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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Provides a light-weight, simplified set of column readers and writers that
* can be plugged into a variety of row-level readers and writers. The classes
* and interfaces here form a framework for accessing rows and columns, but do
* not provide the code to build accessors for a given row batch. This code is
* meant to be generic, but the first (and, thus far, only) use is with the test
* framework for the java-exec project. That one implementation is specific to
* unit tests, but the accessor framework could easily be used for other
* purposes as well.
* <h4>Vector Overflow Handling</h4>
* The writers provide integrated support for detecting and handling vector
* overflow. Overflow occurs when a value exceeds some maximum, such as the
* 16MB block size in Netty. Overflow handling consists of replacing the
* "full" vector with a new, empty vector as part of a new batch. Overflow
* handing code must copy partially written values from the "overflow" row
* to the new vectors. The classes here do not provide overflow handling,
* rather they provide the framework on top of which overflow handling can be
* built by a higher level of abstraction.
* <h4>JSON-Like Model</h4>
* The object reader and writer provide a generic, JSON-like interface
* to allow any valid combination of readers or writers (generically
* accessors):<pre><code>
* row : tuple
* tuple : (name column) *
* column : scalar obj | array obj | tuple obj
* scalar obj : scalar accessor
* array obj : array accessor
* array accessor : element accessor
* tuple obj : tuple</code></pre>
* <p>
* As seen above, the accessor tree starts with a tuple (a row in the form of
* a class provided by the consumer.) Each column in the tuple is represented
* by an object accesor. That object accessor contains a scalar, tuple or array
* accessor. This models Drill's JSON structure: a row can have a list of lists
* of tuples that contains lists of ints, say.
* <h4>Comparison with Previous Vector Readers and Writers</h4>
* Drill provides a set of vector readers and writers. Compared to those, this
* set:
* <ul>
* <li>Works with all Drill data types. The other set works only with repeated
* and nullable types.</li>
* <li>Is a generic interface. The other set is bound tightly to the
* {@link ScanBatch} class.</li>
* <li>Uses generic types such as <tt>getInt()</tt> for most numeric types. The
* other set has accessors specific to each of the ~30 data types which Drill
* supports.</li>
* </ul>
* The key difference is that this set is designed for both developer ease-of-use
* and performance. Developer eas-of-use is a
* primary requirement for unit tests. Performance is critical for production
* code. The other set is designed to be used in
* machine-generated or write-once code and so can be much more complex.
* <h4>Overview of the Code Structure</h4>
* {@link ScalarReader} and {@link ColumnWriter} are the core abstractions: they
* provide simplified access to the myriad of Drill column types via a
* simplified, uniform API. {@link TupleReader} and {@link TupleWriter} provide
* a simplified API to rows or maps (both of which are tuples in Drill.)
* {@link AccessorUtilities} provides a number of data conversion tools.
* <dl>
* <dt>ObjectWriter, ObjectReader</dt>
* <dd>Drill follows a JSON data model. A row is a tuple (AKA structure). Each
* column is a scalar, a map (AKA tuple, structure) or an array (AKA a repeated
* value.)</dd>
* <dt>TupleWriter, TupleReader</dt>
* <dd>In relational terms, a tuple is an ordered collection of values, where
* the meaning of the order is provided by a schema (usually a name/type pair.)
* It turns out that Drill rows and maps are both tuples. The tuple classes
* provide the means to work with a tuple: get the schema, get a column by name
* or by position. Note that Drill code normally references columns by name.
* But, doing so is slower than access by position (index). To provide efficient
* code, the tuple classes assume that the implementation imposes a column
* ordering which can be exposed via the indexes.</dd>
* <dt>ScalarWriter, ScalarReader</dt>
* <dd>A uniform interface for the scalar types: Nullable (Drill optional) and
* non-nullable (Drill required) fields use the same interface. Arrays (Drill
* repeated) are special. To handle the array aspect, even array fields use the
* same interface, but the <tt>getArray</tt> method returns another layer of
* accessor (writer or reader) specific for arrays.
