blob: 91ee0e8fc15d2efe1da3d4c2e8a030ea72158e20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.drill.categories.RowSetTests;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.ExecutionSetupException;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.SchemaBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcException;
import org.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit;
import org.apache.drill.test.BaseDirTestWatcher;
import org.apache.drill.test.ClusterFixture;
import org.apache.drill.test.ClusterTest;
import org.apache.drill.test.QueryRowSetIterator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet.RowSet;
import org.apache.drill.test.rowSet.RowSetUtilities;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import static org.apache.drill.test.rowSet.RowSetUtilities.strArray;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
public class TestLogReader extends ClusterTest {
public static final String DATE_ONLY_PATTERN = "(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d) .*";
public static final BaseDirTestWatcher dirTestWatcher = new BaseDirTestWatcher();
protected static File schemaAndConfigDir;
protected static File schemaOnlyDir;
private static File tableFuncDir;
public static void setup() throws Exception {
// Define a regex format config for testing.
private static void defineRegexPlugin() throws ExecutionSetupException {
// Create an instance of the regex config.
// Note: we can't use the ".log" extension; the Drill .gitignore
// file ignores such files, so they'll never get committed. Instead,
// make up a fake suffix.
LogFormatConfig sampleConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
sampleConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("year", "INT"));
sampleConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("month", "INT"));
sampleConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("day", "INT"));
// Full Drill log parser definition.
LogFormatConfig logConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
logConfig.setRegex("(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d) " +
"(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d),\\d+ " +
"\\[([^]]*)] (\\w+)\\s+(\\S+) - (.*)");
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("year", "INT"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("month", "INT"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("day", "INT"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("hour", "INT"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("minute", "INT"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("second", "INT"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("thread"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("level"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("module"));
logConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("message"));
//Set up additional configs to check the time/date formats
LogFormatConfig logDateConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
logDateConfig.setRegex("(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}),(\\d+)\\s\\[(\\w+)\\]\\s([A-Z]+)\\s(.+)");
logDateConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField( "entry_date", "TIMESTAMP", "yy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
logDateConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField( "pid", "INT"));
logDateConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField( "location"));
logDateConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField( "message_type"));
logDateConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField( "message"));
LogFormatConfig mysqlLogConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
// Firewall log file that requires date parsing
LogFormatConfig firewallConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
firewallConfig.setRegex("(\\w{3}\\s\\d{1,2}\\s\\d{4}\\s\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2})\\s+(\\w+)" +
firewallConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("eventDate", "TIMESTAMP", "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
firewallConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("process_name"));
firewallConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("pid", "INT"));
firewallConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("message"));
firewallConfig.getSchema().add(new LogFormatField("src_ip"));
// Define a temporary format plugin for the "cp" storage plugin.
Drillbit drillbit = cluster.drillbit();
final StoragePluginRegistry pluginRegistry = drillbit.getContext().getStorage();
final FileSystemPlugin plugin = (FileSystemPlugin) pluginRegistry.getPlugin("cp");
final FileSystemConfig pluginConfig = (FileSystemConfig) plugin.getConfig();
pluginConfig.getFormats().put("sample", sampleConfig);
pluginConfig.getFormats().put("drill-log", logConfig);
pluginConfig.getFormats().put("mysql-log", mysqlLogConfig);
pluginConfig.getFormats().put("ssdlog", firewallConfig);
pluginRegistry.createOrUpdate("cp", pluginConfig, false);
// Config similar to the above, but with no type info. Types
// will be provided via the provided schema mechanism. Column names
// are required so that the format and provided schemas match up.
LogFormatConfig untypedConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
untypedConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("year"));
untypedConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("month"));
untypedConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("day"));
// Create a test directory we can write to.
schemaAndConfigDir = cluster.makeDataDir("sAndC", "logu", untypedConfig);
// Empty configuration: regex and columns defined in the
// provided schema
LogFormatConfig emptyConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
schemaOnlyDir = cluster.makeDataDir("SOnly", "loge", emptyConfig);
tableFuncDir = cluster.makeDataDir("tf", "logf", emptyConfig);
public void testWildcard() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM cp.`regex/simple.log1`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("year", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("month", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("day", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(2017, 12, 17)
.addRow(2017, 12, 18)
.addRow(2017, 12, 19)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
* Tests for no crashes; does not validate results, unfortunately.
