blob: 45f4b1f456c4f720d873f3afd5391e6f236ab2ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.DataMode;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.Types;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.ColumnState.PrimitiveColumnState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.ListState.ListVectorState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.ProjectionFilter.ProjResult;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.RepeatedListState.RepeatedListColumnState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.RepeatedListState.RepeatedListVectorState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.SingleVectorState.OffsetVectorState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.SingleVectorState.SimpleVectorState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.TupleState.MapArrayState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.TupleState.MapColumnState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.TupleState.MapVectorState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.TupleState.SingleDictState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.TupleState.SingleMapState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.UnionState.UnionColumnState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.UnionState.UnionVectorState;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.PrimitiveColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.VariantMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.NullableVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.UInt4Vector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.AbstractArrayWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.AbstractArrayWriter.ArrayObjectWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.AbstractObjectWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.AbstractTupleWriter.TupleObjectWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.ColumnWriterFactory;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.EmptyListShim;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.ListWriterImpl;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.MapWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.ObjectDictWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.RepeatedListWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.UnionWriterImpl;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.UnionWriterImpl.VariantObjectWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.DictVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.ListVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedDictVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedListVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.UnionVector;
* Algorithms for building a column given a metadata description of the column and
* the parent context that will hold the column.
* <p>
* Does not support recursive column creation. For the most part, composite columns
* (maps, map arrays, unions and lists) must start empty. Build the composite first,
* then add its members using the writer for the column. This ensures a uniform API
* for adding columns whether done dynamically at read time or statically at create
* time.
* <p>
* The single exception is the case of a list with exactly one type: in this case
* the list metadata must contain that one type so the code knows how to build
* the nullable array writer for that column.
* <p>
* Merges the project list with the column to be built. If the column is not
* projected (not in the list), then creates a dummy writer. Issues an error if
* the column is projected, but the implied projection type is incompatible with
* the actual type. (Such as trying to project an INT as x[0].)
* <p>
* This class builds the internal structure of a vector. If building a "container"
* vector (map, list, repeated list or union), this class expects the container
* to be added empty, then the members to be added one by one. See
* {@link BuildFromSchema} for the class that builds up a compound structure.
public class ColumnBuilder {
* Implementation of the work to add a new column to this tuple given a
* schema description of the column.
* @param parent container of vectors
* @param columnSchema schema of the column as provided by the client
* using the result set loader. This is the schema of the data to be
* loaded
* @return writer for the new column
public ColumnState buildColumn(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
switch (columnSchema.structureType()) {
case DICT:
return buildDict(parent, columnSchema);
case TUPLE:
return buildMap(parent, columnSchema);
return buildVariant(parent, columnSchema);
return buildRepeatedList(parent, columnSchema);
return buildPrimitive(parent, columnSchema);
* Build a primitive column. Check if the column is projected. If not,
* allocate a dummy writer for the column. If projected, then allocate
* a vector, a writer, and the column state which binds the two together
* and manages the column.
* @param parent schema of the new primitive column
* @param columnSchema implied projection type for the column
* @return column state for the new column
private ColumnState buildPrimitive(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
final ValueVector vector;
if (parent.projection().projection(columnSchema).isProjected || allowCreation(parent)) {
// Create the vector for the column.
vector = parent.vectorCache().vectorFor(columnSchema.schema());
// In permissive mode, the mode or precision of the vector may differ
// from that requested. Update the schema to match.
if (parent.vectorCache().isPermissive() && !vector.getField().isEquivalent(columnSchema.schema())) {
columnSchema = ((PrimitiveColumnMetadata) columnSchema).mergeWith(vector.getField());
} else {
// Column is not projected. No materialized backing for the column.
vector = null;
// Create the writer.
final AbstractObjectWriter colWriter =
ColumnWriterFactory.buildColumnWriter(columnSchema, vector);
// Build the vector state which manages the vector.
