blob: f137a24e82463782fea22674cbdcf1dfd66a0b09 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.ColumnWriterIndex;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.ScalarWriter;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.WriterPosition;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.impl.HierarchicalFormatter;
* Internal interface used to control the behavior
* of writers. Consumers of writers never use this method; it is
* instead used by the code that implements writers.
* <p>
* Most methods here represents events in a state machine. The top-level
* writer provides a set of public methods which trigger one or more of
* these internal events. The events draw some fine distinctions between
* top-level values and those nested within arrays. See each kind of
* writer for the details.
* <p>
* The events also ensure symmetry between top-level and nested tuples,
* especially those nested within an array. That is, an event cannot change
* meaning depending on whether the tuple is top-level or nested within an
* array. Instead, the order of calls, or selectively making or not making
* calls, can change.
public interface WriterEvents extends WriterPosition {
* Tracks the write state of a tuple or variant to allow applying the correct
* operations to newly-added columns to synchronize them with the rest
* of the writers.
enum State {
* No write is in progress. Nothing need be done to newly-added
* writers.
* {@code startWrite()} has been called to start a write operation
* (start a batch), but {@code startValue()} has not yet been called
* to start a row (or value within an array). {@code startWrite()} must
* be called on newly added columns.
* Both {@code startWrite()} and {@code startValue()} has been called on
* the tuple to prepare for writing values, and both must be called on
* newly-added vectors.
* Listener (callback) for vector overflow events. To be optionally
* implemented and bound by the client code of the writer. If no
* listener is bound, and a vector overflows, then an exception is
* thrown.
interface ColumnWriterListener {
* Alert the listener that a vector has overflowed. Upon return,
* all writers must have a new set of buffers available, ready
* to accept the in-flight value that triggered the overflow.
* @param writer the writer that triggered the overflow
void overflowed(ScalarWriter writer);
* A writer wants to expand its vector. Allows the listener to
* either allow the growth, or trigger and overflow to limit
* batch size.
* @param writer the writer that wishes to grow its vector
* @param delta the amount by which the vector is to grow
* @return true if the vector can be grown, false if the writer
* should instead trigger an overflow by calling
* {@code overflowed()}
boolean canExpand(ScalarWriter writer, int delta);
* Bind the writer to a writer index.
* @param index the writer index (top level or nested for
* arrays)
void bindIndex(ColumnWriterIndex index);
* Bind a listener to the underlying vector writer. This listener reports on vector
* events (overflow, growth), and so is called only when the writer is backed by
* a vector. The listener is ignored (and never called) for dummy (non-projected)
* columns. If the column is compound (such as for a nullable or repeated column,
* or for a map), then the writer is bound to the individual components.
* @param listener
* the vector event listener to bind
void bindListener(ColumnWriterListener listener);
* Start a write (batch) operation. Performs any vector initialization
* required at the start of a batch (especially for offset vectors.)
void startWrite();
* Start a new row. To be called only when a row is not active. To
* restart a row, call {@link #restartRow()} instead.
void startRow();
* End a value. Similar to {@link #saveRow()}, but the save of a value
* is conditional on saving the row. This version is primarily of use
* in tuples nested inside arrays: it saves each tuple within the array,
* advancing to a new position in the array. The update of the array's
* offset vector based on the cumulative value saves is done when
* saving the row.
void endArrayValue();
* During a writer to a row, rewind the the current index position to
* restart the row.
* Done when abandoning the current row, such as when filtering out
* a row at read time.
void restartRow();
* Saves a row. Commits offset vector locations and advances each to
* the next position. Can be called only when a row is active.
void saveRow();
* End a batch: finalize any vector values.
void endWrite();
* The vectors backing this vector are about to roll over. Finish
* the current batch up to, but not including, the current row.
void preRollover();
* The vectors backing this writer rolled over. This means that data
* for the current row has been rolled over into a new vector. Offsets
* and indexes should be shifted based on the understanding that data
* for the current row now resides at the start of a new vector instead
* of its previous location elsewhere in an old vector.
void postRollover();
abstract void dump(HierarchicalFormatter format);