blob: ddbdb25872904b62d900cc0ff6cf0a9007d90be4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.sql;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.util.StoragePluginTestUtils.DFS_TMP_SCHEMA;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.drill.categories.SqlTest;
import org.apache.drill.categories.UnlikelyTest;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.QueryDataBatch;
import org.apache.drill.test.BaseTestQuery;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
public class TestCTAS extends BaseTestQuery {
@Test // DRILL-2589
public void withDuplicateColumnsInDef1() throws Exception {
ctasErrorTestHelper("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s AS SELECT region_id, region_id FROM cp.`region.json`",
String.format("Duplicate column name [%s]", "region_id")
@Test // DRILL-2589
public void withDuplicateColumnsInDef2() throws Exception {
ctasErrorTestHelper("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s AS SELECT region_id, sales_city, sales_city FROM cp.`region.json`",
String.format("Duplicate column name [%s]", "sales_city")
@Test // DRILL-2589
public void withDuplicateColumnsInDef3() throws Exception {
"CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s(regionid, regionid) " +
"AS SELECT region_id, sales_city FROM cp.`region.json`",
String.format("Duplicate column name [%s]", "regionid")
@Test // DRILL-2589
public void withDuplicateColumnsInDef4() throws Exception {
"CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s(regionid, salescity, salescity) " +
"AS SELECT region_id, sales_city, sales_city FROM cp.`region.json`",
String.format("Duplicate column name [%s]", "salescity")
@Test // DRILL-2589
public void withDuplicateColumnsInDef5() throws Exception {
"CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s(regionid, salescity, SalesCity) " +
"AS SELECT region_id, sales_city, sales_city FROM cp.`region.json`",
String.format("Duplicate column name [%s]", "SalesCity")
@Test // DRILL-2589
public void whenInEqualColumnCountInTableDefVsInTableQuery() throws Exception {
"CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s(regionid, salescity) " +
"AS SELECT region_id, sales_city, sales_region FROM cp.`region.json`",
"table's field list and the table's query field list have different counts."
@Test // DRILL-2589
public void whenTableQueryColumnHasStarAndTableFiledListIsSpecified() throws Exception {
"CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s(regionid, salescity) " +
"AS SELECT region_id, * FROM cp.`region.json`",
"table's query field list has a '*', which is invalid when table's field list is specified."
@Test // DRILL-2422
public void createTableWhenATableWithSameNameAlreadyExists() throws Exception{
final String newTblName = "createTableWhenTableAlreadyExists";
final String ctasQuery = String.format("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s AS SELECT * from cp.`region.json`", newTblName);
errorMsgTestHelper(ctasQuery, String.format("A table or view with given name [%s] already exists in schema [dfs.tmp]", newTblName));
@Test // DRILL-2422
public void createTableWhenAViewWithSameNameAlreadyExists() throws Exception{
final String newTblName = "createTableWhenAViewWithSameNameAlreadyExists";
try {
test("CREATE VIEW dfs.tmp.%s AS SELECT * from cp.`region.json`", newTblName);
final String ctasQuery = String.format("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s AS SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`", newTblName);
String.format("A table or view with given name [%s] already exists in schema [%s]",
newTblName, "dfs.tmp"));
} finally {
test("DROP VIEW dfs.tmp.%s", newTblName);
public void ctasPartitionWithEmptyList() throws Exception {
final String newTblName = "ctasPartitionWithEmptyList";
final String ctasQuery = String.format("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s PARTITION BY AS SELECT * from cp.`region.json`", newTblName);
errorMsgTestHelper(ctasQuery,"PARSE ERROR: Encountered \"AS\"");
@Test // DRILL-3377
public void partitionByCtasColList() throws Exception {
final String newTblName = "partitionByCtasColList";
test("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s (cnt, rkey) PARTITION BY (cnt) " +
"AS SELECT count(*), n_regionkey from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` group by n_regionkey", newTblName);
.sqlQuery("select cnt, rkey from dfs.tmp.%s", newTblName)
.sqlBaselineQuery("select count(*) as cnt, n_regionkey as rkey from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` group by n_regionkey")
@Test // DRILL-3374
public void partitionByCtasFromView() throws Exception {
final String newTblName = "partitionByCtasFromView";
final String newView = "partitionByCtasColListView";
test("create or replace view dfs.tmp.%s (col_int, col_varchar) " +
"AS select cast(n_nationkey as int), cast(n_name as varchar(30)) from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet`", newView);
test("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s PARTITION BY (col_int) AS SELECT * from dfs.tmp.%s",
newTblName, newView);
.sqlQuery("select col_int, col_varchar from dfs.tmp.%s", newTblName)
.sqlBaselineQuery("select cast(n_nationkey as int) as col_int, cast(n_name as varchar(30)) as col_varchar " +
"from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet`")
test("DROP VIEW dfs.tmp.%s", newView);
@Test // DRILL-3382
public void ctasWithQueryOrderby() throws Exception {
final String newTblName = "ctasWithQueryOrderby";
test("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s AS SELECT n_nationkey, n_name, n_comment from " +
"cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` order by n_nationkey", newTblName);
.sqlQuery("select n_nationkey, n_name, n_comment from dfs.tmp.%s", newTblName)
.sqlBaselineQuery("select n_nationkey, n_name, n_comment from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` order by n_nationkey")
@Test // DRILL-4392
public void ctasWithPartition() throws Exception {
final String newTblName = "nation_ctas";
