blob: 910039f919037fdba7d92be1f468c4203490f553 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.agg;
import org.apache.drill.categories.OperatorTest;
import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.HashAggregate;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.BaseTestOpBatchEmitOutcome;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.MockRecordBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.aggregate.HashAggBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.AggPrelBase;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.SchemaBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet.DirectRowSet;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet.RowSet;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet.RowSetBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.test.rowSet.RowSetComparison;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome.EMIT;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome.NONE;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome.OK;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch.IterOutcome.OK_NEW_SCHEMA;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static;
public class TestHashAggEmitOutcome extends BaseTestOpBatchEmitOutcome {
//private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestHashAggEmitOutcome.class);
* A generic method to execute a Hash-Aggr emit test, based on the given parameters.
* Can take at most two generic input batches, and verify against at most two non-empty output
* batches (and unlimited number of input/output empty batches may be used)
* This interface is a little ugly, because Java does not support simple initializations
* other than for arrays (e.g., no "structs" like in c++)
* Input batch 1 is build in (see
* @param inp2_1 - Input batch 2, first col (use null if not needed)
* @param inp2_2 - input batch 2, second col
* @param inp2_3 - Input batch 2, third col
* @param inp3_1 - Input batch 3, first col (use null if not needed)
* @param inp3_2 - input batch 3, second col
* @param inp3_3 - input batch 3, third col
* @param exp1_1 - First expected batch, col 1
* @param exp1_2 - First expected batch, col 2
* @param exp2_1 - Second expected batch, col 1
* @param exp2_2 - Second expected batch, col 2
* @param inpRowSet - Which input batches to use (the empty, i.e. 0, can be used multiple times)
* @param inpOutcomes - Which input IterOutcomes to mark each input batch
* @param outputRowCounts - expected number of rows, in each output batch
* @param outputOutcomes - the expected output outcomes
private void testHashAggrEmit(int[] inp2_1, int[] inp2_2, String[] inp2_3, // first input batch
int[] inp3_1, int[] inp3_2, String[] inp3_3, // second input batch
String[] exp1_1, int[] exp1_2, // first expected
String[] exp2_1, int[] exp2_2, // second expected
int[] inpRowSet, RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes, // input batches + outcomes
List<Integer> outputRowCounts, // output row counts per each out batch
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes) // output outcomes
// First input batch
RowSetBuilder builder2 = operatorFixture.rowSetBuilder(inputSchema);
if ( inp2_1 != null ) {
for (int i = 0; i < inp2_1.length; i++) {
builder2 = builder2.addRow(inp2_1[i], inp2_2[i], inp2_3[i]);
final RowSet.SingleRowSet nonEmptyInputRowSet2 =;
// Second input batch
RowSetBuilder builder3 = operatorFixture.rowSetBuilder(inputSchema);
if ( inp3_1 != null ) {
for (int i = 0; i < inp3_1.length; i++) {
builder3 = builder3.addRow(inp3_1[i], inp3_2[i], inp3_3[i]);
final RowSet.SingleRowSet nonEmptyInputRowSet3 =;
final TupleMetadata resultSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.add("name", TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR)
.addNullable("total_sum", TypeProtos.MinorType.BIGINT)
// First expected batch
RowSetBuilder expectedBuilder1 = operatorFixture.rowSetBuilder(resultSchema);
if ( exp1_1 != null ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < exp1_1.length; i++ ) {
expectedBuilder1 = expectedBuilder1.addRow(exp1_1[i], (long)exp1_2[i]);
final RowSet.SingleRowSet expectedRowSet1 =;
// Second expected batch
RowSetBuilder expectedBuilder2 = operatorFixture.rowSetBuilder(resultSchema);
if ( exp2_1 != null ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < exp2_1.length; i++ ) {
expectedBuilder2 = expectedBuilder2.addRow(exp2_1[i], (long)exp2_2[i]);
final RowSet.SingleRowSet expectedRowSet2 =;
// Add the input batches, in the order/type given
for ( int inp : inpRowSet) {
switch ( inp ) {
case 0: inputContainer.add(emptyInputRowSet.container());
case 1: inputContainer.add(nonEmptyInputRowSet.container());
case 2: inputContainer.add(nonEmptyInputRowSet2.container());
case 3: inputContainer.add(nonEmptyInputRowSet3.container());
// build the outcomes
// Build the Hash Agg Batch operator
final MockRecordBatch mockInputBatch = new MockRecordBatch(operatorFixture.getFragmentContext(), opContext,
