blob: 3f66fd67a505a238d273631addc348515d26a284 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.server;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants.SLICE_TARGET;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings.ENABLE_HASH_AGG_OPTION;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.PlannerSettings.PARTITION_SENDER_SET_THREADS;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertSame;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;
import org.apache.drill.categories.FlakyTest;
import org.apache.drill.exec.client.DrillClient;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.partitionsender.PartitionSenderRootExec;
import org.apache.drill.exec.testing.ExecutionControlsInjector;
import org.apache.drill.test.BaseTestQuery;
import org.apache.drill.test.ClusterFixture;
import org.apache.drill.test.ClusterFixtureBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.test.ClusterTest;
import org.apache.drill.test.LogFixture;
import org.apache.drill.test.QueryTestUtil;
import org.apache.drill.SingleRowListener;
import org.apache.drill.common.DrillAutoCloseables;
import org.apache.drill.common.concurrent.ExtendedLatch;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ZookeeperTestUtil;
import org.apache.drill.exec.memory.BufferAllocator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.memory.RootAllocatorFactory;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.ScreenCreator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.SingleSenderCreator.SingleSenderRootExec;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.mergereceiver.MergingRecordBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.partitionsender.PartitionerDecorator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.unorderedreceiver.UnorderedReceiverBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.xsort.ExternalSortBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.sql.DrillSqlWorker;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.GeneralRPCProtos.Ack;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.ExceptionWrapper;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryData;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryId;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryResult.QueryState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.BatchSchema;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatchLoader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorWrapper;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.ConnectionThrottle;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.DrillRpcFuture;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.QueryDataBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserResultsListener;
import org.apache.drill.exec.testing.Controls;
import org.apache.drill.exec.testing.ControlsInjectionUtil;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.Pointer;
import org.apache.drill.categories.SlowTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInfo;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.TestInstantiationException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* <p>Test how resilient drillbits are to throwing exceptions during various phases of query
* execution by injecting exceptions at various points, and to cancellations in various phases.</p>
* Note: to debug this test case:<br>
* <li>use 1000 value for PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS and possibly NUM_RUNS for RepeatedTest</li>
* <li>specify Level.DEBUG for CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL</li>
* <li>compare trace output for successful test case and failed</li>
public class TestDrillbitResilience extends ClusterTest {
private static final Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestDrillbitResilience.class);
protected static LogFixture logFixture;
* The number of times test should be repeated. For proper testing this functionality set this value to 1000
private static final int NUM_RUNS = 3;
private static final int PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS = 3;
private static final int TIMEOUT = 15;
private final static Level CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL = Level.INFO;
* Note: Counting sys.memory executes a fragment on every drillbit. This is a better check in comparison to
* counting sys.drillbits.
private static final String TEST_QUERY = "select * from sys.memory";
* Canned drillbit names.
private final static String DRILLBIT_ALPHA = "alpha";
private final static String DRILLBIT_BETA = "beta";
private final static String DRILLBIT_GAMMA = "gamma";
public static void startSomeDrillbits() throws Exception {
logFixture = LogFixture.builder()
.logger(TestDrillbitResilience.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(DrillClient.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(QueryStateProcessor.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(WorkManager.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(UnorderedReceiverBatch.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(ExtendedLatch.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(Foreman.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(QueryStateProcessor.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
.logger(ExecutionControlsInjector.class, CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL)
dirTestWatcher.start(TestDrillbitResilience.class); // until DirTestWatcher is implemented for JUnit5
ClusterFixtureBuilder builder = ClusterFixture.builder(dirTestWatcher)
.configProperty(ExecConstants.HTTP_ENABLE, false) // turn off the HTTP server to avoid port conflicts between the drill bits
logger.debug("Start 3 drillbits Test Drill cluster: {}, {}, {}", DRILLBIT_ALPHA, DRILLBIT_BETA, DRILLBIT_GAMMA);
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
* Clear all injections.
private static void clearAllInjections() {
logger.debug("Clear all injections");
* Check that all the drillbits are ok.
