where the projection list is augmented by types from the
* provided schema, implicit columns or readers.
* <p>
* A defined schema <i>is</i> the output schema, so:<code><pre>
* output schema = defined schema
* </pre></code>
* @return the complete output schema provided by the scan to downstream
* operators. Includes both reader and implicit columns, in the order
* of the projection list or, for a wildcard, in the order of the first
* reader
TupleMetadata outputSchema();
* A reader is responsible for reading columns in the reader input schema.
* A reader may read additional columns. The projection filter is passed to
* the {@link ResultSetLoader} to determine which columns should be projected,
* allowing the reader to be blissfully ignorant of which columns are needed.
* The result set loader provides a dummy reader for unprojected columns.
* (A reader can, via the result set loader, find if a column is projected if
* doing so helps reader efficiency.)
* <p>
* The projection filter is the first line of defense for schema conflicts.
* The {code ResultSetLoader} will query the filter with a full column
* schema. If that schema conflicts with the scan schema for that column,
* this method will raise a {@code UserException}, which typically indicates
* a programming error, or a very odd data source in which a column changes
* types between batches.
* @param errorContext the reader-specific error context to use if
* errors are found
* @return a filter used to decide which reader columns to project during
* reading
ProjectionFilter projectionFilter(CustomErrorContext errorContext);
* Once a reader has read a batch, the reader will have provided a type
* for each projected column which the reader knows about. For a wildcard
* projection, the reader will have added all the columns that it found.
* This call takes the reader output schema and merges it with the current
* scan schema to resolve dynamic types to concrete types and to add
* newly discovered columns.
* <p>
* The process can raise an exception if the reader projects a column that
* it shouldn't (which is not actually possible because of the way the
* {@code ResultSetLoader} works.) An error can also occur if the reader
* provides a type different than that already defined in the scan schema
* by a defined schema, a provided schema, or a previous reader in the same
* scan. In such cases, the reader is expected to have converted its input
* type to the specified type, which was presumably selected because the
* reader is capable of the required conversion.
* @param readerOutputSchema the actual schema produced by a reader when
* reading a record batch
* @param errorContext the reader-specific error context to use if
* errors are found
void applyReaderSchema(TupleMetadata readerOutputSchema,
CustomErrorContext errorContext);
* The missing column handler obtains the list of missing columns from
* {@link #missingColumns()}. Depending on the scan lifecycle, some of the
* columns may have a type, others may be dynamic. The missing column handler
* chooses a type for any dynamic columns, then calls this method to tell
* the scan schema tracker the now-resolved column type.
* <p>
* Note: a goal of the provided/defined schema system is to avoid the need
* to guess types for missing columns since doing so quite often leads
* to problems further downstream in the query. Ideally, the type of missing
* columns will be known (via the provided or defined schema) to avoid
* such conflicts.
void resolveMissingCols(TupleMetadata missingCols);
* The scan-level error context used for errors which may occur before the
* first reader starts. The reader will provide a more detailed error context
* that describes what is being read.
* @return the scan-level error context
CustomErrorContext errorContext();
* Returns the internal scan schema. Primarily for testing.
* @return the internal mutable scan schema
MutableTupleSchema internalSchema();