blob: 5cb279d8644c5331edc4a1b35cc19c3bc955ed60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.join;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelShuttleImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Join;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Project;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.TableFunctionScan;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalCorrelate;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalExchange;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalIntersect;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalJoin;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalMinus;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalSort;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalUnion;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexLiteral;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Util;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.RelSubset;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.Types;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.Comparator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.logical.DrillAggregateRel;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.DrillRuntimeException;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.ErrorCollector;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.ErrorCollectorImpl;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.ExpressionTreeMaterializer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.FragmentContext;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.logical.DrillLimitRel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorAccessible;
import org.apache.drill.exec.resolver.TypeCastRules;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings.NLJOIN_FOR_SCALAR;
public class JoinUtils {
public enum JoinCategory {
EQUALITY, // equality join
INEQUALITY, // inequality join: <>, <, >
CARTESIAN // no join condition
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(JoinUtils.class);
public static final String FAILED_TO_PLAN_CARTESIAN_JOIN = String.format(
"This query cannot be planned possibly due to either a cartesian join or an inequality join. %n" +
"If a cartesian or inequality join is used intentionally, set the option '%s' to false and try again.",
// Check the comparator is supported in join condition. Note that a similar check is also
// done in JoinPrel; however we have to repeat it here because a physical plan
// may be submitted directly to Drill.
public static Comparator checkAndReturnSupportedJoinComparator(JoinCondition condition) {
switch(condition.getRelationship().toUpperCase()) {
case "EQUALS":
case "==": /* older json plans still have '==' */
return Comparator.EQUALS;
return Comparator.IS_NOT_DISTINCT_FROM;
throw UserException.unsupportedError()
.message("Invalid comparator supplied to this join: " + condition.getRelationship())
* Check if the given RelNode contains any Cartesian join.
* Return true if find one. Otherwise, return false.
* @param relNode the RelNode to be inspected.
* @param leftKeys a list used for the left input into the join which has
* equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null),
* this method will clear this list before using it.
* @param rightKeys a list used for the right input into the join which has
* equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null),
* this method will clear this list before using it.
* @param filterNulls The join key positions for which null values will not
* match.
* @return Return true if the given relNode contains Cartesian join.
* Otherwise, return false
public static boolean checkCartesianJoin(RelNode relNode, List<Integer> leftKeys, List<Integer> rightKeys, List<Boolean> filterNulls) {
if (relNode instanceof Join) {
Join joinRel = (Join) relNode;
RelNode left = joinRel.getLeft();
RelNode right = joinRel.getRight();
RexNode remaining = RelOptUtil.splitJoinCondition(left, right, joinRel.getCondition(), leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls);
if (joinRel.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.INNER) {
if (leftKeys.isEmpty() || rightKeys.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else {
if (!remaining.isAlwaysTrue() || leftKeys.isEmpty() || rightKeys.isEmpty()) {
return true;
for (RelNode child : relNode.getInputs()) {
if (checkCartesianJoin(child, leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the given RelNode contains any Cartesian join.
* Return true if find one. Otherwise, return false.
* @param relNode {@link RelNode} instance to be inspected
* @return Return true if the given relNode contains Cartesian join.
* Otherwise, return false
public static boolean checkCartesianJoin(RelNode relNode) {
return checkCartesianJoin(relNode, new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>());
* Checks if implicit cast is allowed between the two input types of the join condition. Currently we allow
* implicit casts in join condition only between numeric types and varchar/varbinary types.
