blob: 0ca78218844ef6de783dc91933623c4145514bb2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.unit;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType;
import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.ExecutionSetupException;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.FunctionCall;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.FieldReference;
import org.apache.drill.common.expression.ExpressionPosition;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.AbstractBase;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.PhysicalOperator;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.FlattenPOP;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.HashAggregate;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.HashJoinPOP;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.MergeJoinPOP;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.NestedLoopJoinPOP;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.Project;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.UnionAll;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.ScanBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.AggPrelBase;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatchSizer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorAccessible;
import org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorWrapper;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.JsonStringArrayList;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.JsonStringHashMap;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.Text;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.UInt4Vector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedListVector;
import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedValueVector;
import org.apache.drill.test.LegacyOperatorTestBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.test.PhysicalOpUnitTestBase;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
public class TestOutputBatchSize extends PhysicalOpUnitTestBase {
private static final long initReservation = AbstractBase.INIT_ALLOCATION;
private static final long maxAllocation = AbstractBase.MAX_ALLOCATION;
// Keeping row count below 4096 so we do not produce more than one batch.
// scanBatch with json reader produces batches of 4k.
private int numRows = 4000;
private static final String wideString =
"b00dUrA0oa2i4ZEHg6zvPXPXlVQYB2BXe8T5gIEtvUDzcN6yUkIqyS07gaAy8k4ac6Bn1cxblsXFnkp8g8hiQkUMJPyl6" +
* Figures out what will be total size of the batches for a given Json input batch.
private long getExpectedSize(List<String> expectedJsonBatches) throws ExecutionSetupException {
// Create a dummy scanBatch to figure out the size.
RecordBatch scanBatch = new ScanBatch(new MockPhysicalOperator(), fragContext, getReaderListForJsonBatches(expectedJsonBatches, fragContext));
Iterable<VectorAccessible> batches = new BatchIterator(scanBatch);
long totalSize = 0;
for (VectorAccessible batch : batches) {
RecordBatchSizer sizer = new RecordBatchSizer(batch);
totalSize += sizer.getNetBatchSize();
return totalSize;
public void testProjectMap() throws Exception {
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [{"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports},
// {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}]
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + "abc" + "\"," +
" \"c\" : { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," +
" \"d\": { \"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}");
batchString.append(i != numRows - 1 ? "}," : "}]");
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedString = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedString.append("{\"aplusamount\": 105");
expectedString.append(i != numRows - 1 ? "}," : "}]");
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
String[] baselineColumns = new String[1];
baselineColumns[0] = "aplusamount";
String[] expr = {"a + c.amount ", baselineColumns[0]};
Project projectConf = new Project(parseExprs(expr), null);
mockOpContext(projectConf, initReservation, maxAllocation);
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
Long[] baseLineValues = {(5l + 100l)}; // a + c.amount
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues((Object[]) baseLineValues);
public void testProjectVariableWidthFunctions() throws Exception {
//size calculators
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder("[");
String strValue = "abcde";
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\" : " + "\"" + strValue + "\"");
batchString.append(i != numRows - 1 ? "}," : "}]");
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
// inputSize, as calculated below will be numRows * (inputRowsize),
// inputRowSize = metadata cols + sizeof("abcde"), numRows = 4000
// So, inputSize = 4000 * ( 4 + 1 + 5 ) = 40000
// inputSize is used as the batch memory limit for the tests.
// Depending on the function being evaluated, different output batch counts will be expected
long inputSize = getExpectedSize(inputJsonBatches);
String inputSizeStr = inputSize + "";
String [][] functions =
{ //{ OP name, OP result, OP SQL str, Memory Limit, Num Expected Batches }
// concat() o/p size will be 2 x input size, so at least 2 batches expected
{"concat", strValue + strValue, "concat(a,a)", inputSizeStr, 2 + ""},
// upper() o/p size will same as input size, so at least 1 batch is expected
{"upper", strValue.toUpperCase(),"upper(a)", inputSizeStr, 1 + ""},
// repeat() is assumed to produce a row-size of 50.
// input row size is 10 (null vector + offset vector + abcde)
// so at least 5 batches are expected
{"repeat", strValue + strValue, "repeatstr(a, 2)", inputSizeStr, 5 + ""},
// substr() is assumed to produce a row size which is same as input
// so at least 1 batch is expected
{"substr", strValue.substring(0, 4), "substr(a, 1, 4)", inputSizeStr, 1 + "" }
for (String[] fn : functions) {
String outputColumnName = fn[0] + "_result";
String operationResult = fn[1];
String exprStr = fn[2];
long memoryLimit = Long.valueOf(fn[3]);
int expectedNumBatches = Integer.valueOf(fn[4]);
StringBuilder expectedString = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedString.append("{\"" + outputColumnName + "\":" + operationResult);
expectedString.append(i != numRows - 1 ? "}," : "}]");
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
String[] baselineColumns = new String[1];
baselineColumns[0] = outputColumnName;
String[] expr = {exprStr, baselineColumns[0]};
Project projectConf = new Project(parseExprs(expr), null);
mockOpContext(projectConf, initReservation, maxAllocation);
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", memoryLimit);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.expectedNumBatches(expectedNumBatches) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(memoryLimit); // verify batch size.