public void testWildcardLargeFile() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM cp.`regex/large.log1`";
QueryRowSetIterator iter = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSetIterator();
for (RowSet rowSet : iter) {
public void testExplicitProject() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT `day`, `month` FROM cp.`regex/simple.log1`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("day", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("month", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(17, 12)
.addRow(18, 12)
.addRow(19, 12)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testMissingColumns() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT `day`, `missing`, `month` FROM cp.`regex/simple.log1`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("day", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("missing", MinorType.VARCHAR)
.addNullable("month", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(17, null, 12)
.addRow(18, null, 12)
.addRow(19, null, 12)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testRaw() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT `_raw` FROM cp.`regex/simple.log1`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("_raw", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow("2017-12-17 10:52:41,820 [main] INFO o.a.d.e.e.f.FunctionImplementationRegistry - Function registry loaded. 459 functions loaded in 1396 ms.")
.addRow("2017-12-18 10:52:37,652 [main] INFO o.a.drill.common.config.DrillConfig - Configuration and plugin file(s) identified in 115ms.")
.addRow("2017-12-19 11:12:27,278 [main] ERROR o.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit - Failure during initial startup of Drillbit.")
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testDate() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT TYPEOF(`entry_date`) AS entry_date FROM cp.`regex/simple.log2` LIMIT 1";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("entry_date", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testCount() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cp.`regex/simple.log1`";
long result = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).singletonLong();
assertEquals(3, result);
public void testFull() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM cp.`regex/simple.log1`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("year", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("month", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("day", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(2017, 12, 17)
.addRow(2017, 12, 18)
.addRow(2017, 12, 19)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
* Test log queries without a defined schema using select *
public void testStarQueryNoSchema() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM cp.`regex/mysql.sqllog`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addArray("columns", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addSingleCol(strArray("070823", "21:00:32", "1", "Connect", "root@localhost on test1"))
.addSingleCol(strArray("070823", "21:00:48", "1", "Query", "show tables"))
.addSingleCol(strArray("070823", "21:00:56", "1", "Query", "select * from category" ))
.addSingleCol(strArray("070917", "16:29:01", "21", "Query","select * from location" ))
.addSingleCol(strArray("070917", "16:29:12", "21", "Query","select * from location where id = 1 LIMIT 1" ))
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testSomeFieldsQueryNoSchema() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT columns[0], columns[4] FROM cp.`regex/mysql.sqllog`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("EXPR$0", MinorType.VARCHAR)
.addNullable("EXPR$1", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow("070823", "root@localhost on test1")
.addRow("070823", "show tables")
.addRow("070823", "select * from category" )
.addRow("070917", "select * from location" )
.addRow("070917", "select * from location where id = 1 LIMIT 1" )
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testRawNoSchema() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT _raw FROM cp.`regex/mysql.sqllog`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("_raw", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow("070823 21:00:32 1 Connect root@localhost on test1")
.addRow("070823 21:00:48 1 Query show tables")
.addRow("070823 21:00:56 1 Query select * from category" )
.addRow("070917 16:29:01 21 Query select * from location" )
.addRow("070917 16:29:12 21 Query select * from location where id = 1 LIMIT 1" )
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testUMNoSchema() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT _unmatched_rows FROM cp.`regex/mysql.sqllog`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("_unmatched_rows", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testRawUMNoSchema() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT _raw, _unmatched_rows FROM cp.`regex/mysql.sqllog`";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("_raw", MinorType.VARCHAR)
.addNullable("_unmatched_rows", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow("070823 21:00:32 1 Connect root@localhost on test1", null)
.addRow("070823 21:00:48 1 Query show tables", null)
.addRow("070823 21:00:56 1 Query select * from category", null )
.addRow("070917 16:29:01 21 Query select * from location", null )
.addRow("070917 16:29:12 21 Query select * from location where id = 1 LIMIT 1", null )
.addRow( null, "dfadkfjaldkjafsdfjlksdjflksjdlkfjsldkfjslkjl")
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
* Build a table, temporary for this test, using the table name and resource
* provided.