inputContainer, inputOutcomes, emptyInputRowSet.container().getSchema());
final HashAggregate hashAggrConfig = new HashAggregate(null, AggPrelBase.OperatorPhase.PHASE_1of1,
parseExprs("name_left", "name"),
parseExprs("sum(id_left+cost_left)", "total_sum"),
final HashAggBatch haBatch = new HashAggBatch(hashAggrConfig, mockInputBatch,
// Iterate thru the next batches, and verify expected outcomes
assertEquals(outputRowCounts.size(), outputOutcomes.size());
boolean firstOne = true;
for (int ind = 0; ind < outputOutcomes.size(); ind++) {
RecordBatch.IterOutcome expOut = outputOutcomes.get(ind);
if (expOut == NONE) {
} // done
RowSet actualRowSet = DirectRowSet.fromContainer(haBatch.getContainer());
int expectedSize = outputRowCounts.get(ind);
// System.out.println(expectedSize);
if (0 == expectedSize) {
assertEquals(expectedSize, haBatch.getRecordCount());
} else if (firstOne) {
firstOne = false;
new RowSetComparison(expectedRowSet1).verify(actualRowSet);
} else {
new RowSetComparison(expectedRowSet2).verify(actualRowSet);
// Release memory for row sets
// T H E U N I T T E S T S
* Test receiving just a single input batch, empty
public void testHashAggrWithEmptyDataSet() {
int[] inpRowSet = {0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
* Verifies that if HashAggBatch receives empty batches with OK_NEW_SCHEMA and EMIT outcome then it correctly produces
* empty batches as output. First empty batch will be with OK_NEW_SCHEMA and second will be with EMIT outcome.
public void testHashAggrEmptyBatchEmitOutcome() {
int[] inpRowSet = {0, 0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 0, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
* Verifies that if HashAgg receives a RecordBatch with EMIT outcome post build schema phase then it produces
* output for those input batch correctly. The first output batch will always be returned with OK_NEW_SCHEMA
* outcome followed by EMIT with empty batch.
public void testHashAggrNonEmptyBatchEmitOutcome() {
int[] inp2_1 = {2, 2, 13, 13, 4};
int[] inp2_2 = {20, 20, 130, 130, 40};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item2", "item2", "item13", "item13", "item4"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item2", "item13", "item4"};
int[] exp1_2 = {44, 286, 44};
int[] inpRowSet = {0, 2};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 3, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
public void testHashAggrEmptyBatchFollowedByNonEmptyBatchEmitOutcome() {
int[] inp2_1 = {2, 13, 4, 0, 0, 0};
int[] inp2_2 = {20, 130, 40, 2000, 1300, 4000};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item2", "item13", "item4", "item2", "item13", "item4"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item2", "item13", "item4"};
int[] exp1_2 = {2022, 1443, 4044};
int[] inpRowSet = {0, 0, 2};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 0, 3, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
public void testHashAggrMultipleEmptyBatchFollowedByNonEmptyBatchEmitOutcome() {
int[] inp2_1 = {2, 13, 4, 0, 1, 0, 1};
int[] inp2_2 = {20, 130, 40, 0, 11000, 0, 33000};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item2", "item13", "item4", "item2", "item2", "item13", "item13"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item2", "item13", "item4"};
int[] exp1_2 = {11023, 33144, 44};
int[] inpRowSet = {0, 0, 0, 0, 2};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT, EMIT, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT, EMIT, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
* Verifies that if HashAggr receives multiple non-empty record batch with EMIT outcome in between then it produces
* output for those input batch correctly. In this case it receives first non-empty batch with OK_NEW_SCHEMA in
* buildSchema phase followed by an empty batch with EMIT outcome. For this combination it produces output for the
* record received so far along with EMIT outcome. Then it receives second non-empty batch with OK outcome and
* produces output for it differently.
public void testHashAgrResetsAfterFirstEmitOutcome() {
int[] inp2_1 = {2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2};
int[] inp2_2 = {20, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 20};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item2", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item3", "item2"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item1"};
int[] exp1_2 = {11};
String[] exp2_1 = {"item2", "item3"};
int[] exp2_2 = {44, 330};
int[] inpRowSet = {1, 0, 2, 0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, OK, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, exp2_1, exp2_2, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
* Verifies HashAggr correctness for the case where it receives non-empty batch in build schema phase followed by
* empty batchs with OK and EMIT outcomes.
