[MINOR UPDATE] Fix Error In HTTP Plugin Docs
diff --git a/contrib/storage-http/README.md b/contrib/storage-http/README.md
index 797ab5f..7d0ce10 100644
--- a/contrib/storage-http/README.md
+++ b/contrib/storage-http/README.md
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
-`postBodyLocation`:  If the API uses the `POST` method, you can send parameters in several different ways:
+`postParameterLocation`:  If the API uses the `POST` method, you can send parameters in several different ways:
 * `query_string`:  Parameters from the query are pushed down to the query string.  Static parameters are pushed to the post body.
 * `post_body`:  Both static and parameters from the query are pushed to the post body as key/value pairs
 * `json_body`:  Both static and parameters from the query are pushed to the post body as json.