* @param tableName name of the table within the test-temporary
* workspace
* @param fileName name of the one and only file in the table (allows using
* plugin-specific extensions)
* @param resource path to an existing resource file to copy into the
* table as the given file name
* @return the SQL path for the table
* @throws IOException if the file operations fail
private String buildTable(File dir, String ws, String tableName,
String fileName, String resource) throws IOException {
// We need to create a schema file. Create a temporary test
// table.
File tableDir = new File(dir, tableName);
// Copy the "simple.log1" data file. Use a distinct extension
// configured above to provide field names but no types.
File dest = new File(tableDir, fileName);
URL url = getClass().getResource(resource);
FileUtils.copyURLToFile(url, dest);
return "dfs." + ws + "." + tableName;
public void testProvidedSchema() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(schemaAndConfigDir, "sAndC", "schema",
"sample.logu", "/regex/simple.log1");
try {
// Define the provided table schema
client.alterSession(ExecConstants.STORE_TABLE_USE_SCHEMA_FILE, true);
String schemaSql = "create schema (`year` int not null, `month` int not null, " +
"`day` int not null) " +
"for table " + tablePath;
// Run a query using the provided schema.
String sql = "SELECT * FROM %s";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath).rowSet();
// Verify that the returned data used the schema.
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("year", MinorType.INT)
.add("month", MinorType.INT)
.add("day", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(2017, 12, 17)
.addRow(2017, 12, 18)
.addRow(2017, 12, 19)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
} finally {
* Test the case in which the plugin config contains no information
* other than the file extensions. The regex is provided by the provided
* schema, but no columns are defined, so we use the columns[] array.
public void testSchemaOnlyNoCols() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(schemaOnlyDir, "sOnly", "noCols", "sample.loge", "/regex/simple.log1");
try {
client.alterSession(ExecConstants.STORE_TABLE_USE_SCHEMA_FILE, true);
String schemaSql = "create schema ()" +
" for table %s properties ('%s'='%s')";
run(schemaSql, tablePath, LogFormatPlugin.REGEX_PROP, DATE_ONLY_PATTERN);
String sql = "SELECT * FROM %s";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addArray("columns", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addSingleCol(strArray("2017", "12", "17"))
.addSingleCol(strArray("2017", "12", "18"))
.addSingleCol(strArray("2017", "12", "19"))
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
} finally {
* Test the case in which the plugin config contains no information
* other than the file extensions. The provided schema includes both
* the regex and the set of columns and types.
public void testSchemaOnlyWithCols() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(schemaOnlyDir, "sOnly", "withCols", "sample.loge", "/regex/simple.log1");
try {
client.alterSession(ExecConstants.STORE_TABLE_USE_SCHEMA_FILE, true);
String schemaSql = "create schema (`year` int not null, `month` int not null, " +
"`day` int not null) " +
" for table " + tablePath +
" properties ('" + LogFormatPlugin.REGEX_PROP +
"'='" + DATE_ONLY_PATTERN + "')";
String sql = "SELECT * FROM %s";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("year", MinorType.INT)
.add("month", MinorType.INT)
.add("day", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(2017, 12, 17)
.addRow(2017, 12, 18)
.addRow(2017, 12, 19)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
} finally {
* Corner case: provided schema has the regex and two of the three
* columns, the third takes a default name and type.
public void testSchemaOnlyWithMissingCols() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(schemaOnlyDir, "sOnly", "missingCols", "sample.loge", "/regex/simple.log1");
try {
client.alterSession(ExecConstants.STORE_TABLE_USE_SCHEMA_FILE, true);
String schemaSql = "create schema (`year` int not null, `month` int not null) " +
" for table " + tablePath +
" properties ('" + LogFormatPlugin.REGEX_PROP +
"'='" + DATE_ONLY_PATTERN + "')";
String sql = "SELECT * FROM %s";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("year", MinorType.INT)
.add("month", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("field_2", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(2017, 12, "17")
.addRow(2017, 12, "18")
.addRow(2017, 12, "19")
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
} finally {
* Verify that an error is thrown if no pattern is provided in
* the plugin config, table function or provided schema.
public void testEmptyPattern() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(tableFuncDir, "tf", "emptyRegex",
"sample.logf", "/regex/simple.log1");
try {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM %s";
client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath).run();
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Regex property is required"));
* Test the ability to use table functions to specify the regex.
public void testTableFunction() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(tableFuncDir, "tf", "table1",
"sample.logf", "/regex/simple.log1");
// Run a query using a table function.
