blob: bb3b3c7b19e64a6dcbfb66c694ce024275bd4b27 [file] [log] [blame]
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Add implementations of additional parser statements here.
Each implementation should return an object of SqlNode type.
Example of SqlShowTables() implementation:
SqlNode SqlShowTables()
...local variables...
return SqlShowTables(...)
* Parses statement
* SHOW TABLES [{FROM | IN} db_name] [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr]
SqlNode SqlShowTables() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlIdentifier db = null;
SqlNode likePattern = null;
SqlNode where = null;
<SHOW> { pos = getPos(); }
(<FROM> | <IN>) { db = CompoundIdentifier(); }
<LIKE> { likePattern = StringLiteral(); }
<WHERE> { where = Expression(ExprContext.ACCEPT_SUBQUERY); }
return new SqlShowTables(pos, db, likePattern, where);
* Parses statement
* SHOW FILES [{FROM | IN} schema]
SqlNode SqlShowFiles() :
SqlParserPos pos = null;
SqlIdentifier db = null;
<SHOW> { pos = getPos(); }
(<FROM> | <IN>) { db = CompoundIdentifier(); }
return new SqlShowFiles(pos, db);
* Parses statement SHOW {DATABASES | SCHEMAS} [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr]
SqlNode SqlShowSchemas() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlNode likePattern = null;
SqlNode where = null;
<SHOW> { pos = getPos(); }
<LIKE> { likePattern = StringLiteral(); }
<WHERE> { where = Expression(ExprContext.ACCEPT_SUBQUERY); }
return new SqlShowSchemas(pos, likePattern, where);
* Parses statement
* { DESCRIBE | DESC } [TABLE] tblname [col_name | wildcard ]
SqlNode SqlDescribeTable() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlIdentifier table;
SqlIdentifier column = null;
SqlNode columnPattern = null;
(<DESCRIBE> | <DESC>) { pos = getPos(); }
table = CompoundIdentifier()
column = CompoundIdentifier()
columnPattern = StringLiteral()
return new DrillSqlDescribeTable(pos, table, column, columnPattern);
SqlNode SqlUseSchema():
SqlIdentifier schema;
SqlParserPos pos;
<USE> { pos = getPos(); }
schema = CompoundIdentifier()
return new SqlUseSchema(pos, schema);
/** Parses an optional field list and makes sure no field is a "*". */
SqlNodeList ParseOptionalFieldList(String relType) :
SqlNodeList fieldList;
fieldList = ParseRequiredFieldList(relType)
return fieldList;
return SqlNodeList.EMPTY;
/** Parses a required field list and makes sure no field is a "*". */
SqlNodeList ParseRequiredFieldList(String relType) :
Pair<SqlNodeList, SqlNodeList> fieldList;
fieldList = ParenthesizedCompoundIdentifierList()
for(SqlNode node : fieldList.left)
if (((SqlIdentifier) node).isStar())
throw new ParseException(String.format("%s's field list has a '*', which is invalid.", relType));
return fieldList.left;
* Parses CREATE [OR REPLACE] command for VIEW, TABLE or SCHEMA.
SqlNode SqlCreateOrReplace() :
SqlParserPos pos;
String createType = "SIMPLE";
boolean isTemporary = false;
boolean isPublic = false;
<CREATE> { pos = getPos(); }
[ <OR> <REPLACE> { createType = "OR_REPLACE"; } ]
[ <TEMPORARY> { isTemporary = true; } ]
if (isTemporary) {
throw new ParseException("Create view statement does not allow <TEMPORARY> keyword.");
return SqlCreateView(pos, createType);
if (createType == "OR_REPLACE") {
throw new ParseException("Create table statement does not allow <OR><REPLACE>.");
return SqlCreateTable(pos, isTemporary);
if (isTemporary) {
throw new ParseException("Create schema statement does not allow <TEMPORARY> keyword.");
return SqlCreateSchema(pos, createType);
[ <PUBLIC> { isPublic = true; } ]
if (isTemporary) {
throw new ParseException("Create alias statement does not allow <TEMPORARY> keyword.");
return SqlCreateAlias(pos, createType.equals("OR_REPLACE"), isPublic);
* Parses a create view or replace existing view statement.
