blob: 318589995e70542a5c0807d9e24d444804243a9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.aggregate;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashTable.BATCH_MASK;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.MAX_BATCH_ROW_COUNT;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.RetryAfterSpillException;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.ExpressionPosition;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.FieldReference;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.Types;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants;
import org.apache.drill.exec.cache.VectorSerializer.Writer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.compile.sig.RuntimeOverridden;
import org.apache.drill.exec.exception.ClassTransformationException;
import org.apache.drill.exec.exception.OutOfMemoryException;
import org.apache.drill.exec.exception.SchemaChangeException;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.ClassGenerator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.TypeHelper;
import org.apache.drill.exec.memory.BaseAllocator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.memory.BufferAllocator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.FragmentContext;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.MetricDef;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.OperatorContext;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.OperatorStats;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.AbstractBase;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.HashAggregate;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.ChainedHashTable;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.CodeGenMemberInjector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashTable;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashTableConfig;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.HashTableStats;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.IndexPointer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common.SpilledState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.spill.SpillSet;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.AggPrelBase;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.BatchSchema;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatchSizer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.TypedFieldId;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorContainer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorWrapper;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.WritableBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.record.RecordBatchStats;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.record.RecordBatchStats.RecordBatchIOType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.AllocationHelper;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.FixedWidthVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ObjectVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.VariableWidthVector;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public abstract class HashAggTemplate implements HashAggregator {
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HashAggregator.class);
private static final int VARIABLE_MAX_WIDTH_VALUE_SIZE = 50;
private static final int VARIABLE_MIN_WIDTH_VALUE_SIZE = 8;
private static final boolean EXTRA_DEBUG_1 = false;
private static final boolean EXTRA_DEBUG_2 = false;
private static final boolean EXTRA_DEBUG_SPILL = false;
// Fields needed for partitioning (the groups into partitions)
private int nextPartitionToReturn; // which partition to return the next batch from
// The following members are used for logging, metrics, etc.
private int rowsInPartition; // counts #rows in each partition
private int rowsNotSpilled;
private int rowsSpilled;
private int rowsSpilledReturned;
private int rowsReturnedEarly;
private AggPrelBase.OperatorPhase phase;
private boolean canSpill = true; // make it false in case can not spill/return-early
private ChainedHashTable baseHashTable;
private boolean earlyOutput; // when 1st phase returns a partition due to no memory
private int earlyPartition; // which partition to return early
private boolean retrySameIndex; // in case put failed during 1st phase - need to output early, then retry
private boolean useMemoryPrediction; // whether to use memory prediction to decide when to spill
private long estMaxBatchSize; // used for adjusting #partitions and deciding when to spill
private long estRowWidth; // the size of the internal "row" (keys + values + extra columns)
private long estValuesRowWidth; // the size of the internal values ( values + extra )
private long estOutputRowWidth; // the size of the output "row" (no extra columns)
private long estValuesBatchSize; // used for "reserving" memory for the Values batch to overcome an OOM
private long estOutgoingAllocSize; // used for "reserving" memory for the Outgoing Output Values to overcome an OOM
private long reserveValueBatchMemory; // keep "reserve memory" for Values Batch
private long reserveOutgoingMemory; // keep "reserve memory" for the Outgoing (Values only) output
private int maxColumnWidth = VARIABLE_MIN_WIDTH_VALUE_SIZE; // to control memory allocation for varchars
private long minBatchesPerPartition; // for tuning - num partitions and spill decision
private long plannedBatches; // account for planned, but not yet allocated batches
private int underlyingIndex;
private int currentIndex;
private IterOutcome outcome;
private int numGroupedRecords;
private int currentBatchRecordCount; // Performance: Avoid repeated calls to getRecordCount()
private int lastBatchOutputCount;
private RecordBatch incoming;
private BatchSchema schema;
private HashAggBatch outgoing;
private VectorContainer outContainer;
protected FragmentContext context;
protected ClassGenerator<?> cg;
private OperatorContext oContext;
private BufferAllocator allocator;
private HashTable htables[];
private ArrayList<BatchHolder> batchHolders[];
private int outBatchIndex[];
// For handling spilling
private HashAggUpdater updater;
private final SpilledState<HashAggSpilledPartition> spilledState = new SpilledState<>();
private SpillSet spillSet;
SpilledRecordbatch newIncoming; // when reading a spilled file - work like an "incoming"
private Writer writers[]; // a vector writer for each spilled partition
private int spilledBatchesCount[]; // count number of batches spilled, in each partition
private String spillFiles[];
private int originalPartition = -1; // the partition a secondary reads from
private IndexPointer htIdxHolder; // holder for the Hashtable's internal index returned by put()
private int numGroupByOutFields; // Note: this should be <= number of group-by fields
private TypedFieldId[] groupByOutFieldIds;
private MaterializedField[] materializedValueFields;
private boolean allFlushed;
private boolean buildComplete;
private boolean handlingSpills; // True once starting to process spill files
private boolean handleEmit; // true after receiving an EMIT, till finish handling it
private OperatorStats stats;
private final HashTableStats htStats = new HashTableStats();
public enum Metric implements MetricDef {
SPILLED_PARTITIONS, // number of original partitions spilled to disk
SPILL_MB, // Number of MB of data spilled to disk. This amount is first written,
// then later re-read. So, disk I/O is twice this amount.
// For first phase aggr -- this is an estimate of the amount of data
// returned early (analogous to a spill in the 2nd phase).
SPILL_CYCLE, // 0 - no spill, 1 - spill, 2 - SECONDARY, 3 - TERTIARY
public int metricId() {
return ordinal();
public class BatchHolder {
private final VectorContainer aggrValuesContainer; // container for aggr values (workspace variables)
private int maxOccupiedIdx = -1;
private int targetBatchRowCount;
public int getTargetBatchRowCount() {
return targetBatchRowCount;
public void setTargetBatchRowCount(int batchRowCount) {
this.targetBatchRowCount = batchRowCount;
public int getCurrentRowCount() {
return (maxOccupiedIdx + 1);
public BatchHolder(int batchRowCount) {
aggrValuesContainer = new VectorContainer();
boolean success = false;
this.targetBatchRowCount = batchRowCount;
try {
ValueVector vector;
for (int i = 0; i < materializedValueFields.length; i++) {
MaterializedField outputField = materializedValueFields[i];
// Create a type-specific ValueVector for this value
vector = TypeHelper.getNewVector(outputField, allocator);
// Try to allocate space to store BATCH_SIZE records. Key stored at index i in HashTable has its workspace
// variables (such as count, sum etc) stored at index i in HashAgg. HashTable and HashAgg both have
// BatchHolders. Whenever a BatchHolder in HashAgg reaches its capacity, a new BatchHolder is added to
// HashTable. If HashAgg can't store BATCH_SIZE records in a BatchHolder, it leaves empty slots in current
// BatchHolder in HashTable, causing the HashTable to be space inefficient. So it is better to allocate space
// to fit as close to as BATCH_SIZE records.
if (vector instanceof FixedWidthVector) {
((FixedWidthVector) vector).allocateNew(batchRowCount);
} else if (vector instanceof VariableWidthVector) {
// This case is never used .... a varchar falls under ObjectVector which is allocated on the heap !