String[] baseLineValues = {operationResult}; //operation(a, a)
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues((Object[]) baseLineValues);
public void testProjectFixedWidthTransfer() throws Exception {
testProjectFixedWidthImpl(true, 100);
public void testProjectFixedWidthNewColumn() throws Exception {
testProjectFixedWidthImpl(false, 100);
* Tests BatchSizing of fixed-width transfers and new column creations in Project.
* Transfer: Evaluates 'select *'
* New Columns: Evalutes 'select C0 + 5 as C0 ... C[columnCount] + 5 as C[columnCount]
* @param transfer
* @throws Exception
public void testProjectFixedWidthImpl(boolean transfer, int columnCount) throws Exception {
//generate a row with N columns C0..C[columnCount], value in a column is same as column id
StringBuilder jsonRow = new StringBuilder("{");
String[] baselineColumns = new String [columnCount];
Object[] baselineValues = new Long[columnCount];
int exprSize = (transfer ? 2 : 2 * columnCount);
String[] expr = new String[exprSize];
// Expr for a 'select *' as expected by parseExprs()
if (transfer) {
expr[0] = "`**`";
expr[1] = "`**`";
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
jsonRow.append("\"" + "C" + i + "\": " + i + ((i == columnCount - 1) ? "" : ","));
baselineColumns[i] = "C" + i;
if (!transfer) {
expr[i * 2] = baselineColumns[i] + " + 5";
expr[i * 2 + 1] = baselineColumns[i];
baselineValues[i] = (long)(transfer ? i : i + 5);
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append(jsonRow + ((i == numRows - 1) ? "" : ","));
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
Project projectConf = new Project(parseExprs(expr), null);
mockOpContext(projectConf, initReservation, maxAllocation);
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
public void testProjectVariableWidthTransfer() throws Exception {
testProjectVariableWidthImpl(true, 50, "ABCDEFGHIJ");
public void testProjectVariableWidthNewColumn() throws Exception {
testProjectVariableWidthImpl(false, 50, "ABCDEFGHIJ");
public void testProjectZeroWidth() throws Exception {
testProjectVariableWidthImpl(true, 50, "");
public void testProjectVariableWidthImpl(boolean transfer, int columnCount, String testString) throws Exception {
StringBuilder jsonRow = new StringBuilder("{");
String[] baselineColumns = new String [columnCount];
Object[] baselineValues = new String[columnCount];
int exprSize = (transfer ? 2 : 2 * columnCount);
String[] expr = new String[exprSize];
// Expr for a 'select *' as expected by parseExprs()
if (transfer) {
expr[0] = "`**`";
expr[1] = "`**`";
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
jsonRow.append("\"" + "C" + i + "\": " + "\"" + testString + "\"" + ((i == columnCount - 1) ? "" : ","));
baselineColumns[i] = "C" + i;
if (!transfer) {
expr[i * 2] = "lower(" + baselineColumns[i] + ")";
expr[i * 2 + 1] = baselineColumns[i];
baselineValues[i] = (transfer ? testString : StringUtils.lowerCase(testString));
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append(jsonRow + ((i == numRows - 1) ? "" : ","));
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
Project projectConf = new Project(parseExprs(expr), null);
mockOpContext(projectConf, initReservation, maxAllocation);
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
* Test expression with transfer and new columns
* @throws Exception
public void testProjectVariableWidthMixed() throws Exception {
String testString = "ABCDEFGHIJ";
StringBuilder jsonRow = new StringBuilder("{");
// 50 new columns and 1 transfer
final int colCount = 50 + 1;
String[] baselineColumns = new String [colCount];
Object[] baselineValues = new String[colCount];
int exprSize = 2 * colCount;
String[] expr = new String[exprSize];
// columns C1 ... C50
for (int i = 1; i < colCount; i++) {
jsonRow.append("\"" + "C" + i + "\": " + "\"" + testString + "\"" + ((i == colCount - 1) ? "" : ","));
baselineColumns[i] = "C" + i;
// New columns lower(C1) as C1, ... lower(C50) as C50
expr[i * 2] = "lower(" + baselineColumns[i] + ")";
expr[i * 2 + 1] = baselineColumns[i];
baselineValues[i] = StringUtils.lowerCase(testString);
//Transfer: C1 as COL1TR
expr[0] = "C1";
expr[1] = "COL1TR";
baselineColumns[0] = "COL1TR";
baselineValues[0] = testString;
String expectedJsonRow = jsonRow.toString() + ", \"COL1TR\": \"" + testString + "\"}";
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder("[");
StringBuilder expectedString = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append(jsonRow + ((i == numRows - 1) ? "" : ","));
expectedString.append(expectedJsonRow + ((i == numRows - 1) ? "" : ","));
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
Project projectConf = new Project(parseExprs(expr), null);
mockOpContext(projectConf, initReservation, maxAllocation);
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
public void testFlattenFixedWidth() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [6,7,8,9]
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [6, 7, 8, 9]},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [6, 7, 8, 9]}");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : 6
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : 7
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : 8
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : 9
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 6},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 7},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 8},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 9},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 6},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 7},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 8},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : 9}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, 6l);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, 7l);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, 8l);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, 9l);
public void testFlattenVariableWidth() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : ["parrot", "hummingbird", "owl", "woodpecker", "peacock"]
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\",\"c\" : [\"parrot\", \"hummingbird\", \"owl\", \"woodpecker\", \"peacock\"]},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\",\"c\" : [\"parrot\", \"hummingbird\", \"owl\", \"woodpecker\", \"peacock\"]}");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : parrot
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : hummingbird
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : owl
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : woodpecker
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : peacock
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"parrot\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"hummingbird\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"owl\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"woodpecker\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"peacock\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"parrot\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"hummingbird\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"owl\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"woodpecker\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"peacock\"}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, "parrot");
