blob: 0f0fe5330e4ca24d50f9ad2f4a8c612183b0b779 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.jdbc;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.util.StoragePluginTestUtils.DFS_TMP_SCHEMA;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.anyOf;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import org.apache.drill.categories.JdbcTest;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
* Test class for Drill's java.sql.ResultSetMetaData implementation.
* <p>
* Based on JDBC 4.1 (Java 7).
* </p>
public class ResultSetMetaDataTest extends JdbcTestBase {
private static final String VIEW_NAME =
ResultSetMetaDataTest.class.getSimpleName() + "_View";
/** The one shared JDBC connection to Drill. */
private static Connection connection;
// Result set with test columns of various types. Is positioned at first row
// for, and must not be modified by, test methods.
private static ResultSet viewRow;
// Metadata for result set.
private static ResultSetMetaData rowMetadata;
// For columns in temporary test view (types accessible via casting):
// (Dynamic to make it simpler to add or remove columns.)
private static int columnCount;
private static int ordOptBOOLEAN;
private static int ordReqBOOLEAN;
private static int ordReqSMALLINT;
private static int ordReqINTEGER;
private static int ordReqBIGINT;
private static int ordReqREAL;
private static int ordReqFLOAT;
private static int ordReqDOUBLE;
private static int ordReqDECIMAL_5_3;
// No NUMERIC while Drill just maps it to DECIMAL.
private static int ordReqVARCHAR_10;
private static int ordOptVARCHAR;
private static int ordReqCHAR_5;
// No NCHAR, etc., in Drill (?).
private static int ordOptVARBINARY_16;
private static int ordOptBINARY_1048576;
private static int ordReqDATE;
private static int ordReqTIME_2;
private static int ordOptTIME_7;
private static int ordReqTIMESTAMP_4;
// No "... WITH TIME ZONE" in Drill.
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_Y;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3Y_Mo;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_Mo;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_D;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_4D_H;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_2D_S5;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_H;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3H_S1;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_Mi;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_5Mi_S;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_S;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3S;
private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3S1;
public static void setUpConnectionAndMetadataToCheck() throws Exception {
// Get JDBC connection to Drill:
// (Note: Can't use JdbcTest's connect(...) because JdbcTest closes
// Connection--and other JDBC objects--on test method failure, but this test
// class uses some objects across methods.)
connection = connect("jdbc:drill:zk=local");
final Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet util;
// Create temporary test-columns view:
util = stmt.executeQuery( "USE `" + DFS_TMP_SCHEMA + "`" );
assertTrue( );
assertTrue( "Error setting schema for test: " + util.getString( 2 ),
util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
columnCount = 0;
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append( "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `" + VIEW_NAME + "` AS SELECT " );
buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL AS BOOLEAN ) AS mdrOptBOOLEAN, " );
ordOptBOOLEAN = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n TRUE AS mdrReqBOOLEAN, " );
ordReqBOOLEAN = ++columnCount;
//buf.append( "\n CAST( 15 AS SMALLINT ) AS mdrOptSMALLINT, " );
//ordOptSMALLINT = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( 2 AS INTEGER ) AS mdrOptINTEGER, " );
ordReqINTEGER = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( 15 AS BIGINT ) AS mdrReqBIGINT, " );
ordReqBIGINT = ++columnCount;
// TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented:
//buf.append( "\n CAST( 3.1 AS REAL ) AS mdrReqREAL, " );
//ordReqREAL = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( 3.2 AS FLOAT ) AS mdrReqFLOAT, " );
ordReqFLOAT = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( 3.3 AS DOUBLE ) AS mdrReqDOUBLE, " );
ordReqDOUBLE = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( 4.4 AS DECIMAL(5,3) ) AS mdrReqDECIMAL_5_3, " );
ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( 'Hi' AS VARCHAR(10) ) AS mdrReqVARCHAR_10, " );
ordReqVARCHAR_10 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL AS VARCHAR ) AS mdrOptVARCHAR, " );
ordOptVARCHAR = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( '55' AS CHAR(5) ) AS mdrReqCHAR_5, " );
ordReqCHAR_5 = ++columnCount;
// TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough:
//buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL AS VARBINARY(16) ) AS mdrOptVARBINARY_16," );
//ordOptVARBINARY_16 = ++columnCount;
// TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough:
//buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL AS BINARY(1048576) ) AS mdrOptBINARY_1048576, " );
//ordOptBINARY_1048576 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n DATE '2015-01-01' AS mdrReqDATE, " );
ordReqDATE = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( TIME '23:59:59.123' AS TIME(2) ) AS mdrReqTIME_2, " );
