blob: c5b6f580419559549a271679c017bc0f32872c85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.BaseStatisticsKind;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.MetadataInfo;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.MetadataType;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.TableInfo;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.TableStatisticsKind;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.Statistic;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleSchema;
import org.apache.drill.exec.resolver.TypeCastRules;
import org.apache.drill.exec.server.options.OptionManager;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.CollectableColumnStatisticsKind;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.ColumnStatistics;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.ColumnStatisticsKind;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.FileMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.NonInterestingColumnsMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.PartitionMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.RowGroupMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.StatisticsHolder;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.util.SchemaPathUtils;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.util.TableMetadataUtils;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.ExactStatisticsConstants;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.StatisticsProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.OriginalType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Utility class for converting parquet metadata classes to metastore metadata classes.
public class ParquetTableMetadataUtils {
static final List<CollectableColumnStatisticsKind> PARQUET_COLUMN_STATISTICS =
private ParquetTableMetadataUtils() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");
* Creates new map based on specified {@code columnStatistics} with added statistics
* for implicit and partition (dir) columns.
* @param columnsStatistics map of column statistics to expand
* @param columns list of all columns including implicit or partition ones
* @param partitionValues list of partition values
* @param optionManager option manager
* @param location location of metadata part
* @param supportsFileImplicitColumns whether implicit columns are supported
* @return map with added statistics for implicit and partition (dir) columns
public static Map<SchemaPath, ColumnStatistics> addImplicitColumnsStatistics(
Map<SchemaPath, ColumnStatistics> columnsStatistics, List<SchemaPath> columns,
List<String> partitionValues, OptionManager optionManager, Path location, boolean supportsFileImplicitColumns) {
ColumnExplorer columnExplorer = new ColumnExplorer(optionManager, columns);
Map<String, String> implicitColValues = columnExplorer.populateImplicitColumns(
location, partitionValues, supportsFileImplicitColumns);
columnsStatistics = new HashMap<>(columnsStatistics);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> partitionValue : implicitColValues.entrySet()) {
StatisticsProvider.getConstantColumnStatistics(partitionValue.getValue(), TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR));
return columnsStatistics;
* Returns list of {@link RowGroupMetadata} received by converting parquet row groups metadata
* taken from the specified tableMetadata.
* Assigns index to row groups based on their position in files metadata.
* For empty / fake row groups assigns '-1' index.
* @param tableMetadata the source of row groups to be converted
* @return list of {@link RowGroupMetadata}
public static Multimap<Path, RowGroupMetadata> getRowGroupsMetadata(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase tableMetadata) {
Multimap<Path, RowGroupMetadata> rowGroups = LinkedListMultimap.create();
for (MetadataBase.ParquetFileMetadata file : tableMetadata.getFiles()) {
int index = 0;
for (MetadataBase.RowGroupMetadata rowGroupMetadata : file.getRowGroups()) {
int newIndex;
if (rowGroupMetadata.isEmpty()) {
Preconditions.checkState(file.getRowGroups().size() == 1, "Only one empty / fake row group is allowed per file");
newIndex = -1;
} else {
newIndex = index++;
rowGroups.put(file.getPath(), getRowGroupMetadata(tableMetadata, rowGroupMetadata, newIndex, file.getPath()));
return rowGroups;
* Returns {@link RowGroupMetadata} instance converted from specified parquet {@code rowGroupMetadata}.
