blob: c6dc0335e366c915cc84f66ead9fc4092dc2b00b [file] [log] [blame]
<#macro copyright>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This class is generated using Freemarker and the ${.template_name} template.
<@pp.dropOutputFile />
<@pp.changeOutputFile name="/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/" />
<#macro getType drillType label>
public ValueType valueType() {
<#if label == "Int">
return ValueType.INTEGER;
<#elseif drillType == "VarChar" || drillType == "Var16Char">
return ValueType.STRING;
<#elseif drillType == "VarDecimal">
return ValueType.DECIMAL;
return ValueType.${label?upper_case};
<#if drillType == "Date" || drillType == "Time" || drillType == "TimeStamp">
public ValueType extendedType() {
<#if drillType == "Date">
return ValueType.DATE;
<#elseif drillType == "Time">
return ValueType.TIME;
<#elseif drillType == "TimeStamp">
return ValueType.TIMESTAMP;
<#-- Should not be necessary. -->
return valueType();
<#macro build types vectorType accessorType>
<#if vectorType == "Repeated">
<#assign fnPrefix = "Array" />
<#assign classType = "Element" />
<#assign fnPrefix = vectorType />
<#assign classType = "Scalar" />
<#if vectorType == "Required">
<#assign vectorPrefix = "" />
<#assign vectorPrefix = vectorType />
public static void define${fnPrefix}${accessorType}s(
Class<? extends Base${classType}${accessorType}> ${accessorType?lower_case}s[]) {
<#list types as type>
<#list type.minor as minor>
<#assign drillType=minor.class>
<#assign notyet=minor.accessorDisabled!type.accessorDisabled!false>
<#if ! notyet>
<#assign typeEnum=drillType?upper_case>
${accessorType?lower_case}s[MinorType.${typeEnum}.ordinal()] = ${vectorPrefix}${drillType}Column${accessorType}.class;
<#macro writeBuf buffer drillType minor putType doCast >
<#if varWidth>
${buffer}.setBytes(offset, value, 0, len);
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal9">
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal18">
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal38Sparse">
<#-- Hard to optimize this case. Just use the available tools. -->
DecimalUtility.getSparseFromBigDecimal(value, ${buffer},
offset, type.getScale(), 6);
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal28Sparse">
<#-- Hard to optimize this case. Just use the available tools. -->
DecimalUtility.getSparseFromBigDecimal(value, ${buffer},
offset, type.getScale(), 5);
<#elseif drillType == "IntervalYear">
value.getYears() * 12 + value.getMonths());
<#elseif drillType == "IntervalDay">
${buffer}.setInt(offset, value.getDays());
${buffer}.setInt(offset + ${minor.millisecondsOffset}, DateUtilities.periodToMillis(value));
<#elseif drillType == "Interval">
${buffer}.setInt(offset, DateUtilities.periodToMonths(value));
${buffer}.setInt(offset + ${minor.daysOffset}, value.getDays());
${buffer}.setInt(offset + ${minor.millisecondsOffset}, DateUtilities.periodToMillis(value));
<#elseif drillType == "Float4">
${buffer}.setInt(offset, Float.floatToRawIntBits((float) value));
<#elseif drillType == "Float8">
${buffer}.setLong(offset, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value));
<#elseif drillType == "Bit">
${buffer}.setByte(offset, (byte)(value & 0x01));
${buffer}.set${putType?cap_first}(offset, <#if doCast>(${putType}) </#if>value);
<@copyright />
package org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MajorType;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.Types;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.DateUtilities;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.*;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.DecimalUtility;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.reader.BaseScalarReader.BaseVarWidthReader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.reader.BaseScalarReader.BaseFixedWidthReader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.reader.VectorAccessor;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.AbstractFixedWidthWriter.BaseFixedWidthWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.AbstractFixedWidthWriter.BaseIntWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.BaseVarWidthWriter;
import io.netty.buffer.DrillBuf;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Period;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
* Basic accessors for most Drill vector types and modes. Each class has a bare-bones
* accessors that converts from the "native" Drill type to the vectors. Many classes
* also have "convenience" methods that convert from other Java types.
* <p>
* Writers work only with single vectors. Readers work with either single
* vectors or a "hyper vector": a collection of vectors indexed together.