((VariableWidthVector) vector).allocateNew(maxColumnWidth, batchRowCount);
} else if (vector instanceof ObjectVector) {
((ObjectVector) vector).allocateNew(batchRowCount);
} else {
success = true;
} finally {
if (!success) {
private boolean updateAggrValues(int incomingRowIdx, int idxWithinBatch) {
try { updateAggrValuesInternal(incomingRowIdx, idxWithinBatch); }
catch (SchemaChangeException sc) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(sc); }
maxOccupiedIdx = Math.max(maxOccupiedIdx, idxWithinBatch);
return true;
private void setup() {
try { setupInterior(incoming, outgoing, aggrValuesContainer); }
catch (SchemaChangeException sc) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(sc);}
private void outputValues() {
for (int i = 0; i <= maxOccupiedIdx; i++) {
try {
outputRecordValues(i, i);
catch (SchemaChangeException sc) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(sc);}
private void clear() {
private int getNumGroups() {
return maxOccupiedIdx + 1;
private int getNumPendingOutput() {
return getNumGroups();
// Code-generated methods (implemented in HashAggBatch)
public void setupInterior(@Named("incoming") RecordBatch incoming, @Named("outgoing") RecordBatch outgoing,
@Named("aggrValuesContainer") VectorContainer aggrValuesContainer) throws SchemaChangeException {
public void updateAggrValuesInternal(@Named("incomingRowIdx") int incomingRowIdx, @Named("htRowIdx") int htRowIdx) throws SchemaChangeException{
public void outputRecordValues(@Named("htRowIdx") int htRowIdx, @Named("outRowIdx") int outRowIdx) throws SchemaChangeException{
public void setup(HashAggregate hashAggrConfig, HashTableConfig htConfig, FragmentContext context, OperatorContext oContext,
RecordBatch incoming, HashAggBatch outgoing, LogicalExpression[] valueExprs, List<TypedFieldId> valueFieldIds,
ClassGenerator<?> cg, TypedFieldId[] groupByOutFieldIds, VectorContainer outContainer, int extraRowBytes) {
if (valueExprs == null || valueFieldIds == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid aggr value exprs or workspace variables.");
if (valueFieldIds.size() < valueExprs.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of workspace variables.");
this.context = context;
this.stats = oContext.getStats();
this.allocator = oContext.getAllocator();
this.updater = new HashAggUpdater(allocator);
this.oContext = oContext;
this.incoming = incoming;
this.outgoing = outgoing; = cg;
this.outContainer = outContainer;
this.useMemoryPrediction = context.getOptions().getOption(ExecConstants.HASHAGG_USE_MEMORY_PREDICTION_VALIDATOR);
this.phase = hashAggrConfig.getAggPhase();
canSpill = phase.hasTwo(); // single phase can not spill
// Typically for testing - force a spill after a partition has more than so many batches
minBatchesPerPartition = context.getOptions().getOption(ExecConstants.HASHAGG_MIN_BATCHES_PER_PARTITION_VALIDATOR);
// Set the memory limit
long memoryLimit = allocator.getLimit();
// Optional configured memory limit, typically used only for testing.
long configLimit = context.getOptions().getOption(ExecConstants.HASHAGG_MAX_MEMORY_VALIDATOR);
if (configLimit > 0) {
logger.warn("Memory limit was changed to {}",configLimit);
memoryLimit = Math.min(memoryLimit, configLimit);
allocator.setLimit(memoryLimit); // enforce at the allocator
// All the settings that require the number of partitions were moved into delayedSetup()
// which would be called later, after the actuall data first arrives
// currently, hash aggregation is only applicable if there are group-by expressions.
// For non-grouped (a.k.a Plain) aggregations that don't involve DISTINCT, there is no
// need to create hash table. However, for plain aggregations with DISTINCT ..
// we need to build a hash table on the aggregation column a1.
// TODO: This functionality will be added later.
if (hashAggrConfig.getGroupByExprs().size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currently, hash aggregation is only applicable if there are group-by " +
this.htIdxHolder = new IndexPointer();
materializedValueFields = new MaterializedField[valueFieldIds.size()];
if (valueFieldIds.size() > 0) {
int i = 0;
FieldReference ref =
new FieldReference("dummy", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN, valueFieldIds.get(0).getIntermediateType());
for (TypedFieldId id : valueFieldIds) {
materializedValueFields[i++] = MaterializedField.create(ref.getAsNamePart().getName(), id.getIntermediateType());
spillSet = new SpillSet(context, hashAggrConfig);
baseHashTable =
new ChainedHashTable(htConfig, context, allocator, incoming, null /* no incoming probe */, outgoing);
this.groupByOutFieldIds = groupByOutFieldIds; // retain these for delayedSetup, and to allow recreating hash tables (after a spill)
numGroupByOutFields = groupByOutFieldIds.length;
// Start calculating the row widths (with the extra columns; the rest would be done in updateEstMaxBatchSize() )
estRowWidth = extraRowBytes;
estValuesRowWidth = extraRowBytes;
try {
} catch (SchemaChangeException e) {
throw HashAggBatch.schemaChangeException(e, "Hash Aggregate", logger);
* Delayed setup are the parts from setup() that can only be set after actual data arrives in incoming
* This data is used to compute the number of partitions.
