blob: e7d4f037b0efe6cf36eef81ad2f9642e9d89eb5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonNumber;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.json.JsonReader;
import javax.json.JsonValue;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Parses a query profile and provides access to various bits of the profile
* for diagnostic purposes during tests.
public class ProfileParser {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProfileParser.class);
* The original JSON profile.
JsonObject profile;
* Query text parsed out of the profile.
String query;
* List of operator plans in the order in which they appear in the query
* plan section of the profile. This is an intermediate representation used
* to create the more fully analyzed structures.
List<String> plans;
* Operations sorted by operator ID. The Operator ID serves as
* an index into the list to get the information for that operator.
* Operator ID is the one shown in the plan: xx-nn, where nn is the
* operator ID. This is NOT the same as the operator type.
List<OperatorSummary> operations;
* Map from major fragment number to fragment information. The major
* fragment number is the nn in the nn-xx notation in the plan.
Map<Integer,FragInfo> fragments = new HashMap<>();
* Operations in the original topological order as shown in the text
* version of the query plan in the query profile.
private List<OperatorSummary> topoOrder;
public ProfileParser(File file) throws IOException {
try (FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file);
JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(fileReader)) {
profile = (JsonObject);
private void parse() {
private void parseQuery() {
query = profile.getString("query");
query = query.replace("//n", "\n");
* Parse a text version of the plan as it appears in the JSON
* query profile.
private static class PlanParser {
List<String> plans = new ArrayList<>();
List<OperatorSummary> operations = new ArrayList<>();
List<OperatorSummary> sorted = new ArrayList<>();
public void parsePlans(String plan) {
plans = new ArrayList<>();
String[] parts = plan.split("\n");
for (String part : parts) {
OperatorSummary opDef = new OperatorSummary(part);
private void sortList() {
List<OperatorSummary> raw = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(raw, new Comparator<OperatorSummary>() {
public int compare(OperatorSummary o1, OperatorSummary o2) {
int result =, o2.majorId);
if (result == 0) {
result =, o2.stepId);
return result;
int currentFrag = 0;
int currentStep = 0;
for (OperatorSummary opDef : raw) {
if (currentFrag < opDef.majorId) {
OperatorSummary sender = new OperatorSummary(currentFrag, 0);
sender.isInferred = true; = "Sender";
currentStep = 1;
opDef.inferredParent = sender;
if (opDef.stepId > currentStep) {
OperatorSummary unknown = new OperatorSummary(currentFrag, currentStep);
unknown.isInferred = true; = "Unknown";
opDef.inferredParent = unknown;
currentStep = opDef.stepId + 1;
* Parse the plan portion of the query profile. Unfortunately,
* the plan is in text form an is awkward to parse. Also, there is no ID
* to correlate operators shown in the plan with those referenced in the
* profile JSON. Inference is needed.
private void parsePlans() {
PlanParser parser = new PlanParser();
String plan = getPlan();
plans = parser.plans;
topoOrder = parser.operations;
operations = parser.sorted;
private void buildFrags() {
for (OperatorSummary opDef : operations) {
FragInfo major = fragments.get(opDef.majorId);
if (major == null) {
major = new FragInfo(opDef.majorId);
fragments.put(opDef.majorId, major);
private static List<FieldDef> parseCols(String cols) {
String[] parts = cols.split(", ");
List<FieldDef> fields = new ArrayList<>();
for (String part : parts) {
String[] halves = part.split(" ");
fields.add(new FieldDef(halves[1], halves[0]));
return fields;
private void parseFragProfiles() {
JsonArray frags = getFragmentProfile();
for (JsonObject fragProfile : frags.getValuesAs(JsonObject.class)) {
int mId = fragProfile.getInt("majorFragmentId");
FragInfo major = fragments.get(mId);
private void mapOpProfiles() {
for (FragInfo major : fragments.values()) {
for (MinorFragInfo minor : major.minors) {
* A typical plan has many operator details across multiple
* minor fragments. Aggregate these totals to the "master"
* definition of each operator.
private void aggregateOpers() {
for (FragInfo major : fragments.values()) {
for (OperatorSummary opDef : major.ops) {
long sumPeak = 0;
opDef.execCount = opDef.opExecs.size();
for (OperatorProfile op : opDef.opExecs) {
Preconditions.checkState( == op.majorFragId);
Preconditions.checkState(opDef.stepId == op.opId);
opDef.actualRows += op.records;
opDef.actualBatches += op.batches;
opDef.setupMs += op.setupMs;
opDef.processMs += op.processMs;
sumPeak += op.peakMem;
opDef.actualMemory = sumPeak * 1024 * 1024;
* Reconstruct the operator tree from parsed information.