* The details are hidden behind the {@link RowIndex} interface. If the reader
* accesses a single vector, then the mutator is cached at bind time. However,
* if the reader works with a hyper vector, then the vector is null at bind
* time and must be retrieved for each row (since the vector differs row-by-
* row.)
public class ColumnAccessors {
<#list vv.types as type>
<#list type.minor as minor>
<#assign drillType=minor.class>
<#if drillType == "Bit">
<#-- Bit is special, handled outside of codegen. -->
<#assign javaType=minor.javaType!type.javaType>
<#assign accessorType=minor.accessorType!type.accessorType!minor.friendlyType!javaType>
<#assign label=minor.accessorLabel!type.accessorLabel!accessorType?capitalize>
<#assign notyet=minor.accessorDisabled!type.accessorDisabled!false>
<#if notyet>
<#assign cast=minor.accessorCast!minor.accessorCast!type.accessorCast!"none">
<#assign friendlyType=minor.friendlyType!"">
<#if accessorType=="BigDecimal">
<#assign label="Decimal">
<#assign varWidth = drillType == "VarChar" || drillType == "Var16Char" ||
drillType == "VarBinary" || drillType == "VarDecimal" />
<#assign decimal = drillType == "Decimal9" || drillType == "Decimal18" ||
drillType == "Decimal28Sparse" || drillType == "Decimal38Sparse" ||
drillType == "VarDecimal" />
<#assign intType = drillType == "TinyInt" || drillType == "SmallInt" || drillType == "Int" ||
drillType == "Bit" || drillType == "UInt1" || drillType = "UInt2" />
<#if varWidth>
<#assign accessorType = "byte[]">
<#assign label = "Bytes">
<#assign putArgs = ", final int len">
<#assign putArgs = "">
<#if javaType == "char">
<#assign putType = "short" />
<#assign doCast = true />
<#assign putType = javaType />
<#assign doCast = (cast == "set") />
// ${drillType} readers and writers
<#if varWidth>
public static class ${drillType}ColumnReader extends BaseVarWidthReader {
public static class ${drillType}ColumnReader extends BaseFixedWidthReader {
private static final int VALUE_WIDTH = ${drillType}Vector.VALUE_WIDTH;
<#if decimal>
private MajorType type;
public void bindVector(ColumnMetadata schema, VectorAccessor va) {
super.bindVector(schema, va);
<#if decimal>
type = va.type();
<@getType drillType label />
<#if ! varWidth>
@Override public int width() { return VALUE_WIDTH; }
public ${accessorType} get${label}() {
<#assign getObject ="getObject"/>
<#assign indexVar = ""/>
final DrillBuf buf = bufferAccessor.buffer();
<#if ! varWidth>
final int readOffset = vectorIndex.offset();
<#assign getOffset = "readOffset * VALUE_WIDTH">
<#if varWidth>
final long entry = offsetsReader.getEntry();
return buf.unsafeGetMemory((int) (entry >> 32), (int) (entry & 0xFFFF_FFFF));
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal9">
return DecimalUtility.getBigDecimalFromPrimitiveTypes(
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal18">
return DecimalUtility.getBigDecimalFromPrimitiveTypes(
<#elseif drillType == "IntervalYear">
<#-- For Java 8:
final int value = buf.getInt(${getOffset});
final int years = (value / DateUtilities.yearsToMonths);
final int months = (value % DateUtilities.yearsToMonths);
return Period.of(years, months, 0); -->
return DateUtilities.fromIntervalYear(
<#elseif drillType == "IntervalDay">
final int offset = ${getOffset};
<#-- Show stopper for Java 8 date/time: There is no class
that is equivalent to a Joda Period. -->
return DateUtilities.fromIntervalDay(
buf.getInt(offset + ${minor.millisecondsOffset}));
<#elseif drillType == "Interval">
final int offset = ${getOffset};
return DateUtilities.fromInterval(
buf.getInt(offset + ${minor.daysOffset}),
buf.getInt(offset + ${minor.millisecondsOffset}));
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal28Sparse" || drillType == "Decimal38Sparse">
return DecimalUtility.getBigDecimalFromSparse(buf, ${getOffset},
${minor.nDecimalDigits}, type.getScale());
<#elseif drillType == "Decimal28Dense" || drillType == "Decimal38Dense">
return DecimalUtility.getBigDecimalFromDense(buf, ${getOffset},
${minor.nDecimalDigits}, type.getScale(),
${minor.maxPrecisionDigits}, VALUE_WIDTH);
<#elseif drillType == "UInt1">
return buf.getByte(${getOffset}) & 0xFF;
<#elseif drillType == "UInt2">
return buf.getShort(${getOffset}) & 0xFFFF;
<#elseif drillType == "UInt4">
// Should be the following:
// return ((long) buf.unsafeGetInt(${getOffset})) & 0xFFFF_FFFF;
// else, the unsigned values of 32 bits are mapped to negative.
