blob: ec079c7dfe82573bd24ed0c059d0ed5b081a53c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.scan.project;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorContainer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.memory.BufferAllocator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.ResultVectorCache;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.BatchSchema.SelectionVectorMode;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.UInt4Vector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.AbstractMapVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.DictVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedDictVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector;
* Drill rows are made up of a tree of tuples, with the row being the root
* tuple. Each tuple contains columns, some of which may be maps. This
* class represents each row or map in the output projection.
* <p>
* Output columns within the tuple can be projected from the data source,
* might be null (requested columns that don't match a data source column)
* or might be a constant (such as an implicit column.) This class
* orchestrates assembling an output tuple from a collection of these
* three column types. (Though implicit columns appear only in the root
* tuple.)
* <h4>Null Handling</h4>
* The project list might reference a "missing" map if the project list
* includes, say, <tt>SELECT a.b.c</tt> but <tt>`a`</tt> does not exist
* in the data source. In this case, the column a is implied to be a map,
* so the projection mechanism will create a null map for <tt>`a`</tt>
* and <tt>`b`</tt>, and will create a null column for <tt>`c`</tt>.
* <p>
* To accomplish this recursive null processing, each tuple is associated
* with a null builder. (The null builder can be null if projection is
* implicit with a wildcard; in such a case no null columns can occur.
* But, even here, with schema persistence, a <tt>SELECT *</tt> query
* may need null columns if a second file does not contain a column
* that appeared in a first file.)
* <p>
* The null builder is bound to each tuple to allow vector persistence
* via the result vector cache. If we must create a null column
* <tt>`x`</tt> in two different readers, then the rules of Drill
* require that the same vector be used for both (or else a schema
* change is signaled.) The vector cache works by name (and type).
* Since maps may contain columns with the same names as other maps,
* the vector cache must be associated with each tuple. And, by extension,
* the null builder must also be associated with each tuple.
* <h4>Lifecycle</h4>
* The lifecycle of a resolved tuple is:
* <ul>
* <li>The projection mechanism creates the output tuple, and its columns,
* by comparing the project list against the table schema. The result is
* a set of table, null, or constant columns.</li>
* <li>Once per schema change, the resolved tuple creates the output
* tuple by linking to vectors in their original locations. As it turns out,
* we can simply share the vectors; we don't need to transfer the buffers.</li>
* <li>To prepare for the transfer, the tuple asks the null column builder
* (if present) to build the required null columns.</li>
* <li>Once the output tuple is built, it can be used for any number of
* batches without further work. (The same vectors appear in the various inputs
* and the output, eliminating the need for any transfers.)</li>
* <li>Once per batch, the client must set the row count. This is needed for the
* output container, and for any "null" maps that the project may have created.</li>
* </ul>
* <h4>Projection Mapping</h4>
* Each column is is mapped into the output tuple (vector container or map) in
* the order that the columns are defined here. (That order follows the project
* list for explicit projection, or the table schema for implicit projection.)
* The source, however, may be in any order (at least for the table schema.)
* A projection mechanism identifies the {@link VectorSource} that supplies the
* vector for the column, along with the vector's index within that source.
* The resolved tuple is bound to an output tuple. The projection mechanism
* grabs the input vector from the vector source at the indicated position, and
* links it into the output tuple, represented by this projected tuple, at the
* position of the resolved column in the child list.
* <h4>Caveats</h4>
* The project mechanism handles nested "missing" columns as mentioned
* above. This works to create null columns within maps that are defined by the
* data source. However, the mechanism does not currently handle creating null
* columns within repeated maps or lists. Doing so is possible, but requires
* adding a level of cardinality computation to create the proper number of
* "inner" values.
public abstract class ResolvedTuple implements VectorSource {
* Represents the top-level tuple which is projected to a
* vector container.
public static class ResolvedRow extends ResolvedTuple {
private VectorContainer input;
private VectorContainer output;
public ResolvedRow(NullColumnBuilder nullBuilder) {
public void project(VectorContainer input, VectorContainer output) {
this.input = input;
this.output = output;
public ValueVector vector(int index) {
return input.getValueVector(index).getValueVector();
public void addVector(ValueVector vector) {
public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {
public BufferAllocator allocator() {
return output.getAllocator();
public String name() {
// Never used in production, just for debugging.
return "$root$";
public VectorContainer output() { return output; }
public int innerCardinality(int rowCount) { return rowCount; }
* Represents a map implied by the project list, whether or not the map
* actually appears in the table schema.
