blob: f152ba37e804ea739c982dddceb21ca770cd54fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.drill;
import org.apache.drill.categories.PlannerTest;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
// Test the optimizer plan in terms of project pushdown.
// When a query refers to a subset of columns in a table, optimizer should push the list
// of refereed columns to the SCAN operator, so that SCAN operator would only retrieve
// the column values in the subset of columns.
public class TestProjectPushDown extends PlanTestBase {
public static void setupTestFiles() {
dirTestWatcher.copyFileToRoot(Paths.get("sample-data", "nation.parquet"));
dirTestWatcher.copyFileToRoot(Paths.get("sample-data", "region.parquet"));
public void testGroupBy() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames = " \"columns\" : [ \"`marital_status`\" ]";
"select marital_status, COUNT(1) as cnt from cp.`employee.json` group by marital_status",
public void testOrderBy() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames = "\"columns\" : [ \"`employee_id`\", \"`full_name`\", \"`first_name`\", \"`last_name`\" ]";
testPhysicalPlan("select employee_id , full_name, first_name , last_name "
+ "from cp.`employee.json` order by first_name, last_name",
public void testExprInSelect() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames = "\"columns\" : [ \"`employee_id`\", \"`full_name`\", \"`first_name`\", \"`last_name`\" ]";
"select employee_id + 100, full_name, first_name , last_name "
+ "from cp.`employee.json` order by first_name, last_name",
public void testExprInWhere() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames = "\"columns\" : [ \"`employee_id`\", \"`full_name`\", \"`first_name`\", \"`last_name`\" ]";
"select employee_id + 100, full_name, first_name , last_name "
+ "from cp.`employee.json` where employee_id + 500 < 1000 ",
public void testJoin() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames1 = "\"columns\" : [ \"`N_REGIONKEY`\", \"`N_NAME`\" ]";
String expectedColNames2 = "\"columns\" : [ \"`R_REGIONKEY`\", \"`R_NAME`\" ]";
testPhysicalPlan("SELECT nations.N_NAME, regions.R_NAME "
+ "FROM\n"
+ " dfs.`sample-data/nation.parquet` nations\n"
+ "JOIN\n"
+ " dfs.`sample-data/region.parquet` regions\n"
+ " on nations.N_REGIONKEY = regions.R_REGIONKEY", expectedColNames1,
@Ignore // InfoSchema do not support project pushdown currently.
public void testFromInfoSchema() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames = " \"columns\" : [ \"`CATALOG_DESCRIPTION`\" ]";
public void testTPCH1() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames = " \"columns\" : [ \"`l_shipdate`\", \"`l_returnflag`\", \"`l_linestatus`\", \"`l_quantity`\", \"`l_extendedprice`\", \"`l_discount`\", \"`l_tax`\" ]";
testPhysicalPlanFromFile("queries/tpch/01.sql", expectedColNames);
public void testTPCH3() throws Exception {
String expectedColNames1 = "\"columns\" : [ \"`c_mktsegment`\", \"`c_custkey`\" ]";
String expectedColNames2 = " \"columns\" : [ \"`o_custkey`\", \"`o_orderkey`\", \"`o_orderdate`\", \"`o_shippriority`\" ]";
String expectedColNames3 = "\"columns\" : [ \"`l_orderkey`\", \"`l_shipdate`\", \"`l_extendedprice`\", \"`l_discount`\" ]";
testPhysicalPlanFromFile("queries/tpch/03.sql", expectedColNames1, expectedColNames2, expectedColNames3);
private final String[] TABLES = new String[] {
public void testProjectPushDown() throws Exception {
final String pushDownSqlPattern = "select %s from cp.`%s` t";
final String projection = "t.trans_id, t.user_info.cust_id, t.marketing_info.keywords[0]";
final String expected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`trans_id`\", \"`user_info`.`cust_id`\", \"`marketing_info`.`keywords`[0]\" ],";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(pushDownSqlPattern, expected, projection, table));
public void testProjectPastFilterPushDown() throws Exception {
final String pushDownSqlPattern = "select %s from cp.`%s` t where %s";
final String projection = "t.trans_id, t.user_info.cust_id, t.marketing_info.keywords[0]";
final String filter = "t.another_field = 10 and t.columns[0] = 100 and t.columns[1] = t.other.columns[2]";
final String expected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`another_field`\", \"`trans_id`\", \"`user_info`.`cust_id`\", \"`marketing_info`.`keywords`[0]\", \"`columns`[0]\", \"`columns`[1]\", \"`other`.`columns`[2]\" ],";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(pushDownSqlPattern, expected, projection, table, filter));
public void testProjectPastJoinPushDown() throws Exception {
final String pushDownSqlPattern = "select %s from cp.`%s` t0, cp.`%s` t1 where %s";
final String projection = "t0.fcolumns[0], t0.fmy.field, t0.freally.nested.field[0], t1.scolumns[0], t1.smy.field, t1.sreally.nested.field[0]";
final String filter = "t0.fname = t1.sname and t0.fcolumns[1]=10 and t1.scolumns[1]=100";
final String firstExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`fname`\", \"`fcolumns`[0]\", \"`fmy`.`field`\", \"`freally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`fcolumns`[1]\" ],";
