blob: e3cc5975359b61f841890cd3134d34513c8dfb44 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.drill.common.Typifier;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserException;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.SchemaBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.Utilities;
import org.apache.parquet.Strings;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static;
public class GoogleSheetsUtils {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GoogleSheetsUtils.class);
private static final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 5;
private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
private static final String UNKNOWN_HEADER = "field_";
private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Drill";
* Represents the possible data types found in a GoogleSheets document
public enum DATA_TYPES {
* Represents a field before the datatype is known
* A numeric data type, either a float or an int. These are all
* converted to Doubles when projected.
* A string data type
* A field containing a date
* A field containing a time
* A field containing timestamps.
* A field containing a list of strings. Only used for implicit columns.
* Creates an authorized {@link Credential} for use in GoogleSheets queries.
* @param config The {@link GoogleSheetsStoragePluginConfig} to be authorized
* @param dataStore A {@link DrillDataStore} containing the user's tokens
* @param queryUser The current query user's ID. This should be set to anonymous if user translation is disabled.
* @return A validated {@link Credential} object.
* @throws IOException If anything goes wrong
* @throws GeneralSecurityException If the credentials are invalid
public static Credential authorize(GoogleSheetsStoragePluginConfig config,
DataStore<StoredCredential> dataStore,
String queryUser) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = config.getSecrets();
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow;
List<String> scopes = Collections.singletonList(SheetsScopes.SPREADSHEETS);
if (dataStore == null) {
logger.debug("Datastore is null");
throw UserException.connectionError()
.message("The DrillDataStore is null. This should not happen.")
} else if (dataStore.getDataStoreFactory() == null) {
logger.debug("Datastore factory is null");
throw UserException.connectionError()
.message("The DrillDataStoreFactory is null. This should not happen.")
flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder
(GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), JSON_FACTORY, clientSecrets, scopes)
return loadCredential(queryUser, flow, dataStore);
public static Credential loadCredential(String userId, GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow, DataStore<StoredCredential> credentialDataStore) {
// No requests need to be performed when userId is not specified.
if (isNullOrEmpty(userId)) {
return null;
if (credentialDataStore == null) {
return null;
Credential credential = newCredential(userId, flow, credentialDataStore);
StoredCredential stored = ((DrillDataStore<StoredCredential>)credentialDataStore).getStoredCredential();
if (stored == null) {
return null;
return credential;
* Returns a new credential instance based on the given user ID.
* @param userId user ID or {@code null} if not using a persisted credential store
private static Credential newCredential(String userId, AuthorizationCodeFlow flow, DataStore<StoredCredential> credentialDataStore) {
Credential.Builder builder =
new Credential.Builder(flow.getMethod())
if (credentialDataStore != null) {
new DataStoreCredentialRefreshListener(userId, credentialDataStore));
public static Sheets getSheetsService(GoogleSheetsStoragePluginConfig config,
DataStore<StoredCredential> dataStore,
String queryUser)
throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
Credential credential = GoogleSheetsUtils.authorize(config, dataStore, queryUser);
return new Sheets.Builder(
GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), credential)
/** Returns an authenticated {@link Drive} service.
* @param config The {@link GoogleSheetsStoragePluginConfig} for the plugin
* @param dataStore A {@link DrillDataStore} for the stored credentials
* @param queryUser A {@link String} containing the current query user.
* @return An authenticated {@link Drive} service.
* @throws IOException If anything goes wrong throw an IOException
* @throws GeneralSecurityException If the creds are invalid or
public static Drive getDriveService(GoogleSheetsStoragePluginConfig config,
DataStore<StoredCredential> dataStore,
String queryUser) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
Credential credential = GoogleSheetsUtils.authorize(config, dataStore, queryUser);
return new Drive.Builder(
GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), credential)
* In GoogleSheets, the file is uniquely identified by a non-human readable token. The Sheets SDK does
* not provide a means to map tokens to file names. To do this, we need to use the Google Drive SDK.
* Google Drive's concept of folders is more similar to that of S3 which doesn't really have folders or
* directories. So the user is not able to include any file paths in the query string.
* More importantly however, is that Google Drive allows duplicate file names, even within the same directory.
* Thus, it is entirely possible to have an entire directory of files with the same name. The tokens for these files
* will be different, but the human-readable names can be the same. This creates an obvious problem for Drill as we
* need unique file names to include in a query.
* @param driveService An authenticated {@link Drive} service.
* @return A {@link HashMap} containing the tokens as keys and the file names as values.