ordReqTIME_2 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL AS TIME(7) ) AS mdrOptTIME_7, " );
ordOptTIME_7 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n CAST( TIMESTAMP '2015-01-01 23:59:59.12345'"
+ " AS TIMESTAMP(4) ) AS mdrReqTIMESTAMP_4, " );
ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '1' YEAR AS mdrReqINTERVAL_Y, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_Y = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '1-2' YEAR(3) TO MONTH AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3Y_Mo, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_3Y_Mo = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '1-2' YEAR(10) TO MONTH AS mdrReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '-2' MONTH AS mdrReqINTERVAL_Mo, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_Mo = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3' DAY AS mdrReqINTERVAL_D, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_D = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3 4' DAY(4) TO HOUR AS mdrReqINTERVAL_4D_H, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_4D_H = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3 4:5' DAY(3) TO MINUTE AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3 4:5:6' DAY(2) TO SECOND(5) AS mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_2D_S5 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '4' HOUR AS mdrReqINTERVAL_H, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_H = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '4:5' HOUR(1) TO MINUTE AS mdrReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '4:5:6' HOUR(3) TO SECOND(1) AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3H_S1, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_3H_S1 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '5' MINUTE AS mdrReqINTERVAL_Mi, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_Mi = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '5:6' MINUTE(5) TO SECOND AS mdrReqINTERVAL_5Mi_S, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_5Mi_S = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '6' SECOND AS mdrReqINTERVAL_S, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_S = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '6' SECOND(3) AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3S, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_3S = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '6' SECOND(3, 1) AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3S1, " );
ordReqINTERVAL_3S1 = ++columnCount;
buf.append( "\n ''" );
final String query = buf.toString();
util = stmt.executeQuery( query );
assertTrue( );
assertTrue( "Error creating temporary test-columns view " + VIEW_NAME + ": "
+ util.getString( 2 ), util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
viewRow = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + VIEW_NAME + " LIMIT 1 " );;
rowMetadata = viewRow.getMetaData();
public static void tearDownConnection() throws SQLException {
final ResultSet util =
connection.createStatement().executeQuery( "DROP VIEW " + VIEW_NAME + "" );
assertTrue( );
assertTrue( "Error dropping temporary test-columns view " + VIEW_NAME + ": "
+ util.getString( 2 ), util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
// Tests:
// getColumnCount(...):
// JDBC: "Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object."
public void test_getColumnCount() throws SQLException {
assertThat( "column count",
rowMetadata.getColumnCount(), equalTo( columnCount ) );
// isAutoIncrement(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column is automatically numbered."
public void test_isAutoIncrement_returnsFalse() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isAutoIncrement( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
// isCaseSensitive(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether a column's case matters."
// (Presumably that refers to the column's name, not values.)
// Matters for what (for which operations)?
public void test_isCaseSensitive_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isCaseSensitive( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
// isSearchable(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column can be used in a where
// clause."
// (Is there any reason a column couldn't be used in a WHERE clause?)
public void test_isSearchable_returnsTrue() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSearchable( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( true ) );
// isCurrency(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column is a cash value."
public void test_isCurrency_returnsFalse() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isCurrency( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
// isNullable(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates the nullability of values in the designated column."
public void test_isNullable_forNullable() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isNullable( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable) );
public void test_isNullable_forRequired() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isNullable( ordReqINTEGER ),
equalTo( ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls) );
// isSigned(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether values in the designated column are signed numbers."