* <p/>
* <p>The current implementation does this by counting the number of drillbits using a query.
private static void assertDrillbitsOk() {
SingleRowListener listener = new SingleRowListener() {
private final BufferAllocator bufferAllocator = RootAllocatorFactory.newRoot(cluster.config());
private final RecordBatchLoader loader = new RecordBatchLoader(bufferAllocator);
public void rowArrived(QueryDataBatch queryResultBatch) {
// load the single record
final QueryData queryData = queryResultBatch.getHeader();
loader.load(queryData.getDef(), queryResultBatch.getData());
assertEquals(1, loader.getRecordCount());
// there should only be one column
final BatchSchema batchSchema = loader.getSchema();
assertEquals(1, batchSchema.getFieldCount());
// the column should be an integer
final MaterializedField countField = batchSchema.getColumn(0);
final MinorType fieldType = countField.getType().getMinorType();
assertEquals(MinorType.BIGINT, fieldType);
// get the column value
final VectorWrapper<?> vw = loader.iterator().next();
final Object obj = vw.getValueVector().getAccessor().getObject(0);
assertTrue(obj instanceof Long);
final Long countValue = (Long) obj;
// assume this means all the drillbits are still ok
assertEquals(cluster.drillbits().size(), countValue.intValue());
public void cleanup() {
try {
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, "select count(*) from sys.memory", listener);
QueryState state = listener.getQueryState();
assertSame(state, QueryState.COMPLETED, () -> String.format("QueryState should be COMPLETED (and not %s).", state));
assertTrue(listener.getErrorList().isEmpty(), "There should not be any errors when checking if Drillbits are OK");
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't query active drillbits", e);
} finally {
logger.debug("Cleanup listener");
logger.debug("Drillbits are ok.");
void setUp(TestInfo testInfo) {
String testName = testInfo.getTestMethod().orElseThrow(() -> new TestInstantiationException("Can't get method neme")).getName();
String testOrRepetitionName = testInfo.getDisplayName();
if(testOrRepetitionName.startsWith("repetition")) {
logger.debug("{} for {} test started", testOrRepetitionName, testName);
} else {
logger.debug("{} test started", testName);
public void checkDrillbits(TestInfo testInfo) {
clearAllInjections(); // so that the drillbit check itself doesn't trigger anything
assertDrillbitsOk(); // TODO we need a way to do this without using a query
String testName = testInfo.getTestMethod().orElseThrow(() -> new TestInstantiationException("Can't get method neme")).getName();
String testOrRepetitionName = testInfo.getDisplayName();
if(testOrRepetitionName.startsWith("repetition")) {
logger.debug("{} for {} test finished", testOrRepetitionName, testName);
} else {
logger.debug("{} test finished", testName);
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void settingNoOpInjectionsAndQuery() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addExceptionOnBit(getClass(), "noop", RuntimeException.class, cluster.drillbit(DRILLBIT_BETA).getContext().getEndpoint())
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener();
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, TEST_QUERY, listener);
final Pair<QueryState, Exception> pair = listener.waitForCompletion();
assertStateCompleted(pair, QueryState.COMPLETED);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void foreman_runTryBeginning() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@RepeatedTest(PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS) // for more info: DRILL-3163, DRILL-3167, DRILL-7973, DRILL-8030
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void foreman_runTryEnd() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Test // To test pause and resume. Test hangs and times out if resume did not happen.
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void passThrough() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener() {
public void queryIdArrived(final QueryId queryId) {
final ExtendedLatch trigger = new ExtendedLatch(1);
(new ResumingThread(queryId, ex, trigger)).start();
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(PojoRecordReader.class, "read-next")
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, TEST_QUERY, listener);
final Pair<QueryState, Exception> result = listener.waitForCompletion();
assertStateCompleted(result, QueryState.COMPLETED);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
// DRILL-2383: Cancellation TC 1: cancel before any result set is returned.