VectorState vectorState;
if (vector == null) {
vectorState = new NullVectorState();
} else if (columnSchema.isArray()) {
vectorState = new RepeatedVectorState(colWriter.array(), (RepeatedValueVector) vector);
} else if (columnSchema.isNullable()) {
vectorState = new NullableVectorState(
colWriter, (NullableVector) vector);
} else {
vectorState = SimpleVectorState.vectorState(columnSchema,, vector);
// Create the column state which binds the vector and writer together.
return new PrimitiveColumnState(parent.loader(), colWriter, vectorState);
* Check if this is a special case when vector, writer and column state should be
* created for a primitive field though the field itself is not projected. This is
* needed in case when {@code DICT}'s {@code value} is accessed by key, because
* {@code DICT}'s {@code keys} field is not projected but is needed to be initialized
* to ensure the dict vector is constructed properly ({@code DICT} should have both
* {@code keys} and {@code values} vectors as they are paired).
* @param parent container containing the primitive
* @return {@code true} if the parent is {@code DICT} and its {@code value} is accessed by key
private boolean allowCreation(ContainerState parent) {
return parent instanceof TupleState.DictState && !parent.projection().isEmpty();
* Build a new map (single or repeated) column. Except for maps nested inside
* of unions, no map vector is created
* here, instead we create a tuple state to hold the columns, and defer the
* map vector (or vector container) until harvest time.
* @param parent description of the map column
* @param columnSchema implied projection type for the column
* @return column state for the map column
private ColumnState buildMap(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
// When dynamically adding columns, must add the (empty)
// map by itself, then add columns to the map via separate
// calls.
assert columnSchema.isMap();
assert columnSchema.tupleSchema().isEmpty();
// Create the vector, vector state and writer.
if (columnSchema.isArray()) {
return buildMapArray(parent, columnSchema);
} else {
return buildSingleMap(parent, columnSchema);
private ColumnState buildSingleMap(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
final ProjectionFilter projFilter = parent.projection();
final ProjResult projResult = projFilter.projection(columnSchema);
final MapVector vector;
final VectorState vectorState;
if (projResult.isProjected) {
// Don't get the map vector from the vector cache. Map vectors may
// have content that varies from batch to batch. Only the leaf
// vectors can be cached.
assert columnSchema.tupleSchema().isEmpty();
vector = new MapVector(columnSchema.schema(), parent.loader().allocator(), null);
vectorState = new MapVectorState(vector, new NullVectorState());
} else {
vector = null;
vectorState = new NullVectorState();
final TupleObjectWriter mapWriter = MapWriter.buildMap(columnSchema, vector, new ArrayList<>());
final SingleMapState mapState = new SingleMapState(parent.loader(),
return new MapColumnState(mapState, mapWriter, vectorState, parent.isVersioned());
private ColumnState buildMapArray(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
final ProjectionFilter projFilter = parent.projection();
final ProjResult projResult = projFilter.projection(columnSchema);
// Create the map's offset vector.
final RepeatedMapVector mapVector;
final UInt4Vector offsetVector;
if (projResult.isProjected) {
// Creating the map vector will create its contained vectors if we
// give it a materialized field with children. So, instead pass a clone
// without children so we can add them.
final ColumnMetadata mapColSchema = columnSchema.cloneEmpty();
// Don't get the map vector from the vector cache. Map vectors may
// have content that varies from batch to batch. Only the leaf
// vectors can be cached.
assert columnSchema.tupleSchema().isEmpty();
mapVector = new RepeatedMapVector(mapColSchema.schema(), parent.loader().allocator(), null);
offsetVector = mapVector.getOffsetVector();
} else {
mapVector = null;
offsetVector = null;
// Create the writer using the offset vector
final AbstractObjectWriter writer = MapWriter.buildMapArray(columnSchema, mapVector, new ArrayList<>());
// Wrap the offset vector in a vector state
VectorState offsetVectorState;
if (!projResult.isProjected) {
offsetVectorState = new NullVectorState();
} else {
offsetVectorState = new OffsetVectorState(
(((AbstractArrayWriter) writer.array()).offsetWriter()),
final VectorState mapVectorState = new MapVectorState(mapVector, offsetVectorState);
// Assemble it all into the column state.
final MapArrayState mapState = new MapArrayState(parent.loader(),
return new MapColumnState(mapState, writer, mapVectorState, parent.isVersioned());
private ColumnState buildVariant(ContainerState parent,
ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
// Variant: UNION or (non-repeated) LIST
if (columnSchema.isArray()) {
// (non-repeated) LIST (somewhat like a repeated UNION)
return buildList(parent, columnSchema);
} else {
// (Non-repeated) UNION
return buildUnion(parent, columnSchema);
* Builds a union column.
