blob: 48c85bf866695ebf4bd2c6e587e96fc8945e9b31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaPlus;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.Table;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.logical.DrillViewInfoProvider;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.metadata.TupleMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.exec.server.options.OptionManager;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.FileSystemUtil;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.Metastore;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.components.tables.BasicTablesTransformer;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.components.tables.TableMetadataUnit;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.expressions.FilterExpression;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.BaseTableMetadata;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.MetadataInfo;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.MetadataType;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.metadata.TableInfo;
import org.apache.drill.metastore.statistics.ColumnStatistics;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.planner.types.DrillRelDataTypeSystem.DRILL_REL_DATATYPE_SYSTEM;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
* Provides methods to collect various information_schema data.
public interface RecordCollector {
* Collects catalogs data for information_schema.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param schema schema instance
* @return list of catalog records
List<Records.Catalog> catalogs(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema);
* Collects schemas data for information_schema.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param schema schema instance
* @return list of schema records
List<Records.Schema> schemas(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema);
* Collects tables data for information_schema.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param schema schema instance
* @return list of table records
List<Records.Table> tables(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema);
* Collects views data for information_schema.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param schema schema instance
* @return list of view records
List<Records.View> views(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema);
* Collects columns data for information_schema.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param schema schema instance
* @return list of column records
List<Records.Column> columns(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema);
* Collects partitions data for information_schema.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param schema schema instance
* @return list of partition records
List<Records.Partition> partitions(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema);
* Collects files data for information_schema.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param schema schema instance
* @return list of file records
List<Records.File> files(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema);
* Provides information_schema data based on information stored in {@link AbstractSchema}.
class BasicRecordCollector implements RecordCollector {
private static final String DEFAULT_OWNER = "<owner>";
private final FilterEvaluator filterEvaluator;
private final OptionManager optionManager;
public BasicRecordCollector(FilterEvaluator filterEvaluator, OptionManager optionManager) {
this.filterEvaluator = filterEvaluator;
this.optionManager = optionManager;
public List<Records.Catalog> catalogs(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
return Collections.singletonList(new Records.Catalog(IS_CATALOG_NAME, IS_CATALOG_DESCRIPTION, IS_CATALOG_CONNECT));
public List<Records.Schema> schemas(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
return Collections.singletonList(new Records.Schema(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath,
DEFAULT_OWNER, drillSchema.getTypeName(), drillSchema.isMutable()));
public List<Records.Table> tables(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
return drillSchema.getTableNamesAndTypes().stream()
.filter(entry -> filterEvaluator.shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
.map(entry -> new Records.Table(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().jdbcName))
public List<Records.View> views(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
return drillSchema.getTablesByNames(schema.getTableNames()).stream()
.filter(pair -> pair.getValue().getJdbcTableType() == Schema.TableType.VIEW)
.filter(pair -> filterEvaluator.shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, pair.getKey(), pair.getValue().getJdbcTableType()))
.map(pair -> new Records.View(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath, pair.getKey(),
// View's SQL may not be available for some non-Drill views, for example, JDBC view
pair.getValue() instanceof DrillViewInfoProvider ? ((DrillViewInfoProvider) pair.getValue()).getViewSql() : ""))
public List<Records.Column> columns(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
List<Records.Column> records = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pair<String, ? extends Table> tableNameToTable : drillSchema.getTablesByNames(schema.getTableNames())) {
String tableName = tableNameToTable.getKey();
Table table = tableNameToTable.getValue();
Schema.TableType tableType = table.getJdbcTableType();
if (filterEvaluator.shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, tableName, tableType)) {
RelDataType tableRow = table.getRowType(new JavaTypeFactoryImpl(DRILL_REL_DATATYPE_SYSTEM));
for (RelDataTypeField field : tableRow.getFieldList()) {
if (filterEvaluator.shouldVisitColumn(schemaPath, tableName, field.getName())) {
records.add(new Records.Column(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath, tableName, field));
return records;
public List<Records.Partition> partitions(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List<Records.File> files(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
if (filterEvaluator.shouldVisitFiles(schemaPath, schema)) {
try {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
if (drillSchema instanceof WorkspaceSchemaFactory.WorkspaceSchema) {
WorkspaceSchemaFactory.WorkspaceSchema wsSchema = (WorkspaceSchemaFactory.WorkspaceSchema) drillSchema;
String defaultLocation = wsSchema.getDefaultLocation();
FileSystem fs = wsSchema.getFS();
boolean recursive = optionManager.getBoolean(ExecConstants.LIST_FILES_RECURSIVELY);
// add URI to the path to ensure that directory objects are skipped (see S3AFileSystem.listStatus method)
return FileSystemUtil.listAllSafe(fs, new Path(fs.getUri().toString(), defaultLocation), recursive).stream()
.map(fileStatus -> new Records.File(schemaPath, wsSchema, fileStatus))
} catch (ClassCastException | UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// ignore the exception since either this is not a Drill schema or schema does not support files listing
return Collections.emptyList();
* Provides information_schema data based on information stored in Drill Metastore.