private void delayedSetup() {
final boolean fallbackEnabled = context.getOptions().getOption(ExecConstants.HASHAGG_FALLBACK_ENABLED_KEY).bool_val;
// Set the number of partitions from the configuration (raise to a power of two, if needed)
int numPartitions = (int)context.getOptions().getOption(ExecConstants.HASHAGG_NUM_PARTITIONS_VALIDATOR);
if ( numPartitions == 1 && phase.is2nd() ) { // 1st phase can still do early return with 1 partition
canSpill = false;
logger.warn("Spilling is disabled due to configuration setting of num_partitions to 1");
numPartitions = BaseAllocator.nextPowerOfTwo(numPartitions); // in case not a power of 2
if ( schema == null ) { estValuesBatchSize = estOutgoingAllocSize = estMaxBatchSize = 0; } // incoming was an empty batch
else {
// Estimate the max batch size; should use actual data (e.g. lengths of varchars)
// create "reserved memory" and adjust the memory limit down
reserveValueBatchMemory = reserveOutgoingMemory = estValuesBatchSize;
long newMemoryLimit = allocator.getLimit() - reserveValueBatchMemory - reserveOutgoingMemory;
long memAvail = newMemoryLimit - allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
if ( memAvail <= 0 ) { throw new OutOfMemoryException("Too little memory available"); }
if ( !canSpill ) { // single phase, or spill disabled by configuation
numPartitions = 1; // single phase should use only a single partition (to save memory)
} else { // two phase
// Adjust down the number of partitions if needed - when the memory available can not hold as
// many batches (configurable option), plus overhead (e.g. hash table, links, hash values))
while ( numPartitions * ( estMaxBatchSize * minBatchesPerPartition + 2 * 1024 * 1024) > memAvail ) {
numPartitions /= 2;
if ( numPartitions < 2) {
if (phase.is2nd()) {
canSpill = false; // 2nd phase needs at least 2 to make progress
if (fallbackEnabled) {
logger.warn("Spilling is disabled - not enough memory available for internal partitioning. Falling back"
+ " to use unbounded memory");
} else {
throw UserException.resourceError()
.message(String.format("Not enough memory for internal partitioning and fallback mechanism for "
+ "HashAgg to use unbounded memory is disabled. Either enable fallback config %s using Alter "
+ "session/system command or increase memory limit for Drillbit",
logger.debug("{} phase. Number of partitions chosen: {}. {} spill", phase.getName(),
numPartitions, canSpill ? "Can" : "Cannot");
// The following initial safety check should be revisited once we can lower the number of rows in a batch
// In cases of very tight memory -- need at least memory to process one batch, plus overhead (e.g. hash table)
if ( numPartitions == 1 && ! canSpill ) {
// if too little memory - behave like the old code -- practically no memory limit for hash aggregate
// (but 1st phase can still spill, so it will maintain the original memory limit)
allocator.setLimit(AbstractBase.MAX_ALLOCATION); // 10_000_000_000L
// Create arrays (one entry per partition)
htables = new HashTable[numPartitions];
batchHolders = (ArrayList<BatchHolder>[]) new ArrayList<?>[numPartitions];
outBatchIndex = new int[numPartitions];
writers = new Writer[numPartitions];
spilledBatchesCount = new int[numPartitions];
spillFiles = new String[numPartitions];
plannedBatches = numPartitions; // each partition should allocate its first batch
// initialize every (per partition) entry in the arrays
for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++ ) {
try {
this.htables[i] = baseHashTable.createAndSetupHashTable(groupByOutFieldIds);
} catch (ClassTransformationException e) {
throw UserException.unsupportedError(e)
.message("Code generation error - likely an error in the code.")
} catch (IOException e) {
throw UserException.resourceError(e)
.message("IO Error while creating a hash table.")
} catch (SchemaChangeException sce) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected Schema Change while creating a hash table",sce);
this.batchHolders[i] = new ArrayList<BatchHolder>(); // First BatchHolder is created when the first put request is received.
// Initialize the value vectors in the generated code (which point to the incoming or outgoing fields)
try {
} catch (SchemaChangeException sc) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(sc);
* get new incoming: (when reading spilled files like an "incoming")
* @return The (newly replaced) incoming
public RecordBatch getNewIncoming() { return newIncoming; }
private void initializeSetup(RecordBatch newIncoming) throws SchemaChangeException, IOException {
baseHashTable.updateIncoming(newIncoming, null); // after a spill - a new incoming
this.incoming = newIncoming;
currentBatchRecordCount = newIncoming.getRecordCount(); // first batch in this spill file
nextPartitionToReturn = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < spilledState.getNumPartitions(); i++ ) {
htables[i].updateIncoming(newIncoming.getContainer(), null);
if ( batchHolders[i] != null) {
for (BatchHolder bh : batchHolders[i]) {
batchHolders[i] = new ArrayList<BatchHolder>();
outBatchIndex[i] = 0;
writers[i] = null;
spilledBatchesCount[i] = 0;
spillFiles[i] = null;
* Update the estimated max batch size to be used in the Hash Aggr Op.
* using the record batch size to get the row width.
* @param incoming
private void updateEstMaxBatchSize(RecordBatch incoming) {
if ( estMaxBatchSize > 0 ) { return; } // no handling of a schema (or varchar) change
// Use the sizer to get the input row width and the length of the longest varchar column
RecordBatchSizer sizer = outgoing.getRecordBatchMemoryManager().getRecordBatchSizer();
logger.trace("Incoming sizer: {}",sizer);
// An empty batch only has the schema, can not tell actual length of varchars
// else use the actual varchars length, each capped at 50 (to match the space allocation)
long estInputRowWidth = sizer.rowCount() == 0 ? sizer.getStdRowWidth() : sizer.getNetRowWidthCap50();
// Get approx max (varchar) column width to get better memory allocation
maxColumnWidth = Math.max(sizer.getMaxAvgColumnSize(), VARIABLE_MIN_WIDTH_VALUE_SIZE);
maxColumnWidth = Math.min(maxColumnWidth, VARIABLE_MAX_WIDTH_VALUE_SIZE);
// Calculate the estimated max (internal) batch (i.e. Keys batch + Values batch) size
// (which is used to decide when to spill)
// Also calculate the values batch size (used as a reserve to overcome an OOM)
Iterator<VectorWrapper<?>> outgoingIter = outContainer.iterator();
int fieldId = 0;
while (outgoingIter.hasNext()) {
ValueVector vv =;
MaterializedField mr = vv.getField();
int fieldSize = vv instanceof VariableWidthVector ? maxColumnWidth :
estRowWidth += fieldSize;
estOutputRowWidth += fieldSize;
if ( fieldId < numGroupByOutFields ) { fieldId++; }
else { estValuesRowWidth += fieldSize; }
// multiply by the max number of rows in a batch to get the final estimated max size
long estimatedMaxWidth = Math.max(estRowWidth, estInputRowWidth);
estMaxBatchSize = estimatedMaxWidth * MAX_BATCH_ROW_COUNT;
// estimated batch size should not exceed the configuration given size
int configuredBatchSize = outgoing.getRecordBatchMemoryManager().getOutputBatchSize();
estMaxBatchSize = Math.min(estMaxBatchSize, configuredBatchSize);
// work back the number of rows (may have been reduced from MAX_BATCH_ROW_COUNT)
long rowsInBatch = estMaxBatchSize / estimatedMaxWidth;
// (When there are no aggr functions, use '1' as later code relies on this size being non-zero)
estValuesBatchSize = Math.max(estValuesRowWidth, 1) * rowsInBatch;
estOutgoingAllocSize = estValuesBatchSize; // initially assume same size
logger.trace("{} phase. Estimated internal row width: {} Values row width: {} batch size: {} memory limit: {} max column width: {}",
if ( estMaxBatchSize > allocator.getLimit() ) {
logger.warn("HashAggregate: Estimated max batch size {} is larger than the memory limit {}",estMaxBatchSize,allocator.getLimit());
* Read and process (i.e., insert into the hash table and aggregate) records from the current batch.
