blob: 8dd8eb19aae59b333978bfeb40a07b38a0308d15 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.Override;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.DrillRuntimeException;
import org.apache.drill.exec.exception.OutOfMemoryException;
import org.apache.drill.exec.memory.AllocationManager.BufferLedger;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.BaseDataValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.BaseValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.VariableWidthVector;
<@pp.dropOutputFile />
<#list vv.types as type>
<#list type.minor as minor>
<#assign friendlyType = (minor.friendlyType!minor.boxedType!type.boxedType) />
<#if type.major == "VarLen">
<@pp.changeOutputFile name="/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/${minor.class}" />
<#include "/@includes/license.ftl" />
package org.apache.drill.exec.vector;
<#include "/@includes/vv_imports.ftl" />
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* ${minor.class}Vector implements a vector of variable width values. Elements in the vector
* are accessed by position from the logical start of the vector. A fixed width offsetVector
* is used to convert an element's position to it's offset from the start of the (0-based)
* DrillBuf. Size is inferred from adjacent elements.
* <ul>
* <li>The width of each element is ${type.width} byte(s). Note that the actual width is
* variable, this width is used as a guess for certain calculations.</li>
* <li>The equivalent Java primitive is '${minor.javaType!type.javaType}'<li>
* </ul>
* NB: this class is automatically generated from <tt>${.template_name}</tt>
* and <tt>ValueVectorTypes.tdd</tt> using FreeMarker.
public final class ${minor.class}Vector extends BaseDataValueVector implements VariableWidthVector {
private final UInt${type.width}Vector offsetVector = new UInt${type.width}Vector(offsetsField, allocator);
private final FieldReader reader = new ${minor.class}ReaderImpl(${minor.class}Vector.this);
private final Accessor accessor;
private final Mutator mutator;
private int allocationSizeInBytes = INITIAL_BYTE_COUNT;
private int allocationMonitor = 0;
public ${minor.class}Vector(MaterializedField field, BufferAllocator allocator) {
super(field, allocator);
this.accessor = new Accessor();
this.mutator = new Mutator();
public FieldReader getReader(){
return reader;
public int getBufferSize(){
if (getAccessor().getValueCount() == 0) {
return 0;
return offsetVector.getBufferSize() + data.writerIndex();
public int getAllocatedSize() {
return offsetVector.getAllocatedSize() + data.capacity();
public int getBufferSizeFor(final int valueCount) {
if (valueCount == 0) {
return 0;
final int idx = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(valueCount);
return offsetVector.getBufferSizeFor(valueCount + 1) + idx;
public int getValueCapacity(){
return Math.max(offsetVector.getValueCapacity() - 1, 0);
public int getByteCapacity(){
return data.capacity();
* Return the number of bytes contained in the current var len byte vector.
* TODO: Remove getVarByteLength with it's implementation after all client's are moved to using getCurrentSizeInBytes.
* It's kept as is to preserve backward compatibility
* @return
public int getCurrentSizeInBytes() {
return getVarByteLength();
* Return the number of bytes contained in the current var len byte vector.
* @return
public int getVarByteLength(){
final int valueCount = getAccessor().getValueCount();
if(valueCount == 0) {
return 0;
return offsetVector.getAccessor().get(valueCount);
public SerializedField getMetadata() {
return getMetadataBuilder()
public void load(SerializedField metadata, DrillBuf buffer) {
// the bits vector is the first child (the order in which the children are added in getMetadataBuilder is significant)
final SerializedField offsetField = metadata.getChild(0);
offsetVector.load(offsetField, buffer);
final int capacity = buffer.capacity();
final int offsetsLength = offsetField.getBufferLength();
data = buffer.slice(offsetsLength, capacity - offsetsLength);
public void clear() {
public DrillBuf[] getBuffers(boolean clear) {
final DrillBuf[] buffers = ObjectArrays.concat(offsetVector.getBuffers(false), super.getBuffers(false), DrillBuf.class);
if (clear) {
// does not make much sense but we have to retain buffers even when clear is set. refactor this interface.