// (Does "signed numbers" include intervals (which are signed)?
public void test_isSigned_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
public void test_isSigned_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( true ) );
public void test_isSigned_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqDOUBLE ), equalTo( true ) );
public void test_isSigned_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( true ) );
public void test_isSigned_forVARCHAR() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ), equalTo( false ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough" )
public void test_isSigned_forBINARY_1048576() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ), equalTo( false ) );
public void test_isSigned_forDate() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqDATE ), equalTo( false ) );
public void test_isSigned_forTIME_2() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqTIME_2 ), equalTo( false ) );
public void test_isSigned_forTIMESTAMP_4() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ), equalTo( false ) );
public void test_isSigned_forINTERVAL_Y() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqINTERVAL_Y ), equalTo( true ) );
// TODO(DRILL-3253): Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
// getColumnDisplaySize(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates the designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
// ... the normal maximum number of characters allowed as the width of the
// designated column"
// (What exactly is the "normal maximum" number of characters?)
public void test_getColumnDisplaySize_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnDisplaySize( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( 1 ) );
// TODO(DRILL-3355): Do more types when metadata is available.
// TODO(DRILL-3253): Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
// getColumnLabel(...):
// JDBC: "Gets the designated column's suggested title for use in printouts
// and displays. The suggested title is usually specified by the SQL
// AS clause. If a SQL AS is not specified, the value returned from
// getColumnLabel will be the same as the value returned by the
// getColumnName method."
public void test_getColumnLabel_getsName() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnLabel( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( "mdrOptBOOLEAN" ) );
// getColumnName(...):
// JDBC: "Get the designated column's name."
public void test_getColumnName_getsName() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( "mdrOptBOOLEAN" ) );
// getSchemaName(...):
// JDBC: "Get the designated column's table's schema. ... schema name
// or "" if not applicable"
// Note: Schema _name_, not schema, of course.
// (Are result-set tables in a schema?)
public void test_getSchemaName_forViewGetsName() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getSchemaName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
anyOf( equalTo( DFS_TMP_SCHEMA ),
equalTo( "" ) ) );
// getPrecision(...):
// JDBC: "Get the designated column's specified column size.
// For numeric data, this is the maximum precision.
// For character data, this is the length in characters.
// For datetime datatypes, this is the length in characters of the String
// representation (assuming the maximum allowed precision of the
// fractional seconds component).
// For binary data, this is the length in bytes.
// For the ROWID datatype, this is the length in bytes.
// 0 is returned for data types where the column size is not applicable."
// TODO(DRILL-3355): Resolve:
// - Confirm: This seems to be the same as getColumns's COLUMN_SIZE.
// - Is numeric "maximum precision" in bits, in digits, or per some radix
// specified somewhere?
// - For which unmentioned types is column size applicable or not applicable?
// E.g., what about interval types?
public void test_getPrecision_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( 0 ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3355): unignore when getPrecision(...) implemented" )
public void test_getPrecision_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
// Is it actual bits?:
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 32 ) );
// Is it number of possible decimal digits?
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 10 ) );
// Is it minimum guaranteed decimal digits?
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 9 ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3355): unignore when getPrecision(...) implemented" )
public void test_getPrecision_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
// Is it actual bits?:
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqDOUBLE ), equalTo( 53 ) );
// Is it number of possible decimal digits?
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 7 ) );
// Is it minimum guaranteed decimal digits?
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqDOUBLE ), equalTo( 6 ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
public void test_getPrecision_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( 5 ) );
// TODO(DRILL-3355): Do more types when metadata is available.
// - Copy in tests for DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(...)'s COLUMN_SIZE (since
// ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision(...) seems to be defined the same.
// TODO(DRILL-3253): Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
// getScale(...):
// JDBC: "Gets the designated column's number of digits to right of the
// decimal point. 0 is returned for data types where the scale is not
// applicable."
// (When exactly is scale not applicable? What about for TIME or INTERVAL?)
public void test_getScale_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getScale( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( 0 ) );
public void test_getScale_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getScale( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 0 ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
public void test_getScale_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getScale( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( 3 ) );
// TODO(DRILL-3355): Do more types when metadata is available.
// - especially TIME and INTERVAL cases.