* Once complete, get the incoming NEXT batch and process it as well, etc.
* For 1st phase, may return when an early output needs to be performed.
* @return Agg outcome status
public AggOutcome doWork() {
while (true) {
// This would be called only once - first time actual data arrives on incoming
if ( schema == null && incoming.getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
this.schema = incoming.getSchema();
currentBatchRecordCount = incoming.getRecordCount(); // initialize for first non empty batch
// Calculate the number of partitions based on actual incoming data
// Update the record batch manager since this is the first batch with data; we need to
// perform the update before any processing.
// NOTE - We pass the incoming record batch explicitly because it could be a spilled record (different
// from the instance owned by the HashAggBatch).
// loop through existing records in this batch, aggregating the values as necessary.
if (EXTRA_DEBUG_1) {
logger.debug("Starting outer loop of doWork()...");
while (underlyingIndex < currentBatchRecordCount) {
if (EXTRA_DEBUG_2) {
logger.debug("Doing loop with values underlying {}, current {}", underlyingIndex, currentIndex);
if ( retrySameIndex ) { retrySameIndex = false; } // need to retry this row (e.g. we had an OOM)
else { incIndex(); } // next time continue with the next incoming row
// If adding a group discovered a memory pressure during 1st phase, then start
// outputing some partition downstream in order to free memory.
if ( earlyOutput ) {
return AggOutcome.RETURN_OUTCOME;
if (EXTRA_DEBUG_1) {
logger.debug("Processed {} records", underlyingIndex);
// Cleanup the previous batch since we are done processing it.
for (VectorWrapper<?> v : incoming) {
if ( handleEmit ) {
outcome = IterOutcome.NONE; // finished behaving like OK, now behave like NONE
else {
// Get the NEXT input batch, initially from the upstream, later (if there was a spill)
// from one of the spill files (The spill case is handled differently here to avoid
// collecting stats on the spilled records)
long memAllocBeforeNext = allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
if (handlingSpills) {
outcome =; // get it from the SpilledRecordBatch
} else {
// Get the next RecordBatch from the incoming (i.e. upstream operator)
outcome =, incoming);
long memAllocAfterNext = allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
long incomingBatchSize = memAllocAfterNext - memAllocBeforeNext;
// If incoming batch is bigger than our estimate - adjust the estimate to match
if (estMaxBatchSize < incomingBatchSize) {
logger.debug("Found a bigger next {} batch: {} , prior estimate was: {}, mem allocated {}", handlingSpills ? "spill" : "incoming", incomingBatchSize, estMaxBatchSize, memAllocAfterNext);
estMaxBatchSize = incomingBatchSize;
if (EXTRA_DEBUG_1) {
logger.debug("Received IterOutcome of {}", outcome);
// Handle various results from getting the next batch
switch (outcome) {
case NOT_YET:
return AggOutcome.RETURN_OUTCOME;
if (EXTRA_DEBUG_1) {
logger.debug("Received new schema. Batch has {} records.", incoming.getRecordCount());
// TODO: new schema case needs to be handled appropriately
return AggOutcome.UPDATE_AGGREGATOR;
case EMIT:
handleEmit = true;
// remember EMIT, but continue like handling OK
case OK:
// NOTE - We pass the incoming record batch explicitly because it could be a spilled record (different
// from the instance owned by the HashAggBatch).
currentBatchRecordCount = incoming.getRecordCount(); // size of next batch
resetIndex(); // initialize index (a new batch needs to be processed)
if (EXTRA_DEBUG_1) {
logger.debug("Continue to start processing the next batch");
case NONE:
resetIndex(); // initialize index (in case spill files need to be processed)
// Either flag buildComplete or handleEmit (or earlyOutput) would cause returning of
// the outgoing batch downstream (see innerNext() in HashAggBatch).
buildComplete = true; // now should go and return outgoing
if ( handleEmit ) {
buildComplete = false; // This was not a real NONE - more incoming is expected
// don't aggregate this incoming batch again (in the loop above; when doWork() is called again)
currentBatchRecordCount = 0;
// output the first batch; remaining batches will be output
// in response to each next() call by a downstream operator
AggIterOutcome aggOutcome = outputCurrentBatch();
switch ( aggOutcome ) {
// Output of first batch returned a RESTART (all new partitions were spilled)
return AggOutcome.CALL_WORK_AGAIN; // need to read/process the next partition
case AGG_EMIT:
// Following an incoming EMIT, if the output was only a single batch
// outcome is set to IterOutcome.EMIT;
case AGG_NONE: // no output
// Regular output (including after EMIT, when more output batches are planned)
outcome = IterOutcome.OK;
return AggOutcome.RETURN_OUTCOME;
return AggOutcome.CLEANUP_AND_RETURN;
* Use reserved values memory (if available) to try and preemp an OOM
private void useReservedValuesMemory() {
// try to preempt an OOM by using the reserved memory
long reservedMemory = reserveValueBatchMemory;
if ( reservedMemory > 0 ) { allocator.setLimit(allocator.getLimit() + reservedMemory); }
reserveValueBatchMemory = 0;
* Use reserved outgoing output memory (if available) to try and preemp an OOM
private void useReservedOutgoingMemory() {
// try to preempt an OOM by using the reserved memory
long reservedMemory = reserveOutgoingMemory;
if ( reservedMemory > 0 ) { allocator.setLimit(allocator.getLimit() + reservedMemory); }
reserveOutgoingMemory = 0;
* Restore the reserve memory (both)
private void restoreReservedMemory() {
if ( 0 == reserveOutgoingMemory ) { // always restore OutputValues first (needed for spilling)
long memAvail = allocator.getLimit() - allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
if ( memAvail > estOutgoingAllocSize) {
allocator.setLimit(allocator.getLimit() - estOutgoingAllocSize);
reserveOutgoingMemory = estOutgoingAllocSize;
if ( 0 == reserveValueBatchMemory ) {
long memAvail = allocator.getLimit() - allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
if ( memAvail > estValuesBatchSize) {
allocator.setLimit(allocator.getLimit() - estValuesBatchSize);
reserveValueBatchMemory = estValuesBatchSize;
* Allocate space for the returned aggregate columns
* (Note DRILL-5588: Maybe can eliminate this allocation (and copy))
* @param records
private void allocateOutgoing(int records) {
// Skip the keys and only allocate for outputting the workspace values
// (keys will be output through splitAndTransfer)
Iterator<VectorWrapper<?>> outgoingIter = outContainer.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < numGroupByOutFields; i++) {;
// try to preempt an OOM by using the reserved memory
long allocatedBefore = allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
while (outgoingIter.hasNext()) {
ValueVector vv =;
// Prevent allocating complex vectors here to avoid losing their content
// since their writers will still be used in generated code
TypeProtos.MajorType majorType = vv.getField().getType();
if (!Types.isComplex(majorType)
&& !Types.isUnion(majorType)
&& !Types.isRepeated(majorType)) {
AllocationHelper.allocatePrecomputedChildCount(vv, records, maxColumnWidth, 0);
long memAdded = allocator.getAllocatedMemory() - allocatedBefore;
if (memAdded > estOutgoingAllocSize) {
logger.trace("Output values allocated {} but the estimate was only {}. Adjusting ...", memAdded, estOutgoingAllocSize);
estOutgoingAllocSize = memAdded;
// try to restore the reserve
public IterOutcome getOutcome() {
return outcome;
public int getOutputCount() {
return lastBatchOutputCount;
public void adjustOutputCount(int outputBatchSize, int oldRowWidth, int newRowWidth) {
for (int i = 0; i < spilledState.getNumPartitions(); i++ ) {
if (batchHolders[i] == null || batchHolders[i].size() == 0) {
BatchHolder bh = batchHolders[i].get(batchHolders[i].size()-1);
// Divide remaining memory by new row width.
