blob: dd3405211483c4b0df3799e852a2883d34cf588e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.ExecutionSetupException;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException;
import org.apache.drill.common.logical.FormatPluginConfig;
import org.apache.drill.common.logical.StoragePluginConfig;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public interface StoragePluginRegistry extends Iterable<Map.Entry<String, StoragePlugin>>, AutoCloseable {
String PSTORE_NAME = "sys.storage_plugins";
public static class PluginException extends Exception {
public PluginException(String msg) {
public PluginException(String msg, Throwable e) {
super(msg, e);
public static PluginException systemPluginException(String operation, String name) {
return new PluginException(String.format(
"Cannot %s a system plugin: `%s`", operation, name));
* Indicates the requested plugin was not found.
public static class PluginNotFoundException extends PluginException {
public PluginNotFoundException(String name) {
super("No storage plugin exists with name: `" + name + "`");
* Indicates an error when decoding a plugin from JSON.
public static class PluginEncodingException extends PluginException {
public PluginEncodingException(String msg, Exception e) {
super(msg, e);
* Initialize the storage plugin registry. Must be called before the registry
* is used.
void init();
* Store a plugin by name and configuration. If the plugin already exists,
* update the plugin. This form directly updates persistent storage. The
* in-memory cache is updated on the next refresh. This form will accept an
* invalid plugin, which will be disabled upon refresh. Since Drill is
* distributed, and plugins work with external systems, the external system
* can become invalid at any moment (not just when pugins are updated), so the
* model used for {@code put()} mimics normal runtime operation.
* @param name The name of the plugin
* @param config The plugin configuration
* @return The StoragePlugin instance.
* @throws PluginException if plugin cannot be created
void put(String name, StoragePluginConfig config) throws PluginException;
* Like {@link #put(String, StoragePluginConfig)}, but forces instantiation of the
* plugin to verify that the configuration is valid at this moment in time.
void validatedPut(String name, StoragePluginConfig config) throws PluginException;
* Set the plugin to the requested enabled state. Does nothing if the plugin
* is already in the requested state. If a formerly enabled plugin is
* disabled, moves the plugin from the in-memory cache to the ephemeral
* store. If a formerly disabled plugin is enabled, verifies that the plugin
* can be instantiated as for {@link #verifiedPut()}.
* <p>
* Use this method when changing state. Do not obtain the config and change
* the state directly, doing so will make the plugin config inconsistent
* with the internal state.
* @param name name of the plugin
* @param enabled {@code true} to enable the plugin, {@code false} to disable
* @throws PluginNotFoundException if the plugin is not found
* @throws PluginException if the plugin name is not valid or
* if enabling a plugin and the plugin is not valid
void setEnabled(String name, boolean enabled) throws PluginException;
* Get a plugin by name. Create it based on the PStore saved definition if it doesn't exist.
* @param name The name of the plugin
* @return The StoragePlugin instance.
* @throws PluginException if plugin cannot be obtained
StoragePlugin getPlugin(String name) throws PluginException, UserException;
* Get a plugin by configuration. If it doesn't exist, create it.
* @param config The configuration for the plugin.
* @return The StoragePlugin instance.
* @throws PluginException if plugin cannot be obtained
StoragePlugin getPluginByConfig(StoragePluginConfig config) throws PluginException;
* @deprecated use {@link #resolve(StoragePluginConfig, Class)} which provides
* type safety. Retained for compatibility with older plugins
StoragePlugin getPlugin(StoragePluginConfig config) throws ExecutionSetupException;
* Return a plugin from persistent storage. Returns both enabled and
* disabled stored plugins, but does not return system plugins.
* Use this to obtain a plugin for editing (rather than
* for planning or executing a query.)
StoragePluginConfig getStoredConfig(String name);
* Return a config encoded as JSON.
* @throws PluginException if the plugin is undefined
String encode(String name) throws PluginException;
String encode(StoragePluginConfig config);
* Return a config decoded from JSON.