final String secondExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`sname`\", \"`scolumns`[0]\", \"`smy`.`field`\", \"`sreally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`scolumns`[1]\" ],";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(pushDownSqlPattern, new String[]{firstExpected, secondExpected},
projection, table, table, filter));
public void testProjectPastFilterPastJoinPushDown() throws Exception {
final String pushDownSqlPattern = "select %s from cp.`%s` t0, cp.`%s` t1 where %s";
final String projection = "t0.fcolumns[0], t0.fmy.field, t0.freally.nested.field[0], t1.scolumns[0], t1.smy.field, t1.sreally.nested.field[0]";
final String filter = "t0.fname = t1.sname and t0.fcolumns[1] + t1.scolumns[1]=100";
final String firstExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`fname`\", \"`fcolumns`[0]\", \"`fmy`.`field`\", \"`freally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`fcolumns`[1]\" ],";
final String secondExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`sname`\", \"`scolumns`[0]\", \"`smy`.`field`\", \"`sreally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`scolumns`[1]\" ],";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(pushDownSqlPattern, new String[]{firstExpected, secondExpected},
projection, table, table, filter));
public void testProjectPastFilterPastJoinPushDownWhenItemsAreWithinNestedOperators() throws Exception {
final String pushDownSqlPattern = "select %s from cp.`%s` t0, cp.`%s` t1 where %s";
final String projection = "concat(t0.fcolumns[0], concat(t1.scolumns[0], t0.fmy.field, t0.freally.nested.field[0], t1.smy.field, t1.sreally.nested.field[0]))";
final String filter = "t0.fname = t1.sname and t0.fcolumns[1] + t1.scolumns[1]=100";
final String firstExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`fname`\", \"`fcolumns`[0]\", \"`fmy`.`field`\", \"`freally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`fcolumns`[1]\" ],";
final String secondExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`sname`\", \"`scolumns`[0]\", \"`smy`.`field`\", \"`sreally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`scolumns`[1]\" ],";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(pushDownSqlPattern, new String[]{firstExpected, secondExpected},
projection, table, table, filter));
public void testProjectPastFilterPastJoinPastJoinPushDown() throws Exception {
final String pushDownSqlPattern = "select %s from cp.`%s` t0, cp.`%s` t1, cp.`%s` t2 where %s";
final String projection = "t0.fcolumns[0], t0.fmy.field, t0.freally.nested.field[0], t1.scolumns[0], t1.smy.field, t1.sreally.nested.field[0], t2.tcolumns[0], t2.tmy.field, t2.treally.nested.field[0]";
final String filter = "t0.fname = t1.sname and t1.slastname = t2.tlastname and t0.fcolumns[1] + t1.scolumns[1] + t2.tcolumns[1]=100";
final String firstExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`fname`\", \"`fcolumns`[0]\", \"`fmy`.`field`\", \"`freally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`fcolumns`[1]\" ],";
final String secondExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`sname`\", \"`slastname`\", \"`scolumns`[0]\", \"`smy`.`field`\", \"`sreally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`scolumns`[1]\" ],";
final String thirdExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`tlastname`\", \"`tcolumns`[0]\", \"`tmy`.`field`\", \"`treally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`tcolumns`[1]\" ],";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(pushDownSqlPattern,
new String[]{firstExpected, secondExpected, thirdExpected}, projection, table, table, table, filter));
public void testProjectPastJoinPastFilterPastJoinPushDown() throws Exception {
final String pushDownSqlPattern = "select %s from cp.`%s` t0, cp.`%s` t1, cp.`%s` t2 where %s";
final String projection = "t0.fcolumns[0], t0.fmy.field, t0.freally.nested.field[0], t1.scolumns[0], t1.smy.field, t1.sreally.nested.field[0], t2.tcolumns[0], t2.tmy.field, t2.treally.nested.field[0]";
final String filter = "t0.fname = t1.sname and t1.slastname = t2.tlastname and t0.fcolumns[1] + t1.scolumns[1] = 100";
final String firstExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`fname`\", \"`fcolumns`[0]\", \"`fmy`.`field`\", \"`freally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`fcolumns`[1]\" ],";
final String secondExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`sname`\", \"`slastname`\", \"`scolumns`[0]\", \"`smy`.`field`\", \"`sreally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\", \"`scolumns`[1]\" ]";
final String thirdExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`tlastname`\", \"`tcolumns`[0]\", \"`tmy`.`field`\", \"`treally`.`nested`.`field`[0]\" ],";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(pushDownSqlPattern,
new String[]{firstExpected, secondExpected, thirdExpected}, projection, table, table, table, filter));
public void testEmptyColProjectInTextScan() throws Exception {
final String sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt from cp.`store/text/data/d1/regions.csv`";
final String expected = "\"columns\" : [ ]";
// Verify plan
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(sql, new String[] {expected}));
// Verify execution result.