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, "hummingbird");
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, "owl");
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, "woodpecker");
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, "peacock");
public void testFlattenFixedWidthList() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [" + "[1,2,3,4]," + "[5,6,7,8]" + "]");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [" + "[1,2,3,4]," + "[5,6,7,8]" + "]");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [1,2,3,4]
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [5,6,7,8]
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"[1,2,3,4]\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"[5,6,7,8]\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"[1,2,3,4]\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : \"[5,6,7,8]\"}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, new ArrayList<Long>(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)));
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, new ArrayList<Long>(Arrays.asList(5L, 6L, 7L, 8L)));
public void testFlattenVariableWidthList() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [["parrot", "hummingbird", "owl", "woodpecker"], ["hawk", "nightingale", "swallow", "peacock"]]
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," +
"\"c\" : [" + "[\"parrot\", \"hummingbird\", \"owl\", \"woodpecker\"]," + "[\"hawk\",\"nightingale\",\"swallow\",\"peacock\"]" + "]");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," +
"\"c\" : [" + "[\"parrot\", \"hummingbird\", \"owl\", \"woodpecker\"]," + "[\"hawk\",\"nightingale\",\"swallow\",\"peacock\"]" + "]");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : ["parrot", "hummingbird", "owl", "woodpecker"]
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : ["hawk", "nightingale", "swallow", "peacock"]
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [\"parrot\", \"hummingbird\", \"owl\", \"woodpecker\"]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [\"hawk\", \"nightingale\", \"swallow\", \"peacock\"]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [\"parrot\", \"hummingbird\", \"owl\", \"woodpecker\"]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [\"hawk\", \"nightingale\", \"swallow\", \"peacock\"]}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize); // verify batch size.
final JsonStringArrayList<Text> birds1 = new JsonStringArrayList<Text>() {{
add(new Text("parrot"));
add(new Text("hummingbird"));
add(new Text("owl"));
add(new Text("woodpecker"));
final JsonStringArrayList<Text> birds2 = new JsonStringArrayList<Text>() {{
add(new Text("hawk"));
add(new Text("nightingale"));
add(new Text("swallow"));
add(new Text("peacock"));
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, birds1);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, birds2);
public void testFlattenMap() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [{"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}]
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," +
"\"c\" : [" + " { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," +
" { \"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," +
"\"c\" : [" + " { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777," +
" \"type\":\"sports\"}," +
" { \"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"{\"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"{\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"{\"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"{\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> resultExpected1 = new JsonStringHashMap<>();
resultExpected1.put("trans_id", new Text("t1"));
resultExpected1.put("amount", new Long(100));
resultExpected1.put("trans_time", new Long(7777777));
resultExpected1.put("type", new Text("sports"));
JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> resultExpected2 = new JsonStringHashMap<>();
resultExpected2.put("trans_id", new Text("t2"));
resultExpected2.put("amount", new Long(1000));
resultExpected2.put("trans_time", new Long(8888888));
resultExpected2.put("type", new Text("groceries"));
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, resultExpected1);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, resultExpected2);
public void testFlattenListOfMaps() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString,
// "c" : [ [{"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}],
// [{"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}],
// [{"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}] ]
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [" +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ], " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ], " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ]");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [" +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ], " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ], " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ]");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [{"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}]
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : [{"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}]
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"} ]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}]},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
"[ { \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, " +
"\"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { " +
"\"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}]}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
final JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> resultExpected1 = new JsonStringHashMap<>();
resultExpected1.put("trans_id", new Text("t1"));
resultExpected1.put("amount", new Long(100));
resultExpected1.put("trans_time", new Long(7777777));
resultExpected1.put("type", new Text("sports"));
final JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> resultExpected2 = new JsonStringHashMap<>();
resultExpected2.put("trans_id", new Text("t2"));
resultExpected2.put("amount", new Long(1000));
resultExpected2.put("trans_time", new Long(8888888));
resultExpected2.put("type", new Text("groceries"));
final JsonStringArrayList<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>> results = new JsonStringArrayList<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>>() {{
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, results);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, results);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, results);
public void testFlattenNestedMap() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString,
// "c" : [ {innerMap: {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, "trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries},
// {innerMap: {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, "trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries} ]
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder innerMap = new StringBuilder();
innerMap.append("{ \"trans_id\":\"inner_trans_t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, \"type\":\"sports\"}");