for (final DrillBuf buffer:buffers) {
return buffers;
public long getOffsetAddr(){
return offsetVector.getBuffer().memoryAddress();
public UInt${type.width}Vector getOffsetVector(){
return offsetVector;
public TransferPair getTransferPair(BufferAllocator allocator){
return new TransferImpl(getField(), allocator);
public TransferPair getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator){
return new TransferImpl(getField().withPath(ref), allocator);
public TransferPair makeTransferPair(ValueVector to) {
return new TransferImpl((${minor.class}Vector) to);
public void transferTo(${minor.class}Vector target){
this.offsetVector.transferTo(target.offsetVector); = data.transferOwnership(target.allocator).buffer;;
public void splitAndTransferTo(int startIndex, int length, ${minor.class}Vector target) {
UInt${type.width}Vector.Accessor offsetVectorAccessor = this.offsetVector.getAccessor();
final int startPoint = offsetVectorAccessor.get(startIndex);
final int sliceLength = offsetVectorAccessor.get(startIndex + length) - startPoint;
target.offsetVector.allocateNew(length + 1);
offsetVectorAccessor = this.offsetVector.getAccessor();
final UInt4Vector.Mutator targetOffsetVectorMutator = target.offsetVector.getMutator();
for (int i = 0; i < length + 1; i++) {
targetOffsetVectorMutator.set(i, offsetVectorAccessor.get(startIndex + i) - startPoint);
} = data.slice(startPoint, sliceLength).transferOwnership(target.allocator).buffer;
protected void copyFrom(int fromIndex, int thisIndex, ${minor.class}Vector from){
final UInt4Vector.Accessor fromOffsetVectorAccessor = from.offsetVector.getAccessor();
final int start = fromOffsetVectorAccessor.get(fromIndex);
final int end = fromOffsetVectorAccessor.get(fromIndex + 1);
final int len = end - start;
final int outputStart =${(minor.javaType!type.javaType)?cap_first}(thisIndex * ${type.width});, data, outputStart, len);${(minor.javaType!type.javaType)?cap_first}( (thisIndex+1) * ${type.width}, outputStart + len);
public boolean copyFromSafe(int fromIndex, int thisIndex, ${minor.class}Vector from){
final UInt${type.width}Vector.Accessor fromOffsetVectorAccessor = from.offsetVector.getAccessor();
final int start = fromOffsetVectorAccessor.get(fromIndex);
final int end = fromOffsetVectorAccessor.get(fromIndex + 1);
final int len = end - start;
final int outputStart =${(minor.javaType!type.javaType)?cap_first}(thisIndex * ${type.width});
while(data.capacity() < outputStart + len) {
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(thisIndex + 1, outputStart + len);, data, outputStart, len);
return true;
public void copyEntry(int toIndex, ValueVector from, int fromIndex) {
copyFromSafe(fromIndex, toIndex, (${minor.class}Vector) from);
public void collectLedgers(Set<BufferLedger> ledgers) {
public int getPayloadByteCount(int valueCount) {
if (valueCount == 0) {
return 0;
// If 1 or more values, then the last value is set to
// the offset of the next value, which is the same as
// the length of existing values.
// In addition to the actual data bytes, we must also
// include the "overhead" bytes: the offset vector entries
// that accompany each column value. Thus, total payload
// size is consumed text bytes + consumed offset vector
// bytes.
return offsetVector.getAccessor().get(valueCount) +
private class TransferImpl implements TransferPair{
private final ${minor.class}Vector to;
public TransferImpl(MaterializedField field, BufferAllocator allocator){
to = new ${minor.class}Vector(field, allocator);
public TransferImpl(${minor.class}Vector to){ = to;
public ${minor.class}Vector getTo(){
return to;
public void transfer(){
public void splitAndTransfer(int startIndex, int length) {
splitAndTransferTo(startIndex, length, to);
public void copyValueSafe(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
to.copyFromSafe(fromIndex, toIndex, ${minor.class}Vector.this);
public void setInitialCapacity(final int valueCount) {
final long size = 1L * valueCount * ${type.width};
throw new OversizedAllocationException("Requested amount of memory is more than max allowed allocation size");
allocationSizeInBytes = (int) size;
offsetVector.setInitialCapacity(valueCount + 1);
public void allocateNew() {
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Failure while allocating buffer.");
public boolean allocateNewSafe() {
long curAllocationSize = allocationSizeInBytes;
if (allocationMonitor > 10) {
curAllocationSize = Math.max(MIN_BYTE_COUNT, curAllocationSize / 2);
allocationMonitor = 0;
} else if (allocationMonitor < -2) {
curAllocationSize = curAllocationSize * 2L;
allocationMonitor = 0;
if (curAllocationSize > MAX_ALLOCATION_SIZE) {
return false;