* <p>
* The union vector type is not well supported in Drill. The idea is that
* arbitrary operators can absorb schema changes by converting vectors to
* unions so that an operator can handle, say, a nullable int and a varchar.
* In practice, most operators don't support this feature. (Sort does -- but
* does not manage memory for the union case.) In principal, union can't solve
* the problem because ODBC and JDBC don't support unions, and it is easy
* to envision changes that unions won't solve (int and varchar types combining
* in a join column, say.) Still, Drill supports unions, so the code here
* does so. Unions are fully tested in the row set writer mechanism.
* @param parent container of vectors
* @param columnSchema implied projection type for the column
* @return column
private ColumnState buildUnion(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
assert columnSchema.isVariant() && ! columnSchema.isArray();
// Create the union vector.
// Don't get the union vector from the vector cache. Union vectors may
// have content that varies from batch to batch. Only the leaf
// vectors can be cached.
assert columnSchema.variantSchema().size() == 0;
final UnionVector vector = new UnionVector(columnSchema.schema(), parent.loader().allocator(), null);
// Then the union writer.
final UnionWriterImpl unionWriter = new UnionWriterImpl(columnSchema, vector, null);
final VariantObjectWriter writer = new VariantObjectWriter(unionWriter);
// The union vector state which manages the types vector.
final UnionVectorState vectorState = new UnionVectorState(vector, unionWriter);
// Create the manager for the columns within the union.
final UnionState unionState = new UnionState(parent.loader(),
// Bind the union state to the union writer to handle column additions.
// Assemble it all into a union column state.
return new UnionColumnState(parent.loader(), writer, vectorState, unionState);
private ColumnState buildList(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
// If the list has declared a single type, and has indicated that this
// is the only type expected, then build the list as a nullable array
// of that type. Else, build the list as array of (a possibly empty)
// union.
final VariantMetadata variant = columnSchema.variantSchema();
if (variant.isSimple()) {
if (variant.size() == 1) {
return buildSimpleList(parent, columnSchema);
} else if (variant.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size of a non-expandable list can't be zero");
return buildUnionList(parent, columnSchema);
* Create a list that is promised to only ever contain a single type (at least
* during this write session). The list acts as a repeated vector in which each
* element can be null. The writer is presented as an array of the single type.
* <p>
* List vectors (lists of optional values) are not supported in
* Drill. The code here works up through the scan operator. But, other operators do
* not support the {@code ListVector</tt> type.
* @param parent the parent (tuple, union or list) that holds this list
* @param columnSchema metadata description of the list which must contain
* exactly one subtype
* @return the column state for the list
private ColumnState buildSimpleList(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
// The variant must have the one and only type.
assert columnSchema.variantSchema().size() == 1;
assert columnSchema.variantSchema().isSimple();
// Create the manager for the one and only column within the list.
final ListState listState = new ListState(parent.loader(),
// Create the child vector, writer and state.
final ColumnMetadata memberSchema = columnSchema.variantSchema().listSubtype();
final ColumnState memberState = buildColumn(listState, memberSchema);
// Create the list vector. Contains a single type.
final ListVector listVector = new ListVector(columnSchema.schema().cloneEmpty(),
parent.loader().allocator(), null);
// Create the list writer: an array of the one type.
final ListWriterImpl listWriter = new ListWriterImpl(columnSchema,
listVector, memberState.writer());
final AbstractObjectWriter listObjWriter = new ArrayObjectWriter(listWriter);
// Create the list vector state that tracks the list vector lifecycle.
final ListVectorState vectorState = new ListVectorState(listWriter,
memberState.writer().events(), listVector);
// Assemble it all into a union column state.
return new UnionColumnState(parent.loader(),
listObjWriter, vectorState, listState);
* Create a list based on a (possible) union. The list starts empty here. The client
* can then add types as they are discovered. The list itself will transition from a
* list of nulls (no child type), to a list of a single type, to a list of unions.