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [" +
" { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap + ", \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, " +
"\"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap +
", \"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}]");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : [" +
" { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap + ", \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, " +
"\"type\":\"sports\"}," + " { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap + ", \"trans_id\":\"t2\", \"amount\":1000, \"trans_time\":8888888, \"type\":\"groceries\"}");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : {innerMap: {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, "trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}
// "a" : 5, "b" : wideString, "c" : {innerMap: {"trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:7777777, type:sports}, "trans_id":"t1", amount:100, trans_time:8888888, type:groceries}
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
" { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap + ", \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, " +
"\"type\":\"sports\"} }, ");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
" { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap + ", \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, " +
"\"type\":\"sports\"} }, ");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
" { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap + ", \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, " +
"\"type\":\"sports\"} }, ");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c\" : " +
" { \"innerMap\": " + innerMap + ", \"trans_id\":\"t1\", \"amount\":100, \"trans_time\":7777777, " +
"\"type\":\"sports\"} }");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> innerMapResult = new JsonStringHashMap<>();
innerMapResult.put("trans_id", new Text("inner_trans_t1"));
innerMapResult.put("amount", new Long(100));
innerMapResult.put("trans_time", new Long(7777777));
innerMapResult.put("type", new Text("sports"));
JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> resultExpected1 = new JsonStringHashMap<>();
resultExpected1.put("trans_id", new Text("t1"));
resultExpected1.put("amount", new Long(100));
resultExpected1.put("trans_time", new Long(7777777));
resultExpected1.put("type", new Text("sports"));
resultExpected1.put("innerMap", innerMapResult);
JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> resultExpected2 = new JsonStringHashMap<>();
resultExpected2.put("trans_id", new Text("t2"));
resultExpected2.put("amount", new Long(1000));
resultExpected2.put("trans_time", new Long(8888888));
resultExpected2.put("type", new Text("groceries"));
resultExpected2.put("innerMap", innerMapResult);
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, resultExpected1);
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, resultExpected2);
public void testFlattenUpperLimit() throws Exception {
// test the upper limit of 65535 records per batch.
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder flattenElement = new StringBuilder();
// Create list of 1000 elements
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
numRows = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"c\":" + flattenElement + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"c\":" + flattenElement + "}");
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"c\" :");
for (int j = 0; j < 999; j++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"c\" :");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"c\" :");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get 16 batches because of upper bound of 65535 rows.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
// Here we expect 16 batches because each batch will be limited by upper limit of 65535 records.
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
for (long j = 0; j < 1001; j++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, j);
public void testFlattenLowerLimit() throws Exception {
// test the lower limit of at least one batch
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder flattenElement = new StringBuilder();
// Create list of 10 elements
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// create list of wideStrings
final StringBuilder wideStrings = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
wideStrings.append("\"" + wideString + "\",");
wideStrings.append("\"" + wideString + "\"");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + wideStrings + "," + "\"c\":" + flattenElement);
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// set very low value of batch size for a large record size.
// This is to test we atleast get one record per batch.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", 1024);
// Here we expect 10 batches because each batch will be bounded by lower limit of at least 1 record.
// do not check the output batch size as it will be more than configured value of 1024, so we get
// at least one record out.
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(10); // verify number of batches
final JsonStringArrayList<Text> results = new JsonStringArrayList<Text>() {{
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
add(new Text(wideString));
for (long j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(results, j);
public void testFlattenEmptyList() throws Exception {
final PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("b"));
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder flattenElement = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + flattenElement + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": 5, " + "\"b\" : " + flattenElement + "}");
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b")
public void testFlattenLargeRecords() throws Exception {
PhysicalOperator flatten = new FlattenPOP(null, SchemaPath.getSimplePath("c"));
mockOpContext(flatten, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : <id1>, "b" : wideString, "c" : [ 10 wideStrings ]
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
int arrayLength = 10;
StringBuilder test = new StringBuilder();
test.append("[ \"");
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{" + "\"a\" :" + (new StringBuilder().append(i)) + ",\"b\": \"" + wideString + "\"," +
"\"c\": " + test + "},");
batchString.append("{" + "\"a\" :" + (new StringBuilder().append(numRows)) + ",\"b\": \"" + wideString + "\"," +
"\"c\": " + test + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : <id1>, "b" : wideString, "c" : wideString
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of flatten for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int k = 0; k < (numRows) * 11; k++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{" + "\"a\" :" + (new StringBuilder().append(k)) + ",\"b\": \"" + wideString + "\",");
expectedBatchString.append("\"c\": \"" + wideString + "\"},");
expectedBatchString.append("{" + "\"a\" :" + (new StringBuilder().append(numRows)) + ",\"b\": \"" + wideString + "\",");
expectedBatchString.append("\"c\": \"" + wideString + "\"}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b", "c")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2); // verify batch size.