* after CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW statement which is handled in the SqlCreateOrReplace method.
* CREATE { [OR REPLACE] VIEW | VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] | VIEW } view_name [ (field1, field2 ...) ] AS select_statement
SqlNode SqlCreateView(SqlParserPos pos, String createType) :
SqlIdentifier viewName;
SqlNode query;
SqlNodeList fieldList;
if (createType == "OR_REPLACE") {
throw new ParseException("Create view statement cannot have both <OR REPLACE> and <IF NOT EXISTS> clause");
createType = "IF_NOT_EXISTS";
viewName = CompoundIdentifier()
fieldList = ParseOptionalFieldList("View")
query = OrderedQueryOrExpr(ExprContext.ACCEPT_QUERY)
return new SqlCreateView(pos, viewName, fieldList, query, SqlLiteral.createCharString(createType, getPos()));
* Parses a CTAS or CTTAS statement after CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE statement
* which is handled in the SqlCreateOrReplace method.
* CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tblname [ (field1, field2, ...) ] AS select_statement.
SqlNode SqlCreateTable(SqlParserPos pos, boolean isTemporary) :
SqlIdentifier tblName;
SqlNodeList fieldList;
SqlNodeList partitionFieldList;
SqlNode query;
boolean tableNonExistenceCheck = false;
partitionFieldList = SqlNodeList.EMPTY;
( <IF> <NOT> <EXISTS> { tableNonExistenceCheck = true; } )?
tblName = CompoundIdentifier()
fieldList = ParseOptionalFieldList("Table")
partitionFieldList = ParseRequiredFieldList("Partition")
query = OrderedQueryOrExpr(ExprContext.ACCEPT_QUERY)
return new SqlCreateTable(pos, tblName, fieldList, partitionFieldList, query,
SqlLiteral.createBoolean(isTemporary, getPos()),
SqlLiteral.createBoolean(tableNonExistenceCheck, getPos()));
* Parses create table schema statement after CREATE OR REPLACE SCHEMA statement
* which is handled in the SqlCreateOrReplace method.
* [
* LOAD 'file:///path/to/raw_schema'
* |
* (
* col1 int,
* col2 varchar(10) not null
* )
* ]
* [FOR TABLE dfs.my_table]
* [PATH 'file:///path/to/schema']
* [PROPERTIES ('prop1'='val1', 'prop2'='val2')]
SqlNode SqlCreateSchema(SqlParserPos pos, String createType) :
SqlCharStringLiteral schema = null;
SqlNode load = null;
SqlIdentifier table = null;
SqlNode path = null;
SqlNodeList properties = null;
load = StringLiteral();
schema = SqlLiteral.createCharString(token.image, getPos());
<FOR> <TABLE> { table = CompoundIdentifier(); }
path = StringLiteral();
if (createType == "OR_REPLACE") {
throw new ParseException("<OR REPLACE> cannot be used with <PATH> property.");
properties = new SqlNodeList(getPos());
{ addProperty(properties); }
return new SqlSchema.Create(pos, schema, load, table, path, properties,
SqlLiteral.createCharString(createType, getPos()));
* Helper method to add string literals divided by equals into SqlNodeList.
void addProperty(SqlNodeList properties) :
{ properties.add(StringLiteral()); }
{ properties.add(StringLiteral()); }
" "
| "\t"
| "\n"
| "\r"
< SCH_LOAD: "LOAD" > { popState(); }
| < SCH_NUM: <DIGIT> (" " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r")* >
// once schema is found, switch back to initial lexical state
// must be enclosed in the parentheses
// inside may have left parenthesis only if number precedes (covers cases with varchar(10)),
// if left parenthesis is present in column name, it must be escaped with backslash
| < SCH_PAREN_STRING: <LPAREN> ((~[")"]) | (<SCH_NUM> ")") | ("\\)"))* <RPAREN> > { popState(); }
* Parses DROP command for VIEW, TABLE and SCHEMA.