* The writer interface will consistently present the list as a list of unions, even
* when the list itself has no subtype or a single subtype.
* <p>
* List vectors (lists of unions) are not supported in
* Drill. The code here works up through the scan operator. But, other operators do
* not support the {@code ListVector} type.
* @param parent the parent (tuple, union or list) that holds this list
* @param columnSchema description of the list (must be empty of
* subtypes)
* @return the column state for the list
private ColumnState buildUnionList(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
// The variant must start out empty.
assert columnSchema.variantSchema().size() == 0;
// Create the union writer, bound to an empty list shim.
final UnionWriterImpl unionWriter = new UnionWriterImpl(columnSchema);
unionWriter.bindShim(new EmptyListShim());
final VariantObjectWriter unionObjWriter = new VariantObjectWriter(unionWriter);
// Create the list vector. Starts with the default (dummy) data
// vector which corresponds to the empty union shim above.
// Don't get the list vector from the vector cache. List vectors may
// have content that varies from batch to batch. Only the leaf
// vectors can be cached.
final ListVector listVector = new ListVector(columnSchema.schema(),
parent.loader().allocator(), null);
// Create the list vector state that tracks the list vector lifecycle.
final ListVectorState vectorState = new ListVectorState(unionWriter, listVector);
// Create the list writer: an array of unions.
final AbstractObjectWriter listWriter = new ArrayObjectWriter(
new ListWriterImpl(columnSchema, listVector, unionObjWriter));
// Create the manager for the columns within the list (which may or
// may not be grouped into a union.)
final ListState listState = new ListState(parent.loader(),
// Bind the union state to the union writer to handle column additions.
// Assemble it all into a union column state.
return new UnionColumnState(parent.loader(),
listWriter, vectorState, listState);
private ColumnState buildRepeatedList(ContainerState parent,
ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
assert columnSchema.type() == MinorType.LIST;
assert columnSchema.mode() == DataMode.REPEATED;
// The schema provided must be empty. The caller must add
// the element type after creating the repeated writer itself.
assert columnSchema.childSchema() == null;
// Build the repeated vector.
final RepeatedListVector vector = new RepeatedListVector(
columnSchema.emptySchema(), parent.loader().allocator(), null);
// No inner type yet. The result set loader builds the subtype
// incrementally because it might be complex (a map or another
// repeated list.) To start, use a dummy to avoid need for if-statements
// everywhere.
final ColumnMetadata dummyElementSchema = new PrimitiveColumnMetadata(
final AbstractObjectWriter dummyElement = ColumnWriterFactory.buildDummyColumnWriter(dummyElementSchema);
// Create the list writer: an array of arrays.
final AbstractObjectWriter arrayWriter = RepeatedListWriter.buildRepeatedList(
columnSchema, vector, dummyElement);
// Create the list vector state that tracks the list vector lifecycle.
final RepeatedListVectorState vectorState = new RepeatedListVectorState(
arrayWriter, vector);
// Build the container that tracks the array contents
final RepeatedListState listState = new RepeatedListState(
// Bind the list state as the list event listener.