for (long k = 0; k < ((numRows + 1)); k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < arrayLength + 1; j++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(k, wideString, wideString);
public void testMergeJoinMultipleOutputBatches() throws Exception {
MergeJoinPOP mergeJoin = new MergeJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.INNER);
mockOpContext(mergeJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately 4 batches because of fragmentation factor of 2 accounted for in merge join.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize/2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testMergeJoinSingleOutputBatch() throws Exception {
MergeJoinPOP mergeJoin = new MergeJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.INNER);
mockOpContext(mergeJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create multiple batches from both sides.
numRows = 4096 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to twice of total size expected.
// We should get 1 batch.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize*2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(1) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testMergeJoinUpperLimit() throws Exception {
// test the upper limit of 65535 records per batch.
MergeJoinPOP mergeJoin = new MergeJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.LEFT);
mockOpContext(mergeJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 100000;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "c2": 3
// expect two batches, batch limited by 65535 records
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "c1", "a2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, i, 6l, i);
public void testMergeJoinLowerLimit() throws Exception {
// test the lower limit of at least one batch
MergeJoinPOP mergeJoin = new MergeJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.RIGHT);
mockOpContext(mergeJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 10;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
// set very low value of output batch size so we can do only one row per batch.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", 128);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(10) // verify number of batches
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testUnionOutputBatch() throws Exception {
UnionAll unionAll = new UnionAll(Collections.<PhysicalOperator> emptyList());
mockOpContext(unionAll, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create batches from both sides.
numRows = 4000;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to twice of total size expected.
// We should get 2 batches, one for the left and one for the right.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize*2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i);
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i);
public void testUnionMultipleOutputBatches() throws Exception {
UnionAll unionAll = new UnionAll(Collections.<PhysicalOperator> emptyList());
mockOpContext(unionAll, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create multiple batches from both sides.
numRows = 8000;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows*2; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to half of total size expected.
// We should get 4 batches, 2 for the left and 2 for the right.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize/2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i);
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i);
public void testUnionLowerLimit() throws Exception {
UnionAll unionAll = new UnionAll(Collections.<PhysicalOperator> emptyList());
mockOpContext(unionAll, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create multiple batches from both sides.
numRows = 10;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows*2; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size very low so we get only one row per batch.
// We should get 22 batches for 22 rows.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", 128);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1","b1", "c1")
.expectedNumBatches(22) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i);
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i);
public void testHashJoinMultipleOutputBatches() throws Exception {
HashJoinPOP hashJoin = new HashJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.INNER);
mockOpContext(hashJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 4000 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately 4 batches because of fragmentation factor of 2 accounted for in merge join.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize/2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows+1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testHashJoinSingleOutputBatch() throws Exception {
HashJoinPOP hashJoin = new HashJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.INNER);
mockOpContext(hashJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
// create multiple batches from both sides.
numRows = 4096 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to twice of total size expected.
// We should get 1 batch.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize*2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(1) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testHashJoinUpperLimit() throws Exception {
// test the upper limit of 65535 records per batch.