public void buildTree() {
int currentLevel = 0;
OperatorSummary[] opStack = new OperatorSummary[topoOrder.size()];
for (OperatorSummary opDef : topoOrder) {
currentLevel = opDef.globalLevel;
opStack[currentLevel] = opDef;
if (opDef.inferredParent == null) {
if (currentLevel > 0) {
} else {
public String getQuery() {
return profile.getString("query");
public String getPlan() {
return profile.getString("plan");
public List<String> getPlans() {
return plans;
public List<String> getScans() {
List<String> scans = new ArrayList<>();
int n = getPlans().size();
for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
String plan = plans.get(i);
if (plan.contains(" Scan(")) {
return scans;
public List<FieldDef> getColumns(String plan) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("RecordType\\((.*)\\):");
Matcher m = p.matcher(plan);
if (! m.find()) { return null; }
String frag =;
String[] parts = frag.split(", ");
List<FieldDef> fields = new ArrayList<>();
for (String part : parts) {
String[] halves = part.split(" ");
fields.add(new FieldDef(halves[1], halves[0]));
return fields;
public Map<Integer,String> getOperators() {
Map<Integer,String> ops = new HashMap<>();
int n = getPlans().size();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+-(\\d+)\\s+(\\w+)");
for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
String plan = plans.get(i);
Matcher m = p.matcher(plan);
if (! m.find()) { continue; }
int index = Integer.parseInt(;
String op =;
return ops;
public JsonArray getFragmentProfile() {
return profile.getJsonArray("fragmentProfile");
* Information for a fragment, including the operators
* in that fragment and the set of minor fragments.
public static class FragInfo {
public int baseLevel;
public int id;
public List<OperatorSummary> ops = new ArrayList<>();
public List<MinorFragInfo> minors = new ArrayList<>();
public FragInfo(int majorId) { = majorId;
public OperatorSummary getRootOperator() {
return ops.get(0);
public void parse(JsonObject fragProfile) {
JsonArray minorList = fragProfile.getJsonArray("minorFragmentProfile");
for (JsonObject minorProfile : minorList.getValuesAs(JsonObject.class)) {
minors.add(new MinorFragInfo(id, minorProfile));
* Information about a minor fragment as parsed from the profile.
public static class MinorFragInfo {
public final int majorId;
public final int id;
public final List<OperatorProfile> ops = new ArrayList<>();
public MinorFragInfo(int majorId, JsonObject minorProfile) {
this.majorId = majorId;
id = minorProfile.getInt("minorFragmentId");
JsonArray opList = minorProfile.getJsonArray("operatorProfile");
for (JsonObject opProfile : opList.getValuesAs(JsonObject.class)) {
ops.add(new OperatorProfile(majorId, id, opProfile));
* Map each operator execution profiles back to the definition of that
* operator. The only common key is the xx-yy value where xx is the fragment
* number and yy is the operator ID.
* @param major major fragment that corresponds to the xx portion of the
* operator id
public void mapOpProfiles(FragInfo major) {
for (OperatorProfile op : ops) {
OperatorSummary opDef = major.ops.get(op.opId);
if (opDef == null) {"Can't find operator def: {}-{}",, op.opId);
op.opName = op.type.replace("_", " "); =;
if ( {
op.opName = null;
op.defn = opDef;
opDef.opName = op.opName;
opDef.type = op.type;
* Detailed information about each operator within a minor fragment
* for a major fragment. Gathers the detailed information from
* the profile.