((RepeatedListWriter) arrayWriter.array()).bindListener(listState);
// Assemble it all into a column state. This state will
// propagate events down to the (one and only) child state.
return new RepeatedListColumnState(parent.loader(),
arrayWriter, vectorState, listState);
private ColumnState buildDict(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
// When dynamically adding columns, must add the (empty)
// dict by itself, then add columns to the dict via separate
// calls (the same way as is done for MAP).
assert columnSchema.isDict();
assert columnSchema.tupleSchema().isEmpty();
// Create the vector, vector state and writer.
if (columnSchema.isArray()) {
return buildDictArray(parent, columnSchema);
} else {
return buildSingleDict(parent, columnSchema);
private ColumnState buildDictArray(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
final ProjectionFilter projFilter = parent.projection();
final ProjResult projResult = projFilter.projection(columnSchema);
// Create the dict's offset vector.
final RepeatedDictVector repeatedDictVector;
final UInt4Vector offsetVector;
if (projResult.isProjected) {
// Creating the dict vector will create its contained vectors if we
// give it a materialized field with children. So, instead pass a clone
// without children so we can add them.
final ColumnMetadata dictColMetadata = columnSchema.cloneEmpty();
// Don't get the dict vector from the vector cache. Dict vectors may
// have content that varies from batch to batch. Only the leaf
// vectors can be cached.
assert columnSchema.tupleSchema().isEmpty();
repeatedDictVector = new RepeatedDictVector(dictColMetadata.schema(),
parent.loader().allocator(), null);
offsetVector = repeatedDictVector.getOffsetVector();
} else {
repeatedDictVector = null;
offsetVector = null;
// Create the writer using the offset vector
final AbstractObjectWriter writer = ObjectDictWriter.buildDictArray(
columnSchema, repeatedDictVector, new ArrayList<>());
// Wrap the offset vector in a vector state
VectorState offsetVectorState;
VectorState dictOffsetVectorState;
if (!projResult.isProjected) {
offsetVectorState = new NullVectorState();
dictOffsetVectorState = new NullVectorState();
} else {
AbstractArrayWriter arrayWriter = (AbstractArrayWriter) writer.array();
offsetVectorState = new OffsetVectorState(
dictOffsetVectorState = new OffsetVectorState(
((AbstractArrayWriter) arrayWriter.array()).offsetWriter(),
((DictVector) repeatedDictVector.getDataVector()).getOffsetVector(),
final VectorState mapVectorState =
new TupleState.DictArrayVectorState(repeatedDictVector, offsetVectorState, dictOffsetVectorState);
// Assemble it all into the column state.
final TupleState.DictArrayState dictArrayState = new TupleState.DictArrayState(parent.loader(),
return new TupleState.DictColumnState(
dictArrayState, writer, mapVectorState, parent.isVersioned());
private ColumnState buildSingleDict(ContainerState parent, ColumnMetadata columnSchema) {
final ProjectionFilter projFilter = parent.projection();
final ProjResult projResult = projFilter.projection(columnSchema);
// Create the dict's offset vector.
final DictVector dictVector;
final UInt4Vector offsetVector;
if (projResult.isProjected) {
// Creating the dict vector will create its contained vectors if we
// give it a materialized field with children. So, instead pass a clone
// without children so we can add them.
final ColumnMetadata dictColMetadata = columnSchema.cloneEmpty();
// Don't get the dict vector from the vector cache. Dict vectors may
// have content that varies from batch to batch. Only the leaf
// vectors can be cached.
assert columnSchema.tupleSchema().isEmpty();
dictVector = new DictVector(dictColMetadata.schema(), parent.loader().allocator(), null);
offsetVector = dictVector.getOffsetVector();
} else {
dictVector = null;
offsetVector = null;
// Create the writer using the offset vector
final AbstractObjectWriter writer = ObjectDictWriter.buildDict(columnSchema, dictVector, new ArrayList<>());
// Wrap the offset vector in a vector state
final VectorState offsetVectorState;
if (!projResult.isProjected) {
offsetVectorState = new NullVectorState();
} else {
offsetVectorState = new OffsetVectorState(
(((AbstractArrayWriter) writer.dict()).offsetWriter()),
final VectorState mapVectorState = new TupleState.SingleDictVectorState(dictVector, offsetVectorState);
// Assemble it all into the column state.
final SingleDictState dictArrayState = new SingleDictState(parent.loader(), parent.vectorCache().childCache(,
return new TupleState.DictColumnState(
dictArrayState, writer, mapVectorState, parent.isVersioned());