* <p>
* Both the column reader and writer use a reduced set of data types to access
* values. Drill provides about 38 different types, but they can be mapped to a
* smaller set for programmatic access. For example, the signed byte, short,
* int; and the unsigned 8-bit, and 16-bit values can all be mapped to ints for
* get/set. The result is a much simpler set of get/set methods compared to the
* underlying set of vector types.</dt>
* <dt>ArrayWriter, ArrayReader
* <dt>
* <dd>The interface for the array accessors as described above. Of particular
* note is the difference in the form of the methods. The writer has only a
* <tt>setInt()</tt> method, no index. The methods assume write-only, write-once
* semantics: each set adds a new value. The reader, by contrast has a
* <tt>getInt(int index)</tt> method: read access is random.</tt>
* <dt>ScalarWriter<dt>
* <dd>Because of the form of the array writer, both the array writer and
* column writer have the same method signatures. To avoid repeating these
* methods, they are factored out into the common <tt>ScalarWriter</tt>
* interface.</dd>
* <dt>ColumnAccessors (templates)</dt>
* <dd>The Freemarker-based template used to generate the actual accessor
* implementations.</dd>
* <dt>ColumnAccessors (accessors)</dt>
* <dd>The generated accessors: one for each combination of write/read, data
* (minor) type and cardinality (data model).
* <dd>
* <dt>ColumnReaderIndex, ColumnWriterIndex</dt>
* <dd>This nested class binds the accessor to the current row position for the
* entire record batch. That is, you don't ask for the value of column a for row
* 5, then the value of column b for row 5, etc. as with the "raw" vectors.
* Instead, the implementation sets the row position (with, say an iterator.)
* Then, all columns implicitly return values for the current row.
* <p>
* Different implementations of the row index handle the case of no selection
* vector, a selection vector 2, or a selection vector 4.</dd>
* <dt>VectorAccessor</dt>
* <dd>The readers can work with single batches or "hyper"
* batches. A hyper batch occurs in operators such as sort where an operator
* references a collection of batches as if they were one huge batch. In this
* case, each column consists of a "stack" of vectors. The vector accessor picks
* out one vector from the stack for each row. Vector accessors are used only
* for hyper batches; single batches work directly with the corresponding
* vector.
* <p>
* You can think of the (row index + vector accessor, column index) as forming a
* coordinate pair. The row index provides the y index (vertical position along
* the rows.) The vector accessor maps the row position to a vector when needed.
* The column index picks out the x coordinate (horizontal position along the
* columns.)</dt>
* </dl>
* <h4>Column Writer Optimizations</h4>
* The writer classes here started as a simple abstraction on top of the existing
* vector mutators. The classes were then recruited for use in a new writer
* abstraction for Drill's record readers. At that point, performance became
* critical. The key to performance is to bypass the vector and the mutator and
* instead work with the Netty direct memory functions. This seems a risky
* approach until we realize that the writers form a very clear interface:
* the same interface supported the original mutator-based implementation and
* the revised Netty-based implementation. The benefit, however, is stark;
* the direct-to-Netty version is up to 4x faster (for repeated types).
* <h4>Tuple Model</h4>
* Drill has the idea of row and of a map. (A Drill map is much like a "struct":
* every instance of the "map" must have the same columns.) Both are instances
* of the relational concept of a "tuple." In relational theory, a tuple is
* a collection of values in which each value has a name and a position. The
* name is for the user, the position (index) allows efficient implementation.
* <p>
* Drill is unusual among query and DB engines in that it does not normally
* use indexes. The reason is easy to understand. Suppose two files contain
* columns a and b. File 1, read by minor fragment 0, contains the columns in
* the order (a, b). But, file 2, read by minor fragment 1, contains the columns
* in the order (b, a). Drill considers this the same schema. Since column
* order can vary, Drill has avoided depending on column order. (But, only
* partly; many bugs have cropped up because some parts of the code do
* require common ordering.)