return buf.getInt(${getOffset});
<#elseif drillType == "Float4">
return Float.intBitsToFloat(buf.getInt(${getOffset}));
<#elseif drillType == "Float8">
return Double.longBitsToDouble(buf.getLong(${getOffset}));
<#elseif drillType == "Bit">
return buf.getByte(${getOffset});
return buf.get${putType?cap_first}(${getOffset});
<#if drillType == "VarChar">
public String getString() {
return new String(getBytes(${indexVar}), Charsets.UTF_8);
<#elseif drillType == "Var16Char">
public String getString() {
return new String(getBytes(${indexVar}), Charsets.UTF_16);
<#elseif drillType == "VarDecimal">
public BigDecimal getDecimal() {
final byte[] bytes = getBytes();
BigInteger unscaledValue = bytes.length == 0 ? BigInteger.ZERO : new BigInteger(bytes);
return new BigDecimal(unscaledValue, type.getScale());
<#elseif drillType == "Date">
public final LocalDate getDate() {
<#-- Java 8:
return LocalDate.ofEpochDay(getLong() / DateUtilities.daysToStandardMillis); -->
return new LocalDate(getLong(), DateTimeZone.UTC);
<#elseif drillType == "Time">
public final LocalTime getTime() {
<#-- Java 8:
return LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(getInt() * 1_000_000L); -->
return new LocalTime(getInt(), DateTimeZone.UTC);
<#elseif drillType == "TimeStamp">
public final Instant getTimestamp() {
<#-- Java 8:
return Instant.ofEpochMilli(getLong()); -->
return new Instant(getLong());
<#if varWidth>
public static class ${drillType}ColumnWriter extends BaseVarWidthWriter {
<#if intType>
public static class ${drillType}ColumnWriter extends BaseIntWriter {
public static class ${drillType}ColumnWriter extends BaseFixedWidthWriter {
private static final int VALUE_WIDTH = ${drillType}Vector.VALUE_WIDTH;
private final ${drillType}Vector vector;
<#if drillType == "VarDecimal">
private int precision;
private int scale;
<#elseif decimal>
private MajorType type;
public ${drillType}ColumnWriter(final ValueVector vector) {
<#if varWidth>
super(((${drillType}Vector) vector).getOffsetVector());
<#if drillType == "VarDecimal">
// VarDecimal requires a scale. If not set, assume 0
MajorType type = vector.getField().getType();
precision = type.hasPrecision() ? type.getPrecision() : Types.maxPrecision(type.getMinorType());
scale = type.hasScale() ? type.getScale() : 0;
<#elseif decimal>
type = vector.getField().getType();
this.vector = (${drillType}Vector) vector;
@Override public BaseDataValueVector vector() { return vector; }
<#if ! varWidth>
@Override public int width() { return VALUE_WIDTH; }
<@getType drillType label />
public final void set${label}(final ${accessorType} value${putArgs}) {
<#-- Must compute the write offset first; can't be inline because the
writeOffset() function has a side effect of possibly changing the buffer
address (bufAddr). -->
<#if varWidth>
final int offset = prepareWrite(len);
final int offset = prepareWrite() * VALUE_WIDTH;
<@writeBuf "drillBuf", drillType minor putType doCast />
<#if varWidth>
offsetsWriter.setNextOffset(offset + len);
<#if ! varWidth>
public final void write${label}(final DrillBuf buf, final ${accessorType} value) {
final int offset = 0;
<@writeBuf "buf", drillType minor putType doCast />
<#if drillType == "VarChar" || drillType == "Var16Char" || drillType == "VarBinary">
public final void appendBytes(final byte[] value, final int len) {
final int offset = prepareAppend(len);
drillBuf.setBytes(offset, value, 0, len);
offsetsWriter.reviseOffset(offset + len);
<#if drillType == "VarChar">
public final void setString(final String value) {
final byte bytes[] = value.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
setBytes(bytes, bytes.length);
<#elseif drillType == "Var16Char">
public final void setString(final String value) {
final byte bytes[] = value.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_16);
setBytes(bytes, bytes.length);
<#elseif drillType == "BigInt">
public final void setInt(final int value) {
public final void setDouble(final double value) {
// Does not catch overflow from
// double. See Math.round for details.
public final void setDecimal(final BigDecimal value) {
try {
// Catches long overflow.