SqlNode SqlDrop() :
SqlParserPos pos;
<DROP> { pos = getPos(); }
return SqlDropView(pos);
return SqlDropTable(pos);
return SqlDropSchema(pos);
* Parses a drop view or drop view if exists statement
* after DROP VIEW statement which is handled in SqlDrop method.
* DROP VIEW [IF EXISTS] view_name;
SqlNode SqlDropView(SqlParserPos pos) :
boolean viewExistenceCheck = false;
[ <IF> <EXISTS> { viewExistenceCheck = true; } ]
return new SqlDropView(pos, CompoundIdentifier(), viewExistenceCheck);
* Parses a drop table or drop table if exists statement
* after DROP TABLE statement which is handled in SqlDrop method.
* DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] table_name;
SqlNode SqlDropTable(SqlParserPos pos) :
boolean tableExistenceCheck = false;
[ <IF> <EXISTS> { tableExistenceCheck = true; } ]
return new SqlDropTable(pos, CompoundIdentifier(), tableExistenceCheck);
* Parses drop schema or drop schema if exists statement
* after DROP SCHEMA statement which is handled in SqlDrop method.
* FOR TABLE dfs.my_table
SqlNode SqlDropSchema(SqlParserPos pos) :
SqlIdentifier table = null;
boolean existenceCheck = false;
[ <IF> <EXISTS> { existenceCheck = true; } ]
<FOR> <TABLE> { table = CompoundIdentifier(); }
return new SqlSchema.Drop(pos, table, SqlLiteral.createBoolean(existenceCheck, getPos()));
* Parse refresh table metadata statement.
* REFRESH TABLE METADATA [COLUMNS ((field1, field2,..) | NONE)] table_name
SqlNode SqlRefreshMetadata() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlIdentifier tblName;
SqlNodeList fieldList = null;
SqlNode query;
boolean allColumnsInteresting = true;
<REFRESH> { pos = getPos(); }
<COLUMNS> { allColumnsInteresting = false; }
( fieldList = ParseRequiredFieldList("Table")
tblName = CompoundIdentifier()
return new SqlRefreshMetadata(pos, tblName, SqlLiteral.createBoolean(allColumnsInteresting, getPos()), fieldList);
* Parses statement
SqlNode SqlDescribeSchema() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlIdentifier table;
String format = "JSON";
(<DESCRIBE> | <DESC>) { pos = getPos(); }
<FOR> <TABLE> { table = CompoundIdentifier(); }
<JSON> { format = "JSON"; }
<STATEMENT> { format = "STATEMENT"; }
return new SqlSchema.Describe(pos, table, SqlLiteral.createCharString(format, getPos()));
return new SqlDescribeSchema(pos, CompoundIdentifier());
return new SqlDescribeSchema(pos, CompoundIdentifier());
* Parses ALTER SCHEMA statements:
* (FOR TABLE dfs.tmp.nation | PATH '/tmp/schema.json')
* [COLUMNS (col1 int, col2 varchar)]
* [PROPERTIES ('prop1'='val1', 'prop2'='val2')]
* (FOR TABLE dfs.tmp.nation | PATH '/tmp/schema.json')
* [COLUMNS (`col1`, `col2`)]
* [PROPERTIES ('prop1', 'prop2')]
SqlNode SqlAlterSchema() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlIdentifier table = null;
SqlNode path = null;
<ALTER> { pos = getPos(); }
<FOR> <TABLE> { table = CompoundIdentifier(); }
<PATH> { path = StringLiteral(); }
<ADD> { return SqlAlterSchemaAdd(pos, table, path); }
<REMOVE> { return SqlAlterSchemaRemove(pos, table, path); }
SqlNode SqlAlterSchemaAdd(SqlParserPos pos, SqlIdentifier table, SqlNode path) :
boolean replace = false;
SqlCharStringLiteral schema = null;
SqlNodeList properties = null;
[ <OR> <REPLACE> { replace = true; } ]
[ <COLUMNS> { schema = ParseSchema(); } ]
properties = new SqlNodeList(getPos());
<COMMA> { addProperty(properties); }
if (schema == null && properties == null) {