@RepeatedTest(PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS) // for more info: DRILL-3052, DRILL-3192
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void cancelWhenQueryIdArrives() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener() {
public void queryIdArrived(final QueryId queryId) {
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(FragmentExecutor.class, "fragment-running")
assertCancelledWithoutException(controls, listener);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
// DRILL-2383: Cancellation TC 2: cancel in the middle of fetching result set
@RepeatedTest(PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS) // for more info: DRILL-6228, DRILL-8030
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void cancelInMiddleOfFetchingResults() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener() {
private boolean cancelRequested = false;
public void dataArrived(final QueryDataBatch result, final ConnectionThrottle throttle) {
if (!cancelRequested) {
check(queryId != null, "Query id should not be null, since we have waited long enough.");
cancelRequested = true;
// skip once i.e. wait for one batch, so that #dataArrived above triggers #cancelAndResume
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(ScreenCreator.class, "sending-data", 1)
assertCancelledWithoutException(controls, listener);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
// DRILL-2383: Cancellation TC 3: cancel after all result set are produced but not all are fetched
@RepeatedTest(PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS) // for more info: DRILL-6228, DRILL-8030
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void cancelAfterAllResultsProduced() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener() {
public void dataArrived(final QueryDataBatch result, final ConnectionThrottle throttle) {
if (lastDrillbit()) {
check(queryId != null, "Query id should not be null, since we have waited long enough.");
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(ScreenCreator.class, "send-complete")
assertCancelledWithoutException(controls, listener);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
// DRILL-2383: Cancellation TC 4: cancel after everything is completed and fetched
@RepeatedTest(PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS) // for more info: DRILL-3967, DRILL-7973
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void cancelAfterEverythingIsCompleted() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener() {
public void dataArrived(final QueryDataBatch result, final ConnectionThrottle throttle) {
if (lastDrillbit()) {
check(queryId != null, "Query id should not be null, since we have waited long enough.");
// need to wait until all batches are processed, since foreman-cleanup - the pause that happened earlier,
// than the client accepts queryCompleted() from UserResultsListener
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(Foreman.class, "foreman-cleanup")
assertCompletedWithoutException(controls, listener); // changed from CANCELLED
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Test // DRILL-2383: Completion TC 1: success
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void successfullyCompletes() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener();
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, TEST_QUERY, listener);
final Pair<QueryState, Exception> result = listener.waitForCompletion();
assertStateCompleted(result, QueryState.COMPLETED);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Test // DRILL-2383: Completion TC 2: failed query - before query is executed - while sql parsing
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void failsWhenParsing() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String exceptionDesc = "sql-parsing";
final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass = ForemanSetupException.class;
// Inject the failure twice since there can be retry after first failure introduced in DRILL-6762. Retry is because
// of version mismatch in local and remote function registry which syncs up lazily.
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addException(DrillSqlWorker.class, exceptionDesc, exceptionClass, 0, 2)
assertFailsWithException(controls, exceptionClass, exceptionDesc, TEST_QUERY);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Test // DRILL-2383: Completion TC 3: failed query - before query is executed, while sending fragments to other drillbits
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void failsWhenSendingFragments() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String exceptionDesc = "send-fragments";
final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass = ForemanException.class;
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addException(FragmentsRunner.class, exceptionDesc, exceptionClass)
assertFailsWithException(controls, exceptionClass, exceptionDesc, TEST_QUERY);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Test // DRILL-2383: Completion TC 4: failed query - during query execution
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void failsDuringExecution() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String exceptionDesc = "fragment-execution";
final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass = IOException.class;
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addException(FragmentExecutor.class, exceptionDesc, exceptionClass)
assertFailsWithException(controls, exceptionClass, exceptionDesc, TEST_QUERY);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
* Test canceling query interrupts currently blocked FragmentExecutor threads waiting for some event to happen.
* Specifically tests canceling fragment which has {@link MergingRecordBatch} blocked waiting for data.
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void interruptingBlockedMergingRecordBatch() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String control = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(MergingRecordBatch.class, "waiting-for-data", 1)
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
* Test canceling query interrupts currently blocked FragmentExecutor threads waiting for some event to happen.
* Specifically tests canceling fragment which has {@link UnorderedReceiverBatch} blocked waiting for data.
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void interruptingBlockedUnorderedReceiverBatch() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String control = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(UnorderedReceiverBatch.class, "waiting-for-data", 1)
logger.debug("Start interruptingBlockedFragmentsWaitingForData");
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
* Tests interrupting the fragment thread that is running {@link PartitionSenderRootExec}.
* {@link PartitionSenderRootExec} spawns threads for partitioner. Interrupting fragment thread should also interrupt
* the partitioner threads.