* @param tableMetadata table metadata which contains row group metadata to convert
* @param rowGroupMetadata row group metadata to convert
* @param rgIndexInFile index of current row group within the file
* @param location location of file with current row group
* @return {@link RowGroupMetadata} instance converted from specified parquet {@code rowGroupMetadata}
public static RowGroupMetadata getRowGroupMetadata(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase tableMetadata,
MetadataBase.RowGroupMetadata rowGroupMetadata, int rgIndexInFile, Path location) {
Map<SchemaPath, ColumnStatistics> columnsStatistics = getRowGroupColumnStatistics(tableMetadata, rowGroupMetadata);
List<StatisticsHolder> rowGroupStatistics = new ArrayList<>();
rowGroupStatistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(rowGroupMetadata.getRowCount(), TableStatisticsKind.ROW_COUNT));
rowGroupStatistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(rowGroupMetadata.getStart(), new BaseStatisticsKind(ExactStatisticsConstants.START, true)));
rowGroupStatistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(rowGroupMetadata.getLength(), new BaseStatisticsKind(ExactStatisticsConstants.LENGTH, true)));
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> columns = getRowGroupFields(tableMetadata, rowGroupMetadata);
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> intermediateColumns = getIntermediateFields(tableMetadata, rowGroupMetadata);
TupleSchema schema = new TupleSchema();
(schemaPath, majorType) -> SchemaPathUtils.addColumnMetadata(schema, schemaPath, majorType, intermediateColumns)
MetadataInfo metadataInfo = MetadataInfo.builder().type(MetadataType.ROW_GROUP).build();
return RowGroupMetadata.builder()
* Returns {@link FileMetadata} instance received by merging specified {@link RowGroupMetadata} list.
* @param rowGroups collection of {@link RowGroupMetadata} to be merged
* @return {@link FileMetadata} instance
public static FileMetadata getFileMetadata(Collection<RowGroupMetadata> rowGroups) {
if (rowGroups.isEmpty()) {
return null;
List<StatisticsHolder> fileStatistics = new ArrayList<>();
fileStatistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(TableStatisticsKind.ROW_COUNT.mergeStatistics(rowGroups), TableStatisticsKind.ROW_COUNT));
RowGroupMetadata rowGroupMetadata = rowGroups.iterator().next();
TupleMetadata schema = rowGroupMetadata.getSchema();
Set<SchemaPath> columns = rowGroupMetadata.getColumnsStatistics().keySet();
MetadataInfo metadataInfo = MetadataInfo.builder().type(MetadataType.FILE).build();
return FileMetadata.builder()
.columnsStatistics(TableMetadataUtils.mergeColumnsStatistics(rowGroups, columns, PARQUET_COLUMN_STATISTICS))
* Returns {@link PartitionMetadata} instance received by merging specified {@link FileMetadata} list.
* @param partitionColumn partition column
* @param files list of files to be merged
* @return {@link PartitionMetadata} instance
public static PartitionMetadata getPartitionMetadata(SchemaPath partitionColumn, List<FileMetadata> files) {
Set<Path> locations = new HashSet<>();
Set<SchemaPath> columns = new HashSet<>();
for (FileMetadata file : files) {
FileMetadata fileMetadata = files.iterator().next();
MetadataInfo metadataInfo = MetadataInfo.builder().type(MetadataType.PARTITION).build();
return PartitionMetadata.builder()
.columnsStatistics(TableMetadataUtils.mergeColumnsStatistics(files, columns, PARQUET_COLUMN_STATISTICS))
.metadataStatistics(Collections.singletonList(new StatisticsHolder<>(TableStatisticsKind.ROW_COUNT.mergeStatistics(files), TableStatisticsKind.ROW_COUNT)))
* Converts specified {@link MetadataBase.RowGroupMetadata} into the map of {@link ColumnStatistics}
* instances with column names as keys.