throw new ParseException("ALTER SCHEMA ADD command must have at least <COLUMNS> or <PROPERTIES> keyword indicated.");
return new SqlSchema.Add(pos, table, path, SqlLiteral.createBoolean(replace, getPos()), schema, properties);
SqlCharStringLiteral ParseSchema() :
return SqlLiteral.createCharString(token.image, getPos());
SqlNode SqlAlterSchemaRemove(SqlParserPos pos, SqlIdentifier table, SqlNode path) :
SqlNodeList columns = null;
SqlNodeList properties = null;
[ <COLUMNS> { columns = ParseRequiredFieldList("Schema"); } ]
properties = new SqlNodeList(getPos());
{ properties.add(StringLiteral()); }
if (columns == null && properties == null) {
throw new ParseException("ALTER SCHEMA REMOVE command must have at least <COLUMNS> or <PROPERTIES> keyword indicated.");
return new SqlSchema.Remove(pos, table, path, columns, properties);
* Parse create UDF statement
SqlNode SqlCreateFunction() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlNode jar;
<CREATE> { pos = getPos(); }
jar = StringLiteral()
return new SqlCreateFunction(pos, jar);
* Parse drop UDF statement
SqlNode SqlDropFunction() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlNode jar;
<DROP> { pos = getPos(); }
jar = StringLiteral()
return new SqlDropFunction(pos, jar);
* Parses a analyze statements:
* <ul>
* <li>ANALYZE TABLE [table_name | table({table function name}(parameters))] [COLUMNS {(col1, col2, ...) | NONE}] REFRESH METADATA ['level' LEVEL] [{COMPUTE | ESTIMATE} | STATISTICS [ SAMPLE number PERCENT ]]
* <li>ANALYZE TABLE [table_name | table({table function name}(parameters))] {COMPUTE | ESTIMATE} | STATISTICS [(column1, column2, ...)] [ SAMPLE numeric PERCENT ]
* </ul>
SqlNode SqlAnalyzeTable() :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlNode tableRef;
Span s = null;
SqlNodeList fieldList = null;
SqlNode level = null;
SqlLiteral estimate = null;
SqlLiteral dropMetadata = null;
SqlLiteral checkMetadataExistence = null;
SqlNumericLiteral percent = null;
<ANALYZE> { pos = getPos(); }
tableRef = CompoundIdentifier()
tableRef = TableFunctionCall()
<COMPUTE> { estimate = SqlLiteral.createBoolean(false, pos); }
if (true) {
throw new ParseException("ESTIMATE statistics collecting is not supported. See DRILL-7438.");
estimate = SqlLiteral.createBoolean(true, pos);
(fieldList = ParseRequiredFieldList("Table"))
<SAMPLE> percent = UnsignedNumericLiteral() <PERCENT>
BigDecimal rate = percent.bigDecimalValue();
if (rate.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0 ||
rate.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(100L)) > 0)
throw new ParseException("Invalid percentage for ANALYZE TABLE");
if (percent == null) { percent = SqlLiteral.createExactNumeric("100.0", pos); }
return new SqlAnalyzeTable(pos, tableRef, estimate, fieldList, percent);
fieldList = ParseRequiredFieldList("Table")
<NONE> {fieldList = SqlNodeList.EMPTY;}
level = StringLiteral()
<COMPUTE> { estimate = SqlLiteral.createBoolean(false, pos); }
if (true) {
throw new ParseException("ESTIMATE statistics collecting is not supported. See DRILL-7438.");
estimate = SqlLiteral.createBoolean(true, pos);
<SAMPLE> percent = UnsignedNumericLiteral() <PERCENT>
BigDecimal rate = percent.bigDecimalValue();
if (rate.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) <= 0 ||
rate.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(100L)) > 0) {
throw new ParseException("Invalid percentage for ANALYZE TABLE");
return new SqlMetastoreAnalyzeTable(pos, tableRef, fieldList, level, estimate, percent);