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void interruptingPartitionerThreadFragment() {
try {
client.alterSession(SLICE_TARGET, "1");
client.alterSession(ENABLE_HASH_AGG_OPTION, "true");
client.alterSession(PARTITION_SENDER_SET_THREADS.getOptionName(), "6");
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addLatch(PartitionerDecorator.class, "partitioner-sender-latch")
.addPause(PartitionerDecorator.class, "wait-for-fragment-interrupt", 1)
final String query = "SELECT sales_city, COUNT(*) cnt FROM cp.`region.json` GROUP BY sales_city";
assertCancelledWithoutException(controls, new ListenerThatCancelsQueryAfterFirstBatchOfData(), query);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
} finally {
@RepeatedTest(PROBLEMATIC_TEST_NUM_RUNS) // for more info: DRILL-3193, DRILL-7973
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void interruptingWhileFragmentIsBlockedInAcquiringSendingTicket() {
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String control = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(SingleSenderRootExec.class, "data-tunnel-send-batch-wait-for-interrupt", 1)
assertCancelledWithoutException(control, new ListenerThatCancelsQueryAfterFirstBatchOfData());
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void memoryLeaksWhenCancelled() {
client.alterSession(SLICE_TARGET, "10");
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
try {
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addPause(ScreenCreator.class, "sending-data", 1)
String query = null;
try {
query = BaseTestQuery.getFile("queries/tpch/09.sql");
query = query.substring(0, query.length() - 1); // drop the ";"
} catch (final IOException e) {
fail("Failed to get query file", e);
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener() {
private volatile boolean cancelRequested = false;
public void dataArrived(final QueryDataBatch result, final ConnectionThrottle throttle) {
if (!cancelRequested) {
check(queryId != null, "Query id should not be null, since we have waited long enough.");
cancelRequested = true;
assertCancelledWithoutException(controls, listener, query);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
} finally {
@RepeatedTest(NUM_RUNS) // for more info: DRILL-3194, DRILL-7973
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT)
public void memoryLeaksWhenFailed() {
client.alterSession(SLICE_TARGET, "10");
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
try {
final String exceptionDesc = "fragment-execution";
final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass = IOException.class;
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addException(FragmentExecutor.class, exceptionDesc, exceptionClass)
String query = null;
try {
query = BaseTestQuery.getFile("queries/tpch/09.sql");
query = query.substring(0, query.length() - 1); // drop the ";"
} catch (final IOException e) {
fail("Failed to get query file: " + e);
assertFailsWithException(controls, exceptionClass, exceptionDesc, query);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
} finally {
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT) // for more info: DRILL-3065
public void failsAfterMSorterSorting() {
// Note: must use an input table that returns more than one
// batch. The sort uses an optimization for single-batch inputs
// which bypasses the code where this partiucular fault is
// injected.
final String query = "select n_name from cp.`tpch/lineitem.parquet` order by n_name";
final Class<? extends Exception> typeOfException = RuntimeException.class;
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addException(ExternalSortBatch.class, ExternalSortBatch.INTERRUPTION_AFTER_SORT, typeOfException)
assertFailsWithException(controls, typeOfException, ExternalSortBatch.INTERRUPTION_AFTER_SORT, query);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
@Timeout(value = TIMEOUT) // for more info: DRILL-3085
public void failsAfterMSorterSetup() {
// Note: must use an input table that returns more than one
// batch. The sort uses an optimization for single-batch inputs
// which bypasses the code where this partiucular fault is
// injected.
final String query = "select n_name from cp.`tpch/lineitem.parquet` order by n_name";
final Class<? extends Exception> typeOfException = RuntimeException.class;
final long before = countAllocatedMemory();
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addException(ExternalSortBatch.class, ExternalSortBatch.INTERRUPTION_AFTER_SETUP, typeOfException)
assertFailsWithException(controls, typeOfException, ExternalSortBatch.INTERRUPTION_AFTER_SETUP, query);
final long after = countAllocatedMemory();
assertEquals(before, after, () -> String.format("We are leaking %d bytes", after - before));
* Tests can use this listener to wait, until the submitted query completes or fails, by
* calling #waitForCompletion.
private static class WaitUntilCompleteListener implements UserResultsListener {
protected final ExtendedLatch latch = new ExtendedLatch(1); // to signal completion
protected QueryId queryId = null;
protected volatile Pointer<Exception> ex = new Pointer<>();
protected volatile QueryState state = null;
private int count = 0;
* Method that sets the exception if the condition is not met.