HashJoinPOP hashJoin = new HashJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.INNER);
mockOpContext(hashJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 100000;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "c2": 3
// expect two batches, batch limited by 65535 records
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "c1", "a2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, i, 6l, i);
public void testHashJoinLowerLimit() throws Exception {
// test the lower limit of at least one batch
HashJoinPOP hashJoin = new HashJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.INNER);
mockOpContext(hashJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 10;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
// set very low value of output batch size so we can do only one row per batch.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", 128);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(10) // verify number of batches
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testRightOuterHashJoin() throws Exception {
HashJoinPOP hashJoin = new HashJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.RIGHT);
mockOpContext(hashJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 4000 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately 4 batches because of fragmentation factor of 2 accounted for in merge join.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize/2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testLeftOuterHashJoin() throws Exception {
HashJoinPOP hashJoin = new HashJoinPOP(null, null,
Lists.newArrayList(joinCond("c1", "EQUALS", "c2")), JoinRelType.LEFT);
mockOpContext(hashJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 4000 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately 4 batches because of fragmentation factor of 2 accounted for in merge join.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize/2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows+1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testSimpleHashAgg() {
HashAggregate aggConf = new HashAggregate(null, AggPrelBase.OperatorPhase.PHASE_1of1, parseExprs("a", "a"), parseExprs("sum(b)", "b_sum"), 1.0f);
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList(
"[{\"a\": 5, \"b\" : 1 }]",
"[{\"a\": 5, \"b\" : 5},{\"a\": 3, \"b\" : 8}]");
.baselineColumns("b_sum", "a")
.baselineValues(6l, 5l)
.baselineValues(8l, 3l)
public void testHashAggSum() throws ExecutionSetupException {
HashAggregate hashAgg = new HashAggregate(null, AggPrelBase.OperatorPhase.PHASE_1of1, parseExprs("a", "a"), parseExprs("sum(b)", "b_sum"), 1.0f);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 1, "b" : 1
// "a" : 1, "b" : 1
// "a" : 1, "b" : 1
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + i + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + i + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + i + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}," );
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}," );
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}" );
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of hash agg for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 1, "b" : 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + (3*i) + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}" );
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b_sum")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize/2); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues((long)i, (long)3*i);
public void testHashAggAvg() throws ExecutionSetupException {
HashAggregate hashAgg = new HashAggregate(null, AggPrelBase.OperatorPhase.PHASE_1of1, parseExprs("a", "a"), parseExprs("avg(b)", "b_avg"), 1.0f);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 1, "b" : 1
// "a" : 1, "b" : 1
// "a" : 1, "b" : 1
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + i + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + i + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + i + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}," );
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}," );
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}" );
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of hash agg for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 1, "b" : 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + (3*i) + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + numRows + "}" );
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b_avg")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize/2); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues((long)i, (double)i);
public void testHashAggMax() throws ExecutionSetupException {
HashAggregate hashAgg = new HashAggregate(null, AggPrelBase.OperatorPhase.PHASE_1of1, parseExprs("a", "a"), parseExprs("max(b)", "b_max"), 1.0f);
// create input rows like this.
// "a" : 1, "b" : "a"
// "a" : 2, "b" : "aa"
// "a" : 3, "b" : "aaa"
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + "\"a\"" + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + "\"aa\"" + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + "\"aaa\"" + "},");
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + "\"a\"" + "}," );
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + "\"aa\"" + "}," );
batchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + "\"aaa\"" + "}" );
// Figure out what will be approximate total output size out of hash agg for input above
// We will use this sizing information to set output batch size so we can produce desired
// number of batches that can be verified.
// output rows will be like this.
// "a" : 1, "b" : "aaa"
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": " + i + ", \"b\": " + "\"aaa\"" + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a\": " + numRows + ", \"b\": " + "\"aaa\"" + "}" );
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately get 2 batches and max of 4.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize / 2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a", "b_max")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize); // verify batch size.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues((long)i, "aaa");
public void testNestedLoopJoinMultipleOutputBatches() throws Exception {
LogicalExpression functionCallExpr = new FunctionCall("equal",
ImmutableList.of((LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c1", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN),
(LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c2", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)),
NestedLoopJoinPOP nestedLoopJoin = new NestedLoopJoinPOP(null, null, JoinRelType.INNER, functionCallExpr);
mockOpContext(nestedLoopJoin, initReservation, maxAllocation);
numRows = 4000 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately 4 batches.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize/2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows+1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testNestedLoopJoinSingleOutputBatch() throws Exception {
LogicalExpression functionCallExpr = new FunctionCall("equal",
ImmutableList.of((LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c1", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN),
(LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c2", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)),
NestedLoopJoinPOP nestedLoopJoin = new NestedLoopJoinPOP(null, null, JoinRelType.INNER, functionCallExpr);
// create multiple batches from both sides.
numRows = 4096 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to twice of total size expected.
// We should get 1 batch.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize*2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(1) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testNestedLoopJoinUpperLimit() throws Exception {
// test the upper limit of 65535 records per batch.
LogicalExpression functionCallExpr = new FunctionCall("<",
ImmutableList.of((LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c1", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN),
(LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c2", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)),
NestedLoopJoinPOP nestedLoopJoin = new NestedLoopJoinPOP(null, null, JoinRelType.INNER, functionCallExpr);
numRows = 500;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "c2": 3
// we expect n(n+1)/2 number of records i.e. (500 * 501)/2 = 125250
// expect two batches, batch limited by 65535 records
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "c1", "a2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(2) // verify number of batches
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows+1; i++) {
for (long j = i+1; j < numRows+1; j++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, i, 6l, j);
public void testNestedLoopJoinLowerLimit() throws Exception {
// test the lower limit of at least one batch
LogicalExpression functionCallExpr = new FunctionCall("equal",
ImmutableList.of((LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c1", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN),
(LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c2", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)),
NestedLoopJoinPOP nestedLoopJoin = new NestedLoopJoinPOP(null, null, JoinRelType.INNER, functionCallExpr);
numRows = 10;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
// set very low value of output batch size so we can do only one row per batch.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", 128);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(10) // verify number of batches
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows + 1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testLeftNestedLoopJoin() throws Exception {
LogicalExpression functionCallExpr = new FunctionCall("equal",
ImmutableList.of((LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c1", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN),
(LogicalExpression) new FieldReference("c2", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)),
NestedLoopJoinPOP nestedLoopJoin = new NestedLoopJoinPOP(null, null, JoinRelType.LEFT, functionCallExpr);
numRows = 4000 * 2;
// create left input rows like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : <id>
List<String> leftJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder leftBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i + "},");
leftBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows + "}");
// create right input rows like this.