* <p>
* Here we observe that column order varies only across fragments. We have
* control of the column order within our own fragment. (We can coerce varying
* order into a desired order. If the above two files are read by the same
* scan operator, then the first file sets the order at (a, b), and the second
* files (b, a) order can be coerced into the (a, b) order.
* <p>
* Given this insight, the readers and writers here promote position to a
* first-class concept. Code can access columns by name (for convenience,
* especially in testing) or by position (for efficiency.)
* <p>
* Further, it is often convenient to fetch a column accessor (reader or
* writer) once, then cache it. The design here ensures that such caching works
* well. The goal is that, eventually, operators will code-generate references
* to cached readers and writers instead of generating code that works directly
* with the vectors.
* <h4>Lists and Unions</h4>
* Drill provides a List and a Union type. These types are incomplete, buggy
* and ill-supported by Drill's operators. However, they are key to Drill's
* JSON-powered, schema-free marketing message. Thus, we must support them
* in the reader/writer level even if they are broken and under-used elsewhere
* in Drill. (If we did not support them, then the JSON readers could not use
* the new model, and we'd have to support both the old and new versions, which
* would create a bigger mess than we started with.)
* <p>
* Drill's other types have a more-or-less simple mapping to the relational
* model, allowing simple reader and writer interfaces. But, the Union and List
* types are not a good fit and cause a very large amount of complexity in the
* reader and writer models.
* <p>
* A Union is just that: it is a container for a variety of typed vectors. It
* is like a "union" in C: it has members for each type, but only one type is
* in use at any one time. However, unlike C, the implementation is more like
* a C "struct" every vector takes space or every row, even if no value is stored
* in that row. That is, a Drill union is as if a naive C programmer used a
* "struct" when s/he should have used a union.
* <p>
* Unions are designed to evolve dynamically as data is read. Suppose we read
* the following JSON:<pre></code>
* {a: 10} {a: "foo"} {a: null} {a: 12.34}
* </code></pre>
* Here, we discover the need for an Int type, then a Varchar, then mark a
* value as null and finally a Float. The union adds the desired types as we
* request them. The writer mimics this behavior, using a listener to do the
* needed vector work.
* <p>
* Further, a union can be null. It carries a types vector that indicates the
* type of each row. A zero-value indicates that the union as a whole is null.
* In this case, null means no value, is is not, say, a null Int or null
* Varchar: it is simply null (as in JSON). Since at most one vector within the union
* carries a value, the element vectors must also be nullable. This means
* that a union has two null bits: one or the union, the other for the
* selected type. It is not clear what Drill semantics are supposed to be. Here
* the writers assume that either the whole union is null, or that exactly one
* member is non-null. Readers are more paranoid: they assume each member is null
* if either the union is null or the member itself is null. (Yes, a bit of a
* mess...)
* <p>
* The current union vector format is highly inefficient.
* If the union concept is needed, then it should
* be redesigned, perhaps as a variable-width vector in which each entry
* consists of a type/value pair. (For variable-width values such as
* strings, the implementation would be a triple of (type, length,
* value). The API here is designed to abstract away the implementation
* and should work equally well for the current "union" implementation and
* the possible "variant" implementation. As a result, when changing the
* API, avoid introducing methods that assume an implementation.
* <p>
* Lists add another layer of complexity. A list is, logically, a repeated
* union. But, for whatever historical reasons, a List can be other things
* as well. First, it can have no type at all: a list of nothing. This likely
* has no meaning, but the semantics of the List vector allow it. Second, the
* List can be an array of a single type in which each entry can be null.
* (Normal Repeated types can have an empty array for a row, but cannot have
* a null entry. Lists can have either an empty array or a null array in
* order to model the JSON <tt>null</tt> and <tt>[]</tt> cases.)