// TODO(DRILL-3253): Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
// getTableName(...):
// JDBC: "Gets the designated column's table name. ... table name or "" if
// not applicable"
// (When exactly is this applicable or not applicable?)
public void test_getTableName_forViewGetsName() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getTableName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
anyOf( equalTo( VIEW_NAME ),
equalTo( "" ) ) );
// getCatalogName(...):
// JDBC: "Gets the designated column's table's catalog name. ... the name of
// the catalog for the table in which the given column appears or "" if not
// applicable"
// (What if the result set is not directly from a base table? Since Drill has
// has only one catalog ("DRILL") should this return "DRILL" for everything,
// or only for base tables?)
public void test_getCatalogName_getsCatalogName() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getCatalogName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
anyOf( equalTo( "DRILL" ), equalTo( "" ) ) );
// getColumnType(...):
// JDBC: "Retrieves the designated column's SQL type. ... SQL type from
// java.sql.Types"
// NOTE: JDBC representation of data type or data type family.
public void test_getColumnType_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( Types.BOOLEAN ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnType_forSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqSMALLINT ),
equalTo( Types.SMALLINT ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqINTEGER ),
equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forBIGINT() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqBIGINT ),
equalTo( Types.BIGINT ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnType_forREAL() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqREAL ),
equalTo( Types.REAL ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forFLOAT() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqFLOAT ),
equalTo( Types.FLOAT ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqDOUBLE ),
equalTo( Types.DOUBLE ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
public void test_getColumnType_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ),
equalTo( Types.DECIMAL ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forVARCHAR_10() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ),
equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forVARCHAR() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptVARCHAR ),
equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3369): unignore when CHAR is no longer VARCHAR" )
public void test_getColumnType_forCHAR_5() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqCHAR_5 ),
equalTo( Types.CHAR ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough" )
public void test_getColumnType_forVARBINARY_16() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptVARBINARY_16 ),
equalTo( Types.VARBINARY ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough" )
public void test_getColumnType_forBINARY_1048576CHECK() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ),
equalTo( Types.VARBINARY ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forDATE() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqDATE ),
equalTo( Types.DATE ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forTIME_2() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqTIME_2 ),
equalTo( Types.TIME ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forTIME_7() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptTIME_7 ),
equalTo( Types.TIME ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forTIMESTAMP_4() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ),
equalTo( Types.TIMESTAMP ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forINTERVAL_Y() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqINTERVAL_Y ),
equalTo( Types.OTHER ) );
public void test_getColumnType_forINTERVAL_H_S3() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqINTERVAL_3H_S1 ),
equalTo( Types.OTHER ) );
// TODO(DRILL-3253): Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
// getColumnTypeName(...):
// JDBC: "Retrieves the designated column's database-specific type name.
// ... type name used by the database. If the column type is a user-defined
// type, then a fully-qualified type name is returned."
// (Is this expected to match INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.TYPE_NAME?)
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( "BOOLEAN" ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
equalTo( "SMALLINT" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqINTEGER ),
equalTo( "INTEGER" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forBIGINT() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqBIGINT ),
equalTo( "BIGINT" ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forREAL() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqREAL ),
equalTo( "REAL" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forFLOAT() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqFLOAT ),
equalTo( "FLOAT" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqDOUBLE ),
equalTo( "DOUBLE" ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ),
equalTo( "DECIMAL" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forVARCHAR() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptVARCHAR ),
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3369): unignore when CHAR is no longer VARCHAR" )
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forCHAR() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqCHAR_5 ),
equalTo( "CHARACTER" ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough" )
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forVARBINARY() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptVARBINARY_16 ),
equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough" )
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forBINARY() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ),
equalTo( "BINARY" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forDATE() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqDATE ),
equalTo( "DATE" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forTIME_2() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqTIME_2 ),
equalTo( "TIME" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forTIMESTAMP_4() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ),
equalTo( "TIMESTAMP" ) );
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forINTERVAL_Y() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqINTERVAL_Y ),
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forINTERVAL_D() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqINTERVAL_4D_H ),
// TODO(DRILL-3253): Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
// isReadOnly(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column is definitely not writable."
// (Writable in what context? By current user in current connection? Some
// other context?)
public void test_isReadOnly_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isReadOnly( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( true ) );
// isWritable(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether it is possible for a write on the designated
// column to succeed."
// (Possible in what context? By current user in current connection? Some
// other context?
public void test_isWritable_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isWritable( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
// isDefinitelyWritable(...):
// JDBC: "Indicates whether a write on the designated column will definitely
// succeed."
// (Will succeed in what context? By current user in current connection?