// "a2" : 6, "b2" : wideString, "c2" : <id>
List<String> rightJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder rightBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
rightBatchString.append("{\"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
// output rows will be like this.
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 1, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 1
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 2, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 2
// "a1" : 5, "b1" : wideString, "c1" : 3, "a2":6, "b2" : wideString, "c2": 3
List<String> expectedJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder expectedBatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + i);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + i + "},");
expectedBatchString.append("{\"a1\": 5, " + "\"b1\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c1\" : " + numRows);
expectedBatchString.append(", \"a2\": 6, " + "\"b2\" : " + "\"" + wideString + "\"," + "\"c2\" : " + numRows + "}");
long totalSize = getExpectedSize(expectedJsonBatches);
// set the output batch size to 1/2 of total size expected.
// We will get approximately 4 batches.
fragContext.getOptions().setLocalOption("drill.exec.memory.operator.output_batch_size", totalSize/2);
LegacyOperatorTestBuilder opTestBuilder = legacyOpTestBuilder()
.baselineColumns("a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2")
.expectedNumBatches(4) // verify number of batches
.expectedBatchSize(totalSize / 2) // verify batch size
.inputDataStreamsJson(Lists.newArrayList(leftJsonBatches, rightJsonBatches));
for (long i = 0; i < numRows+1; i++) {
opTestBuilder.baselineValues(5l, wideString, i, 6l, wideString, i);
public void testSizerRepeatedList() throws Exception {
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder newString = new StringBuilder();
newString.append("[ [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8] ]");
numRows = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"c\" : " + newString);
batchString.append("{\"c\" : " + newString);
// Create a dummy scanBatch to figure out the size.
RecordBatch scanBatch = new ScanBatch(new MockPhysicalOperator(),
fragContext, getReaderListForJsonBatches(inputJsonBatches, fragContext));
VectorAccessible va = new BatchIterator(scanBatch).iterator().next();
RecordBatchSizer sizer = new RecordBatchSizer(va);
assertEquals(1, sizer.columns().size());
RecordBatchSizer.ColumnSize column = sizer.columns().get("c");
* stdDataSize:8*5*5, stdNetSize:8*5*5 + 4*5 + 4*5 + 4,
* dataSizePerEntry:8*8, netSizePerEntry:8*8 + 4*2 + 4,
* totalDataSize:8*8*10, totalNetSize:netSizePerEntry*10, valueCount:10,
* elementCount:10, estElementCountPerArray:1, isVariableWidth:false
assertEquals(200, column.getStdDataSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(244, column.getStdNetSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(64, column.getDataSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(76, column.getNetSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(640, column.getTotalDataSize());
assertEquals(760, column.getTotalNetSize());
assertEquals(10, column.getValueCount());
assertEquals(20, column.getElementCount());
assertEquals(2, column.getCardinality(), 0.01);
assertEquals(false, column.isVariableWidth());
final int testRowCount = 1000;
final int testRowCountPowerTwo = 2048;
for (VectorWrapper<?> vw : va) {
ValueVector v = vw.getValueVector();
RecordBatchSizer.ColumnSize colSize = sizer.getColumn(v.getField().getName());
// Allocates to nearest power of two
colSize.allocateVector(v, testRowCount);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have row count number of values.
UInt4Vector offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount) << 1), offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get inner vector of delegate vector.
ValueVector vector = ((RepeatedValueVector) v).getDataVector();
// Data vector of inner vector should
// have 2 (outer array cardinality) * 4 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
ValueVector dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(Integer.highestOneBit((testRowCount*8) << 1), dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount*2) << 1), offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Allocates the same as value passed since it is already power of two.