public static class OperatorProfile {
public OperatorSummary defn;
public String opName;
public int majorFragId;
public int minorFragId;
public int opId;
public String type;
public String name;
public long processMs;
public long waitMs;
public long setupMs;
public long peakMem;
public Map<Integer,JsonNumber> metrics = new HashMap<>();
public long records;
public int batches;
public int schemas;
public OperatorProfile(int majorId, int minorId, JsonObject opProfile) {
majorFragId = majorId;
minorFragId = minorId;
opId = opProfile.getInt("operatorId");
JsonValue.ValueType valueType = opProfile.get("operatorType").getValueType();
type = valueType == JsonValue.ValueType.STRING
? opProfile.getString("operatorType")
: Objects.requireNonNull(CoreOperatorType.valueOf(opProfile.getInt("operatorType"))).name();
processMs = opProfile.getJsonNumber("processNanos").longValue() / 1_000_000;
waitMs = opProfile.getJsonNumber("waitNanos").longValue() / 1_000_000;
setupMs = opProfile.getJsonNumber("setupNanos").longValue() / 1_000_000;
peakMem = opProfile.getJsonNumber("peakLocalMemoryAllocated").longValue() / (1024 * 1024);
JsonArray array = opProfile.getJsonArray("inputProfile");
if (array != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
JsonObject obj = array.getJsonObject(i);
records += obj.getJsonNumber("records").longValue();
batches += obj.getInt("batches");
schemas += obj.getInt("schemas");
array = opProfile.getJsonArray("metric");
if (array != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
JsonObject metric = array.getJsonObject(i);
metrics.put(metric.getJsonNumber("metricId").intValue(), metric.getJsonNumber("longValue"));
public long getMetric(int id) {
JsonNumber value = metrics.get(id);
if (value == null) {
return 0;
return value.longValue();
public String toString() {
return String.format("[OperatorProfile %02d-%02d-%02d, type: %s, name: %s]",
majorFragId, opId, minorFragId, type,
(name == null) ? "null" : name);
* Information about an operator definition: the plan-time information
* that appears in the plan portion of the profile. Also holds the
* "actuals" from the minor fragment portion of the profile.
* Allows integrating the "planned" vs. "actual" performance of the
* query.
* <p>
* There is one operator definition (represented here), each of which may
* give rise to multiple operator executions (housed in minor fragments.)
* The {@link #opExecs} field provides the list of operator executions
* (which provides access to operator metrics.)
public static class OperatorSummary {
public String type;
public long processMs;
public long setupMs;
public int execCount;
public String opName;
public boolean isInferred;
public int majorId;
public int stepId;
public String args;
public List<FieldDef> columns;
public int globalLevel;
public int localLevel;
public int id;
public int branchId;
public boolean isBranchRoot;
public double estMemoryCost;
public double estNetCost;
public double estIOCost;
public double estCpuCost;
public double estRowCost;
public double estRows;
public String name;
public long actualMemory;
public int actualBatches;
public long actualRows;
public OperatorSummary inferredParent;
public List<OperatorProfile> opExecs = new ArrayList<>();
public List<OperatorSummary> children = new ArrayList<>();
// 00-00 Screen : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(10) Year, VARCHAR(65536) Month, VARCHAR(100) Devices, VARCHAR(100) Tier, VARCHAR(100) LOB, CHAR(10) Gateway, BIGINT Day, BIGINT Hour, INTEGER Week, VARCHAR(100) Week_end_date, BIGINT Usage_Cnt): \
// rowcount = 100.0, cumulative cost = {7.42124276972414E9 rows, 7.663067406383167E10 cpu, 0.0 io, 2.24645048816E10 network, 2.692766612982188E8 memory}, id = 129302
// 00-01 Project(Year=[$0], Month=[$1], Devices=[$2], Tier=[$3], LOB=[$4], Gateway=[$5], Day=[$6], Hour=[$7], Week=[$8], Week_end_date=[$9], Usage_Cnt=[$10]) :
// rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(10) Year, VARCHAR(65536) Month, VARCHAR(100) Devices, VARCHAR(100) Tier, VARCHAR(100) LOB, CHAR(10) Gateway, BIGINT Day, BIGINT Hour, INTEGER Week, VARCHAR(100) Week_end_date, BIGINT Usage_Cnt): rowcount = 100.0, cumulative cost = {7.42124275972414E9 rows, 7.663067405383167E10 cpu, 0.0 io, 2.24645048816E10 network, 2.692766612982188E8 memory}, id = 129301
public OperatorSummary(String plan) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)-(\\d+)(\\s+)(\\w+)(?:\\((.*)\\))?\\s*:\\s*(.*)$");
Matcher m = p.matcher(plan);
if (!m.matches()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not parse plan: " + plan);
majorId = Integer.parseInt(;
stepId = Integer.parseInt(;
name =;
args =;
String tail =;
String indent =;
globalLevel = (indent.length() - 4) / 2;
p = Pattern.compile("rowType = RecordType\\((.*)\\): (rowcount .*)");
m = p.matcher(tail);
if (m.matches()) {
columns = parseCols(;
tail =;
p = Pattern.compile("rowcount = ([\\d.E]+), cumulative cost = \\{([\\d.E]+) rows, ([\\d.E]+) cpu, ([\\d.E]+) io, ([\\d.E]+) network, ([\\d.E]+) memory\\}, id = (\\d+)");
m = p.matcher(tail);
if (! m.find()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not parse costs: " + tail);
estRows = Double.parseDouble(;
estRowCost = Double.parseDouble(;
estCpuCost = Double.parseDouble(;
estIOCost = Double.parseDouble(;
estNetCost = Double.parseDouble(;
estMemoryCost = Double.parseDouble(;
id = Integer.parseInt(;
public void printTree(String indent) {
new TreePrinter().visit(this);
public OperatorSummary(int major, int id) {
majorId = major;
stepId = id;
public String toString() {
String head = "[OpDefInfo " + majorId + "-" + stepId + ": " + name;
if (isInferred) {
head += " (" + opName + ")";
return head + "]";
* Visit a tree of operator definitions to support printing,
* analysis and other tasks.