final int remainingRows = RecordBatchSizer.safeDivide(Math.max((outputBatchSize - (bh.getCurrentRowCount() * oldRowWidth)), 0), newRowWidth);
// Do not go beyond the current target row count as this might cause reallocs for fixed width vectors.
final int newRowCount = Math.min(bh.getTargetBatchRowCount(), bh.getCurrentRowCount() + remainingRows);
public void cleanup() {
if ( schema == null ) { return; } // not set up; nothing to clean
if ( phase.is2nd() && spillSet.getWriteBytes() > 0 ) {
stats.setLongStat(Metric.SPILL_MB, // update stats - total MB spilled
(int) Math.round(spillSet.getWriteBytes() / 1024.0D / 1024.0));
// clean (and deallocate) each partition
for ( int i = 0; i < spilledState.getNumPartitions(); i++) {
if (htables[i] != null) {
htables[i] = null;
if ( batchHolders[i] != null) {
for (BatchHolder bh : batchHolders[i]) {
batchHolders[i] = null;
// delete any (still active) output spill file
if ( writers[i] != null && spillFiles[i] != null) {
try {
writers[i] = null;
spillFiles[i] = null;
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.warn("Cleanup: Failed to delete spill file {}", spillFiles[i], e);
// delete any spill file left in unread spilled partitions
while (!spilledState.isEmpty()) {
HashAggSpilledPartition sp = spilledState.getNextSpilledPartition();
try {
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.warn("Cleanup: Failed to delete spill file {}",sp.getSpillFile());
// Delete the currently handled (if any) spilled file
if ( newIncoming != null ) { newIncoming.close(); }
spillSet.close(); // delete the spill directory(ies)
htIdxHolder = null;
materializedValueFields = null;
// First free the memory used by the given (spilled) partition (i.e., hash table plus batches)
// then reallocate them in pristine state to allow the partition to continue receiving rows
private void reinitPartition(int part) /* throws SchemaChangeException /*, IOException */ {
assert htables[part] != null;
if ( batchHolders[part] != null) {
for (BatchHolder bh : batchHolders[part]) {
batchHolders[part] = new ArrayList<BatchHolder>(); // First BatchHolder is created when the first put request is received.
outBatchIndex[part] = 0;
// in case the reserve memory was used, try to restore
private final void incIndex() {
if (underlyingIndex >= currentBatchRecordCount) {
currentIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
try { currentIndex = getVectorIndex(underlyingIndex); }
catch (SchemaChangeException sc) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(sc);}
private final void resetIndex() {
underlyingIndex = -1; // will become 0 in incIndex()
private boolean isSpilled(int part) {
return writers[part] != null;
* Which partition to choose for flushing out (i.e. spill or return) ?
* - The current partition (to which a new bach holder is added) has a priority,
* because its last batch holder is full.
* - Also the largest prior spilled partition has some priority, as it is already spilled;
* but spilling too few rows (e.g. a single batch) gets us nothing.
* - So the largest non-spilled partition has some priority, to get more memory freed.
* Need to weigh the above three options.
* @param currPart - The partition that hit the memory limit (gets a priority)
* @param tryAvoidCurr - When true, give negative priority to the current partition
* @return The partition (number) chosen to be spilled
private int chooseAPartitionToFlush(int currPart, boolean tryAvoidCurr) {
if ( phase.is1st() && ! tryAvoidCurr) { return currPart; } // 1st phase: just use the current partition
int currPartSize = batchHolders[currPart].size();
if ( currPartSize == 1 ) { currPartSize = -1; } // don't pick current if size is 1
// first find the largest spilled partition
int maxSizeSpilled = -1;
int indexMaxSpilled = -1;
for (int isp = 0; isp < spilledState.getNumPartitions(); isp++ ) {
if ( isSpilled(isp) && maxSizeSpilled < batchHolders[isp].size() ) {
maxSizeSpilled = batchHolders[isp].size();
indexMaxSpilled = isp;
// Give the current (if already spilled) some priority
if ( ! tryAvoidCurr && isSpilled(currPart) && ( currPartSize + 1 >= maxSizeSpilled )) {
maxSizeSpilled = currPartSize;
indexMaxSpilled = currPart;
// now find the largest non-spilled partition
int maxSize = -1;
int indexMax = -1;
// Use the largest spilled (if found) as a base line, with a factor of 4
if ( indexMaxSpilled > -1 && maxSizeSpilled > 1 ) {
indexMax = indexMaxSpilled;
maxSize = 4 * maxSizeSpilled;
for ( int insp = 0; insp < spilledState.getNumPartitions(); insp++) {
if ( ! isSpilled(insp) && maxSize < batchHolders[insp].size() ) {
indexMax = insp;
maxSize = batchHolders[insp].size();
// again - priority to the current partition
if ( ! tryAvoidCurr && ! isSpilled(currPart) && (currPartSize + 1 >= maxSize) ) {
return currPart;
if ( maxSize <= 1 ) { // Can not make progress by spilling a single batch!