* @param input1
* @param input2
* @return true if implicit cast is allowed false otherwise
private static boolean allowImplicitCast(TypeProtos.MinorType input1, TypeProtos.MinorType input2) {
// allow implicit cast if both the input types are numeric and any of them is non-decimal
// or both of them are decimal
if (TypeCastRules.isNumericType(input1) && TypeCastRules.isNumericType(input2)
&& ((!Types.isDecimalType(input1) && !Types.isDecimalType(input2))
|| Types.areDecimalTypes(input1, input2))) {
return true;
// allow implicit cast if input types are date/ timestamp
if ((input1 == TypeProtos.MinorType.DATE || input1 == TypeProtos.MinorType.TIMESTAMP) &&
(input2 == TypeProtos.MinorType.DATE || input2 == TypeProtos.MinorType.TIMESTAMP)) {
return true;
// allow implicit cast if both the input types are varbinary/ varchar
if ((input1 == TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR || input1 == TypeProtos.MinorType.VARBINARY) &&
(input2 == TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR || input2 == TypeProtos.MinorType.VARBINARY)) {
return true;
return false;
* Utility method used by joins to add implicit casts on one of the sides of the join condition in case the two
* expressions have different types.
* @param leftExpressions array of expressions from left input into the join
* @param leftBatch left input record batch
* @param rightExpressions array of expressions from right input into the join
* @param rightBatch right input record batch
* @param context fragment context
public static void addLeastRestrictiveCasts(LogicalExpression[] leftExpressions, VectorAccessible leftBatch,
LogicalExpression[] rightExpressions, VectorAccessible rightBatch,
FragmentContext context) {
assert rightExpressions.length == leftExpressions.length;
for (int i = 0; i < rightExpressions.length; i++) {
LogicalExpression rightExpression = rightExpressions[i];
LogicalExpression leftExpression = leftExpressions[i];
TypeProtos.MinorType rightType = rightExpression.getMajorType().getMinorType();
TypeProtos.MinorType leftType = leftExpression.getMajorType().getMinorType();
if (rightType == TypeProtos.MinorType.UNION || leftType == TypeProtos.MinorType.UNION) {
if (rightType != leftType) {
// currently we only support implicit casts if the input types are numeric or varchar/varbinary
if (!allowImplicitCast(rightType, leftType)) {
throw new DrillRuntimeException(String.format("Join only supports implicit casts between\n" +
"1. Numeric data (none of types is decimal or both of them are decimal)\n" +
"2. Varchar, Varbinary data\n3. Date, Timestamp data\n" +
"Left type: %s, Right type: %s. Add explicit casts to avoid this error", leftType, rightType));
// We need to add a cast to one of the expressions
TypeProtos.MinorType result = TypeCastRules.getLeastRestrictiveType(leftType, rightType);
ErrorCollector errorCollector = new ErrorCollectorImpl();
if (result == null) {
throw new DrillRuntimeException(String.format("Join conditions cannot be compared failing left " +
"expression:" + " %s failing right expression: %s", leftExpression.getMajorType().toString(),
} else if (result != rightType) {
// Add a cast expression on top of the right expression
LogicalExpression castExpr = ExpressionTreeMaterializer.addCastExpression(rightExpression, leftExpression.getMajorType(), context.getFunctionRegistry(), errorCollector);
// Store the newly casted expression
rightExpressions[i] =
ExpressionTreeMaterializer.materialize(castExpr, rightBatch, errorCollector,
} else if (result != leftType) {
// Add a cast expression on top of the left expression
LogicalExpression castExpr = ExpressionTreeMaterializer.addCastExpression(leftExpression, rightExpression.getMajorType(), context.getFunctionRegistry(), errorCollector);
// store the newly casted expression
leftExpressions[i] =
ExpressionTreeMaterializer.materialize(castExpr, leftBatch, errorCollector,
* Utility method to check if a subquery (represented by its root RelNode) is provably scalar. Currently
* only aggregates with no group-by are considered scalar. In the future, this method should be generalized
* to include more cases and reconciled with Calcite's notion of scalar.
* @param root The root RelNode to be examined
* @return True if the root rel or its descendant is scalar, False otherwise
public static boolean isScalarSubquery(RelNode root) {
DrillAggregateRel agg = null;
RelNode currentrel = root;
while (agg == null && currentrel != null) {
if (currentrel instanceof DrillAggregateRel) {
agg = (DrillAggregateRel)currentrel;
} else if (currentrel instanceof RelSubset) {
currentrel = ((RelSubset) currentrel).getBest();
} else if (currentrel instanceof DrillLimitRel) {
// TODO: Improve this check when DRILL-5691 is fixed.