* @throws PluginEncodingException if the JSON is invalid
StoragePluginConfig decode(String json) throws PluginEncodingException;
* Put a storage plugin config from JSON. Validates the JSON and the
* resulting storage plugin. Use this form for JSON received from
* the UI or other external source.
* @throws IOException if the JSON is invalid
* @throws PluginException if the underlying
* {@link #validatedPut(String, StoragePluginConfig)} fails
void putJson(String name, String json) throws PluginException;
* Copy a stored config so that it can be modified.
* <p>
* <i><b>Never modify a config stored in the registry!</b></i>
* Configs are keyed by name and value; getting a config, then
* modifying it, will cause the value maps to become out of sync.
* @param name name of the storage plugin config to copy
* @return a copy of the config
* @throws PluginException if the name is undefined
StoragePluginConfig copyConfig(String name) throws PluginException;
* Copy the given storage plugin config so it may be modified.
* @param config the storage plugin config to copy
* @return the copy
StoragePluginConfig copyConfig(StoragePluginConfig config);
* Retrieve an available configuration. Returns enabled stored plugins
* and system plugins. These configs are those that can be used to
* plan a query.
StoragePluginConfig getDefinedConfig(String name);
* Remove a plugin by name
* @param name The name of the storage plugin to remove
* @throws PluginException
void remove(String name) throws PluginException;
* Returns a set of all stored plugin configurations,
* directly from the persistent store. Note: the actual
* configs may reside in the cache; make a copy before
* making any changes.
* @return map of stored plugin configurations
Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> storedConfigs();
* Return a possibly-filtered set of plugins from the persistent
* store.
Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> storedConfigs(PluginFilter filter);
* Returns a copy of the set of enabled stored plugin configurations.
* The registry is refreshed against the persistent store prior
* to building the map.
* @return map of enabled, stored plugin configurations
Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> enabledConfigs();
* Returns the set of available plugin names.
* Includes system plugins and enabled stored plugins.
Set<String> availablePlugins();
* Safe way to add or remove a format plugin config from a stored file
* system configuration. Makes a copy of the config, adds/removes the
* format plugin, and updates the persistent store with the copy.
* @param pluginName name of the file system storage plugin config to
* modify
* @param formatName name of the format plugin to modify
* @param formatConfig if null, removes the plugin, if non-null updates
* the format plugin config with this value
* @throws PluginException if the storage plugin is undefined or
* is not a file format plugin
void putFormatPlugin(String pluginName, String formatName,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig) throws PluginException;
* Get the Format plugin for the FileSystemPlugin associated with the provided
* storage config and format config.
* @param storageConfig
* The storage config for the associated FileSystemPlugin
* @param formatConfig
* The format config for the associated FormatPlugin
* @return A FormatPlugin instance
* @throws PluginException
* if plugin cannot be obtained
FormatPlugin getFormatPluginByConfig(StoragePluginConfig storageConfig,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig) throws PluginException;
* @deprecated use
* {@link #resolveFormat(StoragePluginConfig, FormatPluginConfig, Class)}
* which provides type safety. Retained for compatibility with older plugins
FormatPlugin getFormatPlugin(StoragePluginConfig storageConfig,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig) throws ExecutionSetupException;
* Get the Schema factory associated with this storage plugin registry.
* @return A SchemaFactory that can register the schemas associated with this plugin registry.
SchemaFactory getSchemaFactory();
* Object mapper to read/write the JSON form of a plugin.
* config.
ObjectMapper mapper();
<T extends StoragePlugin> T resolve(
StoragePluginConfig storageConfig, Class<T> desired);
* Resolve a storage plugin given a storage plugin config. Call from
* within a file storage plugin to resolve the plugin.
* @param <T> the required type of the plugin
* @param storageConfig storage plugin config
* @param formatConfig format plugin config
* @param desired desired target class
* @return the storage plugin
* @throws IllegalStateException if the plugin is unknown or of the wrong
* format - errors which should never occur in normal operation
<T extends FormatPlugin> T resolveFormat(
StoragePluginConfig storageConfig,
FormatPluginConfig formatConfig, Class<T> desired);