// Some other context?)
public void test_isDefinitelyWritable_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.isDefinitelyWritable( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( false ) );
// getColumnClassName(...):
// JDBC: "Returns the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances
// are manufactured if the method ResultSet.getObject is called to retrieve
// a value from the column. ResultSet.getObject may return a subclass of
// the class returned by this method. ... the fully-qualified name of the
// class in the Java programming language that would be used by the method"
public void test_getColumnClassName_forBOOLEAN_isBoolean() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
equalTo( Boolean.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forBOOLEAN_matches() throws SQLException {
rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqBOOLEAN ),
// (equalTo because Boolean is final)
equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqBOOLEAN ).getClass().getName() ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnClassName_forSMALLINT_isShort() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
equalTo( Short.class.getName() ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnClassName_forSMALLINT_matches() throws SQLException {
rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
// (equalTo because Short is final)
equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqSMALLINT ).getClass().getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTEGER_isInteger() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTEGER ),
equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTEGER_matches() throws SQLException {
rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTEGER ),
// (equalTo because Integer is final)
equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqINTEGER ).getClass().getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forBIGINT_isLong() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqBIGINT ),
equalTo( Long.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forBIGINT_matches() throws SQLException {
rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqBIGINT ),
// (equalTo because Long is final)
equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqBIGINT ).getClass().getName() ) );
// REAL:
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnClassName_forREAL_isFloat() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqREAL ),
equalTo( Float.class.getName() ) );
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnClassName_forREAL_matches() throws SQLException {
rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqREAL ),
// (equalTo because Float is final)
equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqREAL ).getClass().getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forFLOAT_isFloat() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqFLOAT ),
anyOf( equalTo( Float.class.getName() ),
equalTo( Double.class.getName() ) ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forFLOAT_matches() throws SQLException {
rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqFLOAT ),
// (equalTo because Float is final)
equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqFLOAT ).getClass().getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forDOUBLE_isDouble() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDOUBLE ),
equalTo( Double.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forDOUBLE_matches() throws SQLException {
rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDOUBLE ),
// (equalTo because Double is final)
equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqDOUBLE ).getClass().getName() ) );
// DECIMAL_5_3:
@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
public void test_getColumnClassName_forDECIMAL_5_3_isBigDecimal() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ),
equalTo( BigDecimal.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forDECIMAL_5_3_matches()
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
final Class<?> requiredClass =
Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ) );
final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ).getClass();
assertTrue( "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+ " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
// VARCHAR_10:
public void test_getColumnClassName_forVARCHAR_10_isString() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ),
equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forVARCHAR_10_matches()
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
final Class<?> requiredClass =
Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ) );
final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ).getClass();
assertTrue( "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+ " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
// TODO(DRILL-3369): Add test when CHAR is no longer VARCHAR:
// CHAR_5:
// TODO(DRILL-3368): Add test when VARBINARY is implemented enough:
// TODO(DRILL-3368): Add test when BINARY is implemented enough:
// BINARY_1048576:
// DATE:
public void test_getColumnClassName_forDATE_isDate() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDATE ),
equalTo( Date.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forDATE_matches()
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
final Class<?> requiredClass =
Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDATE ) );
final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqDATE ).getClass();
"actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+ " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
// TIME:
public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIME_2_isTime() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIME_2 ),
equalTo( Time.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIME_2_matches()
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
final Class<?> requiredClass =
Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIME_2 ) );
final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqTIME_2 ).getClass();
"actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+ " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
// TIME_7:
public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIMESTAMP_4_isDate() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ),
equalTo( Timestamp.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIMESTAMP_4_matches()
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
final Class<?> requiredClass =
Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ) );
final Class<?> actualClass =
viewRow.getObject( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ).getClass();
"actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+ " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
// No "... WITH TIME ZONE" in Drill.
public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTERVAL_10Y_Mo_isJodaPeriod() throws SQLException {
assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo ),
equalTo( org.joda.time.Period.class.getName() ) );
public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTERVAL_10Y_Mo_matches()
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
final Class<?> requiredClass =
Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo ) );
final Class<?> actualClass =
viewRow.getObject( ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo ).getClass();
assertTrue( "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+ " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
// TODO(DRILL-3253): Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
} // class DatabaseMetaGetColumnsDataTest