blob: c5d5a99976acd5b00e4487b43a25fd1170ccb369 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.drill.categories.JdbcStorageTest;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserRemoteException;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.DataMode;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet.DirectRowSet;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet.RowSet;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet.RowSetBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.SchemaBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.test.ClusterFixture;
import org.apache.drill.test.ClusterTest;
import org.apache.drill.test.QueryBuilder.QuerySummary;
import org.apache.drill.test.rowSet.RowSetUtilities;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.testcontainers.containers.JdbcDatabaseContainer;
import org.testcontainers.containers.MySQLContainer;
import org.testcontainers.ext.ScriptUtils;
import org.testcontainers.jdbc.JdbcDatabaseDelegate;
import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
* JDBC storage plugin tests against MySQL.
* Note: it requires library on Linux
public class TestJdbcWriterWithMySQL extends ClusterTest {
private static final String DOCKER_IMAGE_MYSQL = "mysql:5.7.27";
private static final String DOCKER_IMAGE_MARIADB = "mariadb:10.6.0";
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestJdbcWriterWithMySQL.class);
private static JdbcDatabaseContainer<?> jdbcContainer;
public static void initMysql() throws Exception {
String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
String mysqlDBName = "drill_mysql_test";
DockerImageName imageName;
if (osName.startsWith("linux") && "aarch64".equals(System.getProperty("os.arch"))) {
imageName = DockerImageName.parse(DOCKER_IMAGE_MARIADB).asCompatibleSubstituteFor("mysql");
} else {
imageName = DockerImageName.parse(DOCKER_IMAGE_MYSQL);
jdbcContainer = new MySQLContainer<>(imageName)
.withUrlParam("serverTimezone", "UTC")
.withUrlParam("useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift", "true")
if (osName.startsWith("linux")) {
JdbcDatabaseDelegate databaseDelegate = new JdbcDatabaseDelegate(jdbcContainer, "");
ScriptUtils.runInitScript(databaseDelegate, "mysql-test-data-linux.sql");
String jdbcUrl = jdbcContainer.getJdbcUrl();
logger.debug("JDBC URL: {}", jdbcUrl);
JdbcStorageConfig jdbcStorageConfig = new JdbcStorageConfig("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver", jdbcUrl,
jdbcContainer.getUsername(), jdbcContainer.getPassword(), false, true, null, null, 10000);
cluster.defineStoragePlugin("mysql", jdbcStorageConfig);
JdbcStorageConfig jdbcStorageConfigNoWrite = new JdbcStorageConfig("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver", jdbcUrl,
jdbcContainer.getUsername(), jdbcContainer.getPassword(), false, false, null, null, 10000);
cluster.defineStoragePlugin("mysql_no_write", jdbcStorageConfigNoWrite);
if (osName.startsWith("linux")) {
// adds storage plugin with case insensitive table names
JdbcStorageConfig jdbcCaseSensitiveStorageConfig = new JdbcStorageConfig("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver", jdbcUrl,
jdbcContainer.getUsername(), jdbcContainer.getPassword(), true, true, null, null, 10000);
cluster.defineStoragePlugin("mysqlCaseInsensitive", jdbcCaseSensitiveStorageConfig);
public void testBasicCTAS() throws Exception {
String query = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
// Create the table and insert the values
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
String testQuery = "SELECT * FROM mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("ID", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
.add("NAME", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(1L, 2L)
.addRow(3L, 4L)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
// Now drop the table
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
public void testBasicCTASWithSpacesInTableName() throws Exception {
String query = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
// Create the table and insert the values
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
String testQuery = "SELECT * FROM mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test table`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("ID", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
.add("NAME", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(1L, 2L)
.addRow(3L, 4L)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
// Now drop the table
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test table`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
public void testBasicCTASWithSpacesInFieldNames() throws Exception {
String query = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test table` (`My id`, `My name`) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
// Create the table and insert the values
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
String testQuery = "SELECT * FROM mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test table`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("My id", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
.add("My name", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(1L, 2L)
.addRow(3L, 4L)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
// Now drop the table
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test table`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
@Ignore("Requires local installation of MySQL")
public void testBasicCTASWithLocalDatabase() throws Exception {
// Local databases
String localMySql = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/?useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&serverTimezone=EST5EDT";
JdbcStorageConfig localJdbcStorageConfig = new JdbcStorageConfig("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver", localMySql,
"root", "password", false, true, null, null, 10000);
cluster.defineStoragePlugin("localMysql", localJdbcStorageConfig);
String query = "CREATE TABLE localMysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
// Create the table and insert the values
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
String testQuery = "SELECT * FROM localMysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("ID", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
.add("NAME", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(1L, 2L)
.addRow(3L, 4L)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
// Now drop the table
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE localMysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
public void testBasicCTASWithDataTypes() throws Exception {
String query = "CREATE TABLE mysql.drill_mysql_test.`data_types` AS " +
"SELECT CAST(1 AS INTEGER) AS int_field," +
"CAST(2 AS BIGINT) AS bigint_field," +
"CAST(3.0 AS FLOAT) AS float4_field," +
"CAST(4.0 AS DOUBLE) AS float8_field," +
"'5.0' AS varchar_field," +
"CAST('2021-01-01' AS DATE) as date_field," +
"CAST('12:00:00' AS TIME) as time_field, " +
"CAST('2015-12-30 22:55:55.23' AS TIMESTAMP) as timestamp_field, true AS boolean_field " +
// Create the table and insert the values
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
String testQuery = "SELECT * FROM mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`data_types`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("int_field", MinorType.INT, 10)
.addNullable("bigint_field", MinorType.BIGINT, 19)
.addNullable("float4_field", MinorType.FLOAT8, 12)