public void testHashAggr_NonEmptyFirst_EmptyOKEmitOutcome() {
String[] exp1_1 = {"item1"};
int[] exp1_2 = {11};
int[] inpRowSet = {1, 0, 0, 0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, OK, EMIT, NONE};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(null, null, null, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
* Verifies that if HashAggr receives multiple non-empty record batches with EMIT outcome in between then it produces
* output for those input batch correctly. In this case it receives first non-empty batch with OK_NEW_SCHEMA in
* buildSchema phase followed by an empty batch with EMIT outcome. For this combination it produces output for the
* record received so far along with EMIT outcome. Then it receives second non-empty batch with OK outcome and
* produces output for it differently.
public void testHashAggrMultipleOutputBatch() {
int[] inp2_1 = {4, 2, 5, 3, 5, 4};
int[] inp2_2 = {40, 20, 50, 30, 50, 40};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item4", "item2", "item5", "item3", "item5", "item4"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item1"};
int[] exp1_2 = {11};
String[] exp2_1 = {"item4", "item2", "item5", "item3"};
int[] exp2_2 = {88, 22, 110, 33};
int[] inpRowSet = {1, 0, 2};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, OK};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 4, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, OK, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, exp2_1, exp2_2, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
public void testHashAggrMultipleEMITOutcome() {
int[] inp2_1 = {2, 3};
int[] inp2_2 = {20, 30};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item2", "item3"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item1"};
int[] exp1_2 = {11};
String[] exp2_1 = {"item2", "item3"};
int[] exp2_2 = {22, 33};
int[] inpRowSet = {1, 0, 2, 0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 0, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, exp2_1, exp2_2, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
public void testHashAggrMultipleInputToSingleOutputBatch() {
int[] inp2_1 = {2};
int[] inp2_2 = {20};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item2"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item1", "item2"};
int[] exp1_2 = { 11, 22};
int[] inpRowSet = {1, 0, 2, 0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, OK, OK, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 2, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, null, null, null,
exp1_1, exp1_2, null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
public void testHashAggrMultipleInputToMultipleOutputBatch() {
int[] inp2_1 = {7, 2, 7, 3};
int[] inp2_2 = {70, 20, 70, 33};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item7", "item1", "item7", "item3"};
int[] inp3_1 = {17, 7, 3, 13, 9, 13};
int[] inp3_2 = {170, 71, 30, 130, 123, 130};
String[] inp3_3 = {"item17", "item7", "item3", "item13", "item3", "item13"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item1", "item7", "item3"};
int[] exp1_2 = {33, 154, 36};
String[] exp2_1 = {"item17", "item7", "item3", "item13"};
int[] exp2_2 = {187, 78, 165, 286};
int[] inpRowSet = {1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, OK, EMIT, OK, OK, EMIT};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 3, 4, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, EMIT, EMIT, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, inp3_1, inp3_2, inp3_3,
exp1_1, exp1_2, exp2_1, exp2_2, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);
* **************************************************************************************
* Test validating a regular HashAggr behavior with no EMIT outcome input
* **************************************************************************************
public void testHashAggr_WithEmptyNonEmptyBatchesAndOKOutcome() {
int[] inp2_1 = {2, 7, 3, 13, 13, 13};
int[] inp2_2 = {20, 70, 33, 130, 130, 130};
String[] inp2_3 = {"item1", "item7", "item3", "item13", "item13", "item13"};
int[] inp3_1 = {17, 23, 130, 0};
int[] inp3_2 = {170, 230, 1300, 0};
String[] inp3_3 = {"item7", "item23", "item130", "item130"};
String[] exp1_1 = {"item1", "item7", "item3", "item13", "item23", "item130"};
int[] exp1_2 = {33, 264, 36, 429, 253, 1430};
int[] inpRowSet = {1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0};
RecordBatch.IterOutcome[] inpOutcomes = {OK_NEW_SCHEMA, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK};
List<Integer> outputRowCounts = Arrays.asList(0, 6, 0);
List<RecordBatch.IterOutcome> outputOutcomes = Arrays.asList(OK_NEW_SCHEMA, OK, NONE);
testHashAggrEmit(inp2_1, inp2_2, inp2_3, inp3_1, inp3_2, inp3_3, exp1_1, exp1_2,
null, null, inpRowSet, inpOutcomes, outputRowCounts, outputOutcomes);