public static class TreeVisitor
public void visit(OperatorSummary root) {
visit(root, 0);
public void visit(OperatorSummary node, int indent) {
visitOp(node, indent);
if (node.children.isEmpty()) {
if (node.children.size() == 1) {
visit(node.children.get(0), indent);
int i = 0;
for (OperatorSummary child : node.children) {
visitSubtree(node, i++, indent);
visit(child, indent+1);
protected void visitOp(OperatorSummary node, int indent) {
protected void visitSubtree(OperatorSummary node, int i, int indent) {
public String indentString(int indent, String pad) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
return buf.toString();
public String indentString(int indent) {
return indentString(indent, " ");
public String subtreeLabel(OperatorSummary node, int branch) {
if ("HashJoin")) {
return (branch == 0) ? "Probe" : "Build";
} else {
return "Input " + (branch + 1);
* Print the operator tree for analysis.
public static class TreePrinter extends TreeVisitor
protected void visitOp(OperatorSummary node, int indent) {"{}{}", indentString(indent), node.toString());
protected void visitSubtree(OperatorSummary node, int i, int indent) {"{}{}", indentString(indent), subtreeLabel(node, i));
* Print out the tree showing a comparison of estimated vs.
* actual costs. Example:
* <p><pre>
* 03-05 HashJoin (HASH JOIN)
* Estimate: 2,521,812 rows, 1 MB
* Actual: 116,480 rows, 52 MB
* Probe
* 03-07 . . Project
* Estimate: 2,521,812 rows, 1 MB
* Actual: 0 rows, 0 MB
* </pre>
public static class CostPrinter extends TreeVisitor
protected void visitOp(OperatorSummary node, int indentLevel) {
final StringBuilder nodeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
nodeBuilder.append(String.format("%02d-%02d ", node.majorId, node.stepId));
String indent = indentString(indentLevel, ". ");
if (node.opName != null) {
nodeBuilder.append(" (").append(node.opName).append(")");
final StringBuilder costBuilder = new StringBuilder();
indent = indentString(15);
costBuilder.append(String.format(" Estimate: %,15.0f rows, %,7.0f MB",
node.estRows, node.estMemoryCost / 1024 / 1024));
costBuilder.append(String.format(" Actual: %,15d rows, %,7d MB",
node.actualRows, node.actualMemory / 1024 / 1024));;
protected void visitSubtree(OperatorSummary node, int i, int indent) {"{} {}", indentString(indent), subtreeLabel(node, i));
public static class FindOpVisitor extends TreeVisitor
private List<OperatorSummary> ops;
private String type;
public List<OperatorSummary> find(String type, OperatorSummary node) {
ops = new ArrayList<>();
this.type = type;
return ops;
protected void visitOp(OperatorSummary node, int indentLevel) {
if (type.equals(node.type)) {
* We often run test queries single threaded to make analysis of the profile
* easier. For a single-threaded (single slice) query, get a map from
* operator ID to operator information as preparation for additional
* analysis.
* @return
public Map<Integer,OperatorProfile> getOpInfo() {
Map<Integer,String> ops = getOperators();
Map<Integer,OperatorProfile> info = new HashMap<>();
JsonArray frags = getFragmentProfile();
JsonObject fragProfile = frags.getJsonObject(0).getJsonArray("minorFragmentProfile").getJsonObject(0);
JsonArray opList = fragProfile.getJsonArray("operatorProfile");
for (JsonObject opProfile : opList.getValuesAs(JsonObject.class)) {
parseOpProfile(ops, info, opProfile);
return info;
* For a single-slice query, get all operators of a given numeric operator
* type.