* The column is implied to be a map because it contains
* children. This implementation builds the map and its children.
public static abstract class ResolvedMap extends ResolvedTuple {
protected final ResolvedMapColumn parentColumn;
protected AbstractMapVector inputMap;
protected AbstractMapVector outputMap;
public ResolvedMap(ResolvedMapColumn parentColumn) {
super(parentColumn.parent().nullBuilder == null
? null : parentColumn.parent().nullBuilder.newChild(;
this.parentColumn = parentColumn;
public void addVector(ValueVector vector) {
outputMap.putChild(vector.getField().getName(), vector);
public ValueVector vector(int index) {
assert inputMap != null;
return inputMap.getChildByOrdinal(index);
public AbstractMapVector buildMap() {
if (parentColumn.sourceIndex() != -1) {
ValueVector vector = parentColumn.parent().vector(parentColumn.sourceIndex());
if(vector instanceof AbstractMapVector) {
inputMap = (AbstractMapVector) vector;
MaterializedField colSchema = parentColumn.schema();
outputMap = createMap(inputMap, MaterializedField.create(colSchema.getName(), colSchema.getType()),
return outputMap;
protected abstract AbstractMapVector createMap(AbstractMapVector inputMap,
MaterializedField create, BufferAllocator allocator);
public BufferAllocator allocator() {
return outputMap.getAllocator();
public String name() { return; }
public static class ResolvedSingleMap extends ResolvedMap {
public ResolvedSingleMap(ResolvedMapColumn parentColumn) {
protected AbstractMapVector createMap(AbstractMapVector inputMap,
MaterializedField schema, BufferAllocator allocator) {
return new MapVector(schema, allocator, null);
public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {
((MapVector) outputMap).setMapValueCount(rowCount);
public int innerCardinality(int outerCardinality) {
return outerCardinality;
* Represents a map tuple (not the map column, rather the value of the
* map column.) When projecting, we create a new repeated map vector,
* but share the offsets vector from input to output. The size of the
* offset vector reveals the number of elements in the "inner" array,
* which is the number of null values to create if null columns are
* added.
public static class ResolvedMapArray extends ResolvedMap {
private int valueCount;
public ResolvedMapArray(ResolvedMapColumn parentColumn) {
protected AbstractMapVector createMap(AbstractMapVector inputMap,
MaterializedField schema, BufferAllocator allocator) {
// Create a new map array, reusing the offset vector from
// the original input map.
RepeatedMapVector source = (RepeatedMapVector) inputMap;
UInt4Vector offsets = source.getOffsetVector();
valueCount = offsets.getAccessor().getValueCount();
return new RepeatedMapVector(schema, offsets, null);
public int innerCardinality(int outerCardinality) {
return valueCount;
public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {
public static abstract class ResolvedDict extends ResolvedTuple {
protected final ResolvedDictColumn parentColumn;
public ResolvedDict(ResolvedDictColumn parentColumn) {
super(parentColumn.parent().nullBuilder == null
? null : parentColumn.parent().nullBuilder.newChild(;
this.parentColumn = parentColumn;
public abstract ValueVector buildVector();
public String name() {
public static class ResolvedSingleDict extends ResolvedDict {
protected DictVector inputVector;
protected DictVector outputVector;
public ResolvedSingleDict(ResolvedDictColumn parentColumn) {
public void addVector(ValueVector vector) {
outputVector.putChild(vector.getField().getName(), vector);
public ValueVector vector(int index) {
assert inputVector != null;
return inputVector.getChildByOrdinal(index);
public ValueVector buildVector() {
if (parentColumn.sourceIndex() != -1) {
ValueVector vector = parentColumn.parent().vector(parentColumn.sourceIndex());
if(vector instanceof DictVector) {
inputVector = (DictVector) vector;
MaterializedField colSchema = parentColumn.schema();
MaterializedField dictField = MaterializedField.create(colSchema.getName(), colSchema.getType());
outputVector = new DictVector(dictField, parentColumn.parent().allocator(), null);
return outputVector;
public BufferAllocator allocator() {
return outputVector.getAllocator();
public String name() {
public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {
public int innerCardinality(int outerCardinality) {
return outerCardinality;
public static class ResolvedDictArray extends ResolvedDict {
protected RepeatedDictVector inputVector;
protected RepeatedDictVector outputVector;
private int valueCount;
public ResolvedDictArray(ResolvedDictColumn parentColumn) {
public void addVector(ValueVector vector) {
((DictVector) outputVector.getDataVector()).putChild(vector.getField().getName(), vector);
public ValueVector vector(int index) {
assert inputVector != null;
return ((DictVector) inputVector.getDataVector()).getChildByOrdinal(index);
public RepeatedDictVector buildVector() {
if (parentColumn.sourceIndex() != -1) {
ResolvedTuple parentTuple = parentColumn.parent();
inputVector = (RepeatedDictVector) parentTuple.vector(parentColumn.sourceIndex());
MaterializedField colSchema = parentColumn.schema();
MaterializedField dictField = MaterializedField.create(colSchema.getName(), colSchema.getType());
outputVector = new RepeatedDictVector(dictField, parentColumn.parent().allocator(), null);
valueCount = inputVector.getOffsetVector().getAccessor().getValueCount();
return outputVector;
public BufferAllocator allocator() {
return outputVector.getAllocator();
public String name() {
public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {
public int innerCardinality(int outerCardinality) {
return valueCount;
protected final List<ResolvedColumn> members = new ArrayList<>();
protected final NullColumnBuilder nullBuilder;
protected List<ResolvedTuple> children;
protected VectorSource binding;
public ResolvedTuple(NullColumnBuilder nullBuilder) {
this.nullBuilder = nullBuilder;
public NullColumnBuilder nullBuilder() {
return nullBuilder;
public void add(ResolvedColumn col) {
public void addChild(ResolvedTuple child) {
if (children == null) {
children = new ArrayList<>();
public void removeChild(ResolvedTuple child) {
assert ! children.isEmpty() && children.get(children.size()-1) == child;
public boolean isSimpleProjection() {
if (children != null && ! children.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) {
if (members.get(i) instanceof ResolvedNullColumn) {
return false;
return true;
public List<ResolvedColumn> columns() { return members; }
public void buildNulls(ResultVectorCache vectorCache) {
if (nullBuilder != null) {;
if (children != null) {
for (ResolvedTuple child : children) {
public void loadNulls(int rowCount) {
if (nullBuilder != null) {
if (children != null) {
for (ResolvedTuple child : children) {
public abstract int innerCardinality(int outerCardinality);
* Merge two or more <i>partial batches</i> to produce a final output batch.
* A partial batch is a vertical slice of a batch, such as the set of null
* columns or the set of data columns.
* <p>
* For example, consider
* two partial batches:<pre><code>
* (a, d, e)
* (c, b)</code></pre>
* We may wish to merge them by projecting columns into an output batch
* of the form:<pre><code>
* (a, b, c, d)</code></pre>
* It is not necessary to project all columns from the inputs, but all
* columns in the output must have a projection.
* <p>
* The merger is created once per schema, then can be reused for any
* number of batches. The only restriction is that the partial batches must
* have the same row count so that the final output batch record
* count makes sense.
* <p>
* Merging is done by discarding any data in the output, then exchanging
* the buffers from the input columns to the output, leaving projected
* columns empty. Note that unprojected columns must be cleared by the
* caller. The caller will have figured out which columns to project and
* which not to project.
protected void buildColumns() {
for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) {
public abstract void addVector(ValueVector vector);
public abstract void setRowCount(int rowCount);
protected void cascadeRowCount(int rowCount) {
if (children == null) {
for (ResolvedTuple child : children) {
public abstract BufferAllocator allocator();
public abstract String name();
* During planning, discard a partial plan to allow reusing the same (root) tuple
* for multiple projection plans.
public void reset() {
children = null;
public void close() {
if (nullBuilder != null) {
if (children != null) {
for (ResolvedTuple child : children) {