* @param tableMetadata the source of column types
* @param rowGroupMetadata metadata to convert
* @return map with converted row group metadata
public static Map<SchemaPath, ColumnStatistics> getRowGroupColumnStatistics(
MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase tableMetadata, MetadataBase.RowGroupMetadata rowGroupMetadata) {
Map<SchemaPath, ColumnStatistics> columnsStatistics = new HashMap<>();
for (MetadataBase.ColumnMetadata column : rowGroupMetadata.getColumns()) {
SchemaPath colPath = SchemaPath.getCompoundPath(column.getName());
Long nulls = column.getNulls();
if (!column.isNumNullsSet() || nulls == null) {
nulls = Statistic.NO_COLUMN_STATS;
PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName primitiveType = getPrimitiveTypeName(tableMetadata, column);
OriginalType originalType = getOriginalType(tableMetadata, column);
TypeProtos.MinorType type = ParquetReaderUtility.getMinorType(primitiveType, originalType);
List<StatisticsHolder> statistics = new ArrayList<>();
statistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(getValue(column.getMinValue(), primitiveType, originalType), ColumnStatisticsKind.MIN_VALUE));
statistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(getValue(column.getMaxValue(), primitiveType, originalType), ColumnStatisticsKind.MAX_VALUE));
statistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(nulls, ColumnStatisticsKind.NULLS_COUNT));
columnsStatistics.put(colPath, new ColumnStatistics<>(statistics, type));
return columnsStatistics;
* Returns the non-interesting column's metadata
* @param parquetTableMetadata the source of column metadata for non-interesting column's statistics
* @return returns non-interesting columns metadata
public static NonInterestingColumnsMetadata getNonInterestingColumnsMeta(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata) {
Map<SchemaPath, ColumnStatistics> columnsStatistics = new HashMap<>();
if (parquetTableMetadata instanceof Metadata_V4.ParquetTableMetadata_v4) {
Map<Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4.Key, Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4> columnTypeInfoMap =
((Metadata_V4.ParquetTableMetadata_v4) parquetTableMetadata).getColumnTypeInfoMap();
if (columnTypeInfoMap == null) {
return new NonInterestingColumnsMetadata(columnsStatistics);
} // in some cases for runtime pruning
for (Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4 columnTypeMetadata : columnTypeInfoMap.values()) {
if (!columnTypeMetadata.isInteresting) {
SchemaPath schemaPath = SchemaPath.getCompoundPath(;
List<StatisticsHolder> statistics = new ArrayList<>();
statistics.add(new StatisticsHolder<>(Statistic.NO_COLUMN_STATS, ColumnStatisticsKind.NULLS_COUNT));
PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName primitiveType = columnTypeMetadata.primitiveType;
OriginalType originalType = columnTypeMetadata.originalType;
TypeProtos.MinorType type = ParquetReaderUtility.getMinorType(primitiveType, originalType);
columnsStatistics.put(schemaPath, new ColumnStatistics<>(statistics, type));
return new NonInterestingColumnsMetadata(columnsStatistics);
return new NonInterestingColumnsMetadata(columnsStatistics);
* Handles passed value considering its type and specified {@code primitiveType} with {@code originalType}.
* @param value value to handle
* @param primitiveType primitive type of the column whose value should be handled
* @param originalType original type of the column whose value should be handled
* @return handled value
public static Object getValue(Object value, PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName primitiveType, OriginalType originalType) {
if (value != null) {
switch (primitiveType) {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
case INT32:
if (originalType == OriginalType.DATE) {
return convertToDrillDateValue(getInt(value));
} else if (originalType == OriginalType.DECIMAL) {
return BigInteger.valueOf(getInt(value));
return getInt(value);
case INT64:
if (originalType == OriginalType.DECIMAL) {
return BigInteger.valueOf(getLong(value));
} else {
return getLong(value);
case FLOAT:
return getFloat(value);
case DOUBLE:
return getDouble(value);
case INT96:
return new String(getBytes(value));
case BINARY:
if (originalType == OriginalType.DECIMAL) {
return new BigInteger(getBytes(value));
} else if (originalType == OriginalType.INTERVAL) {
return getBytes(value);
} else {
return new String(getBytes(value));
return null;
private static byte[] getBytes(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Binary) {
return ((Binary) value).getBytes();
} else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
return (byte[]) value;
} else if (value instanceof String) { // value is obtained from metadata cache v2+
return ((String) value).getBytes();
} else if (value instanceof Map) { // value is obtained from metadata cache v1
String bytesString = (String) ((Map) value).get("bytes");
if (bytesString != null) {
return bytesString.getBytes();
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return Longs.toByteArray((Long) value);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return Longs.toByteArray((Integer) value);
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return BigDecimal.valueOf((Float) value).unscaledValue().toByteArray();
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
return BigDecimal.valueOf((Double) value).unscaledValue().toByteArray();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot obtain bytes using value %s", value));