* @param type the operator type
* @return a list of operators of the given type
public List<OperatorProfile> getOpsOfType(String type) {
List<OperatorProfile> ops = new ArrayList<>();
List<OperatorSummary> opDefs = getOpDefsOfType(type);
for (OperatorSummary opDef : opDefs) {
return ops;
public List<OperatorSummary> getOpDefsOfType(String type) {
return new FindOpVisitor().find(type, topoOrder.get(0));
private void parseOpProfile(Map<Integer, String> ops,
Map<Integer, OperatorProfile> info, JsonObject opProfile) {
OperatorProfile opInfo = new OperatorProfile(0, 0, opProfile); = ops.get(opInfo.opId);
info.put(opInfo.opId, opInfo);
public void printPlan() {
new CostPrinter().visit(topoOrder.get(0));
public void printTime() {
new TimePrinter().visit(topoOrder.get(0));
public static class Aggregator extends TreeVisitor
protected int n;
protected long totalSetup;
protected long totalProcess;
protected long total;
protected int maxFrag;
protected boolean isTree;
public void visit(OperatorSummary root) {
super.visit(root, 0);
total = totalSetup + totalProcess;
protected void visitOp(OperatorSummary node, int indentLevel) {
totalSetup += node.setupMs;
totalProcess += node.processMs;
maxFrag = Math.max(maxFrag, node.majorId);
isTree |= (node.children.size() > 1);
public static class TimePrinter extends TreeVisitor
private Aggregator totals;
private boolean singleThread;
private boolean singleFragment;
public void visit(OperatorSummary root) {
totals = new Aggregator();
singleThread = ! totals.isTree;
singleFragment = (totals.maxFrag == 0);
super.visit(root, 0);"Total:");
String indent = singleThread? " " : indentString(15);"{}{}", indent, String.format("Setup: %,6d ms", totals.totalSetup));"{}{}", indent, String.format("Process: %,6d ms", totals.totalProcess));
protected void visitOp(OperatorSummary node, int indentLevel) {
if (singleThread) {
} else {
printTreeFormat(node, indentLevel);
private void printSimpleFormat(OperatorSummary node) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (singleFragment) {
sb.append(String.format("%02d ", node.stepId));
} else {
sb.append(String.format("%02d-%02d ", node.majorId, node.stepId));
if (node.opName != null) {
sb.append(" (").append(node.opName).append(")");
printTimes(node, " ");
private void printTimes(OperatorSummary node, String indent) {"{}{}", indent, String.format("Setup: %,6d ms - %3d%%, %3d%%", node.setupMs,
percent(node.setupMs, totals.totalSetup),
percent(node.setupMs,;"{}{}", indent, String.format("Process: %,6d ms - %3d%%, %3d%%", node.processMs,
percent(node.processMs, totals.totalProcess),
private void printTreeFormat(OperatorSummary node, int indentLevel) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("%02d-%02d ", node.majorId, node.stepId));
String indent = indentString(indentLevel, ". ");
if (node.opName != null) {
sb.append(" (").append(node.opName).append(")");
indent = indentString(15);
printTimes(node, indent);
* For a single-slice query, print a summary of the operator stack
* and costs. At present, works for a linear query with on single-input
* operators.
public void print() {
public void simplePrint() {
Map<Integer, OperatorProfile> opInfo = getOpInfo();
int n = opInfo.size();
long totalSetup = 0;
long totalProcess = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
OperatorProfile op = opInfo.get(i);
if (op == null) { continue; }
totalSetup += op.setupMs;
totalProcess += op.processMs;
long total = totalSetup + totalProcess;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
OperatorProfile op = opInfo.get(i);
if (op == null) { continue; }"Op: {} {}", op.opId,;"Setup: {} - {}%, {}%", op.setupMs, percent(op.setupMs, totalSetup), percent(op.setupMs, total));"Process: {} - {}%, {}%", op.processMs, percent(op.processMs, totalProcess), percent(op.processMs, total));
if (op.type.equals("EXTERNAL_SORT")) {
long value = op.getMetric(0);" Spills: {}", value);
if (op.waitMs > 0) {" Wait: {}", op.waitMs);
if (op.peakMem > 0) {" Memory: {}", op.peakMem);
}"Total:");" Setup: {}", totalSetup);" Process: {}", totalProcess);
public static long percent(long value, long total) {
if (total == 0) {
return 0; }
return Math.round(value * 100 / (double)total);
public List<OperatorSummary> getOpDefn(String target) {
List<OperatorSummary> ops = new ArrayList<>();
for (OperatorSummary opDef : operations) {
if ( {
return ops;