/* Boolean to keep track if all the memory allocations were successful
* Used in the case of composite vectors when we need to allocate multiple
* buffers for multiple vectors. If one of the allocations failed we need to
* clear all the memory that we allocated
try {
final int requestedSize = (int)curAllocationSize;
data = allocator.buffer(requestedSize);
allocationSizeInBytes = requestedSize;
} catch (OutOfMemoryException e) {
return false;
return true;
public void allocateNew(int totalBytes, int valueCount) {
assert totalBytes >= 0;
try {
data = allocator.buffer(totalBytes);
offsetVector.allocateNew(valueCount + 1);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
allocationSizeInBytes = totalBytes;
public void reset() {
allocationSizeInBytes = INITIAL_BYTE_COUNT;
allocationMonitor = 0;
public void reAlloc() {
final long newAllocationSize = allocationSizeInBytes*2L;
if (newAllocationSize > MAX_ALLOCATION_SIZE) {
throw new OversizedAllocationException("Unable to expand the buffer. Max allowed buffer size is reached.");
reallocRaw((int) newAllocationSize);
public DrillBuf reallocRaw(int newAllocationSize) {
final DrillBuf newBuf = allocator.buffer(newAllocationSize);
newBuf.setBytes(0, data, 0, data.capacity());
data = newBuf;
allocationSizeInBytes = newAllocationSize;
return data;
public void decrementAllocationMonitor() {
if (allocationMonitor > 0) {
allocationMonitor = 0;
private void incrementAllocationMonitor() {
public Accessor getAccessor(){
return accessor;
public Mutator getMutator() {
return mutator;
public void exchange(ValueVector other) {;
${minor.class}Vector target = (${minor.class}Vector) other;;
public void toNullable(ValueVector nullableVector) {
Nullable${minor.class}Vector dest = (Nullable${minor.class}Vector) nullableVector;
public final class Accessor extends BaseValueVector.BaseAccessor implements VariableWidthAccessor {
final UInt${type.width}Vector.Accessor oAccessor = offsetVector.getAccessor();
public long getStartEnd(int index){
return oAccessor.getTwoAsLong(index);
public byte[] get(int index) {
assert index >= 0;
final int startIdx = oAccessor.get(index);
final int length = oAccessor.get(index + 1) - startIdx;
assert length >= 0;
final byte[] dst = new byte[length];
data.getBytes(startIdx, dst, 0, length);
return dst;
public int getValueLength(int index) {
final UInt${type.width}Vector.Accessor offsetVectorAccessor = offsetVector.getAccessor();
return offsetVectorAccessor.get(index + 1) - offsetVectorAccessor.get(index);
public void get(int index, ${minor.class}Holder holder){
holder.start = oAccessor.get(index);
holder.end = oAccessor.get(index + 1);
holder.buffer = data;
<#if minor.class.contains("Decimal")>
holder.scale = field.getScale();
holder.precision = field.getPrecision();
public void get(int index, Nullable${minor.class}Holder holder){
holder.isSet = 1;
holder.start = oAccessor.get(index);
holder.end = oAccessor.get(index + 1);
holder.buffer = data;
<#if minor.class.contains("Decimal")>
holder.scale = field.getScale();
holder.precision = field.getPrecision();
<#switch minor.class>
<#case "VarDecimal">
public ${friendlyType} getObject(int index) {
byte[] b = get(index);
BigInteger bi = b.length == 0 ? BigInteger.ZERO : new BigInteger(b);
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(bi, getField().getScale());
return bd;
<#case "VarChar">
public ${friendlyType} getObject(int index) {
Text text = new Text();
return text;
<#case "Var16Char">
public ${friendlyType} getObject(int index) {
return new String(get(index), Charsets.UTF_16);
public ${friendlyType} getObject(int index) {
return get(index);
public int getValueCount() {
return Math.max(offsetVector.getAccessor().getValueCount()-1, 0);
public boolean isNull(int index){
return false;
public UInt${type.width}Vector getOffsetVector(){
return offsetVector;
* <h4>Overview</h4>
* <p>
* Mutable${minor.class} implements a vector of variable width values. Elements in the vector
* are accessed by position from the logical start of the vector. A fixed width offsetVector
* is used to convert an element's position to it's offset from the start of the (0-based)
* DrillBuf. Size is inferred by adjacent elements.
* The width of each element is ${type.width} byte(s)
* The equivalent Java primitive is '${minor.javaType!type.javaType}'
* NB: this class is automatically generated from ValueVectorTypes.tdd using FreeMarker.
* </p>
* <h4>Contract</h4>
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li>
* <b>Supported Writes:</b> {@link VariableWidthVector}s do not support random writes. In contrast {@link org.apache.drill.exec.vector.FixedWidthVector}s do
* allow random writes but special care is needed.