private static Integer getInt(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) value).intValue();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
} else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
return new BigInteger((byte[]) value).intValue();
} else if (value instanceof Binary) {
return new BigInteger(((Binary) value).getBytes()).intValue();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot obtain Integer using value %s", value));
private static Long getLong(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) value).longValue();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return Long.parseLong(value.toString());
} else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
return new BigInteger((byte[]) value).longValue();
} else if (value instanceof Binary) {
return new BigInteger(((Binary) value).getBytes()).longValue();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot obtain Integer using value %s", value));
private static Float getFloat(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) value).floatValue();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return Float.parseFloat(value.toString());
// TODO: allow conversion form bytes only when actual type of data is known (to obtain scale)
/* else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
return new BigInteger((byte[]) value).floatValue();
} else if (value instanceof Binary) {
return new BigInteger(((Binary) value).getBytes()).floatValue();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot obtain Integer using value %s", value));
private static Double getDouble(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) value).doubleValue();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return Double.parseDouble(value.toString());
// TODO: allow conversion form bytes only when actual type of data is known (to obtain scale)
/* else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
return new BigInteger((byte[]) value).doubleValue();
} else if (value instanceof Binary) {
return new BigInteger(((Binary) value).getBytes()).doubleValue();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot obtain Integer using value %s", value));
private static long convertToDrillDateValue(int dateValue) {
return dateValue * (long) DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_DAY;
* Returns map of column names with their drill types for specified {@code file}.
* @param parquetTableMetadata the source of primitive and original column types
* @param file file whose columns should be discovered
* @return map of column names with their drill types
public static Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> getFileFields(
MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata, MetadataBase.ParquetFileMetadata file) {
// does not resolve types considering all row groups, just takes type from the first row group.
return getRowGroupFields(parquetTableMetadata, file.getRowGroups().iterator().next());
* Returns map of column names with their drill types for specified {@code rowGroup}.
* @param parquetTableMetadata the source of primitive and original column types
* @param rowGroup row group whose columns should be discovered
* @return map of column names with their drill types
public static Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> getRowGroupFields(
MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata, MetadataBase.RowGroupMetadata rowGroup) {
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> columns = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (MetadataBase.ColumnMetadata column : rowGroup.getColumns()) {
PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName primitiveType = getPrimitiveTypeName(parquetTableMetadata, column);
OriginalType originalType = getOriginalType(parquetTableMetadata, column);
int precision = 0;
int scale = 0;
int definitionLevel = 1;
int repetitionLevel = 0;
MetadataVersion metadataVersion = new MetadataVersion(parquetTableMetadata.getMetadataVersion());
// only ColumnTypeMetadata_v3 and ColumnTypeMetadata_v4 store information about scale, precision, repetition level and definition level
if (parquetTableMetadata.hasColumnMetadata() && (metadataVersion.compareTo(new MetadataVersion(3, 0)) >= 0)) {
scale = parquetTableMetadata.getScale(column.getName());
precision = parquetTableMetadata.getPrecision(column.getName());
repetitionLevel = parquetTableMetadata.getRepetitionLevel(column.getName());
definitionLevel = parquetTableMetadata.getDefinitionLevel(column.getName());
TypeProtos.DataMode mode;
if (repetitionLevel >= 1) {
mode = TypeProtos.DataMode.REPEATED;
} else if (repetitionLevel == 0 && definitionLevel == 0) {
mode = TypeProtos.DataMode.REQUIRED;
} else {
mode = TypeProtos.DataMode.OPTIONAL;
TypeProtos.MajorType columnType =
TypeProtos.MajorType.newBuilder(ParquetReaderUtility.getType(primitiveType, originalType, precision, scale))
SchemaPath columnPath = SchemaPath.getCompoundPath(column.getName());
putType(columns, columnPath, columnType);
return columns;
* Returns map of column names with their Drill types for every {@code NameSegment} in {@code SchemaPath}
* in specified {@code rowGroup}. The type for a {@code SchemaPath} can be {@code null} in case when
* it is not possible to determine its type. Actually, as of now this hierarchy is of interest solely
* because there is a need to account for {@link org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType#DICT}
* to make sure filters used on {@code DICT}'s values (get by key) are not pruned out before actual filtering
* happens.