// -1 is done for adjustment needed for offset vector.
colSize.allocateVector(v, testRowCountPowerTwo - 1);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get inner vector of delegate vector.
vector = ((RepeatedValueVector) v).getDataVector();
// Data vector of inner vector should
// have 2 (outer array cardinality) * 4 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo * 8, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo * 2, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
colSize.allocateVector(v, ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT - 1);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get inner vector of delegate vector.
vector = ((RepeatedValueVector) v).getDataVector();
// Data vector of inner vector should
// have 2 (outer array cardinality) * 4 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT*8, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT*2, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
colSize.allocateVector(v, 0);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have 1 value.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get inner vector of delegate vector.
vector = ((RepeatedValueVector) v).getDataVector();
// Data vector of inner vector should have 1 value
dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * 1.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) vector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT*2, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
public void testSizerRepeatedRepeatedList() throws Exception {
List<String> inputJsonBatches = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder newString = new StringBuilder();
newString.append("[ [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]], [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]] ]");
numRows = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
batchString.append("{\"c\" : " + newString);
batchString.append("{\"c\" : " + newString);
// Create a dummy scanBatch to figure out the size.
RecordBatch scanBatch = new ScanBatch(new MockPhysicalOperator(),
fragContext, getReaderListForJsonBatches(inputJsonBatches, fragContext));
VectorAccessible va = new BatchIterator(scanBatch).iterator().next();
RecordBatchSizer sizer = new RecordBatchSizer(va);
assertEquals(1, sizer.columns().size());
RecordBatchSizer.ColumnSize column = sizer.columns().get("c");
* stdDataSize:8*5*5*5, stdNetSize:8*5*5*5 + 8*5*5 + 8*5 + 4,
* dataSizePerEntry:16*8, netSizePerEntry:16*8 + 16*4 + 4*2 + 4*2,
* totalDataSize:16*8*10, totalNetSize:netSizePerEntry*10, valueCount:10,
* elementCount:10, estElementCountPerArray:1, isVariableWidth:false
assertEquals(1000, column.getStdDataSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(1244, column.getStdNetSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(128, column.getDataSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(156, column.getNetSizePerEntry());
assertEquals(1280, column.getTotalDataSize());
assertEquals(1560, column.getTotalNetSize());
assertEquals(10, column.getValueCount());
assertEquals(20, column.getElementCount());
assertEquals(2, column.getCardinality(), 0.01);
assertEquals(false, column.isVariableWidth());
final int testRowCount = 1000;
final int testRowCountPowerTwo = 2048;
for (VectorWrapper<?> vw : va) {
ValueVector v = vw.getValueVector();
RecordBatchSizer.ColumnSize colSize = sizer.getColumn(v.getField().getName());
// Allocates to nearest power of two
colSize.allocateVector(v, testRowCount);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have row count number of values.
UInt4Vector offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount) << 1), offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get data vector of delegate vector. This is repeated list again
ValueVector dataVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getDataVector();
// offset vector of delegate vector of the inner repeated list
// This should have row count * 2 number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) dataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount*2) << 1), offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Data vector of inner vector should have row count * 2 number of values - 1 (for offset vector adjustment).
ValueVector innerDataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) dataVector).getDataVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit((testRowCount*2) << 1) - 1), dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * 2 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals((Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount*4) << 1), offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Data vector of inner vector should
// have 2 (outer array cardinality) * 2 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(Integer.highestOneBit(testRowCount << 1) * 16, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// Allocates the same as value passed since it is already power of two.
// -1 is done for adjustment needed for offset vector.
colSize.allocateVector(v, testRowCountPowerTwo - 1);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get data vector of delegate vector. This is repeated list again
dataVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getDataVector();
// offset vector of delegate vector of the inner repeated list
// This should have row count * 2 number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) dataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo*2, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Data vector of inner vector should have row count * 2 number of values - 1 (for offset vector adjustment).
innerDataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) dataVector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo*2 - 1, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * 2 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo*4, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Data vector of inner vector should
// have 2 (outer array cardinality) * 2 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(testRowCountPowerTwo * 16, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
colSize.allocateVector(v, ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT - 1);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get data vector of delegate vector. This is repeated list again
dataVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getDataVector();
// offset vector of delegate vector of the inner repeated list
// This should have row count * 2 number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) dataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT*2, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Data vector of inner vector should have row count * 2 number of values - 1 (for offset vector adjustment).
innerDataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) dataVector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT*2 - 1, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * 2 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT*4, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Data vector of inner vector should
// have 2 (outer array cardinality) * 2 (inner array cardinality) * row count number of values.
dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MAX_ROW_COUNT*16, dataVector.getValueCapacity());
colSize.allocateVector(v, 0);
// offset vector of delegate vector i.e. outer array should have 1 value.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Get data vector of delegate vector. This is repeated list again
dataVector = ((RepeatedListVector) v).getDataVector();
// offset vector of delegate vector of the inner repeated list
offsetVector = ((RepeatedListVector) dataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// offset vector of inner vector should have
// 2 (outer array cardinality) * 1.
offsetVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getOffsetVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT*2, offsetVector.getValueCapacity());
// Data vector of inner vector should 1 value.
dataVector = ((RepeatedValueVector) innerDataVector).getDataVector();
assertEquals(ValueVector.MIN_ROW_COUNT, dataVector.getValueCapacity());