blob: 9e2399bd3732dd6848baea66ce2ba1d1746061cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.jdbc.test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.drill.test.TestTools;
import org.apache.drill.jdbc.AlreadyClosedSqlException;
import org.apache.drill.jdbc.JdbcTestBase;
import org.apache.drill.categories.JdbcTest;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* Test that non-SQLException exceptions used by Drill's current version of
* Avatica to indicate unsupported features are wrapped in or mapped to
* SQLException exceptions.
* <p>
* As of 2015-08-24, Drill's version of Avatica used non-SQLException exception
* class to report that methods/features were not implemented.
* </p>
* <pre>
* 5 UnsupportedOperationException in ArrayImpl
* 29 UnsupportedOperationException in AvaticaConnection
* 10 Helper.todo() (RuntimeException) in AvaticaDatabaseMetaData
* 21 UnsupportedOperationException in AvaticaStatement
* 4 UnsupportedOperationException in AvaticaPreparedStatement
* 103 UnsupportedOperationException in AvaticaResultSet
* </pre>
public class Drill2769UnsupportedReportsUseSqlExceptionTest extends JdbcTestBase {
private static final Logger logger =
public TestRule TIMEOUT = TestTools.getTimeoutRule(180_000 /* ms */);
private static Connection connection;
private static Statement plainStatement;
private static PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
// No CallableStatement.
private static ResultSet resultSet;
private static ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData;
private static DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData;
public static void setUpObjects() throws Exception {
// (Note: Can't use JdbcTest's connect(...) for this test class.)
connection = connect();
plainStatement = connection.createStatement();
preparedStatement =
connection.prepareStatement("VALUES 'PreparedStatement query'");
try {
connection.prepareCall("VALUES 'CallableStatement query'");
fail("Test seems to be out of date. Was prepareCall(...) implemented?");
catch (SQLException | UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// Expected.
connection.createArrayOf("INTEGER", new Object[0]);
resultSet = plainStatement.executeQuery("VALUES 'plain Statement query'");;
resultSetMetaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
databaseMetaData = connection.getMetaData();
// Self-check that member variables are set:
assertFalse("Test setup error", connection.isClosed());
assertFalse("Test setup error", plainStatement.isClosed());
assertFalse("Test setup error", preparedStatement.isClosed());
assertFalse("Test setup error", resultSet.isClosed());
// (No ResultSetMetaData.isClosed() or DatabaseMetaData.isClosed():)
assertNotNull("Test setup error", resultSetMetaData);
assertNotNull("Test setup error", databaseMetaData);
public static void tearDownConnection() throws Exception {
* Reflection-based checker that exceptions thrown by JDBC interfaces'
* implementation methods for unsupported-operation cases are SQLExceptions
* (not UnsupportedOperationExceptions).
* @param <INTF> JDBC interface type
private static class NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<INTF> {
private final Class<INTF> jdbcIntf;
private final INTF jdbcObject;
private final StringBuilder failureLinesBuf = new StringBuilder();
private final StringBuilder successLinesBuf = new StringBuilder();
NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker(final Class<INTF> jdbcIntf,
final INTF jdbcObject) {
this.jdbcIntf = jdbcIntf;
this.jdbcObject = jdbcObject;
* Hook/factory method to allow context to provide fresh object for each
* method. Needed for Statement and PrepareStatement, whose execute...
* methods can close the statement (at least given our minimal dummy
* argument values).
protected INTF getJdbcObject() throws SQLException {
return jdbcObject;
* Gets minimal value suitable for use as actual parameter value for given
* formal parameter type.
private static Object getDummyValueForType(Class<?> type) {
final Object result;
if (type.equals(String.class)) {
result = "";
} else if (! type.isPrimitive()) {
result = null;
else {
if (type == boolean.class) {
result = false;
else if (type == byte.class) {
result = (byte) 0;
else if (type == short.class) {
result = (short) 0;
else if (type == int.class) {
result = 0;
else if (type == long.class) {
result = (long) 0L;
else if (type == float.class) {
result = 0F;
else if (type == double.class) {
result = 0.0;
else {
fail("Test needs to be updated to handle type " + type);
result = null; // Not executed; for "final".
return result;
* Assembles method signature text for given method.
private String makeLabel(Method method) {
String methodLabel;
methodLabel = jdbcIntf.getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName() + "(";
boolean first = true;
for (Class<?> paramType : method.getParameterTypes()) {
if (! first) {
methodLabel += ", ";
first = false;
methodLabel += paramType.getSimpleName();
methodLabel += ")";
return methodLabel;
* Assembles (minimal) arguments array for given method.
private Object[] makeArgs(Method method) {
final List<Object> argsList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Class<?> paramType : method.getParameterTypes()) {
Object[] argsArray = argsList.toArray();
return argsArray;
* Tests one method.
