blob: 4ccc192b6b9e74a8c2452c46fb38f71a3b2b176f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common;
option java_package = "org.apache.drill.common.types";
option java_outer_classname = "TypeProtos";
option optimize_for = SPEED;
enum MinorType {
LATE = 0; // late binding type
MAP = 1; // an empty map column. Useful for conceptual setup. Children listed within here
TINYINT = 3; // single byte signed integer
SMALLINT = 4; // two byte signed integer
INT = 5; // four byte signed integer
BIGINT = 6; // eight byte signed integer
DECIMAL9 = 7; // a decimal supporting precision between 1 and 9
DECIMAL18 = 8; // a decimal supporting precision between 10 and 18
DECIMAL28SPARSE = 9; // a decimal supporting precision between 19 and 28
DECIMAL38SPARSE = 10; // a decimal supporting precision between 29 and 38
MONEY = 11; // signed decimal with two digit scale
DATE = 12; // days since 4713bc
TIME = 13; // time in micros before or after 2000/1/1
TIMETZ = 14; // time in micros before or after 2000/1/1 with timezone
TIMESTAMPTZ = 15; // unix epoch time in millis
FLOAT4 = 18; // 4 byte ieee 754
FLOAT8 = 19; // 8 byte ieee 754
BIT = 20; // single bit value (boolean)
FIXEDCHAR = 21; // utf8 fixed length string, padded with spaces
FIXEDBINARY = 23; // fixed length binary, padded with 0 bytes
VARCHAR = 24; // utf8 variable length string
VAR16CHAR = 25; // utf16 variable length string
VARBINARY = 26; // variable length binary
UINT1 = 29; // unsigned 1 byte integer
UINT2 = 30; // unsigned 2 byte integer
UINT4 = 31; // unsigned 4 byte integer
UINT8 = 32; // unsigned 8 byte integer
DECIMAL28DENSE = 33; // dense decimal representation, supporting precision between 19 and 28
DECIMAL38DENSE = 34; // dense decimal representation, supporting precision between 28 and 38
// PROTO2 = 33; // protobuf encoded complex type. (up to 2^16 in length)
// PROTO4 = 34; // protobuf encoded complex type. (up to 2^32 in length)
// MSGPACK2 = 35; // msgpack encoded complex type. (up to 2^16 in length)
// MSGPACK4 = 36; // msgpack encoded complex type. (up to 2^32 in length)
NULL = 37; // a value of unknown type (e.g. a missing reference).
INTERVALYEAR = 38; // Interval type specifying YEAR to MONTH
INTERVALDAY = 39; // Interval type specifying DAY to SECONDS
LIST = 40;
UNION = 42;
VARDECIMAL = 43; // variable width decimal (arbitrary precision)
DICT = 44;
message MajorType {
optional MinorType minor_type = 1;
optional DataMode mode = 2;
optional int32 width = 3;
optional int32 precision = 4; // used for decimal types or as optional length for fixed size value
optional int32 scale = 5; // used for decimal types
optional int32 timeZone = 6; // used by TimeStamp type
repeated MinorType sub_type = 7; // used by Union type
enum DataMode {
OPTIONAL = 0; // nullable
REQUIRED = 1; // non-nullable
REPEATED = 2; // single, repeated-field