.addNullable("float8_field", MinorType.FLOAT8, 22)
.addNullable("varchar_field", MinorType.VARCHAR, 38)
.addNullable("date_field", MinorType.DATE, 10)
.addNullable("time_field", MinorType.TIME, 10)
.addNullable("timestamp_field", MinorType.TIMESTAMP, 19)
.addNullable("boolean_field", MinorType.BIT)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(1, 2L, 3.0, 4.0, "5.0", LocalDate.parse("2021-01-01"), LocalTime.parse("12:00"), 1451516155000L, true)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
// Now drop the table
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`data_types`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
public void testCTASFromFileWithNulls() throws Exception {
String sql = "CREATE TABLE mysql.drill_mysql_test.`t1` AS SELECT int_field, float_field, varchar_field, boolean_field FROM cp.`json/dataTypes.json`";
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(sql).run();
sql = "SELECT * FROM mysql.drill_mysql_test.`t1`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("int_field", MinorType.BIGINT, 19)
.addNullable("float_field", MinorType.FLOAT8, 22)
.addNullable("varchar_field", MinorType.VARCHAR, 38,0)
.addNullable("boolean_field", MinorType.BIT, 1)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(1L, 1.0, "foo1", true)
.addRow(null, null, null, null)
.addRow(2L, 2.0, "foo2", false)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`t1`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
public void testCTASFromFileWithUglyData() throws Exception {
String sql = "CREATE TABLE mysql.drill_mysql_test.`t2` AS SELECT ugly1, ugly2 FROM cp.`json/uglyData.json`";
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(sql).run();
sql = "SELECT * FROM mysql.drill_mysql_test.`t2`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addNullable("ugly1", MinorType.VARCHAR, 38)
.addNullable("ugly2", MinorType.VARCHAR, 38)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow("O'Malley", "Abraham Lincoln's best speech started with: \"Four score and seven years ago...")
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`t2`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
public void testDropNonExistentTable() throws Exception {
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`none_shall_pass`";
try {
} catch (UserRemoteException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("VALIDATION ERROR: Table [none_shall_pass] not found"));
public void testBasicCTASIfNotExists() throws Exception {
String query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
// Create the table and insert the values
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
String testQuery = "SELECT * FROM mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table`";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("ID", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
.add("NAME", MinorType.BIGINT, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(1L, 2L)
.addRow(3L, 4L)
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
// Now drop the table
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
public void testCTASWithDuplicateTable() throws Exception {
String query = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
// Create the table and insert the values
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
// Run the query again, should fail.
try {
} catch (UserRemoteException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("VALIDATION ERROR"));
// Try again with IF NOT EXISTS, Should not do anything, but not throw an exception
query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
DirectRowSet results = queryBuilder().sql(query).rowSet();
TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("ok", MinorType.BIT)
.add("summary", MinorType.VARCHAR, DataMode.OPTIONAL)
RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
.addRow(false, "A table or view with given name [test_table] already exists in schema [mysql.drill_mysql_test]")
RowSetUtilities.verify(expected, results);
public void testWithComplexData() throws Exception {
// JDBC Writer does not support writing complex types at this time.
try {
String sql = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`complex` AS SELECT * FROM cp.`json/complexData.json`";
} catch (UserRemoteException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("DATA_WRITE ERROR: Drill does not support writing complex fields to JDBC data sources."));
public void testWithArrayField() throws Exception {
// JDBC Writer does not support writing arrays at this time.
try {
String sql = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`complex` AS SELECT * FROM cp.`json/repeatedData.json`";
} catch (UserRemoteException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("DATA_WRITE ERROR: Drill does not yet support writing arrays to JDBC. `repeated_field` is an array."));
public void testUnwritableConnection() throws Exception {
try {
String query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mysql_no_write.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
} catch (UserRemoteException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("VALIDATION ERROR: Unable to create or drop objects. Schema [mysql_no_write.drill_mysql_test] is immutable."));
try {
String query = "CREATE TABLE mysql_no_write.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_table` (ID, NAME) AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,2), (3,4))";
} catch (UserRemoteException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("VALIDATION ERROR: Unable to create or drop objects. Schema [mysql_no_write.drill_mysql_test] is immutable."));
public void testWithLargeFile() throws Exception {
String query = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.test (id,first_name,last_name,email,gender,ip_address) AS " +
"SELECT id,first_name,last_name,email,gender,ip_address FROM cp.`csv/large_csv.csvh`";
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(query).run();
query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.test";
long rowCount = queryBuilder().sql(query).singletonLong();
assertEquals(6000, rowCount);
// Now drop the table
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
@Ignore("This is a slow test. Please run manually.")
public void testWithReallyLongFile() throws Exception {
Path generatedFile = null;
try {
generatedFile = JdbcTestUtils.generateCsvFile("csv/very_large_file.csvh", 10, 100000);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
String testQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dfs.`csv/very_large_file.csvh`";
long resultsCount = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).singletonLong();
assertEquals(100000, resultsCount);
String ctasQuery = "CREATE TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_big_table` AS " +
"SELECT * FROM dfs.`csv/very_large_file.csvh`";
QuerySummary insertResults = queryBuilder().sql(ctasQuery).run();
// Query the table to see if the insertion was successful
testQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_big_table`";
resultsCount = queryBuilder().sql(testQuery).singletonLong();
assertEquals(100000, resultsCount);
String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE mysql.`drill_mysql_test`.`test_big_table`";
QuerySummary dropResults = queryBuilder().sql(dropQuery).run();
boolean deletedFile = JdbcTestUtils.deleteCsvFile(String.valueOf(generatedFile));
if (!deletedFile) {
public static void stopMysql() {
if (jdbcContainer != null) {