blob: e6dd8501f5d08ed637809d28f2dcd9a99f9a18cb [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Configuration for the Drill-on-YARN feature. Provides information needed to
# launch the Drill Application Master under YARN, and to configure the
# Drill cluster.
# This file is in HOCON format, see
# for more information.
# To create your own configuration file, copy only those lines that you want
# to change. All values have reasonable defaults.
drill.yarn: {
# Name displayed in the YARN management UI for your Drill cluster.
app-name: "Drill-on-YARN"
dfs: {
# Connection to the distributed file system. Defaults to work with
# a single-node Drill on the local machine.
# Omit this if you want to get the configuration either from the
# Hadoop config (set with config-dir above) or from the
# $DRILL_HOME/core-site.xml.
connection: "hdfs://localhost/"
# The distributed file system (DFS such as HDFS) directory in which to store the Drill
# archive file. Change this if you launch multiple Drill clusters to give
# each cluster it's own upload location.
app-dir: "/users/drill"
yarn: {
# Specify the queue you want to use when launching Drill-on-YARN.
queue: "default"
drill-install: {
# The archive (in .tar.gz format) that contains your Drill software, your custom jar files,
# and your Drill configuration. This is the path the file on your client machine.
# The base name is used when uploading the file to DFS.
client-path: "/etc/drill/drill.tar.gz"
# Set this if the name of the directory inside your archive file differs from
# the name of the file. That is, by default, my-drill.tar.gz should contain
# my-drill as its directory name.
# dir-name: "drill"
# Note that there are no parameters for the site directory. You specify the
# site directory location on client launch; Drill-on-YARN automatically
# creates an archive of that directory.
# Set the Java java.library.path option to files that pre-exist on
# each Drillbit node. (This is not for libraries that are distributed
# by YARN.) (Place Drill-specific libraries in $DRILL_SITE/lib.)
library-path: "/opt/libs"
# Application Master settings. You should not have to change these.
am: {
# Heap memory for the AM. Change this only if you run a large cluster and
# encounter memory errors.
heap: "450M"
# Amount of memory to allocate for the YARN container. Adjust this only if
# you adjust the heap amount above.
memory-mb: 512
# Optional label to apply to the AM request. Restricts the AM to run on
# only nodes with the label. Leave blank unless you need to restrict AM
# location.
node-label-expr: "drill-am"
# Settings for the Application Master's internal web server.
http: {
# Listen port. Change this if you run multiple Drill clusters as
# YARN may allocate two or more AMs on the same YARN worker node.
port: 8048
# Turn this on to enable HTTPS for the AM web UI.
ssl-enabled: true
# The type of authorization to use for the AM web UI. One of
# "none" (no authorization, the default), "drill" (use Drill's
# configured authentication system), or "simple" (use the user name
# and password defined here.) With Drill authentication enabled, only
# the user that launched Drill-on-YARN can access the Drill-on-YARN
# web UI. With simple authentication, then the defined user name and
# password is the only valid user.
auth-type: "drill"
# Set only for the simple auth type.
user_name: "fred"
password: "wilma"
# Set this to some value to protect the management REST calls.
# When the key is set, each rest call must include the key=value
# parameter. This is not high security, just a speed-bump to prevent
# accidental cluster changes.
# Configuration for each Drillbit. Drill requires that all Drillbits use the
# same configuration.
drillbit: {
# The amount of heap memory to allocate to Drill. This is the equivalent of the
# DRILL_HEAP environment variable in when launching Drill outside
# of YARN.
heap: "4G"
# The maximum amount of direct memory to allocate to Drill. This is the equivalent of the
# DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY environment variable in when launching Drill outside
# of YARN.
max-direct-memory: "8G"
# The amount of memory to alocate to the JVM code cache which holds the classes
# that Drill creates dynamically for each query execution. The default setting is
# fine for most applications.
code-cache: "1G"
# The amount of memory to allocate to each Drill-bit. This is the amount of memory requested
# from YARN for each drill-bit. This must be sufficient for
# heap + max-direct-memory + code-cache + JVM overhead (assume 1G)
memory-mb: 14336
# The number of YARN virtual cores to allocate to each drill-bit.
vcores: 4
# The number of disk channels (or spindles) that Drill typically uses.
# This value is supported only only selected YARN distributions.
disks: 3
# Add to the class path. Use for things such as HBase, etc. which must be installed
# on every node. (Drill automatically adds its own class path as well as the one
# provided by YARN.)
classpath: ""
# The groups of hosts on which to launch Drill. Each group can be one of several types.
# Note: This version supports a single group. The example below has multiple groups
# only to illustrate the various group types.
cluster: [
# Arbitrary name, just used for error and statistics reporting.
# Defaults to "group-" group index, starting at 1.
name: "group1"
# Basic group: let YARN pick any available node.
type: "basic"
# Number of Drill-bits to run. (Drill-on-YARN runs each on a separate host,
# so this is also the number of hosts that will run Drill.)
count: 2