* (Disturbs members set by makeArgsAndLabel, but those shouldn't be used
* except by this method.)
private void testOneMethod(Method method) {
final String methodLabel = makeLabel(method);
try {
final INTF jdbcObject;
try {
jdbcObject = getJdbcObject();
} catch (SQLException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception: " + e + " from getJdbcObject()");
throw new RuntimeException("DUMMY; so compiler know block throws");
// See if method throws exception:
method.invoke(jdbcObject, makeArgs(method));
// If here, method didn't throw--check if it's an expected non-throwing
// method (e.g., an isClosed). (If not, report error.)
final String resultLine = "- " + methodLabel + " didn't throw\n";
catch (InvocationTargetException wrapperEx) {
final Throwable cause = wrapperEx.getCause();
final String resultLine = "- " + methodLabel + " threw <" + cause + ">\n";
if (SQLException.class.isAssignableFrom(cause.getClass())
! AlreadyClosedSqlException.class.isAssignableFrom(cause.getClass())
) {
// Good case--almost any exception should be SQLException or subclass
// (but make sure not accidentally closed).
else if (NullPointerException.class == cause.getClass()
&& (method.getName().equals("isWrapperFor")
|| method.getName().equals("unwrap"))) {
// Known good-enough case--these methods throw NullPointerException
// because of the way we call them (with null) and the way Avatica
// code implements them.
else if (isOkaySpecialCaseException(method, cause)) {
else {
final String badResultLine =
"- " + methodLabel + " threw <" + cause + "> instead"
+ " of a " + SQLException.class.getSimpleName() + "\n";
logger.trace("Failure: " + resultLine);
catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception: " + e + ", cause = " + e.getCause()
+ " from " + method);
public void testMethods() {
for (Method method : jdbcIntf.getMethods()) {
final String methodLabel = makeLabel(method);
if ("close".equals(method.getName())) {
logger.debug("Skipping (because closes): " + methodLabel);
/* Uncomment to suppress calling DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(...), which
sometimes takes about 2 minutes, and other DatabaseMetaData methods
that query, collectively taking a while too:
else if (DatabaseMetaData.class == jdbcIntf
&& "getColumns".equals(method.getName())) {
logger.debug("Skipping (because really slow): " + methodLabel);
else if (DatabaseMetaData.class == jdbcIntf
&& ResultSet.class == method.getReturnType()) {
logger.debug("Skipping (because a bit slow): " + methodLabel);
else {
logger.debug("Testing method " + methodLabel);
* Reports whether it's okay if given method throw given exception (that is
* not preferred AlreadyClosedException with regular message).
protected boolean isOkaySpecialCaseException(Method method,
Throwable cause) {
return false;
public boolean hadAnyFailures() {
return 0 != failureLinesBuf.length();
public String getFailureLines() {
return failureLinesBuf.toString();
public String getSuccessLines() {
return successLinesBuf.toString();
public String getReport() {
final String report =
+ getFailureLines()
+ "(Successes:\n"
+ getSuccessLines()
+ ")";
return report;
} // class NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<INTF>
public void testConnectionMethodsThrowRight() {
NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<Connection> checker =
new NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<Connection>(Connection.class, connection);
if (checker.hadAnyFailures()) {
fail("Non-SQLException exception error(s): \n" + checker.getReport());
private static class PlainStatementChecker
extends NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<Statement> {
private final Connection factoryConnection;
PlainStatementChecker(Connection factoryConnection) {
super(Statement.class, null);
this.factoryConnection = factoryConnection;
protected Statement getJdbcObject() throws SQLException {
return factoryConnection.createStatement();
protected boolean isOkaySpecialCaseException(Method method,
Throwable cause) {
// New Java 8 method not supported by Avatica
return method.getName().equals( "executeLargeBatch" );
} // class PlainStatementChecker
public void testPlainStatementMethodsThrowRight() {
NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<Statement> checker =
new PlainStatementChecker(connection);
if (checker.hadAnyFailures()) {
fail("Non-SQLException exception error(s): \n" + checker.getReport());
private static class PreparedStatementChecker
extends NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<PreparedStatement> {
private final Connection factoryConnection;
PreparedStatementChecker(Connection factoryConnection) {
super(PreparedStatement.class, null);
this.factoryConnection = factoryConnection;
protected PreparedStatement getJdbcObject() throws SQLException {
return factoryConnection.prepareStatement("VALUES 1");
protected boolean isOkaySpecialCaseException(Method method,
Throwable cause) {
// New Java 8 method not supported by Avatica
return method.getName().equals( "executeLargeBatch" );
} // class PlainStatementChecker
public void testPreparedStatementMethodsThrowRight() {
NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<PreparedStatement> checker =
new PreparedStatementChecker(connection);
if (checker.hadAnyFailures()) {
fail("Non-SQLException exception error(s): \n" + checker.getReport());
public void testResultSetMethodsThrowRight() {
NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<ResultSet> checker =
new NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<ResultSet>(ResultSet.class, resultSet);
if (checker.hadAnyFailures()) {
fail("Non-SQLException exception error(s): \n" + checker.getReport());
public void testResultSetMetaDataMethodsThrowRight() {
NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<ResultSetMetaData> checker =
new NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<ResultSetMetaData>(ResultSetMetaData.class,
if (checker.hadAnyFailures()) {
fail("Non-SQLException exception error(s): \n" + checker.getReport());
public void testDatabaseMetaDataMethodsThrowRight() {
NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<DatabaseMetaData> checker =
new NoNonSqlExceptionsChecker<DatabaseMetaData>(DatabaseMetaData.class,
if (checker.hadAnyFailures()) {
fail("Non-SQLException exception error(s): \n" + checker.getReport());