String escaped = DATE_ONLY_PATTERN.replace("\\", "\\\\");
String sql = "SELECT * FROM table(%s(type => '%s', regex => '%s', maxErrors => 10))";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath,
LogFormatPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME, escaped).rowSet();
// Verify that the returned data used the schema.
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addArray("columns", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addSingleCol(strArray("2017", "12", "17"))
.addSingleCol(strArray("2017", "12", "18"))
.addSingleCol(strArray("2017", "12", "19"))
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
* Test the use of a table function to provide the regex. Verify
* that the plugin throws an error if no groups are defined.
public void testTableFunctionNoGroups() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(tableFuncDir, "tf", "noGroups",
"sample.logf", "/regex/simple.log1");
// Use a table function to pass in a regex without a group.
try {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM table(%s(type => '%s', regex => '''foo'''))";
client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath, LogFormatPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME).run();
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Regex property has no groups"));
* Test the use of the schema table function to provide a schema
* including types. In this form, the regex must be provided by the
* plugin config or (as in this test), as table properties.
public void testTableFunctionWithSchema() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(tableFuncDir, "tf", "table2",
"sample.logf", "/regex/simple.log1");
try {
client.alterSession(ExecConstants.STORE_TABLE_USE_SCHEMA_FILE, true);
// Run a query using a table function.
String escaped = DATE_ONLY_PATTERN.replace("\\", "\\\\");
String sql = "SELECT * FROM table(%s(" +
"schema=>'inline=(`year` int, `month` int, `day` int) properties {`%s`=`%s`}'))";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath,
LogFormatPlugin.REGEX_PROP, escaped).rowSet();
// Verify that the returned data used the schema.
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("year", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("month", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("day", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(2017, 12, 17)
.addRow(2017, 12, 18)
.addRow(2017, 12, 19)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
} finally {
* Test that a schema can be provided in a table function that also includes
* plugin config. This case fails for the log format plugin because, unfortunately,
* the log format plugin has a config field called "schema" which is not a string
* and is found by the code before trying to treat "schema" as a schema.
* So, this test is disabled.
@Ignore("Use of schema conflicts with plugin field")
public void testTableFunctionWithConfigAndSchema() throws Exception {
String tablePath = buildTable(tableFuncDir, "tf", "table2",
"sample.logf", "/regex/simple.log1");
try {
client.alterSession(ExecConstants.STORE_TABLE_USE_SCHEMA_FILE, true);
// Run a query using a table function.
String escaped = DATE_ONLY_PATTERN.replace("\\", "\\\\");
String sql = "SELECT * FROM table(%s(type => '%s', regex => '%s', " +
"schema=>'inline=(`year` int, `month` int, `day` int)'))";
RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql, tablePath,
LogFormatPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME, escaped).rowSet();
// Verify that the returned data used the schema.
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("year", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("month", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("day", MinorType.INT)
RowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema)
.addRow(2017, 12, 17)
.addRow(2017, 12, 18)
.addRow(2017, 12, 19)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
} finally {
* The config classes for this plugin have been trick to get right.
* The following ensures that the plugin config works correctly
* to serialize/deserialize values.
public void testPluginSerialization() throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
LogFormatConfig sampleConfig = new LogFormatConfig();
sampleConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("year", "INT"));
sampleConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("month", "INT"));
sampleConfig.getSchema().add( new LogFormatField("day", "INT"));
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(sampleConfig);
LogFormatConfig result = mapper.readValue(json, LogFormatConfig.class);
assertEquals(sampleConfig.getRegex(), result.getRegex());
assertEquals(sampleConfig.getMaxErrors(), result.getMaxErrors());
assertEquals(sampleConfig.getSchema(), result.getSchema());
public void testFirewallSchema() throws RpcException {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM cp.`regex/firewall.ssdlog` limit 0";
RowSet result = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("eventDate", MinorType.TIMESTAMP)
.addNullable("process_name", MinorType.VARCHAR)
.addNullable("pid", MinorType.INT)
.addNullable("message", MinorType.VARCHAR)
.addNullable("src_ip", MinorType.VARCHAR)
RowSet.SingleRowSet expected = client.rowSetBuilder(expectedSchema).build();
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, result);