blob: 1e9d24340b0286b39662498a68fc3e0ca98c2d52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public interface MongoTestConstants {
String LOCALHOST = "localhost";
// TODO: DRILL-3934: add some randomization to this as it fails when running concurrent builds
int CONFIG_SERVER_1_PORT = 61114;
int CONFIG_SERVER_2_PORT = 61215;
int CONFIG_SERVER_3_PORT = 61316;
int MONGOD_1_PORT = 27020;
int MONGOD_2_PORT = 27021;
int MONGOD_3_PORT = 27022;
int MONGOD_4_PORT = 27023;
int MONGOD_5_PORT = 27024;
int MONGOD_6_PORT = 27025;
int MONGOS_PORT = 27017;
String EMPLOYEE_DB = "employee";
String AUTHENTICATION_DB = "admin";
String DONUTS_DB = "donuts";
String DATATYPE_DB = "datatype";
String ISSUE7820_DB = "ISSUE7820"; // capital letters
String DONUTS_COLLECTION = "donuts";
String EMPINFO_COLLECTION = "empinfo";
String EMPTY_COLLECTION = "empty";
String SCHEMA_CHANGE_COLLECTION = "schema_change";
String ISSUE7820_COLLECTION = "Issue7820";
String DONUTS_DATA = "donuts.json";
String EMP_DATA = "emp.json";
String SCHEMA_CHANGE_DATA = "schema_change_int_to_string.json";
String STORAGE_ENGINE = "wiredTiger";
String DATATYPE_DATA = "datatype-oid.json";
String CONFIG_REPLICA_SET = "config_replicas";
String REPLICA_SET_1_NAME = "shard_1_replicas";
String REPLICA_SET_2_NAME = "shard_2_replicas";
// test queries
String TEST_QUERY_1 = "SELECT * FROM mongo.employee.`empinfo` limit 5";
String TEST_QUERY_LIMIT = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM mongo.%s.`%s` limit 2";
String TEST_LIMIT_QUERY = "select `employee_id` from mongo.%s.`%s` limit %d";
// test query template1
String TEST_QUERY_PROJECT_PUSH_DOWN_TEMPLATE_1 = "SELECT `employee_id` FROM mongo.%s.`%s`";
String TEST_QUERY_PROJECT_PUSH_DOWN__TEMPLATE_2 = "select `employee_id`, `rating` from mongo.%s.`%s`";
String TEST_QUERY_PROJECT_PUSH_DOWN__TEMPLATE_3 = "select * from mongo.%s.`%s`";
String TEST_FILTER_PUSH_DOWN_IS_NULL_QUERY_TEMPLATE_1 = "SELECT `employee_id` FROM mongo.%s.`%s` where position_id is null";
String TEST_FILTER_PUSH_DOWN_IS_NOT_NULL_QUERY_TEMPLATE_1 = "SELECT `employee_id` FROM mongo.%s.`%s` where position_id is not null";
String TEST_FILTER_PUSH_DOWN_EQUAL_QUERY_TEMPLATE_1 = "SELECT `full_name` FROM mongo.%s.`%s` where rating = 52.17";
String TEST_FILTER_PUSH_DOWN_NOT_EQUAL_QUERY_TEMPLATE_1 = "SELECT `employee_id` FROM mongo.%s.`%s` where rating != 52.17";
String TEST_FILTER_PUSH_DOWN_LESS_THAN_QUERY_TEMPLATE_1 = "SELECT `full_name` FROM mongo.%s.`%s` where rating < 52.17";
String TEST_FILTER_PUSH_DOWN_GREATER_THAN_QUERY_TEMPLATE_1 = "SELECT `full_name` FROM mongo.%s.`%s` where rating > 52.17";
String TEST_EMPTY_TABLE_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "select count(*) from mongo.%s.`%s`";
String TEST_BOOLEAN_FILTER_QUERY_TEMPLATE1 = "select `employee_id` from mongo.%s.`%s` where isFTE = true";
String TEST_BOOLEAN_FILTER_QUERY_TEMPLATE2 = "select `employee_id` from mongo.%s.`%s` where isFTE = false";
String TEST_BOOLEAN_FILTER_QUERY_TEMPLATE3 = "select `employee_id` from mongo.%s.`%s` where position_id = 16 and isFTE = true";
String TEST_BOOLEAN_FILTER_QUERY_TEMPLATE4 = "select `employee_id` from mongo.%s.`%s` where (position_id = 16 and isFTE = true) or last_name = 'Yonce'";
String TEST_STAR_QUERY_UNSHARDED_DB = "select * from mongo.%s.`%s`";
// This query is invalid. See DRILL-7420. Topping is a repeated map.
// Drill should not allow projecting a repeated map to the top level; this should
// require a flatten or lateral query.
String TEST_STAR_QUERY_UNSHARDED_DB_PROJECT_FILTER = "select as name, t.topping.type as type from mongo.%s.`%s` t where t.sales >= 150";
String TEST_STAR_QUERY_UNSHARDED_DB_GROUP_PROJECT_FILTER = "select t.topping.type as type, count(t.topping.type) as typeCount from mongo.%s.`%s` t group by t.topping.type order by typeCount";