// The problem is that RelMdMaxRowCount currently cannot be used
// due to CALCITE-1048.
Integer fetchValue = ((RexLiteral) ((DrillLimitRel) currentrel).getFetch()).getValueAs(Integer.class);
return fetchValue != null && fetchValue <= 1;
} else if (currentrel.getInputs().size() == 1) {
// If the rel is not an aggregate or RelSubset, but is a single-input rel (could be Project,
// Filter, Sort etc.), check its input
currentrel = currentrel.getInput(0);
} else {
if (agg != null) {
if (agg.getGroupSet().isEmpty()) {
return true;
// Checks that expression in group by is a single and it is literal.
// When Calcite rewrites EXISTS sub-queries using SubQueryRemoveRule rules,
// it creates project with TRUE literal in expressions list and aggregate on top of it
// with empty call list and literal from project expression in group set.
if (agg.getAggCallList().isEmpty() && agg.getGroupSet().cardinality() == 1) {
ProjectExpressionsCollector expressionsCollector = new ProjectExpressionsCollector();
List<RexNode> projectedExpressions = expressionsCollector.getProjectedExpressions();
return projectedExpressions.size() == 1
&& RexUtil.isLiteral(projectedExpressions.get(agg.getGroupSet().nth(0)), true);
return false;
public static JoinCategory getJoinCategory(RelNode left, RelNode right, RexNode condition,
List<Integer> leftKeys, List<Integer> rightKeys, List<Boolean> filterNulls) {
if (condition.isAlwaysTrue()) {
return JoinCategory.CARTESIAN;
RexNode remaining = RelOptUtil.splitJoinCondition(left, right, condition, leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls);
if (!remaining.isAlwaysTrue() || (leftKeys.size() == 0 || rightKeys.size() == 0) ) {
// for practical purposes these cases could be treated as inequality
return JoinCategory.INEQUALITY;
return JoinCategory.EQUALITY;
* Utility method to check if a any of input RelNodes is provably scalar.
* @param left the RelNode to be inspected.
* @param right the RelNode to be inspected.
* @return Return true if any of the given RelNodes is provably scalar.
* Otherwise, return false
public static boolean hasScalarSubqueryInput(RelNode left, RelNode right) {
return isScalarSubquery(left) || isScalarSubquery(right);
* Creates new exception for queries that cannot be planned due
* to presence of cartesian or inequality join.
* @return new {@link UnsupportedRelOperatorException} instance
public static UnsupportedRelOperatorException cartesianJoinPlanningException() {
return new UnsupportedRelOperatorException(FAILED_TO_PLAN_CARTESIAN_JOIN);
* Collects expressions list from the input project.
* For the case when input rel node has single input, its input is taken.
private static class ProjectExpressionsCollector extends RelShuttleImpl {
private final List<RexNode> expressions = new ArrayList<>();
public RelNode visit(RelNode other) {
// RelShuttleImpl doesn't have visit methods for Project and RelSubset.
if (other instanceof RelSubset) {
return visit((RelSubset) other);
} else if (other instanceof Project) {
return visit((Project) other);
return super.visit(other);
public RelNode visit(TableFunctionScan scan) {
return scan;
public RelNode visit(LogicalJoin join) {
return join;
public RelNode visit(LogicalCorrelate correlate) {
return correlate;
public RelNode visit(LogicalUnion union) {
return union;
public RelNode visit(LogicalIntersect intersect) {
return intersect;
public RelNode visit(LogicalMinus minus) {
return minus;
public RelNode visit(LogicalSort sort) {
return sort;
public RelNode visit(LogicalExchange exchange) {
return exchange;
private RelNode visit(Project project) {
return project;
private RelNode visit(RelSubset subset) {
return Util.first(subset.getBest(), subset.getOriginal()).accept(this);
public List<RexNode> getProjectedExpressions() {
return expressions;