blob: 9950171f974b1e289a18e7526d3fac40f061e43d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.parquet.column.ColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.parquet.column.statistics.Statistics;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.BlockMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ColumnChunkMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.GroupType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.OriginalType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.Type;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Collects file metadata for the given parquet file. For empty parquet file will
* generate fake row group metadata based on file schema.
public class FileMetadataCollector {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileMetadataCollector.class);
private final ParquetMetadata metadata;
private final FileStatus file;
private final FileSystem fs;
private final boolean allColumnsInteresting;
private final boolean skipNonInteresting;
private final Set<SchemaPath> columnSet;
private final MessageType schema;
private final ParquetReaderUtility.DateCorruptionStatus containsCorruptDates;
private final Map<SchemaPath, ColTypeInfo> colTypeInfoMap;
private final Map<Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4.Key, Long> totalNullCountMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4.Key, Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4> columnTypeInfo = new HashMap<>();
private Metadata_V4.ParquetFileAndRowCountMetadata fileMetadata;
public FileMetadataCollector(ParquetMetadata metadata,
FileStatus file,
FileSystem fs,
boolean allColumnsInteresting,
boolean skipNonInteresting,
Set<SchemaPath> columnSet,
ParquetReaderConfig readerConfig) throws IOException {
this.metadata = metadata;
this.file = file;
this.fs = fs;
this.allColumnsInteresting = allColumnsInteresting;
this.skipNonInteresting = skipNonInteresting;
this.columnSet = columnSet;
this.schema = metadata.getFileMetaData().getSchema();
this.containsCorruptDates =
ParquetReaderUtility.detectCorruptDates(metadata, Collections.singletonList(SchemaPath.STAR_COLUMN),
logger.debug("Contains corrupt dates: {}.", containsCorruptDates);
this.colTypeInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] path : schema.getPaths()) {
colTypeInfoMap.put(SchemaPath.getCompoundPath(path), ColTypeInfo.of(schema, schema, path, 0, new ArrayList<>()));
public Metadata_V4.ParquetFileAndRowCountMetadata getFileMetadata() {
return fileMetadata;
public Map<Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4.Key, Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4> getColumnTypeInfo() {
return columnTypeInfo;
private void init() throws IOException {
long totalRowCount = 0;
List<Metadata_V4.RowGroupMetadata_v4> rowGroupMetadataList = new ArrayList<>();
for (BlockMetaData rowGroup : metadata.getBlocks()) {
List<Metadata_V4.ColumnMetadata_v4> columnMetadataList = new ArrayList<>();
long length = 0;
totalRowCount = totalRowCount + rowGroup.getRowCount();
for (ColumnChunkMetaData col : rowGroup.getColumns()) {
String[] columnName = col.getPath().toArray();
Statistics<?> stats = col.getStatistics();
PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName primitiveTypeName = col.getPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName();
addColumnMetadata(columnName, stats, primitiveTypeName, columnMetadataList);
length += col.getTotalSize();
// DRILL-5009: Skip the RowGroup if it is empty
// Note we still read the schema even if there are no values in the RowGroup
if (rowGroup.getRowCount() == 0) {
Metadata_V4.RowGroupMetadata_v4 rowGroupMeta = new Metadata_V4.RowGroupMetadata_v4(rowGroup.getStartingPos(), length, rowGroup.getRowCount(),
getHostAffinity(rowGroup.getStartingPos(), length), columnMetadataList);
// add fake row group based on file schema in case when file is empty or all row groups are empty
if (rowGroupMetadataList.isEmpty()) {
List<Metadata_V4.ColumnMetadata_v4> columnMetadataList = new ArrayList<>();
for (ColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor : schema.getColumns()) {
Statistics<?> stats = Statistics.getBuilderForReading(columnDescriptor.getPrimitiveType())
addColumnMetadata(columnDescriptor.getPath(), stats,
columnDescriptor.getPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName(), columnMetadataList);
Metadata_V4.RowGroupMetadata_v4 rowGroupMeta = new Metadata_V4.RowGroupMetadata_v4(0L, 0L,
0L, getHostAffinity(0, 0L), columnMetadataList);
Path path = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(file.getPath());
Metadata_V4.ParquetFileMetadata_v4 parquetFileMetadata_v4 = new Metadata_V4.ParquetFileMetadata_v4(path, file.getLen(), rowGroupMetadataList);
this.fileMetadata = new Metadata_V4.ParquetFileAndRowCountMetadata(parquetFileMetadata_v4, totalNullCountMap, totalRowCount);
private void addColumnMetadata(String[] columnName,
Statistics<?> stats,
PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName primitiveTypeName,
List<Metadata_V4.ColumnMetadata_v4> columnMetadataList) {
SchemaPath columnSchemaName = SchemaPath.getCompoundPath(columnName);
boolean thisColumnIsInteresting = allColumnsInteresting || columnSet == null
|| columnSet.contains(SchemaPath.getSimplePath(columnSchemaName.getRootSegmentPath()));
if (skipNonInteresting && !thisColumnIsInteresting) {
ColTypeInfo colTypeInfo = colTypeInfoMap.get(columnSchemaName);
long totalNullCount = stats.getNumNulls();
Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4 columnTypeMetadata = new Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4.Builder()
Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4.Key columnTypeMetadataKey = new Metadata_V4.ColumnTypeMetadata_v4.Key(;
totalNullCountMap.putIfAbsent(columnTypeMetadataKey, Metadata.DEFAULT_NULL_COUNT);
if (totalNullCountMap.get(columnTypeMetadataKey) < 0 || totalNullCount < 0) {
totalNullCountMap.put(columnTypeMetadataKey, Metadata.NULL_COUNT_NOT_EXISTS);
} else {
long nullCount = totalNullCountMap.get(columnTypeMetadataKey) + totalNullCount;
totalNullCountMap.put(columnTypeMetadataKey, nullCount);
if (thisColumnIsInteresting) {
// Save the column schema info. We'll merge it into one list
Object minValue = null;
Object maxValue = null;
if (!stats.isEmpty() && stats.hasNonNullValue()) {
minValue = stats.genericGetMin();
maxValue = stats.genericGetMax();
if (containsCorruptDates == ParquetReaderUtility.DateCorruptionStatus.META_SHOWS_CORRUPTION
&& columnTypeMetadata.originalType == OriginalType.DATE) {
minValue = ParquetReaderUtility.autoCorrectCorruptedDate((Integer) minValue);
maxValue = ParquetReaderUtility.autoCorrectCorruptedDate((Integer) maxValue);
if (isMicrosecondColumnType(columnTypeMetadata.originalType)) {
// DRILL-8241: truncate the min/max of microsecond columns to milliseconds, otherwise the
// initial scanning of files when filtering will compare to the wrong values.