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Writing Values:</b> All set methods must be called with a consecutive sequence of indices. With a few exceptions:
* <ol>
* <li>You can update the last index you just set.</li>
* <li>You can reset a previous index (call it Idx), but you must assume all the data after Idx is corrupt. Also
* note that the memory consumed by data that came after Idx is not released.</li>
* </ol>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Setting Value Count:</b> Vectors aren't explicitly aware of how many values they contain. So you must keep track of the
* number of values you've written to the vector and once you are done writing to the vector you must call {@link Mutator#setValueCount(int)}.
* It is possible to trim the vector by setting the value count to be less than the number of values currently contained in the vector. Note the extra memory consumed in
* the data buffer is not freed when this is done.
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Memory Allocation:</b> When setting a value at an index you must do one of the following to ensure you do not get an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException}.
* <ol>
* <li>
* Allocate the exact amount of memory you need when using the {@link Mutator#set(int, byte[])} methods. If you do not
* manually allocate sufficient memory an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} can be thrown when the data buffer runs out of space.
* </li>
* <li>
* Or you can use the {@link Mutator#setSafe(int, byte[])} methods, which will automatically grow your data buffer to
* fit your data.
* </li>
* </ol>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Immutability:</b> Once a vector has been populated with data and {@link #setValueCount(int)} has been called, it should be considered immutable.
* </li>
* </ol>
* </p>
public final class Mutator extends BaseValueVector.BaseMutator implements VariableWidthVector.VariableWidthMutator {
* Set the variable length element at the specified index to the supplied byte array.
* @param index position of the bit to set
* @param bytes array of bytes to write
protected void set(int index, byte[] bytes) {
assert index >= 0;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
offsetVector.getMutator().set(index + 1, currentOffset + bytes.length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public void setSafe(int index, byte[] bytes) {
assert index >= 0;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
while (data.capacity() < currentOffset + bytes.length) {
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(index + 1, currentOffset + bytes.length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
* Copies the bulk input into this value vector and extends its capacity if necessary.
* @param input bulk input
public <T extends VarLenBulkEntry> void setSafe(VarLenBulkInput<T> input) {
setSafe(input, null);
* Copies the bulk input into this value vector and extends its capacity if necessary. The callback
* mechanism allows decoration as caller is invoked for each bulk entry.
* @param input bulk input
* @param callback a bulk input callback object (optional)
public <T extends VarLenBulkEntry> void setSafe(VarLenBulkInput<T> input, VarLenBulkInput.BulkInputCallback<T> callback) {
// Let's allocate a buffered mutator to optimize memory copy performance
BufferedMutator bufferedMutator = new BufferedMutator(input.getStartIndex(), ${minor.class}Vector.this);
// Let's process the input
while (input.hasNext()) {
T entry =;
if (entry == null || entry.getNumValues() == 0) {
break; // this could happen when handling columnar batch sizing constraints
if (callback != null) {
DrillRuntimeException.checkInterrupted(); // Ensures fast handling of query cancellation
// Flush any data not yet copied to this VL container
// Inform the input object we're done reading
if (callback != null) {
* Set the variable length element at the specified index to the supplied byte array.
