blob: d7cafa04c1334468d64d1ea028cf44897937ec90 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl;
import io.netty.buffer.DrillBuf;
import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.memory.BoundsChecking.rangeCheck;
public final class XXHash extends DrillHash{
static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(XXHash.class);
//UnsignedLongs.decode won't give right output(keep the value in 8 bytes unchanged).
static final long PRIME64_1 = 0x9e3779b185ebca87L;//UnsignedLongs.decode("11400714785074694791");
static final long PRIME64_2 = 0xc2b2ae3d27d4eb4fL;//UnsignedLongs.decode("14029467366897019727");
static final long PRIME64_3 = 0x165667b19e3779f9L;//UnsignedLongs.decode("1609587929392839161");
static final long PRIME64_4 = 0x85ebca77c2b2ae63L;//UnsignedLongs.decode("9650029242287828579");
static final long PRIME64_5 = 0x27d4eb2f165667c5L;//UnsignedLongs.decode("2870177450012600261");
private static long hash64bytes(long start, long bEnd, long seed) {
long len = bEnd - start;
long h64;
long p = start;
// for long strings (greater than 32 bytes)
if (len >= 32) {
final long limit = bEnd - 32;
long v1 = seed + PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_2;
long v2 = seed + PRIME64_2;
long v3 = seed + 0;
long v4 = seed - PRIME64_1;
do {
v1 += PlatformDependent.getLong(p) * PRIME64_2;
p = p + 8;
v1 = Long.rotateLeft(v1, 31);
v1 *= PRIME64_1;
v2 += PlatformDependent.getLong(p) * PRIME64_2;
p = p + 8;
v2 = Long.rotateLeft(v2, 31);
v2 *= PRIME64_1;
v3 += PlatformDependent.getLong(p) * PRIME64_2;
p = p + 8;
v3 = Long.rotateLeft(v3, 31);
v3 *= PRIME64_1;
v4 += PlatformDependent.getLong(p) * PRIME64_2;
p = p + 8;
v4 = Long.rotateLeft(v4, 31);
v4 *= PRIME64_1;
} while (p <= limit);
h64 = Long.rotateLeft(v1, 1) + Long.rotateLeft(v2, 7) + Long.rotateLeft(v3, 12) + Long.rotateLeft(v4, 18);
v1 *= PRIME64_2;
v1 = Long.rotateLeft(v1, 31);
v1 *= PRIME64_1;
h64 ^= v1;
h64 = h64 * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4;
v2 *= PRIME64_2;
v2 = Long.rotateLeft(v2, 31);
v2 *= PRIME64_1;
h64 ^= v2;
h64 = h64 * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4;
v3 *= PRIME64_2;
v3 = Long.rotateLeft(v3, 31);
v3 *= PRIME64_1;
h64 ^= v3;
h64 = h64 * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4;
v4 *= PRIME64_2;
v4 = Long.rotateLeft(v4, 31);
v4 *= PRIME64_1;
h64 ^= v4;
h64 = h64 * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4;
} else {
h64 = seed + PRIME64_5;
h64 += len;
while (p + 8 <= bEnd) {
long k1 = PlatformDependent.getLong(p);
k1 *= PRIME64_2;
k1 = Long.rotateLeft(k1, 31);
k1 *= PRIME64_1;
h64 ^= k1;
h64 = Long.rotateLeft(h64, 27) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4;
p += 8;
if (p + 4 <= bEnd) {
//IMPORTANT: we are expecting a long from these 4 bytes. Which means it is always positive
long finalInt = getIntLittleEndian(p);
h64 ^= finalInt * PRIME64_1;
h64 = Long.rotateLeft(h64, 23) * PRIME64_2 + PRIME64_3;
p += 4;
while (p < bEnd) {
h64 ^= ((long)(PlatformDependent.getByte(p) & 0x00ff)) * PRIME64_5;
h64 = Long.rotateLeft(h64, 11) * PRIME64_1;
return applyFinalHashComputation(h64);
private static long applyFinalHashComputation(long h64) {
//IMPORTANT: using logical right shift instead of arithmetic right shift
h64 ^= h64 >>> 33;
h64 *= PRIME64_2;
h64 ^= h64 >>> 29;
h64 *= PRIME64_3;
h64 ^= h64 >>> 32;
return h64;
public static long hash64Internal(long val, long seed){
long h64 = seed + PRIME64_5;
h64 += 8; // add length (8 bytes) to hash value
long k1 = val* PRIME64_2;
k1 = Long.rotateLeft(k1, 31);
k1 *= PRIME64_1;
h64 ^= k1;
h64 = Long.rotateLeft(h64, 27) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4;
return applyFinalHashComputation(h64);
* @param val the input 64 bit hash value
* @return converted 32 bit hash value
private static int convert64To32(long val) {
return (int) (val & 0x00FFFFFFFF);
public static long hash64(double val, long seed){
return hash64Internal(Double.doubleToLongBits(val), seed);
public static long hash64(long start, long end, DrillBuf buffer, long seed){
rangeCheck(buffer, (int)start, (int)end);
long s = buffer.memoryAddress() + start;
long e = buffer.memoryAddress() + end;
return hash64bytes(s, e, seed);
public static int hash32(double val, long seed){
return convert64To32(hash64(val, seed));
public static int hash32(int start, int end, DrillBuf buffer, int seed){
return convert64To32(hash64(start, end, buffer, seed));