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
throw InvalidConversionError.writeError(schema(), value, e);
<#elseif drillType == "Float4" || drillType == "Float8">
public final void setInt(final int value) {
public final void setLong(final long value) {
public final void setDecimal(final BigDecimal value) {
<#elseif decimal>
public final void setInt(final int value) {
public final void setLong(final long value) {
public final void setDouble(final double value) {
<#if drillType == "VarDecimal">
public final void setDecimal(final BigDecimal value) {
try {
final BigDecimal rounded = value.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
DecimalUtility.checkValueOverflow(rounded, precision, scale);
final byte[] barr = rounded.unscaledValue().toByteArray();
setBytes(barr, barr.length);
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
throw new InvalidConversionError("Decimal conversion failed for " + value, e);
<#elseif drillType == "Date">
public final void setDate(final LocalDate value) {
<#-- Java 8:
setLong(value.toEpochDay() * DateUtilities.daysToStandardMillis); -->
<#elseif drillType == "Time">
public final void setTime(final LocalTime value) {
<#-- Java 8:
setInt((int) ((value.toNanoOfDay() + 500_000) / 1_000_000L)); -->
<#elseif drillType == "TimeStamp">
public final void setTimestamp(final Instant value) {
<#-- Java 8:
setLong(value.toEpochMilli()); -->
<#if ! intType>
public final void setValue(final Object value) {
<#if drillType == "VarChar">
setString((String) value);
<#elseif drillType = "Date">
setDate((LocalDate) value);
<#elseif drillType = "Time">
setTime((LocalTime) value);
<#elseif drillType = "TimeStamp">
setTimestamp((Instant) value);
<#elseif putArgs != "">
throw new InvalidConversionError("Generic object not supported for type ${drillType}, "
+ "set${label}(${accessorType}${putArgs})");
if (value != null) {
set${label}((${accessorType}) value);
<#-- Default value logic is a bit convoluted because we want to reuse the same
(complex) template here to generate both the set-value code and the set-default
code. This means we need a (temporary) DrillBuf for most cases except those
where a byte array value is directly available. -->
public final void setDefaultValue(final Object value) {
<#if drillType == "VarBinary">
emptyValue = (byte[]) value;
<#elseif drillType == "VarChar">
emptyValue = ((String) value).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
<#elseif drillType == "Var16Char">
emptyValue = ((String) value).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_16);
<#elseif drillType == "VarDecimal">
final BigDecimal rounded = ((BigDecimal) value).setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
DecimalUtility.checkValueOverflow(rounded, precision, scale);
emptyValue = rounded.unscaledValue().toByteArray();
try (DrillBuf buf = vector.getAllocator().buffer(VALUE_WIDTH)) {
<#if drillType = "Date">
writeLong(buf, ((LocalDate) value).toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(DateTimeZone.UTC).toInstant().getMillis());
<#elseif drillType = "Time">
writeInt(buf, ((LocalTime) value).getMillisOfDay());
<#elseif drillType = "TimeStamp">
writeLong(buf, ((Instant) value).getMillis());
<#elseif putArgs != "">
throw new InvalidConversionError("Generic object not supported for type ${drillType}, "
+ "set${label}(${accessorType}${putArgs})");
write${label}(buf, (${accessorType}) value);
emptyValue = new byte[VALUE_WIDTH];
buf.getBytes(0, emptyValue);
public final void copy(ColumnReader from) {
${drillType}ColumnReader source = (${drillType}ColumnReader) from;
final DrillBuf sourceBuf = source.buffer();
<#if varWidth>
final long entry = source.getEntry();
final int sourceOffset = (int) (entry >> 32);
final int len = (int) (entry & 0xFFFF_FFFF);
final int destOffset = prepareWrite(len);
drillBuf.setBytes(destOffset, sourceBuf, sourceOffset, len);
offsetsWriter.setNextOffset(destOffset + len);
final int sourceOffset = source.offsetIndex() * VALUE_WIDTH;
final int destOffset = prepareWrite() * VALUE_WIDTH;
drillBuf.setBytes(destOffset, sourceBuf, sourceOffset, VALUE_WIDTH);
<@pp.changeOutputFile name="/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/" />
<@copyright />
package org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.ColumnAccessors.*;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.reader.BaseScalarReader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.reader.BitColumnReader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.BaseScalarWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.BitColumnWriter;
public class ColumnAccessorUtils {
private ColumnAccessorUtils() { }
<@build vv.types "Required" "Reader" />
<@build vv.types "Required" "Writer" />