blob: ad942bbd71442d356e9c9a11256067ea21e79ebb [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file tells Drill to consider this module when class path scanning.
# This file can also include any supplementary configuration information.
# This file is in HOCON format, see for more information.
drill.logical.function.packages += "org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl"
drill.exec: {
cluster-id: "drillbits1"
rpc: {
user: {
server: {
port: 31010
threads: 1
client: {
threads: 1
bit: {
server: {
port : 31011,
count: 7200,
delay: 500
threads: 1
use.ip : false
operator: {
packages += "org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config"
optimizer: {
implementation: "org.apache.drill.exec.opt.IdentityOptimizer"
functions: ["org.apache.drill.expr.fn.impl"],
storage: {
packages += "",
file: {
text: {
buffer.size: 262144,
batch.size: 4000
partition.column.label: "dir"
# The action on the storage-plugins-override.conf after it's use.
# Possible values are "none" (default), "rename", "remove"
action_on_plugins_override_file: "none"
zk: {
connect: "localhost:2181",
root: "drill",
refresh: 500,
timeout: 5000,
retry: {
count: 7200,
delay: 500
# This option controls whether Drill specifies ACLs when it creates znodes.
# If this is 'false', then anyone has all privileges for all Drill znodes.
# This corresponds to ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE.
# Setting this flag to 'true' enables the provider specified in "acl_provider"
apply_secure_acl: false,
# This option specified the ACL provider to be used by Drill.
# Custom ACL providers can be provided in the Drillbit classpath and Drill can be made to pick them
# by changing this option.
# Note: This option has no effect if "apply_secure_acl" is 'false'
# The default "creator-all" will setup ACLs such that
# - Only the Drillbit user will have all privileges(create, delete, read, write, admin). Same as ZOO_CREATOR_ALL_ACL
# - Other users will only be able to read the cluster-discovery(list of Drillbits in the cluster) znodes.
acl_provider: "creator-all"
http: {
enabled: true,
ssl_enabled: false,
port: 8047
session_max_idle_secs: 3600, # Default value 1hr
cors: {
enabled: false,
allowedOrigins: ["null"],
allowedMethods: ["GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"],
allowedHeaders: ["X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Accept", "Origin"],
credentials: true
auth: {
# Http Auth mechanisms to configure. If not provided but user.auth is enabled
# then default value is ["FORM"].
mechanisms: ["BASIC", "FORM", "SPNEGO"],
# Spnego principal to be used by WebServer when Spnego authentication is enabled.
spnego.principal: "HTTP://<localhost>"
# Location to keytab file for above spnego principal
spnego.keytab: "<keytab_file_location>";
# Below SSL parameters need to be set for custom transport layer settings.
ssl: {
#If not provided then the default value is java system property value
keyStorePath: "/keystore.file",
#If not provided then the default value is java system property value
keyStorePassword: "ks_passwd",
#If not provided then the default value is java system property value
trustStorePath: "/truststore.file",
#If not provided then the default value is java system property value
trustStorePassword: "ts_passwd"
functions: ["org.apache.drill.expr.fn.impl"],
network: {
start: 35000
work: {
max.width.per.endpoint: 5,
global.max.width: 100,
affinity.factor: 1.2,
executor.threads: 4
}, {
class: "",
# The following section is used by ZkPStoreProvider
zk: {
blobroot: "file:///var/log/drill"
# The following section is only required by LocalPStoreProvider
local: {
path: "/tmp/drill",
write: true
impersonation: {
enabled: false,
max_chained_user_hops: 3
security.user.auth {
enabled: false,
packages += "",
# There are 2 implementations available out of the box with annotation UserAuthenticatorTemplate
# Annotation type "pam" is providing implementation using JPAM
# Annotation type "pam4j" is providing implementation using libpam4j
# Based on annotation type configured below corresponding authenticator is used.
impl: "pam",
pam_profiles: [ "sudo", "login" ]
trace: {
directory: "/tmp/drill-trace",
filesystem: "file:///"
tmp: {
directories: ["/tmp/drill"],
filesystem: "drill-local:///"
impl: "",
size: "100",
spooling: {
delete: false,
size: 100000000
cache.hazel.subnets: ["*.*.*.*"],
spill: {
# These options are common to all spilling operators.
# They can be overriden, per operator (but this is just for
# backward compatibility, and may be deprecated in the future)
directories : [ "/tmp/drill/spill" ],
fs : "file:///"
sort: {
purge.threshold : 100,
external: {
batch.size : 4000,
spill: {
batch.size : 4000,
group.size : 100,
threshold : 200,
# The 2 options below override the common ones
# they should be deprecated in the future
directories : [ "/tmp/drill/spill" ],
fs : "file:///"
hashagg: {
# The partitions divide the work inside the hashagg, to ease
# handling spilling. This initial figure is tuned down when
# memory is limited.
# Setting this option to 1 disables spilling !
num_partitions: 32,
spill: {
# The 2 options below override the common ones
# they should be deprecated in the future
directories : [ "/tmp/drill/spill" ],
fs : "file:///"
memory: {
top.max: 1000000000000,
operator: {
max: 20000000000,
initial: 10000000
fragment: {
max: 20000000000,
initial: 20000000
scan: {
threadpool_size: 8,
decode_threadpool_size: 1
debug.error_on_leak: true,
# Settings for Dynamic UDFs (see for details).
udf: {
# number of retry attempts to update remote function registry
# if registry version was changed during update
retry-attempts: 10,
directory: {
# Override this property if custom file system should be used to create remote directories
# instead of default taken from Hadoop configuration
fs: "hdfs:///",
# Set this property if custom absolute root should be used for remote directories
root: "/app/drill"
# Settings for Temporary Tables (see for details).
# Temporary table can be created ONLY in default temporary workspace.
# Full workspace name should be indicated (including schema and workspace separated by dot).
# Workspace MUST be file-based and writable. Workspace name is case-sensitive.
default_temporary_workspace: "dfs.tmp"
# Enable and provide additional parameters for Client-Server communication over SSL
# see also the parameters below
security.user.encryption.ssl: {
#Set this to true to enable all client server communication to occur over SSL.
enabled: false,
#key password is optional if it is the same as the keystore password
keyPassword: "key_passwd",
#Optional handshakeTimeout in milliseconds. Default is 10000 ms (10 seconds)
handshakeTimeout: 10000,
#protocol is optional. Drill will default to TLSv1.2. Valid values depend on protocol versions
# enabled for tje underlying securrity provider. For JSSE these are : SSL, SSLV2, SSLV3,
# TLS, TLSV1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
protocol: "TLSv1.2",
#ssl provider. May be "JDK" or "OPENSSL". Default is "JDK"
provider: "JDK"
drill.metrics : {
context: "drillbit",
jmx: {
enabled : true
log: {
enabled : false,
interval : 60