.baselineValues((long) 5)
public void testEmptyColProjectInJsonScan() throws Exception {
final String sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt from cp.`employee.json`";
final String expected = "\"columns\" : [ ]";
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(sql, new String[] {expected}));
// Verify execution result.
.baselineValues((long) 1155)
public void testEmptyColProjectInParquetScan() throws Exception {
final String sql = "SELECT 1 + 1 as val from cp.`tpch/region.parquet`";
final String expected = "\"columns\" : [ ]";
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(sql, new String[] {expected}));
// Verify execution result.
public void testSimpleProjectPastJoinPastFilterPastJoinPushDown() throws Exception {
final String firstExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`a`\", \"`fa`\", \"`fcolumns`[0]\" ],";
final String secondExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`a`\", \"`b`\", \"`c`\", \"`sa`\" ],";
final String thirdExpected = "\"columns\" : [ \"`d`\", \"`ta`\" ],";
String sql = "select t0.fa,, t2.ta " +
" from cp.`%s` t0, cp.`%s` t1, cp.`%s` t2 " +
" where t0.a=t1.b and t1.c=t2.d and t0.fcolumns[0] + t1.a = 100";
for (String table: TABLES) {
testPushDown(new PushDownTestInstance(sql,
new String[]{firstExpected, secondExpected, thirdExpected}, table,table,table));
public void testProjectPushdownPastJoinWithJoinPushExpressions() throws Exception {
final String query = "SELECT L.L_QUANTITY FROM cp.`tpch/lineitem.parquet` L, cp.`tpch/orders.parquet` O" +
" WHERE cast(L.L_ORDERKEY as int) = cast(O.O_ORDERKEY as int)";
final String[] expectedPatterns = {
".*HashJoin.*", "Project.*\\(L_QUANTITY\\=\\[\\$0\\].*CAST\\(\\$1\\)\\:INTEGER.*", "Project.*CAST\\(\\$0\\)\\:INTEGER.*"};
// L_ORDERKEY, O_ORDERKEY should not be present in the projects below the join
final String[] excludedPatterns = {".*Project\\(L_ORDERKEY=.*", ".*Project\\(O_ORDERKEY=.*"};
PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPatterns, excludedPatterns);
public void testProjectPushdownAfterFilterRemoving() throws Exception {
test("create table dfs.tmp.`nation` as\n" +
"select * from cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` where n_regionkey < 10");
try {
// filter will be removed form the plan
String query = "select n_nationkey from dfs.tmp.`nation` where n_regionkey < 10";
new String[]{"columns\\=\\[`n_nationkey`\\]"}, new String[]{"n_regionkey"});
} finally {
test("drop table if exists dfs.tmp.`nation`");
protected void testPushDown(PushDownTestInstance test) throws Exception {
testPhysicalPlan(test.getSql(), test.getExpected());
private void testPhysicalPlanFromFile(String fileName, String... expectedSubstrs)
throws Exception {
String query = getFile(fileName);
String[] queries = query.split(";");
for (String q : queries) {
if (q.trim().isEmpty()) {
testPhysicalPlan(q, expectedSubstrs);
protected static class PushDownTestInstance {
private final String sqlPattern;
private final String[] expected;
private final Object[] params;
public PushDownTestInstance(String sqlPattern, String expected, Object... params) {
this(sqlPattern, new String[]{expected}, params);
public PushDownTestInstance(String sqlPattern, String[] expected, Object... params) {
this.sqlPattern = sqlPattern;
this.expected = expected;
this.params = params;
public String[] getExpected() {
return expected;
public String getSql() {
return String.format(sqlPattern, params);