class MetastoreRecordCollector implements RecordCollector {
private static final Logger logger = getLogger(MetastoreRecordCollector.class);
public static final int UNDEFINED_INDEX = -1;
public static final String SCHEMA = "schema";
private final Metastore metastore;
private final FilterEvaluator filterEvaluator;
public MetastoreRecordCollector(Metastore metastore, FilterEvaluator filterEvaluator) {
this.metastore = metastore;
this.filterEvaluator = filterEvaluator;
public List<Records.Catalog> catalogs(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List<Records.Schema> schemas(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List<Records.Table> tables(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
List<Records.Table> records = new ArrayList<>();
List<BaseTableMetadata> baseTableMetadata;
if (shouldVisitSchema(drillSchema)) {
try {
baseTableMetadata = metastore.tables().basicRequests()
FilterExpression.equal(TableInfo.STORAGE_PLUGIN, drillSchema.getSchemaPath().get(0)),
FilterExpression.equal(TableInfo.WORKSPACE, drillSchema.getSchemaPath().get(1))));
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore all exceptions related to Metastore data retrieval, return empty result
logger.warn("Error while retrieving Metastore table data: {}", e.getMessage());
logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
return records;
.filter(table -> filterEvaluator.shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, table.getTableInfo().name(), Schema.TableType.TABLE))
.map(table -> new Records.Table(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath, Schema.TableType.TABLE.toString(), table))
return records;
public List<Records.View> views(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List<Records.Column> columns(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
List<Records.Column> records = new ArrayList<>();
if (shouldVisitSchema(drillSchema)) {
List<BaseTableMetadata> baseTableMetadata;
try {
baseTableMetadata = metastore.tables().basicRequests()
FilterExpression.equal(TableInfo.STORAGE_PLUGIN, drillSchema.getSchemaPath().get(0)),
FilterExpression.equal(TableInfo.WORKSPACE, drillSchema.getSchemaPath().get(1)),
// exclude tables without schema
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore all exceptions related to Metastore data retrieval, return empty result
logger.warn("Error while retrieving Metastore table data: {}", e.getMessage());
logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
return records;
.filter(table -> filterEvaluator.shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, table.getTableInfo().name(), Schema.TableType.TABLE))
.map(table -> columns(schemaPath, table, table.getSchema(), null, UNDEFINED_INDEX, false))
return records;
* Recursively scan given table schema and provides list of column records.
* Recursion is used to scan map / struct columns which have nested columns.
* @param schemaPath schema name
* @param table table instance
* @param schema table or column schema
* @param parentColumnName parent column name if any
* @param columnIndex column index if any
* @param isNested indicates if column is nested
* @return list of column records
private List<Records.Column> columns(String schemaPath,
BaseTableMetadata table,
TupleMetadata schema,
String parentColumnName,
int columnIndex,
boolean isNested) {
List<Records.Column> records = new ArrayList<>();
column -> {
// concat parent column name to use full column name, i.e. struct_col.nested_col
String columnName = parentColumnName == null ? : parentColumnName + "." +;
// nested columns have the same index as their parent
int currentIndex = columnIndex == UNDEFINED_INDEX ? schema.index( : columnIndex;
// if column is a map / struct, recursively scan nested columns
if (column.isMap()) {
List<Records.Column> mapRecords =
columns(schemaPath, table, column.mapSchema(), columnName, currentIndex, true);
String tableName = table.getTableInfo().name();
if (filterEvaluator.shouldVisitColumn(schemaPath, tableName, columnName)) {
ColumnStatistics columnStatistics =
records.add(new Records.Column(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath, tableName, columnName,
column, columnStatistics, currentIndex, isNested));
return records;
public List<Records.Partition> partitions(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class);
List<Records.Partition> records = new ArrayList<>();
if (shouldVisitSchema(drillSchema)) {
BasicTablesTransformer.MetadataHolder metadataHolder;
try {
List<TableMetadataUnit> units = metastore.tables().read()
FilterExpression.equal(TableInfo.STORAGE_PLUGIN, drillSchema.getSchemaPath().get(0)),
FilterExpression.equal(TableInfo.WORKSPACE, drillSchema.getSchemaPath().get(1)),
// include SEGMENT and PARTITION data only,,,
// exclude DEFAULT_SEGMENT (used only for non-partitioned tables)
FilterExpression.notEqual(MetadataInfo.METADATA_KEY, MetadataInfo.DEFAULT_SEGMENT_KEY)))
metadataHolder = BasicTablesTransformer.all(units);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore all exceptions related to Metastore data retrieval, return empty result
logger.warn("Error while retrieving Metastore segment / partition data: {}", e.getMessage());
logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
return records;
.filter(segment -> filterEvaluator.shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, segment.getTableInfo().name(), Schema.TableType.TABLE))
.map(segment -> Records.Partition.fromSegment(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath, segment))
.filter(partition -> filterEvaluator.shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, partition.getTableInfo().name(), Schema.TableType.TABLE))
.map(partition -> Records.Partition.fromPartition(IS_CATALOG_NAME, schemaPath, partition))
return records;
public List<Records.File> files(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Checks if given schema should be searched in Drill Metastore.
* Schema must have to parent with corresponds to storage plugin and
* actual name which corresponds to workspace name.
* @param schema schema instance
* @return true if schema should be visited, false otherwise
private boolean shouldVisitSchema(AbstractSchema schema) {
return schema.getSchemaPath().size() == 2;