return -1; // try skipping this spill
return indexMax;
* Iterate through the batches of the given partition, writing them to a file
* @param part The partition (number) to spill
private void spillAPartition(int part) {
ArrayList<BatchHolder> currPartition = batchHolders[part];
rowsInPartition = 0;
logger.debug("HashAggregate: Spilling partition {} current cycle {} part size {}", part, spilledState.getCycle(), currPartition.size());
if ( currPartition.size() == 0 ) { return; } // in case empty - nothing to spill
// If this is the first spill for this partition, create an output stream
if ( ! isSpilled(part) ) {
spillFiles[part] = spillSet.getNextSpillFile(spilledState.getCycle() > 0 ? Integer.toString(spilledState.getCycle()) : null);
try {
writers[part] = spillSet.writer(spillFiles[part]);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw UserException.resourceError(ioe)
.message("Hash Aggregation failed to open spill file: " + spillFiles[part])
for (int currOutBatchIndex = 0; currOutBatchIndex < currPartition.size(); currOutBatchIndex++ ) {
// get the number of records in the batch holder that are pending output
int numOutputRecords = currPartition.get(currOutBatchIndex).getNumPendingOutput();
rowsInPartition += numOutputRecords; // for logging
rowsSpilled += numOutputRecords;
this.htables[part].outputKeys(currOutBatchIndex, this.outContainer, numOutputRecords);
// set the value count for outgoing batch value vectors
WritableBatch batch = WritableBatch.getBatchNoHVWrap(numOutputRecords, outContainer, false);
try {
writers[part].write(batch, null);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw UserException.dataWriteError(ioe)
.message("Hash Aggregation failed to write to output file: " + spillFiles[part])
} finally {
logger.trace("HASH AGG: Took {} us to spill {} records", writers[part].time(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS), numOutputRecords);
spilledBatchesCount[part] += currPartition.size(); // update count of spilled batches
logger.trace("HASH AGG: Spilled {} rows from {} batches of partition {}", rowsInPartition, currPartition.size(), part);
private void addBatchHolder(int part, int batchRowCount) {
BatchHolder bh = newBatchHolder(batchRowCount);
if (EXTRA_DEBUG_1) {
logger.debug("HashAggregate: Added new batch; num batches = {}.", batchHolders[part].size());
// These methods are overridden in the generated class when created as plain Java code.
protected BatchHolder newBatchHolder(int batchRowCount) {
return this.injectMembers(new BatchHolder(batchRowCount));
protected BatchHolder injectMembers(BatchHolder batchHolder) {
CodeGenMemberInjector.injectMembers(cg, batchHolder, context);
return batchHolder;
* Output the next batch from partition "nextPartitionToReturn"
* @return iteration outcome (e.g., OK, NONE ...)
public AggIterOutcome outputCurrentBatch() {
// Handle the case of an EMIT with an empty batch
if ( handleEmit && ( batchHolders == null || batchHolders[0].size() == 0 ) ) {
lastBatchOutputCount = 0; // empty
// When returning the last outgoing batch (following an incoming EMIT), then replace OK with EMIT
this.outcome = IterOutcome.EMIT;
handleEmit = false; // finish handling EMIT
if ( outBatchIndex != null ) {
outBatchIndex[0] = 0; // reset, for the next EMIT
return AggIterOutcome.AGG_EMIT;
// when incoming was an empty batch, just finish up
if ( schema == null ) {
logger.trace("Incoming was empty; output is an empty batch.");
this.outcome = IterOutcome.NONE; // no records were read
allFlushed = true;
return AggIterOutcome.AGG_NONE;
// Initialization (covers the case of early output)
ArrayList<BatchHolder> currPartition = batchHolders[earlyPartition];
int currOutBatchIndex = outBatchIndex[earlyPartition];
int partitionToReturn = earlyPartition;
if ( ! earlyOutput ) {
// Update the next partition to return (if needed)
// skip fully returned (or spilled) partitions
while (nextPartitionToReturn < spilledState.getNumPartitions()) {
// If this partition was spilled - spill the rest of it and skip it
if ( isSpilled(nextPartitionToReturn) ) {
spillAPartition(nextPartitionToReturn); // spill the rest
HashAggSpilledPartition sp = new HashAggSpilledPartition(
reinitPartition(nextPartitionToReturn); // free the memory
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw UserException.resourceError(ioe)
.message("IO Error while closing output stream")
writers[nextPartitionToReturn] = null;
else {
currPartition = batchHolders[nextPartitionToReturn];
currOutBatchIndex = outBatchIndex[nextPartitionToReturn];
// If curr batch (partition X index) is not empty - proceed to return it
if (currOutBatchIndex < currPartition.size() && 0 != currPartition.get(currOutBatchIndex).getNumPendingOutput()) {
nextPartitionToReturn++; // else check next partition
// if passed the last partition - either done or need to restart and read spilled partitions
if (nextPartitionToReturn >= spilledState.getNumPartitions()) {
// The following "if" is probably never used; due to a similar check at the end of this method
if (spilledState.isEmpty()) { // and no spilled partitions
allFlushed = true;
this.outcome = IterOutcome.NONE;
if ( phase.is2nd() && spillSet.getWriteBytes() > 0 ) {
stats.setLongStat(Metric.SPILL_MB, // update stats - total MB spilled
(int) Math.round(spillSet.getWriteBytes() / 1024.0D / 1024.0));
return AggIterOutcome.AGG_NONE; // then return NONE
// Else - there are still spilled partitions to process - pick one and handle just like a new incoming
buildComplete = false; // go back and call doWork() again
handlingSpills = true; // beginning to work on the spill files
// pick a spilled partition; set a new incoming ...
HashAggSpilledPartition sp = spilledState.getNextSpilledPartition();
// Create a new "incoming" out of the spilled partition spill file
newIncoming = new SpilledRecordbatch(sp.getSpillFile(), sp.getSpilledBatches(), context, schema, oContext, spillSet);
originalPartition = sp.getOriginPartition(); // used for the filename
logger.trace("Reading back spilled original partition {} as an incoming",originalPartition);
// Initialize .... new incoming, new set of partitions
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
spilledState.updateCycle(stats, sp, updater);
return AggIterOutcome.AGG_RESTART;
partitionToReturn = nextPartitionToReturn;
// get the number of records in the batch holder that are pending output
int numPendingOutput = currPartition.get(currOutBatchIndex).getNumPendingOutput();
// The following accounting is for logging, metrics, etc.
rowsInPartition += numPendingOutput;
if ( ! handlingSpills ) { rowsNotSpilled += numPendingOutput; }
else { rowsSpilledReturned += numPendingOutput; }
if ( earlyOutput ) { rowsReturnedEarly += numPendingOutput; }
int numOutputRecords = numPendingOutput;
this.htables[partitionToReturn].outputKeys(currOutBatchIndex, this.outContainer, numPendingOutput);
// set the value count for outgoing batch value vectors
RecordBatchStats.logRecordBatchStats(RecordBatchIOType.OUTPUT, outgoing, outgoing.getRecordBatchStatsContext());
this.outcome = IterOutcome.OK;
if ( EXTRA_DEBUG_SPILL && phase.is2nd() ) {
logger.debug("So far returned {} + SpilledReturned {} total {} (spilled {})",rowsNotSpilled,rowsSpilledReturned,
lastBatchOutputCount = numOutputRecords;
// if just flushed the last batch in the partition
if (outBatchIndex[partitionToReturn] == currPartition.size()) {
logger.debug("HashAggregate: {} Flushed partition {} with {} batches total {} rows",
earlyOutput ? "(Early)" : "",
partitionToReturn, outBatchIndex[partitionToReturn], rowsInPartition);
rowsInPartition = 0; // reset to count for the next partition
// deallocate memory used by this partition, and re-initialize
if ( earlyOutput ) {
logger.debug("HASH AGG: Finished (early) re-init partition {}, mem allocated: {}", earlyPartition, allocator.getAllocatedMemory());
outBatchIndex[earlyPartition] = 0; // reset, for next time
earlyOutput = false; // done with early output
else if ( handleEmit ) {
// When returning the last outgoing batch (following an incoming EMIT), then replace OK with EMIT
this.outcome = IterOutcome.EMIT;
handleEmit = false; // finished handling EMIT
outBatchIndex[partitionToReturn] = 0; // reset, for the next EMIT
return AggIterOutcome.AGG_EMIT;
else if ((partitionToReturn + 1 == spilledState.getNumPartitions()) && spilledState.isEmpty()) { // last partition ?