* @throws IOException If anything goes wrong, throw an IOException.
public static Map<String,String> getTokenToNameMap(Drive driveService) throws IOException {
Map<String, String> sheetMapping = new HashMap<>();
String pageToken = null;
do {
FileList result = driveService.files().list()
for (File file : result.getFiles()) {
sheetMapping.put(file.getId(), file.getName());
pageToken = result.getNextPageToken();
} while (pageToken != null);
return sheetMapping;
* Google Sheets tokens are strings of length 44 that contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and underscores.
* This function will attempt to identify file tokens.
* <p>
* Given that Google's spec for file IDs is not officially published, and can change at any time, we will keep the
* validation as light as possible to prevent future issues, in the event Google changes their file Id structure.
* @param id A {@link String} containing an unknown identifier
* @return True if the string is a file probable file token, false if not.
public static boolean isProbableFileToken(String id) {
logger.debug("Checking token {}", id);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) {
return false;
} else if (id.length() != 44) {
return false;
} else {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{43}");
return pattern.matcher(id).find();
* Returns a list of the titles of the available spreadsheets within a given Google sheet.
* @param service The Google Sheets service
* @param sheetID The sheetID for the Google sheet. This can be obtained from the URL of your Google sheet
* @return A list of spreadsheet names within a given Google Sheet
* @throws IOException If the Google sheet is unreachable or invalid.
public static List<Sheet> getTabList(Sheets service, String sheetID) throws IOException {
logger.debug("Getting tabs for: {}", sheetID);
Spreadsheet spreadsheet = service.spreadsheets().get(sheetID).execute();
return spreadsheet.getSheets();
* Converts a column index to A1 notation. Google sheets has a limitation of approx 18k
* columns, but that is not enforced here. The column index must be greater than zero or
* the function will return null.
* References code found here:
* <a href="">Stack Overflow Article</a>
* @param column The column index for the desired column. Must be greater than zero
* @return The A1 representation of the column index.
public static String columnToLetter(int column) {
if (column <= 0) {
return null;
int temp;
StringBuilder letter = new StringBuilder();
while (column > 0) {
temp = (column - 1) % 26;
letter.insert(0, (char) (temp + 65));
column = (column - temp - 1) / 26;
return letter.toString();
* Given a column reference in A1 notation, this function will
* return the column numeric index. GoogleSheets has a limit of approx
* 18k columns, but that is not enforced here.
* References code found here:
* <a href="">Stack Overflow Article</a>
* @param letter The desired column in A1 notation
* @return The index of the supplied column
public static int letterToColumnIndex(String letter) {
// Make sure the letters are all upper case.
letter = letter.toUpperCase();
int column = 0;
int length = letter.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
column += (Character.codePointAt(letter, i) - 64) * (int)Math.pow(26, length - i - 1);
return column;
* This function will be used to build the schema for Drill. As Google sheets does
* @param service An authenticated Google Sheets Service
* @param sheetID The Sheet ID for the Google Sheet (Can be found in the Sheet URL)
* @param tabName The tab name of the actual spreadsheet you want to query
* @return A nested list of the first five rows of the dataset.
* @throws IOException If the request fails, throw an IOException
public static List<List<Object>> getFirstRows (Sheets service, String sheetID, String tabName) throws IOException {
String range = tabName + "!1:" + SAMPLE_SIZE;
return service.spreadsheets().values().get(sheetID, range).execute().getValues();
* Returns a 2D table of Objects representing the given range in A1 notation. Note that this
* function cannot be used with multiple ranges. If you are trying to retrieve multiple groups
* of columns, you must use the getBatchData function.
* @param service The Authenticated GoogleSheets service
* @param sheetID The GoogleSheet ID. This can be found in the Sheet URL
* @param range The range in A1 notation.
* @return A 2D table of Objects representing the given range.
* @throws IOException If the request fails, throw an IOException.
public static List<List<Object>> getDataFromRange(Sheets service, String sheetID, String range) throws IOException {
return service.spreadsheets().values().get(sheetID, range).execute().getValues();
* Finds a {@link Sheet} from a list of tabs with a given title. If the sheet is not present,
* the function will throw a User Exception.
* @param tabName The name of the desired sheet.
* @param tabList A {@link List} of {@link Sheet} objects
* @return The desired Sheet.
public static Sheet getSheetFromTabList(String tabName, List<Sheet> tabList) {
for (Sheet sheet : tabList) {
if (sheet.getProperties().getTitle().contentEquals(tabName)) {
return sheet;
throw UserException.dataReadError()
.message("Could not find sheet " + tabName)
* This function is used to get data when projection is pushed down to Google Sheets.
