blob: acc1cdab4d08ec0a8ea5bfca1487f188cd419f46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.server.options.OptionManager;
public class TextParsingSettings {
private final String emptyValue = null;
private final boolean parseUnescapedQuotes = true;
private final byte quote;
private final byte quoteEscape;
private final byte delimiter;
private final byte comment;
private final long maxCharsPerColumn = TextFormatPlugin.MAX_CHARS_PER_COLUMN;
private final byte normalizedNewLine = b('\n');
private final byte[] newLineDelimiter;
private final boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespaces = false;
private final boolean ignoreTrailingWhitespaces = false;
private final String lineSeparatorString = "\n";
private boolean skipFirstLine;
private final boolean headerExtractionEnabled;
private final boolean useRepeatedVarChar;
private final String providedHeaders[];
* Configure the properties for this one scan based on:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>The defaults in the plugin config (if properties not defined
* in the config JSON.</li>
* <li>The config values from the config JSON as stored in the
* plugin config.</li>
* <li>Table function settings expressed in the query (and passed
* in as part of the plugin config.</li>
* <li>Table properties.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The result is that the user can customize the behavior of a table just
* via the table properties; the user need not define a new storage
* config just to change a property. For example, by default, the
* <tt>`csv`</tt> config has no headers. But, if the user has a ".csv"
* file with headers, the user can just customize the table properties.
public TextParsingSettings(TextFormatConfig config,
EasySubScan scan, OptionManager options) {
TupleMetadata providedSchema = scan.getSchema();
boolean extractHeaders = config.isHeaderExtractionEnabled();
boolean skipFirst = config.isSkipFirstLine();
String providedHeaders[] = null;
byte delimChar = bSafe(config.getFieldDelimiter(), "fieldDelimiter");
byte commentChar = bSafe(config.getComment(), "comment");
byte quoteChar = bSafe(config.getQuote(), "quote");
byte quoteEscapeChar = bSafe(config.getEscape(), "escape");
byte[] newlineDelim = config.getLineDelimiter().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
if (providedSchema != null) {
extractHeaders = providedSchema.booleanProperty(
TextFormatPlugin.HAS_HEADERS_PROP, extractHeaders);
skipFirst = ! extractHeaders & providedSchema.booleanProperty(
TextFormatPlugin.SKIP_FIRST_LINE_PROP, skipFirstLine);
if (!extractHeaders && ! providedSchema.isEmpty()) {
providedHeaders = new String[providedSchema.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < providedHeaders.length; i++) {
providedHeaders[i] = providedSchema.metadata(i).name();
delimChar = overrideChar(providedSchema, TextFormatPlugin.DELIMITER_PROP, delimChar);
quoteChar = overrideChar(providedSchema, TextFormatPlugin.QUOTE_PROP, quoteChar);
quoteEscapeChar = overrideChar(providedSchema, TextFormatPlugin.QUOTE_ESCAPE_PROP, quoteEscapeChar);
newlineDelim = newlineDelimBytes(providedSchema, newlineDelim);
commentChar = commentChar(providedSchema, commentChar);
skipFirstLine = !extractHeaders && skipFirst;
headerExtractionEnabled = extractHeaders;
this.providedHeaders = providedHeaders;
useRepeatedVarChar = !extractHeaders && providedHeaders == null;
quote = quoteChar;
quoteEscape = quoteEscapeChar;
newLineDelimiter = newlineDelim;
delimiter = delimChar;
comment = commentChar;
* Parse a delimiter from table properties. If the property is unset,
* or is a blank string, then uses the delimiter from the plugin config.
* Else, if non-blank, uses the first character of the property value.
private static byte overrideChar(TupleMetadata providedSchema, String propName, byte configValue) {
String value =;
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
return configValue;
// Text reader supports only ASCII text and characters.
return (byte) value.charAt(0);
* Parse a comment character from table properties. If the property is unset,
* then uses the delimiter from the plugin config. If the properry value is
* blank, then uses ASCII NUL (0) as the comment. This value should never
* match anything, and effectively disables the comment feature.
* Else, if non-blank, uses the first character of the property value.
private static byte commentChar(TupleMetadata providedSchema, byte configValue) {
String value =;
if (value == null) {
return configValue;
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
// Text reader supports only ASCII text and characters.
return (byte) value.charAt(0);
* Return either line delimiter from table properties, or the one
* provided as a parameter from the plugin config. The line delimiter
* can contain multiple bytes.
private static byte[] newlineDelimBytes(TupleMetadata providedSchema, byte[] configValue) {
String value =;
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
return configValue;
return value.getBytes();
public byte getComment() {
return comment;
public boolean isSkipFirstLine() {
return skipFirstLine;
public void setSkipFirstLine(boolean skipFirstLine) {
this.skipFirstLine = skipFirstLine;
public boolean isUseRepeatedVarChar() {
return useRepeatedVarChar;
private static byte bSafe(char c, String name) {
if (c > Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Failure validating configuration option %s. Expected a "
+ "character between 0 and 127 but value was actually %d.", name, (int) c));
return (byte) c;
private static byte b(char c) {
return (byte) c;
public byte[] getNewLineDelimiter() {
return newLineDelimiter;
* Returns the character used for escaping values where the field delimiter is
* part of the value. Defaults to '"'
* @return the quote character
public byte getQuote() {
return quote;
public String getLineSeparatorString() {
return lineSeparatorString;
* Returns the character used for escaping quotes inside an already quoted value. Defaults to '"'
* @return the quote escape character
public byte getQuoteEscape() {
return quoteEscape;
* Returns the field delimiter character. Defaults to ','
* @return the field delimiter character
public byte getDelimiter() {
return delimiter;
* Returns the String representation of an empty value (defaults to null)
* <p>
* When reading, if the parser does not read any character from the input, and
* the input is within quotes, the empty is used instead of an empty string
* @return the String representation of an empty value
public String getEmptyValue() {
return emptyValue;
* Indicates whether the CSV parser should accept unescaped quotes inside
* quoted values and parse them normally. Defaults to {@code true}.
* @return a flag indicating whether or not the CSV parser should accept
* unescaped quotes inside quoted values.
public boolean isParseUnescapedQuotes() {
return parseUnescapedQuotes;
* Indicates whether or not the first valid record parsed from the input
* should be considered as the row containing the names of each column
* @return true if the first valid record parsed from the input should be
* considered as the row containing the names of each column, false
* otherwise
public boolean isHeaderExtractionEnabled() {
return headerExtractionEnabled;
public long getMaxCharsPerColumn() {
return maxCharsPerColumn;
public byte getNormalizedNewLine() {
return normalizedNewLine;
public boolean isIgnoreLeadingWhitespaces() {
return ignoreLeadingWhitespaces;
public boolean isIgnoreTrailingWhitespaces() {
return ignoreTrailingWhitespaces;
public String[] providedHeaders() { return providedHeaders; }