protected final void check(final boolean condition, final String format, final Object... args) {
if (!condition) {
ex.value = new IllegalStateException(String.format(format, args));
* Method that cancels and resumes the query, in order.
protected final void cancelAndResume() {
final ExtendedLatch trigger = new ExtendedLatch(1);
(new CancellingThread(queryId, ex, trigger)).start();
(new ResumingThread(queryId, ex, trigger)).start();
public void queryIdArrived(final QueryId queryId) {
this.queryId = queryId;
public void submissionFailed(final UserException ex) {
this.ex.value = ex;
state = QueryState.FAILED;
public void queryCompleted(final QueryState state) {
this.state = state;
public void dataArrived(final QueryDataBatch result, final ConnectionThrottle throttle) {
public final Pair<QueryState, Exception> waitForCompletion() {
try {
logger.debug("Wait for completion. latch: {}", latch.getCount());
latch.await(); // awaitUninterruptibly method usage here prevents JUnit timeout work
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("Interrupted while waiting for event latch");
logger.debug("Completed. Wait finished");
return new Pair<>(state, ex.value);
* It is useful for queries returned the data from all drillbits. Use this method to make sure {@link #dataArrived}
* returns the data from every drillbit
* @return true, in case current listener methods return results from last drillbit already
boolean lastDrillbit() {
return ++count == cluster.drillbits().size();
private static class ListenerThatCancelsQueryAfterFirstBatchOfData extends WaitUntilCompleteListener {
private boolean cancelRequested = false;
public void dataArrived(final QueryDataBatch result, final ConnectionThrottle throttle) {
if (!cancelRequested) {
logger.debug("First batch arrived, so cancelling thread started");
check(queryId != null, "Query id should not be null, since we have waited long enough.");
(new CancellingThread(queryId, ex, null)).start();
cancelRequested = true;
* Thread that cancels the given query id. After the cancel is acknowledged, the latch is counted down.
private static class CancellingThread extends Thread {
private final QueryId queryId;
private final Pointer<Exception> ex;
private final ExtendedLatch latch;
public CancellingThread(QueryId queryId, Pointer<Exception> ex, ExtendedLatch latch) {
this.queryId = queryId;
this.ex = ex;
this.latch = latch;
logger.debug("Cancelling thread created");
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.debug("Cancelling thread interrupted. Ignore it");
// just ignore
logger.debug("Cancelling {} query started", queryId);
final DrillRpcFuture<Ack> cancelAck = client.client().cancelQuery(queryId);
logger.debug("Check future: {}", cancelAck);
try {
Ack ack = cancelAck.checkedGet();
logger.debug("Sleep thread for 0.01 seconds");
logger.debug("Ack: {}", ack);
} catch (RpcException ex) {
this.ex.value = ex;
logger.debug("The query wasn't canceled." + ex);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.debug("Sleep thread interrupted. Ignore it");
// just ignore
if (latch != null) {
logger.debug("Finish cancelling thread");
* Thread that resumes the given query id. After the latch is counted down, the resume signal is sent, until then
* the thread waits without interruption.
private static class ResumingThread extends Thread {
private final QueryId queryId;
private final Pointer<Exception> ex;
private final ExtendedLatch latch;
public ResumingThread(final QueryId queryId, final Pointer<Exception> ex, final ExtendedLatch latch) {
this.queryId = queryId;
this.ex = ex;
this.latch = latch;
logger.debug("Cancelling thread created");
public void run() {
final DrillRpcFuture<Ack> resumeAck = client.client().resumeQuery(queryId);
try {
} catch (final RpcException ex) {
this.ex.value = ex;
* Given the result of {@link WaitUntilCompleteListener#waitForCompletion},
* this method fails if the completed state is not as expected, or if an
* exception is thrown. The completed state could be COMPLETED or CANCELED.
* This state is set when {@link WaitUntilCompleteListener#queryCompleted} is
* called.
private void assertStateCompleted(final Pair<QueryState, Exception> result, final QueryState expectedState) {
final QueryState actualState = result.getFirst();
final Exception exception = result.getSecond();
if (actualState != expectedState || exception != null) {
fail(String.format("Query state is incorrect (expected: %s, actual: %s) AND/OR \nException thrown: %s",
expectedState, actualState, exception == null ? "none." : exception));
* Given a set of controls, this method ensures that the given query completes with a {@link QueryState#CANCELED} state.</p>
private void assertCancelledWithoutException(final String controls, final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener,
final String query) {
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, query, listener);
final Pair<QueryState, Exception> result = listener.waitForCompletion();
assertStateCompleted(result, QueryState.CANCELED);
* Given a set of controls, this method ensures that the given query completes with a {@link QueryState#COMPLETED} state.</p>
* {@link QueryState#COMPLETED} is a terminal state and can't be canceled.