* @param index position of the bit to set
* @param bytes array of bytes to write
* @param start start index of bytes to write
* @param length length of bytes to write
protected void set(int index, byte[] bytes, int start, int length) {
assert index >= 0;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
offsetVector.getMutator().set(index + 1, currentOffset + length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, bytes, start, length);
public void setSafe(int index, ByteBuffer bytes, int start, int length) {
assert index >= 0;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
while (data.capacity() < currentOffset + length) {
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(index + 1, currentOffset + length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, bytes, start, length);
public void setSafe(int index, byte[] bytes, int start, int length) {
assert index >= 0;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
while (data.capacity() < currentOffset + length) {
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(index + 1, currentOffset + length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, bytes, start, length);
public void setValueLengthSafe(int index, int length) {
final int offset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
while(data.capacity() < offset + length ) {
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(index + 1, offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index) + length);
public void setSafe(int index, int start, int end, DrillBuf buffer) {
final int len = end - start;
final int outputStart =${(minor.javaType!type.javaType)?cap_first}(index * ${type.width});
while (data.capacity() < outputStart + len) {
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(index + 1, outputStart + len);
buffer.getBytes(start, data, outputStart, len);
public void setSafe(int index, Nullable${minor.class}Holder holder) {
assert holder.isSet == 1;
final int start = holder.start;
final int end = holder.end;
final int len = end - start;
final int outputStart =${(minor.javaType!type.javaType)?cap_first}(index * ${type.width});
while (data.capacity() < outputStart + len) {
holder.buffer.getBytes(start, data, outputStart, len);
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(index + 1, outputStart + len);
<#if minor.class == "VarDecimal">
public void set(int index, BigDecimal value) {
byte[] bytes = value.unscaledValue().toByteArray();
set(index, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public void setSafe(int index, BigDecimal value) {
byte[] bytes = value.unscaledValue().toByteArray();
setSafe(index, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public void setSafe(int index, ${minor.class}Holder holder) {
final int start = holder.start;
final int end = holder.end;
final int len = end - start;
final int outputStart =${(minor.javaType!type.javaType)?cap_first}(index * ${type.width});
while(data.capacity() < outputStart + len) {
holder.buffer.getBytes(start, data, outputStart, len);
offsetVector.getMutator().setSafe(index + 1, outputStart + len);
* Backfill missing offsets from the given last written position to the
* given current write position. Used by the "new" size-safe column
* writers to allow skipping values. The <tt>set()</tt> and <tt>setSafe()</tt>
* <b>do not</b> fill empties. See DRILL-5529.
* @param lastWrite the position of the last valid write: the offset
* to be copied forward
* @param index the current write position filling occurs up to,
* but not including, this position
public void fillEmpties(int lastWrite, int index) {
// If last write was 2, offsets are [0, 3, 6]
// If next write is 4, offsets must be: [0, 3, 6, 6, 6]
// Remember the offsets are one more than row count.
final int fillOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(lastWrite+1);
final UInt4Vector.Mutator offsetMutator = offsetVector.getMutator();
for (int i = lastWrite; i < index; i++) {
offsetMutator.setSafe(i + 1, fillOffset);
protected void set(int index, int start, int length, DrillBuf buffer){
assert index >= 0;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
offsetVector.getMutator().set(index + 1, currentOffset + length);
final DrillBuf bb = buffer.slice(start, length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, bb);
protected void set(int index, Nullable${minor.class}Holder holder){
final int length = holder.end - holder.start;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
offsetVector.getMutator().set(index + 1, currentOffset + length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, holder.buffer, holder.start, length);
protected void set(int index, ${minor.class}Holder holder){
final int length = holder.end - holder.start;
final int currentOffset = offsetVector.getAccessor().get(index);
offsetVector.getMutator().set(index + 1, currentOffset + length);
data.setBytes(currentOffset, holder.buffer, holder.start, length);
* <h4>Notes on Usage</h4>
* <p>
* For {@link VariableWidthVector}s this method can be used in the following cases:
* <ul>
* <li>Setting the actual number of elements currently contained in the vector.</li>
* <li>Trimming the vector to have fewer elements than it current does.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <h4>Caveats</h4>
* <p>
* It is important to note that for {@link org.apache.drill.exec.vector.FixedWidthVector}s this method can also be used to expand the vector.
* However, {@link VariableWidthVector} do not support this usage and this method will throw an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} if you attempt
* to use it in this way. Expansion of valueCounts is not supported mainly because there is no benefit, since you would still have to rely on the setSafe
* methods to appropriatly expand the data buffer and populate the vector anyway (since by definition we do not know the width of elements). See DRILL-6234 for details.
* </p>
* <h4>Method Documentation</h4>
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setValueCount(int valueCount) {
final int currentByteCapacity = getByteCapacity();
// Check if valueCount to be set is zero and current capacity is also zero. If yes then
// we should not call get to read start index from offset vector at that value count.
final int idx = (valueCount == 0 && currentByteCapacity == 0)
? 0
: offsetVector.getAccessor().get(valueCount);
if (valueCount > 0 && currentByteCapacity > idx * 2) {
} else if (allocationMonitor > 0) {
allocationMonitor = 0;
VectorTrimmer.trim(data, idx);
offsetVector.getMutator().setValueCount(valueCount == 0 ? 0 : valueCount+1);
public void generateTestData(int size){
boolean even = true;
<#switch minor.class>
<#case "Var16Char">
final java.nio.charset.Charset charset = Charsets.UTF_16;
<#case "VarChar">
final java.nio.charset.Charset charset = Charsets.UTF_8;
final byte[] evenValue = new String("aaaaa").getBytes(charset);
final byte[] oddValue = new String("bbbbbbbbbb").getBytes(charset);
for(int i =0; i < size; i++, even = !even){
set(i, even ? evenValue : oddValue);
* Helper class to buffer container mutation as a means to optimize native memory copy operations. Ideally, this
* should be done transparently as part of the Mutator and Accessor APIs.