<METADATA> { dropMetadata = SqlLiteral.createCharString("METADATA", pos); }
if (true) {
throw new ParseException("DROP STATISTICS is not supported.");
dropMetadata = SqlLiteral.createCharString("STATISTICS", pos);
<EXISTS> { checkMetadataExistence = SqlLiteral.createBoolean(false, pos); }
if (checkMetadataExistence == null) {
checkMetadataExistence = SqlLiteral.createBoolean(true, pos);
if (s != null) {
throw new ParseException("Table functions shouldn't be used in DROP METADATA statement.");
return new SqlDropTableMetadata(pos, (SqlIdentifier) tableRef, dropMetadata, checkMetadataExistence);
{ throw generateParseException(); }
* Parses a SET statement without a leading "ALTER <SCOPE>":
* SET &lt;NAME&gt; [ = VALUE ]
* <p>
* Statement handles in: {@link SetAndResetOptionHandler}
DrillSqlSetOption DrillSqlSetOption(Span s, String scope) :
SqlParserPos pos;
SqlIdentifier name;
SqlNode val = null;
<SET> {
name = CompoundIdentifier()
val = Literal()
val = SimpleIdentifier()
pos = (val == null) ? s.end(name) : s.end(val);
return new DrillSqlSetOption(pos, scope, name, val);
* Parses a RESET statement without a leading "ALTER <SCOPE>":
* RESET { <NAME> | ALL }
* <p>
* Statement handles in: {@link SetAndResetOptionHandler}
DrillSqlResetOption DrillSqlResetOption(Span s, String scope) :
SqlIdentifier name;
name = CompoundIdentifier()
<ALL> {
name = new SqlIdentifier(token.image.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT), getPos());
return new DrillSqlResetOption(s.end(name), scope, name);
* Parses CREATE ALIAS statement
* CREATE [OR REPLACE] [PUBLIC] ALIAS `alias` FOR [TABLE | STORAGE] `table/storage` [AS USER 'username']
SqlNode SqlCreateAlias(SqlParserPos pos, boolean replace, boolean isPublic) :
SqlIdentifier alias = null;
String aliasTarget = "TABLE";
SqlIdentifier source = null;
SqlNode user = null;
{ alias = CompoundIdentifier(); }
<TABLE> { aliasTarget = "TABLE"; }
<STORAGE> { aliasTarget = "STORAGE"; }
{ source = CompoundIdentifier(); }
[ <AS> <USER> { user = StringLiteral(); } ]
return SqlCreateAlias.builder()
.aliasKind(SqlLiteral.createCharString(aliasTarget, pos))
.replace(SqlLiteral.createBoolean(replace, pos))
.isPublic(SqlLiteral.createBoolean(isPublic, pos))
* Parses DROP ALIAS statement
* DROP [PUBLIC] ALIAS [IF EXISTS] `employee-alias` [FOR (TABLE | STORAGE)] [AS USER 'username']
SqlNode SqlDropAlias() :
SqlParserPos pos;
boolean isPublic = false;
boolean ifExists = false;
SqlIdentifier alias = null;
String aliasTarget = "TABLE";
SqlNode user = null;
<DROP> { pos = getPos(); }
[ <PUBLIC> { isPublic = true; } ]
[ <IF> <EXISTS> { ifExists = true; } ]
{ alias = CompoundIdentifier(); }
[ <FOR>
<TABLE> { aliasTarget = "TABLE"; }
<STORAGE> { aliasTarget = "STORAGE"; }
[ <AS> <USER> { user = StringLiteral(); } ]
return SqlDropAlias.builder()
.aliasKind(SqlLiteral.createCharString(aliasTarget, pos))
.ifExists(SqlLiteral.createBoolean(ifExists, pos))
.isPublic(SqlLiteral.createBoolean(isPublic, pos))
* Parses DROP ALL ALIASES statement
SqlNode SqlDropAllAliases() :
SqlParserPos pos;
boolean isPublic = false;
String aliasTarget = "TABLE";
SqlNode user = null;
<DROP> { pos = getPos(); }
[ <PUBLIC> { isPublic = true; } ]
[ <FOR>
<TABLE> { aliasTarget = "TABLE"; }
<STORAGE> { aliasTarget = "STORAGE"; }
[ <AS> <USER> { user = StringLiteral(); } ]
return SqlDropAllAliases.builder()
.aliasKind(SqlLiteral.createCharString(aliasTarget, pos))
.isPublic(SqlLiteral.createBoolean(isPublic, pos))