allFlushed = true; // next next() call will return NONE
logger.trace("HashAggregate: All batches flushed.");
// cleanup my internal state since there is nothing more to return
return AggIterOutcome.AGG_OK;
public boolean allFlushed() {
return allFlushed;
public boolean buildComplete() {
return buildComplete;
public boolean handlingEmit() {
return handleEmit;
public boolean earlyOutput() { return earlyOutput; }
public int numGroupedRecords() {
return numGroupedRecords;
* Generate a detailed error message in case of "Out Of Memory"
* @return err msg
* @param prefix
private String getOOMErrorMsg(String prefix) {
String errmsg;
if (!phase.hasTwo()) {
errmsg = "Single Phase Hash Aggregate operator can not spill.";
} else if (!canSpill) { // 2nd phase, with only 1 partition
errmsg = "Too little memory available to operator to facilitate spilling.";
} else { // a bug ?
errmsg = prefix + " OOM at " + phase.getName() + " Phase. Partitions: " + spilledState.getNumPartitions() +
". Estimated batch size: " + estMaxBatchSize + ". values size: " + estValuesBatchSize + ". Output alloc size: " + estOutgoingAllocSize;
if ( plannedBatches > 0 ) { errmsg += ". Planned batches: " + plannedBatches; }
if ( rowsSpilled > 0 ) { errmsg += ". Rows spilled so far: " + rowsSpilled; }
errmsg += " Memory limit: " + allocator.getLimit() + " so far allocated: " + allocator.getAllocatedMemory() + ". ";
return errmsg;
private int getTargetBatchCount() {
return outgoing.getOutputRowCount();
// Check if a group is present in the hash table; if not, insert it in the hash table.
// The htIdxHolder contains the index of the group in the hash table container; this same
// index is also used for the aggregation values maintained by the hash aggregate.
private void checkGroupAndAggrValues(int incomingRowIdx) {
assert incomingRowIdx >= 0;
assert ! earlyOutput;
// The hash code is computed once, then its lower bits are used to determine the
// partition to use, and the higher bits determine the location in the hash table.
int hashCode;
try {
// htables[0].updateBatches();
hashCode = htables[0].getBuildHashCode(incomingRowIdx);
} catch (SchemaChangeException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected schema change", e);
// right shift hash code for secondary (or tertiary...) spilling
for (int i = 0; i < spilledState.getCycle(); i++) {
hashCode >>>= spilledState.getBitsInMask();
int currentPartition = hashCode & spilledState.getPartitionMask();
hashCode >>>= spilledState.getBitsInMask();
HashTable.PutStatus putStatus = null;
long allocatedBeforeHTput = allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
String tryingTo = phase.is1st() ? "early return" : "spill";
// Proactive spill - in case there is no reserve memory - spill and retry putting later
if ( reserveValueBatchMemory == 0 && canSpill ) {
logger.trace("Reserved memory runs short, trying to {} a partition and retry Hash Table put() again.", tryingTo);
doSpill(currentPartition); // spill to free some memory
retrySameIndex = true;
return; // to retry this put()
// ==========================================
// Insert the key columns into the hash table
// ==========================================
try {
putStatus = htables[currentPartition].put(incomingRowIdx, htIdxHolder, hashCode, getTargetBatchCount());
} catch (RetryAfterSpillException re) {
if ( ! canSpill ) { throw new OutOfMemoryException(getOOMErrorMsg("Can not spill")); }
logger.trace("HT put failed with an OOM, trying to {} a partition and retry Hash Table put() again.", tryingTo);
// for debugging - in case there's a leak
long memDiff = allocator.getAllocatedMemory() - allocatedBeforeHTput;
if ( memDiff > 0 ) { logger.warn("Leak: HashTable put() OOM left behind {} bytes allocated",memDiff); }
doSpill(currentPartition); // spill to free some memory
retrySameIndex = true;
return; // to retry this put()
} catch (OutOfMemoryException exc) {
throw new OutOfMemoryException(getOOMErrorMsg("HT was: " + allocatedBeforeHTput), exc);
} catch (SchemaChangeException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected schema change", e);
long allocatedBeforeAggCol = allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
boolean needToCheckIfSpillIsNeeded = allocatedBeforeAggCol > allocatedBeforeHTput;
// Add an Aggr batch if needed:
// In case put() added a new batch (for the keys) inside the hash table,
// then a matching batch (for the aggregate columns) needs to be created
if ( putStatus == HashTable.PutStatus.NEW_BATCH_ADDED ) {
try {
useReservedValuesMemory(); // try to preempt an OOM by using the reserve
addBatchHolder(currentPartition, getTargetBatchCount()); // allocate a new (internal) values batch
restoreReservedMemory(); // restore the reserve, if possible
// A reason to check for a spill - In case restore-reserve failed
needToCheckIfSpillIsNeeded = ( 0 == reserveValueBatchMemory );
if ( plannedBatches > 0 ) { plannedBatches--; } // just allocated a planned batch
long totalAddedMem = allocator.getAllocatedMemory() - allocatedBeforeHTput;
long aggValuesAddedMem = allocator.getAllocatedMemory() - allocatedBeforeAggCol;
logger.trace("MEMORY CHECK AGG: allocated now {}, added {}, total (with HT) added {}", allocator.getAllocatedMemory(),
aggValuesAddedMem, totalAddedMem);
// resize the batch estimates if needed (e.g., varchars may take more memory than estimated)
if (totalAddedMem > estMaxBatchSize) {
logger.trace("Adjusting Batch size estimate from {} to {}", estMaxBatchSize, totalAddedMem);
estMaxBatchSize = totalAddedMem;
needToCheckIfSpillIsNeeded = true;
if (aggValuesAddedMem > estValuesBatchSize) {
logger.trace("Adjusting Values Batch size from {} to {}",estValuesBatchSize, aggValuesAddedMem);
estValuesBatchSize = aggValuesAddedMem;
needToCheckIfSpillIsNeeded = true;
} catch (OutOfMemoryException exc) {
throw new OutOfMemoryException(getOOMErrorMsg("AGGR"), exc);
} else if ( putStatus == HashTable.PutStatus.KEY_ADDED_LAST ) {
// If a batch just became full (i.e. another batch would be allocated soon) -- then need to
// check (later, see below) if the memory limits are too close, and if so -- then spill !
plannedBatches++; // planning to allocate one more batch
needToCheckIfSpillIsNeeded = true;
// =================================================================
// Locate the matching aggregate columns and perform the aggregation
// =================================================================
int currentIdx = htIdxHolder.value;
BatchHolder bh = batchHolders[currentPartition].get((currentIdx >>> 16) & BATCH_MASK);
int idxWithinBatch = currentIdx & BATCH_MASK;
if (bh.updateAggrValues(incomingRowIdx, idxWithinBatch)) {
// ===================================================================================
// If the last batch just became full, or other "memory growing" events happened, then
// this is the time to check the memory limits !!
// If the limits were exceeded, then need to spill (if 2nd phase) or output early (1st)
// (Skip this if cannot spill, or not checking memory limits; in such case an OOM may
// be encountered later - and some OOM cases are recoverable by spilling and retrying)
// ===================================================================================
if ( needToCheckIfSpillIsNeeded && canSpill && useMemoryPrediction ) {
private void spillIfNeeded(int currentPartition) { spillIfNeeded(currentPartition, false);}
private void doSpill(int currentPartition) { spillIfNeeded(currentPartition, true);}
* Spill (or return early, if 1st phase) if too little available memory is left
* @param currentPartition - the preferred candidate for spilling
* @param forceSpill -- spill unconditionally (no memory checks)
private void spillIfNeeded(int currentPartition, boolean forceSpill) {
long maxMemoryNeeded = 0;
if ( !forceSpill ) { // need to check the memory in order to decide
// calculate the (max) new memory needed now; plan ahead for at least MIN batches
maxMemoryNeeded = minBatchesPerPartition * Math.max(1, plannedBatches) * (estMaxBatchSize + MAX_BATCH_ROW_COUNT * (4 + 4 /* links + hash-values */));
// Add the (max) size of the current hash table, in case it will double
int maxSize = 1;
for (int insp = 0; insp < spilledState.getNumPartitions(); insp++) {
maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, batchHolders[insp].size());
maxMemoryNeeded += MAX_BATCH_ROW_COUNT * 2 * 2 * 4 * maxSize; // 2 - double, 2 - max when %50 full, 4 - Uint4
// log a detailed debug message explaining why a spill may be needed
logger.trace("MEMORY CHECK: Allocated mem: {}, agg phase: {}, trying to add to partition {} with {} batches. " + "Max memory needed {}, Est batch size {}, mem limit {}",
allocator.getAllocatedMemory(), phase.getName(), currentPartition, batchHolders[currentPartition].size(), maxMemoryNeeded,
estMaxBatchSize, allocator.getLimit());
// Spill if (forced, or) the allocated memory plus the memory needed exceed the memory limit.
if ( forceSpill || allocator.getAllocatedMemory() + maxMemoryNeeded > allocator.getLimit() ) {
// Pick a "victim" partition to spill or return
int victimPartition = chooseAPartitionToFlush(currentPartition, forceSpill);
// In case no partition has more than one batch and
// non-forced spill -- try and "push the limits";
// maybe next time the spill could work.
if (victimPartition < 0) {
// In the case of the forced spill, there is not enough memory to continue.
// Throws OOM to avoid the infinite loop.
if (forceSpill) {
throw new OutOfMemoryException(getOOMErrorMsg("AGGR"));
if ( phase.is2nd() ) {
long before = allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
logger.trace("RAN OUT OF MEMORY: Spilled partition {}",victimPartition);
// Re-initialize (free memory, then recreate) the partition just spilled/returned
// In case spilling did not free enough memory to recover the reserves
boolean spillAgain = reserveOutgoingMemory == 0 || reserveValueBatchMemory == 0;
// in some "edge" cases (e.g. testing), spilling one partition may not be enough
if ( spillAgain || allocator.getAllocatedMemory() + maxMemoryNeeded > allocator.getLimit() ) {
int victimPartition2 = chooseAPartitionToFlush(victimPartition, true);
if (victimPartition2 < 0) {
// In the case of the forced spill, there is not enough memory to continue.
// Throws OOM to avoid the infinite loop.
if (forceSpill) {
throw new OutOfMemoryException(getOOMErrorMsg("AGGR"));
long after = allocator.getAllocatedMemory();
logger.warn("A Second Spill was Needed: allocated before {}, after first spill {}, after second {}, memory needed {}",
before, after, allocator.getAllocatedMemory(), maxMemoryNeeded);
logger.trace("Second Partition Spilled: {}",victimPartition2);
else {
// 1st phase need to return a partition early in order to free some memory
earlyOutput = true;
earlyPartition = victimPartition;
logger.debug("picked partition {} for early output", victimPartition);
* Updates the stats at the time after all the input was read.
* Note: For spilled partitions, their hash-table stats from before the spill are lost.
* And the SPILLED_PARTITIONS only counts the spilled partitions in the primary, not SECONDARY etc.
* @param htables
private void updateStats(HashTable[] htables) {
if (!spilledState.isFirstCycle() || // These stats are only for before processing spilled files
handleEmit ) { return; } // and no stats collecting when handling an EMIT
long numSpilled = 0;
HashTableStats newStats = new HashTableStats();
// sum the stats from all the partitions
for (int ind = 0; ind < spilledState.getNumPartitions(); ind++) {
if (isSpilled(ind)) {
this.stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_BUCKETS, htStats.numBuckets);
this.stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_ENTRIES, htStats.numEntries);
this.stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_RESIZING, htStats.numResizing);
this.stats.setLongStat(Metric.RESIZING_TIME_MS, htStats.resizingTime);
this.stats.setLongStat(Metric.NUM_PARTITIONS, spilledState.getNumPartitions());
this.stats.setLongStat(Metric.SPILL_CYCLE, spilledState.getCycle()); // Put 0 in case no spill
if ( phase.is2nd() ) {
this.stats.setLongStat(Metric.SPILLED_PARTITIONS, numSpilled);
if ( rowsReturnedEarly > 0 ) {
stats.setLongStat(Metric.SPILL_MB, // update stats - est. total MB returned early
(int) Math.round( rowsReturnedEarly * estOutputRowWidth / 1024.0D / 1024.0));
public String toString() {
// The fields are excluded because they are passed from HashAggBatch
String[] excludedFields = new String[] {
"baseHashTable", "incoming", "outgoing", "context", "oContext", "allocator", "htables", "newIncoming"};
return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toStringExclude(this, excludedFields);
// Code-generated methods (implemented in HashAggBatch)
public abstract void doSetup(@Named("incoming") RecordBatch incoming) throws SchemaChangeException;
public abstract int getVectorIndex(@Named("recordIndex") int recordIndex) throws SchemaChangeException;
public abstract boolean resetValues() throws SchemaChangeException;