* <p>
* When a List has a single type, it stores the backing vector directly within
* the List. But, a list can also be a list of unions. In this case, the List
* stores a union vector as its backing vector. Here, we now have three ways
* to indicate null: the List's bits vector, the type vector in the union, and
* the bits vector in each element vector. Again, the writer assumes that
* if the List vector is null, the entire value for that row is null. The reader
* is again paranoid and handles all three nullable states. (Again, a huge
* mess.)
* <p>
* The readers can provide a nice API for these cases since we know the List
* format up front. They can present the list as either a nullable array of
* a single type, or as an array of unions.
* <p>
* Writers have more of a challenge. If we knew that a List was being used as
* a list of, say, Nullable Int, we could present the List as an array writer
* with Int elements. But, the List allows dynamic type addition, as with unions.
* (In the case of the list, it has internal special handling for the single vs.
* many type case.)
* <p>
* To isolate the client from the list representation, it is simpler to always
* present a List an array of variants. But, this is awkward in the single-type
* case. The solution is to use metadata. If the metadata promises to use only
* a single type, the writer can use the nullable array of X format. If the
* metadata says to use a union (the default), then the List is presented as
* an array of unions, even when the list has 0 or 1 member types. (The
* complexity here is excessive: Drill should really redesign this feature to make
* it simpler and to better fit the relational model.)
* <h4>Vector Evolution</h4>
* Drill uses value vector classes created during the rush to ship Drill 1.0.
* They are not optimal: the key value is that the vectors work.
* <p>
* The Apache Arrow project created a refined version of the vector classes.
* Much talk has occurred about ripping out Drill's implementation to use
* Arrow instead.
* <p>
* However, even Arrow has limits:
* <ul>
* <li>Like Drill, it uses twice the number of positions in the offset vector
* as for the values vector. (Drill allocates power-of-two sizes. The offset
* vector has one more entry than values. With a power-of-two number of values,
* offsets are rounded to the next power of two.)</li>
* <li>Like Drill before this work, Arrow does not manage vector sizes; it
* allows vectors to grow without bound, causing the memory problems that this
* project seeks to resolve.</li>
* <li>Like Drill, Arrow implements unions as a space-inefficient collection
* of vectors format.</li>
* </ul>
* If we learn from the above, we might want to create a Value Vectors 2.0
* based on the following concepts:
* <ul>
* <li>Store vector values as a chain of fixed-size buffers. This avoids
* memory fragmentation, makes memory allocation much more efficient, is
* easier on the client, and avoids internal fragmentation.</li>
* <li>Store offsets as the end value, not the start value. This eliminates
* the extra offset position, simplifies indexing, and can save on internal
* memory fragmentation.</li>
* <li>Store unions using "variant encoding" as described above.</li>
* </ul>
* Such changes would be a huge project if every operator continued to work
* directly with vectors and memory buffers. In fact, the cost would be so
* high that these improvements might never be done.
* <p>
* Therefore, a goal of this reader/writer layer is to isolate the operators
* from vector implementation. For this to work, the accessors must be at least
* as efficient as direct vector access. (They are now more efficient.)
* <p>
* Once all operators use this layer, a switch to Arrow, or an evolution toward
* Value Vectors 2.0 will be much easier. Simply change the vector format and
* update the reader and writer implementations. The rest of the code will
* remain unchanged. (Note, to achieve this goal, it is important to carefully
* design the accessor API [interfaces] to hide implementation details.)
* <h4>Simpler Reader API</h4>
* A key value of Drill is the ability for users to add custom record readers.
* But, at present, doing so is very complex because the developer must know
* quite a bit about Drill internals. At this level, they must know how to
* allocate vectors, how to write to each kind of vector, how to keep track
* of array sizes, how to set the vector and batch row counts, and more. In
* general, there is only one right way to do this work. (Though some readers
* use the old-style vector writers, others work with direct memory instead
* of with vectors, and so on.)
* <p>
* This layer handles all that work, providing a simple API that encourages
* more custom readers because the work to create the readers becomes far
* simpler. (Other layers tackle other parts of the problem as well.)
package org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor;