blob: e2569a71986b62624d770e0cd1a78f87a743c83a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<relativePath />
<name>Apache Drill Root POM</name>
<description>Apache Drill is an open source, low latency SQL query engine for Hadoop and NoSQL.</description>
For development purposes to be able to use custom Calcite versions (e.g. not present in jitpack
repository or from local repository) update this property to desired value (e.g. org.apache.calcite).
In case if new value is org.apache.calcite, one needs to remove `org.apache.calcite:*` from
avoid_bad_dependencies plugin found in the file.
<netty.tcnative.classifier />
Currently Hive storage plugin only supports Apache Hive 2.3.2 or vendor specific variants of the
Apache Hive 2.3.2. If the version is changed, make sure the jars and their dependencies are updated.
<excludedGroups />
<name>User List</name>
<name>Developer List</name>
<name>Commits List</name>
<name>Issues List</name>
<!-- Don't include codegen -->
<!-- Don't include target -->
<!-- These dependencies are required for javadoc in order to properly resolve class references in some javadocs. -->
<!-- Remove dependency on tests - see DRILL-6637
<!-- Types log1, log2, sqllog and sqllog2, ssdlog are used to test he logRegex format plugin. -->
<!-- TODO DRILL-4336: try to avoid the need to add this -->
DRILL-6320: The license-maven-plugin does a better job of checking headers than
the apache-rat-plugin. However, it is standard to include the apache-rat-plugin
in apache projects so both are used.
<dateFormat>dd.MM.yyyy '@' HH:mm:ss z</dateFormat>
<!--suppress UnresolvedMavenProperty -->
<exclude>**/clientlib/y2038/*.c</exclude> <!-- All the files here should have MIT License -->
<exclude>**/clientlib/y2038/*.h</exclude> <!-- All the files here should have MIT License -->
<!-- TODO DRILL-4336: try to avoid the need to add this -->
<plugin> <!-- classpath scanning -->
<!-- TODO: Remove excludedGroups after DRILL-7393 is fixed. -->
All Metastore tests must run in separate a JVM to ensure
that Guava Preconditions class is patched before execution.
TODO: Remove execution block for metastore-test after DRILL-7393 is fixed.
<argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx${memoryMb}m -Ddrill.exec.http.enabled=false
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -ea
<arguments>-Papache-release ${arguments}</arguments>
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<version>2.10.4</version> <!--the 3.0.1 version causes failures on the release:prepare stage-->
<!--Note: apache-21.pom has the latest versions of apache-rat-plugin, maven-dependency-plugin and
maven-clean-plugin. Once the newer versions are needed and present in maven repo, the plugins versions can be
overridden here-->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- JMockit needs to be on class path before JUnit. -->
<!-- Mockito needs to be on the class path after JUnit (or Hamcrest) as
long as Mockito _contains_ older Hamcrest classes. See DRILL-2130. -->
<!-- Managed Dependencies -->
<!-- this profile adds/overrides few features of the 'apache-release'
profile in the parent pom. -->
<!--Override fileSet from the Apache Parent POM-->
<!-- override the parent assembly execution to customize the assembly final name -->
<!-- Exclude the following to prevent enforcer failures. YARN uses them,
but Drill forbids them. -->
<!--Eclipse Jetty dependecies-->
<!--Eclipse Jetty dependecies-->
<!--GlassFish Jersey dependecies-->
<!--/GlassFish Jersey dependecies-->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- Exclude the following to prevent enforcer failures. YARN uses them,
but Drill forbids them. -->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- Exclude the following to prevent enforcer failures. YARN uses them,
but Drill forbids them. -->
<!-- Exclude the following to prevent enforcer failures. YARN uses them,
but Drill forbids them. -->
<name>HDP Releases</name>
If the IDE is Eclipse, it requires you to install an additional Eclipse plugin available here:
or from your local maven repository:
Note that installing this plugin may require you to start with a new workspace
<!-- Configure the os-maven-plugin extension to expand the classifier on -->
<!-- Fedora-"like" systems. Used for netty-tcnative inclusion -->
Enables analysis which takes more memory but finds more bugs.
If you run out of memory, changes the value of the effort element
to 'Low'.
<!-- Reports all bugs (other values are medium and max) -->
<!-- Build doesn't fail if problems are found -->
<!-- Produces XML report -->
<!-- Configures the directory in which the XML report is created -->
Ensures that FindBugs inspects source code when project is compiled.
<fileMapper implementation="">