* @param service The Authenticated GoogleSheets service
* @param sheetID The GoogleSheet ID. This can be found in the Sheet URL
* @param ranges The list of ranges
* @throws IOException If anything goes wrong, IOException will be thrown
public static List<List<Object>> getBatchData(Sheets service, String sheetID, List<String> ranges) throws IOException {
logger.debug("Getting ranges: {}", ranges);
BatchGet request = service.spreadsheets().values().batchGet(sheetID).setRanges(ranges);
List<ValueRange> response = request.execute().getValueRanges();
List<List<Object>> results = new ArrayList<>();
// In Google's infinite wisdom when designing this API, the results
// are returned in a completely different fashion than when projection is not
// pushed down to Google Sheets. Specifically, if you use the regular values() to retrieve
// values from a GoogleSheet, you get a List of rows. Whereas if you use the BatchGet,
// you get a list of columns, sort of. Except these columns are embedded in a bunch of
// other debris from which you must extract the actual data.
// It should be noted that the GoogleSheets API does not accept multiple ranges in the
// request, so it is necessary to use the batch request.
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < ((ArrayList<?>) response.get(0).get("values")).size(); rowIndex++) {
List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>();
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < response.size(); colIndex++) {
try {
Object value = ((ArrayList<?>) ((ArrayList<?>) response.get(colIndex).get("values")).get(rowIndex)).get(0);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException | NullPointerException e) {
return results;
* @param sampleData This represents a sample of the first few rows of data which will be used to build the schema.
* @param projectedColumns A list of projected columns
* @param allTextMode If true, the columns will all be of the VARCHAR type
* @return A map of the column name and {@link GoogleSheetsColumn} column for every projected column.
public static Map<String, GoogleSheetsColumn> getColumnMap(List<List<Object>> sampleData, List<SchemaPath> projectedColumns, boolean allTextMode) {
// For now, we assume that the column headers are in the first row
int emptyColumnCount = 0;
List<String> headers = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, DATA_TYPES> dataTypes = new HashMap<>();
for (Object rawHeader : sampleData.get(0)) {
String header = (String) rawHeader;
// If the header row is empty, assign a value of `field_n` where n is the unknown header count.
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(header)) {
header = UNKNOWN_HEADER + emptyColumnCount;
if (allTextMode) {
dataTypes.put(header, DATA_TYPES.VARCHAR);
} else {
dataTypes.put(header, DATA_TYPES.UNKNOWN);
if (!allTextMode) {
for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < sampleData.size(); rowIndex++) {
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < sampleData.get(rowIndex).size(); colIndex++) {
updateDataType(headers.get(colIndex), dataTypes, sampleData.get(rowIndex).get(colIndex).toString());
// At this point, we have inferred the columns. We will return a list of {@link GoogleSheetsColumn} which
// we will need later for projection pushdown and other schema creation activities.
Map<String, GoogleSheetsColumn> columnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int colCount = 0;
for (String header: headers) {
// When building the schema map, we only want to include projected columns. This will be important later
// when we build the range request.
if (Utilities.isStarQuery(projectedColumns) || isProjected(projectedColumns, header)) {
GoogleSheetsColumn column = new GoogleSheetsColumn(header, dataTypes.get(header), headers.indexOf(header), colCount);
columnMap.put(header, column);
return columnMap;
public static List<GoogleSheetsColumnRange> getProjectedRanges(String sheetName, Map<String, GoogleSheetsColumn> columnMap) {
List<GoogleSheetsColumnRange> projectedRanges = new ArrayList<>();
int lastIndex = -1;
int currentIndex;
GoogleSheetsColumnRange currentRange = new GoogleSheetsColumnRange(sheetName);
for (GoogleSheetsColumn column : columnMap.values()) {
// Exclude metadata columns
if (column.isMetadata()) {
currentIndex = column.getColumnIndex();
// Edge case for first range
if (currentRange.getStartColIndex() == null) {
currentRange = currentRange.setStartIndex(currentIndex);
// End the range and create a new one.
if (currentIndex != (lastIndex + 1) && lastIndex != -1) {
currentRange = new GoogleSheetsColumnRange(sheetName)
lastIndex = currentIndex;
currentRange = currentRange.setEndIndex(lastIndex);
return projectedRanges;
* Returns true if the column is projected, false if not.
* @param projectedColumns A list of projected columns AKA the haystack.
* @param columnName The column name AKA the needle
* @return True if the needle is in the haystack, false if not.
public static boolean isProjected(List<SchemaPath> projectedColumns, String columnName) {
// Star queries project everything, so return true. Technically this
// might not always be correct, in the case that a query projects a non-existent column.
if (Utilities.isStarQuery(projectedColumns)) {
return true;
for (SchemaPath path : projectedColumns) {
if (path.getAsNamePart().getName().contains(columnName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Builds a Drill Schema from a Map of GoogleSheetsColumns.