* @param parquetTableMetadata the source of column types
* @param rowGroup row group whose columns should be discovered
* @return map of column names with their drill types
public static Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> getIntermediateFields(
MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata, MetadataBase.RowGroupMetadata rowGroup) {
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> columns = new LinkedHashMap<>();
MetadataVersion metadataVersion = new MetadataVersion(parquetTableMetadata.getMetadataVersion());
boolean hasParentTypes = parquetTableMetadata.hasColumnMetadata()
&& metadataVersion.compareTo(new MetadataVersion(4, 1)) >= 0;
if (!hasParentTypes) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
for (MetadataBase.ColumnMetadata column : rowGroup.getColumns()) {
Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4 columnTypeMetadata =
((Metadata_V4.ParquetTableMetadata_v4) parquetTableMetadata).getColumnTypeInfo(column.getName());
List<OriginalType> parentTypes = columnTypeMetadata.parentTypes;
List<TypeProtos.MajorType> drillTypes = ParquetReaderUtility.getComplexTypes(parentTypes);
for (int i = 0; i < drillTypes.size(); i++) {
SchemaPath columnPath = SchemaPath.getCompoundPath(i + 1, column.getName());
TypeProtos.MajorType drillType = drillTypes.get(i);
putType(columns, columnPath, drillType);
return columns;
* Returns {@link OriginalType} type for the specified column.
* @param parquetTableMetadata the source of column type
* @param column column whose {@link OriginalType} should be returned
* @return {@link OriginalType} type for the specified column
public static OriginalType getOriginalType(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata, MetadataBase.ColumnMetadata column) {
OriginalType originalType = column.getOriginalType();
// for the case of parquet metadata v1 version, type information isn't stored in parquetTableMetadata, but in ColumnMetadata
if (originalType == null) {
originalType = parquetTableMetadata.getOriginalType(column.getName());
return originalType;
* Returns {@link PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName} type for the specified column.
* @param parquetTableMetadata the source of column type
* @param column column whose {@link PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName} should be returned
* @return {@link PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName} type for the specified column
public static PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName getPrimitiveTypeName(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata, MetadataBase.ColumnMetadata column) {
PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName primitiveType = column.getPrimitiveType();
// for the case of parquet metadata v1 version, type information isn't stored in parquetTableMetadata, but in ColumnMetadata
if (primitiveType == null) {
primitiveType = parquetTableMetadata.getPrimitiveType(column.getName());
return primitiveType;
* Returns map of column names with their drill types for specified {@code parquetTableMetadata}
* with resolved types for the case of schema evolution.
* @param parquetTableMetadata table metadata whose columns should be discovered
* @return map of column names with their drill types
static Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> resolveFields(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata) {
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> columns = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (MetadataBase.ParquetFileMetadata file : parquetTableMetadata.getFiles()) {
// row groups in the file have the same schema, so using the first one
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> fileColumns = getFileFields(parquetTableMetadata, file);
fileColumns.forEach((columnPath, type) -> putType(columns, columnPath, type));
return columns;
static Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> resolveIntermediateFields(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata) {
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> columns = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (MetadataBase.ParquetFileMetadata file : parquetTableMetadata.getFiles()) {
// row groups in the file have the same schema, so using the first one
Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> fileColumns = getIntermediateFields(parquetTableMetadata, file.getRowGroups().iterator().next());
fileColumns.forEach((columnPath, type) -> putType(columns, columnPath, type));
return columns;
private static void putType(Map<SchemaPath, TypeProtos.MajorType> columns, SchemaPath columnPath, TypeProtos.MajorType type) {
TypeProtos.MajorType majorType = columns.get(columnPath);
if (majorType == null) {
columns.put(columnPath, type);
} else if (!majorType.equals(type)) {
TypeProtos.MinorType leastRestrictiveType = TypeCastRules.getLeastRestrictiveType(Arrays.asList(majorType.getMinorType(), type.getMinorType()));
if (leastRestrictiveType != majorType.getMinorType()) {
columns.put(columnPath, type);