* NB: this class is automatically generated from ValueVectorTypes.tdd using FreeMarker.
public static final class BufferedMutator {
/** The default buffer size */
private static final int DEFAULT_BUFF_SZ = 1024 << 2;
/** Byte buffer */
private final ByteBuffer buffer;
/** Indicator on whether to enable data buffering */
private final boolean enableDataBuffering = false;
/** Current offset within the data buffer */
private int dataBuffOff;
/** Total data length (contained within data and buffer) */
private int totalDataLen;
/** Parent container */
private final ${minor.class}Vector parent;
/** A buffered mutator to the offsets vector */
private final UInt4Vector.BufferedMutator offsetsMutator;
/** @see {@link #BufferedMutator(int startIdx, int buffSz, ${minor.class}Vector parent)} */
public BufferedMutator(int startIdx, ${minor.class}Vector parent) {
this(startIdx, DEFAULT_BUFF_SZ, parent);
* Buffered mutator to optimize bulk access to the underlying vector container
* @param startIdx start idex of the first value to be copied
* @param buffSz buffer length to us
* @param parent parent container object
public BufferedMutator(int startIdx, int buffSz, ${minor.class}Vector parent) {
if (enableDataBuffering) {
this.buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(buffSz);
// set the buffer to the native byte order
} else {
this.buffer = null;
this.parent = parent;
this.dataBuffOff = this.parent.offsetVector.getAccessor().get(startIdx);
this.totalDataLen = this.dataBuffOff;
this.offsetsMutator = new UInt4Vector.BufferedMutator(startIdx, buffSz, parent.offsetVector);
// Forcing the offsetsMutator to operate at index+1
public void setSafe(VarLenBulkEntry bulkEntry) {
// The new entry doesn't fit in remaining space
if (enableDataBuffering && buffer.remaining() < bulkEntry.getTotalLength()) {
// Now update the offsets vector with new information
int[] lengths = bulkEntry.getValuesLength();
int numValues = bulkEntry.getNumValues();
setOffsets(lengths, numValues, bulkEntry.hasNulls());
// Now we're able to buffer the new bulk entry
if (enableDataBuffering && buffer.remaining() >= bulkEntry.getTotalLength() && bulkEntry.arrayBacked()) {
buffer.put(bulkEntry.getArrayData(), bulkEntry.getDataStartOffset(), bulkEntry.getTotalLength());
} else {
// The new entry is larger than the buffer (note at this point we know the buffer has been flushed)
while ( < totalDataLen) {
if (bulkEntry.arrayBacked()) {,
} else {,
// Update the underlying DrillBuf offset
dataBuffOff += bulkEntry.getTotalLength();
public void flush() {
private void flushInternal() {
if (!enableDataBuffering) {
return; // NOOP
int numElements = buffer.position();
if (numElements == 0) {
return; // NOOP
while ( < totalDataLen) {
try {, buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Update counters
dataBuffOff += buffer.position();
assert dataBuffOff == totalDataLen;
// Reset the byte buffer
private void setOffsets(int[] lengths, int numValues, boolean hasNulls) {
// We need to compute source offsets using the current larget offset and the value length array.
final ByteBuffer offByteBuff = offsetsMutator.getByteBuffer();
final byte[] bufferArray = offByteBuff.array();
int remaining = numValues;
int srcPos = 0;
do {
if (offByteBuff.remaining() < 4) {
final int toCopy = Math.min(remaining, offByteBuff.remaining() / 4);
int tgtPos = offByteBuff.position();
if (!hasNulls) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < toCopy; idx++, tgtPos += 4, srcPos++) {
totalDataLen += lengths[srcPos];
UInt4Vector.BufferedMutator.writeInt(totalDataLen, bufferArray, tgtPos);
} else {
for (int idx = 0; idx < toCopy; idx++, tgtPos += 4, srcPos++) {
final int curr_len = lengths[srcPos];
totalDataLen += (curr_len >= 0) ? curr_len : 0;
UInt4Vector.BufferedMutator.writeInt(totalDataLen, bufferArray, tgtPos);
// Update counters
remaining -= toCopy;
} while (remaining > 0);
// We need to flush as offset data can be accessed during loading to
// figure out current payload size.
</#if> <#-- type.major -->