minValue = truncateMicros(minValue);
maxValue = truncateMicros(maxValue);
long numNulls = stats.getNumNulls();
Metadata_V4.ColumnMetadata_v4 columnMetadata = new Metadata_V4.ColumnMetadata_v4(,
primitiveTypeName, minValue, maxValue, numNulls);
columnTypeMetadata.isInteresting = true;
columnTypeInfo.put(columnTypeMetadataKey, columnTypeMetadata);
private static boolean isMicrosecondColumnType(OriginalType columnType) {
return columnType == OriginalType.TIME_MICROS || columnType == OriginalType.TIMESTAMP_MICROS;
private static Object truncateMicros(Object microSeconds) {
if (microSeconds instanceof Number) {
return Long.valueOf(((Number) microSeconds).longValue() / 1000);
} else {
return microSeconds;
* Get the host affinity for a row group.
* @param start the start of the row group
* @param length the length of the row group
* @return host affinity for the row group
private Map<String, Float> getHostAffinity(long start, long length) throws IOException {
Map<String, Float> hostAffinityMap = new HashMap<>();
BlockLocation[] blockLocations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(file, start, length);
for (BlockLocation blockLocation : blockLocations) {
for (String host : blockLocation.getHosts()) {
float affinity;
if (length == 0) {
affinity = 0.0F;
} else {
float blockStart = blockLocation.getOffset();
float blockEnd = blockStart + blockLocation.getLength();
float rowGroupEnd = start + length;
float calcStart = blockStart < start ? start - blockStart : 0;
float calcEnd = blockEnd > rowGroupEnd ? blockEnd - rowGroupEnd : 0;
affinity = (blockLocation.getLength() - calcStart - calcEnd) / length;
hostAffinityMap.merge(host, affinity, (currentAffinity, newAffinity) -> currentAffinity + newAffinity);
return hostAffinityMap;
private static class ColTypeInfo {
OriginalType originalType;
List<OriginalType> parentTypes;
int precision;
int scale;
int repetitionLevel;
int definitionLevel;
Type.Repetition repetition;
static ColTypeInfo of(MessageType schema, Type type, String[] path, int depth, List<OriginalType> parentTypes) {
if (type.isPrimitive()) {
return createColTypeInfo(type.asPrimitiveType(), schema, path, parentTypes);
Type t = ((GroupType) type).getType(path[depth]);
if (!t.isPrimitive()) {
OriginalType originalType = t.getOriginalType();
if (originalType == OriginalType.MAP && !ParquetReaderUtility.isLogicalMapType(t.asGroupType())) {
originalType = null;
} else if (originalType == OriginalType.LIST && !ParquetReaderUtility.isLogicalListType(t.asGroupType())) {
originalType = null;
return of(schema, t, path, depth + 1, parentTypes);
private static ColTypeInfo createColTypeInfo(PrimitiveType type, MessageType schema,
String[] path, List<OriginalType> parentTypes) {
int precision = 0;
int scale = 0;
if (type.getDecimalMetadata() != null) {
precision = type.getDecimalMetadata().getPrecision();
scale = type.getDecimalMetadata().getScale();
int repetitionLevel = schema.getMaxRepetitionLevel(path);
int definitionLevel = schema.getMaxDefinitionLevel(path);
Type.Repetition repetition;
// Check if the primitive has LIST as parent, if it does - this is an array of primitives.
// (See ParquetReaderUtility#isLogicalListType(GroupType) for the REPEATED field structure.)
int probableListIndex = parentTypes.size() - 2;
if (probableListIndex >= 0 && parentTypes.get(probableListIndex) == OriginalType.LIST) {
repetition = Type.Repetition.REPEATED;
} else {
repetition = type.getRepetition();
return new ColTypeInfo()
private ColTypeInfo setOriginalType(OriginalType originalType) {
this.originalType = originalType;
return this;
private ColTypeInfo setParentTypes(List<OriginalType> parentTypes) {
this.parentTypes = parentTypes;
return this;
private ColTypeInfo setPrecision(int precision) {
this.precision = precision;
return this;
private ColTypeInfo setScale(int scale) {
this.scale = scale;
return this;
private ColTypeInfo setRepetitionLevel(int repetitionLevel) {
this.repetitionLevel = repetitionLevel;
return this;
private ColTypeInfo setDefinitionLevel(int definitionLevel) {
this.definitionLevel = definitionLevel;
return this;
private ColTypeInfo setRepetition(Type.Repetition repetition) {
this.repetition = repetition;
return this;