* @param columnMap A map of {@link GoogleSheetsColumn} containing the schema info.
* @return A populated {@link TupleMetadata} schema
public static TupleMetadata buildSchema(Map<String, GoogleSheetsColumn> columnMap) {
SchemaBuilder builder = new SchemaBuilder();
for (GoogleSheetsColumn column : columnMap.values()) {
builder.addNullable(column.getColumnName(), column.getDrillDataType());
* Infers the datatype of an unknown string.
* @param data An input String of unknown type.
* @return The {@link DATA_TYPES} of the unknown string.
public static DATA_TYPES inferDataType (String data) {
Entry<Class, String> result = Typifier.typify(data);
String dataType = result.getKey().getSimpleName();
// If the string is empty, return UNKNOWN
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data)) {
} else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("Double")) {
} else if(dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("LocalDateTime")) {
} else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("LocalDate")) {
} else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("LocalTime")) {
} else {
public static void updateDataType(String columnName, Map<String, DATA_TYPES> dataTypesMap, String value) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
// Get the data type of the unknown value
DATA_TYPES probableDataType = inferDataType(value);
DATA_TYPES columnDataType = dataTypesMap.get(columnName);
// If the column data type matches the new value's data type, make no changes
if (probableDataType == columnDataType) {
// If the column was unknown assign it the data type that we found
if (columnDataType == DATA_TYPES.UNKNOWN) {
dataTypesMap.put(columnName, probableDataType);
} else if (columnDataType == DATA_TYPES.NUMERIC && probableDataType == DATA_TYPES.VARCHAR) {
// If we have a column that is thought to be numeric, we will continue to consider it numeric unless
// we encounter a string, at which point we will convert it to a String.
dataTypesMap.put(columnName, DATA_TYPES.VARCHAR);
* Adds a new tab to an existing GoogleSheet document.
* @param service An authenticated GoogleSheet service
* @param sheetName The GoogleSheet name of the document
* @param tabName The name of the tab you wish to add to the GoogleSheet document
* @throws IOException Throws an IOException if anything goes wrong.
public static void addTabToGoogleSheet(Sheets service, String sheetName, String tabName)
throws IOException {
List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
requests.add(new Request()
.setAddSheet(new AddSheetRequest().setProperties(new SheetProperties()
BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest body = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest().setRequests(requests);
service.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(sheetName, body).execute();
* Removes a sheet from an existing GoogleSheets document. This method should only be used if the GoogleSheets
* document has more than one tab.
* @param service An authenticated GoogleSheet {@link Sheets}
* @param fileToken The File token of the GoogleSheet containing the sheet to be deleted
* @param deletedTab A {@link Sheet} which will be removed
* @throws IOException If anything goes wrong.
public static void removeTabFromGoogleSheet(Sheets service, String fileToken, Sheet deletedTab) throws IOException {
List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
requests.add(new Request()
.setDeleteSheet(new DeleteSheetRequest().setSheetId(deletedTab.getProperties().getSheetId()))
BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest body = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest().setRequests(requests);
service.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(fileToken, body).execute();
* Accepts a list of data and writes this data to a GoogleSheet document.
* @param service An authenticated GoogleSheet service
* @param sheetID The SheetID. This can be obtained from the URL of the GoogleSheet Document
* @param tabName The tab name within the aforementioned GoogleSheet
* @param data A list of rows of the data to be inserted.
* @throws IOException If anything goes wrong, throw an IO exception
public static void writeDataToGoogleSheet(Sheets service, String sheetID, String tabName, List<List<Object>> data)
throws IOException {
String range = tabName + "!A1";
ValueRange body = new ValueRange()
UpdateValuesResponse result = service.spreadsheets().values().update(sheetID, range, body)
* Accepts a list of data and writes this data to a GoogleSheet document.
* @param service An authenticated GoogleSheet service
* @param sheetID The SheetID. This can be obtained from the URL of the GoogleSheet Document
* @param tabName The tab name within the aforementioned GoogleSheet
* @param data A list of rows of the data to be inserted.
* @throws IOException If anything goes wrong, throw an IO exception
public static void appendDataToGoogleSheet(Sheets service, String sheetID, String tabName, List<List<Object>> data)
throws IOException {
String range = tabName + "!A1";
ValueRange body = new ValueRange()
AppendValuesResponse result = service.spreadsheets().values().append(sheetID, range, body)