test("CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.%s partition by (n_regionkey) AS " +
"SELECT n_nationkey, n_regionkey from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` order by n_nationkey limit 1", newTblName);
.sqlQuery("select * from dfs.tmp.%s", newTblName)
.sqlBaselineQuery("select n_nationkey, n_regionkey from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` order by n_nationkey limit 1")
public void testPartitionByForAllTypes() throws Exception {
final String location = "partitioned_tables_with_nulls";
final String ctasQuery = "create table %s partition by (%s) as %s";
final String tablePath = "dfs.tmp.`%s/%s_%s`";
// key - new table suffix, value - data query
final Map<String, String> variations = Maps.newHashMap();
variations.put("required", "select * from cp.`parquet/alltypes_required.parquet`");
variations.put("optional", "select * from cp.`parquet/alltypes_optional.parquet`");
variations.put("nulls_only", "select * from cp.`parquet/alltypes_optional.parquet` where %s is null");
final QueryDataBatch result = testSqlWithResults("select * from cp.`parquet/alltypes_required.parquet` limit 0").get(0);
for (UserBitShared.SerializedField field : result.getHeader().getDef().getFieldList()) {
final String fieldName = field.getNamePart().getName();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> variation : variations.entrySet()) {
final String table = String.format(tablePath, location, fieldName, variation.getKey());
final String dataQuery = String.format(variation.getValue(), fieldName);
test(ctasQuery, table, fieldName, dataQuery, fieldName);
.sqlQuery("select * from %s", table)
public void createTableWithCustomUmask() throws Exception {
test("use dfs.tmp");
String tableName = "with_custom_permission";
StorageStrategy storageStrategy = new StorageStrategy("000", false);
FileSystem fs = getLocalFileSystem();
try {
test("alter session set `%s` = '%s'", ExecConstants.PERSISTENT_TABLE_UMASK, storageStrategy.getUmask());
test("create table %s as select 'A' from (values(1))", tableName);
Path tableLocation = new Path(dirTestWatcher.getDfsTestTmpDir().getAbsolutePath(), tableName);
assertEquals("Directory permission should match",
storageStrategy.getFolderPermission(), fs.getFileStatus(tableLocation).getPermission());
assertEquals("File permission should match",
storageStrategy.getFilePermission(), fs.listLocatedStatus(tableLocation).next().getPermission());
} finally {
test("drop table if exists %s", tableName);
@Test // DRILL-5952
public void testCreateTableIfNotExistsWhenTableWithSameNameAlreadyExists() throws Exception{
final String newTblName = "createTableIfNotExistsWhenATableWithSameNameAlreadyExists";
try {
String ctasQuery = String.format("CREATE TABLE %s.%s AS SELECT * from cp.`region.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
ctasQuery =
String.format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s.%s AS SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
.baselineColumns("ok", "summary")
.baselineValues(false, String.format("A table or view with given name [%s] already exists in schema [%s]", newTblName, DFS_TMP_SCHEMA))
} finally {
test("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
@Test // DRILL-5952
public void testCreateTableIfNotExistsWhenViewWithSameNameAlreadyExists() throws Exception{
final String newTblName = "createTableIfNotExistsWhenAViewWithSameNameAlreadyExists";
try {
String ctasQuery = String.format("CREATE VIEW %s.%s AS SELECT * from cp.`region.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
ctasQuery =
String.format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s.%s AS SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
.baselineColumns("ok", "summary")
.baselineValues(false, String.format("A table or view with given name [%s] already exists in schema [%s]", newTblName, DFS_TMP_SCHEMA))
} finally {
test("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS %s.%s", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
@Test // DRILL-5952
public void testCreateTableIfNotExistsWhenTableWithSameNameDoesNotExist() throws Exception{
final String newTblName = "createTableIfNotExistsWhenATableWithSameNameDoesNotExist";
try {
String ctasQuery = String.format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s.%s AS SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
} finally {
test("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
public void testCTASWithEmptyJson() throws Exception {
final String newTblName = "tbl4444";
try {
test(String.format("CREATE TABLE %s.%s AS SELECT * FROM cp.`project/pushdown/empty.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName));
} finally {
test("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, newTblName);
public void testTableIsCreatedWithinWorkspace() throws Exception {
String tableName = "table_created_within_workspace";
try {
test("CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s` AS SELECT * FROM cp.`region.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, "/" + tableName);
.sqlQuery("SELECT region_id FROM `%s`.`%s` LIMIT 1", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, tableName)
} finally {
test("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, tableName);
public void testTableIsFoundWithinWorkspaceWhenNameStartsWithSlash() throws Exception {
String tableName = "table_found_within_workspace";
try {
test("CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s` AS SELECT * FROM cp.`region.json`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, tableName);
.sqlQuery("SELECT region_id FROM `%s`.`%s` LIMIT 1", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, "/" + tableName)
} finally {
test("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, tableName);
private static void ctasErrorTestHelper(final String ctasSql, final String expErrorMsg) throws Exception {
final String createTableSql = String.format(ctasSql, "testTableName");
errorMsgTestHelper(createTableSql, expErrorMsg);