* See more: {@link}
private void assertCompletedWithoutException(final String controls, final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener) {
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, TEST_QUERY, listener);
assertStateCompleted(listener.waitForCompletion(), QueryState.COMPLETED);
* Given a set of controls, this method ensures that the TEST_QUERY completes with a CANCELED state.
private void assertCancelledWithoutException(final String controls, final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener) {
assertCancelledWithoutException(controls, listener, TEST_QUERY);
private long countAllocatedMemory() {
// wait to make sure all fragments finished cleaning up
try {
logger.debug("Sleep thread for 2 seconds");
Thread.sleep(1500); // 1500
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.debug("Sleep thread interrupted. Ignore it", e);
// just ignore
long allocated = 0;
for (Drillbit drillbit : cluster.drillbits()) {
allocated += drillbit.getContext().getAllocator().getAllocatedMemory();
logger.debug("Allocated memory: " + allocated);
return allocated;
private void interruptingBlockedFragmentsWaitingForData(final String control) {
try {
client.alterSession(SLICE_TARGET, "1");
client.alterSession(ENABLE_HASH_AGG_OPTION, "false");
final String query = "SELECT sales_city, COUNT(*) cnt FROM cp.`region.json` GROUP BY sales_city";
assertCancelledWithoutException(control, new ListenerThatCancelsQueryAfterFirstBatchOfData(), query);
} finally {
* Given a set of controls, this method ensures TEST_QUERY fails with the given class and desc.
private void assertFailsWithException(final String controls, final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass,
final String exceptionDesc, final String query) {
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener();
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, query, listener);
final Pair<QueryState, Exception> result = listener.waitForCompletion();
final QueryState state = result.getFirst();
assertSame(state, QueryState.FAILED, () -> String.format("Query state should be FAILED (and not %s).", state));
assertExceptionMessage(result.getSecond(), exceptionClass, exceptionDesc);
* The same as {@link #assertFailsWithException}, but also allows COMPLETED state for the query.<br>
* Note: in some cases we are completing the query faster than run-try-end exception is injecetd and thrown in
* Foreman. The completed state is fine for such cases
private void assertFailsOrCompletedWithException(final String controls, final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass,
final String exceptionDesc, final String query) {
final WaitUntilCompleteListener listener = new WaitUntilCompleteListener();
QueryTestUtil.testWithListener(client.client(), QueryType.SQL, query, listener);
final Pair<QueryState, Exception> result = listener.waitForCompletion();
final QueryState state = result.getFirst();
assertTrue(state.equals(QueryState.FAILED) || state.equals(QueryState.COMPLETED),
() -> String.format("Query state should be FAILED (and not %s).", state));
assertExceptionMessage(result.getSecond(), exceptionClass, exceptionDesc);
* Test throwing exceptions from sites within the Foreman class, as specified by the site
* description
* @param desc site description
private void testForeman(final String desc) {
final String controls = Controls.newBuilder()
.addException(Foreman.class, desc, ForemanException.class)
assertFailsOrCompletedWithException(controls, ForemanException.class, desc, TEST_QUERY);
* Set the given controls.
private void setControls(final String controls) {
ControlsInjectionUtil.setControls(client.client(), controls);
* Check that the injected exception is what we were expecting.
* @param throwable the throwable that was caught (by the test)
* @param exceptionClass the expected exception class
* @param desc the expected exception site description
private void assertExceptionMessage(final Throwable throwable, final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass,
final String desc) {
assertTrue(throwable instanceof UserException, "Throwable was not of UserException type");
final ExceptionWrapper cause = ((UserException) throwable).getOrCreatePBError(false).getException();
assertEquals(exceptionClass.getName(), cause.getExceptionClass(), "Exception class names should match");
assertEquals(desc, cause.getMessage(), "Exception sites should match.");