blob: cff86c61db7ff9e34dc723ce8822d70077334822 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.scan.v3.schema;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.CustomErrorContext;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.scan.v3.schema.MutableTupleSchema.ColumnHandle;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.scan.v3.schema.ScanSchemaTracker.ProjectionType;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.impl.ProjectionFilter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.DynamicColumn;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.MetadataUtils;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
* Projection filter based on the scan schema which typically starts as fully
* dynamic, then becomes more concrete as the scan progresses. Enforces that
* projected columns must be consistent with either projection, or the existing
* concrete schema for that columns.
public abstract class DynamicSchemaFilter implements ProjectionFilter {
* Describes how to handle candidate columns not currently in the
* scan schema, which turns out to be a surprisingly complex
* question. At the top level, we add columns only if the query
* contains a wildcard. But, within maps, there are additional
* constraints: we can add new members to a map even if the query
* itself does not contain a wildcard.
public enum NewColumnsMode {
* No new columns are allowed at this level or in maps
* below this level. Occurs when the schema is defined
* or with a strict provided schema.
* New columns are allowed at this level and below.
* Occurs in a wildcard projection in which there are no
* constraints on the columns which can be added.
* New columns cannot be added at this level, but can be
* added in maps below this level. Occurs in a query where
* the projection list is explicit: {@code a, b, m}, and it
* turns out that {@code m} is a map. A simple {@code m}
* projection is logically equivalent to {@code m.*}.
* <p>
* This same logic can apply to maps if the project list contains
* something like {@code m.a, m.m2}, and {@code m2} turns out
* to be a map.
protected final CustomErrorContext errorContext;
protected final String source;
protected final NewColumnsMode newColumnsMode;
public DynamicSchemaFilter(CustomErrorContext errorContext,
String source, NewColumnsMode newColumnsMode) {
this.errorContext = errorContext;
this.source = source;
this.newColumnsMode = newColumnsMode;
public ProjResult buildProjection(ColumnMetadata schemaCol, ColumnMetadata probeCol) {
if (schemaCol == null) {
return newColumnProjection();
if (schemaCol instanceof ProjectedColumn) {
// Column comes from the project list
return fromProjection((ProjectedColumn) schemaCol, probeCol);
} else if (schemaCol instanceof DynamicColumn) {
} else {
// Column has a schema defined earlier.
return fromSchema(schemaCol, probeCol);
protected ProjResult newColumnProjection() {
// No match. If this is an open schema, project the column
// and its children, if any. If closed, don't project the column.
return newColumnsMode == NewColumnsMode.ALL ? PROJECTED : NOT_PROJECTED;
* A column exists in the scan schema, and is dynamic. The proposed
* column can be projected. First, however, we verify consistency.
private ProjResult fromProjection(ProjectedColumn projCol, ColumnMetadata probeCol) {
// Verify that the reader/provided column is consistent with projection
SchemaUtils.verifyCompatibility(projCol, probeCol, source, errorContext);
if (projCol.isMap()) {
// The projected column is a map (has named members). Track these to
// project children.
return new ProjResult(true, projCol, mapProjection(projCol));
} else {
// The projected column is generic. Harmlessly project all children
// for both map and non-map columns.
return new ProjResult(true, projCol, PROJECT_ALL);
* A column exists in the scan schema, and is concrete. The proposed
* column can be projected. Verify consistency. The reader should not be
* proposing a column with the wrong type or mode since it was told the
* reader input schema, and that schema was derived from a provided schema
* (which should be acceptable to the reader) or by a prior reader in the
* same scan.
protected ProjResult fromSchema(ColumnMetadata schemaCol,
ColumnMetadata probeCol) {
SchemaUtils.verifyConsistency(schemaCol, probeCol, source, errorContext);
if (schemaCol.isMap() || schemaCol.isDict()) {
return new ProjResult(true, schemaCol, mapProjection(schemaCol));
} else {
return new ProjResult(true, schemaCol);
private ProjectionFilter mapProjection(ColumnMetadata map) {
return new DynamicTupleFilter(map.tupleSchema(),
newColumnsMode != NewColumnsMode.NONE,
errorContext, source);
public boolean isProjected(String colName) {
// To avoid duplicating logic, create a dynamic column
// to run though the above checks.
return projection(MetadataUtils.newDynamic(colName)).isProjected;
* Filter for a map, represented by a {@code TupleMetadata}.
public static class DynamicTupleFilter extends DynamicSchemaFilter {
private final TupleMetadata mapSchema;
public DynamicTupleFilter(TupleMetadata mapSchema, boolean isOpen,
CustomErrorContext errorContext,
String source) {
super(errorContext, source, newColumnsMode(mapSchema, isOpen));
this.mapSchema = mapSchema;
private static NewColumnsMode newColumnsMode(TupleMetadata projectionSet, boolean isOpen) {
if (!isOpen) {
return NewColumnsMode.NONE;
} else if (SchemaUtils.isProjectAll(projectionSet)) {
return NewColumnsMode.ALL;
} else {
return NewColumnsMode.CHILD_ONLY;
public static ProjectionFilter filterFor(DynamicColumn col, boolean allowMapAdditions,
CustomErrorContext errorContext, String source) {
if (col.isMap()) {
return new DynamicTupleFilter(col.tupleSchema(), allowMapAdditions, errorContext, source);
} else {
public DynamicTupleFilter(TupleMetadata projectionSet, CustomErrorContext errorContext) {
this(projectionSet, true, errorContext, "Reader");
public ProjResult projection(ColumnMetadata col) {
return buildProjection(mapSchema.metadata(, col);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return mapSchema.isEmpty();
* Filter for the top-level dynamic schema.
public static class RowSchemaFilter extends DynamicSchemaFilter {
private final MutableTupleSchema schema;
public RowSchemaFilter(MutableTupleSchema schema, boolean allowMapChanges,
CustomErrorContext errorContext) {
super(errorContext, "Reader", newColumnsMode(schema, allowMapChanges));
this.schema = schema;
private static NewColumnsMode newColumnsMode(MutableTupleSchema schema, boolean allowMapChanges) {
if (schema.projectionType() == ProjectionType.ALL) {
return NewColumnsMode.ALL;
} else if (allowMapChanges) {
return NewColumnsMode.CHILD_ONLY;
} else {
return NewColumnsMode.NONE;
public ProjResult projection(ColumnMetadata col) {
ColumnHandle handle = schema.find(;
if (SchemaUtils.isExcludedFromWildcard(col) && handle == null) {
if (handle == null) {
return newColumnProjection();
// Top-level columns can be implicit. Do not project a reader
// column of the same name as an implicit column, even if this
// is a wildcard projection.
if (handle.isImplicit()) {
logger.warn("Ignoring reader column with the same name as an implicit column: {}",;
return buildProjection(handle.column(), col);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return schema.projectionType() == ScanSchemaTracker.ProjectionType.NONE;