blob: 2feda0a950e9fce10496df58cff776e664da7a54 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.fragment.DefaultQueryParallelizer;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.drill.PlanTestBase;
import org.apache.drill.test.TestBuilder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.Exchange;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.UnorderedDeMuxExchange;
import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.config.HashToRandomExchange;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.PhysicalPlanReader;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.fragment.Fragment;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.fragment.Fragment.ExchangeFragmentPair;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.fragment.PlanningSet;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.fragment.SimpleParallelizer;
import org.apache.drill.exec.pop.PopUnitTestBase;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.BitControl.PlanFragment;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.BitControl.QueryContextInformation;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared;
import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryId;
import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.UserSession;
import org.apache.drill.exec.server.DrillbitContext;
import org.apache.drill.exec.server.options.OptionList;
import org.apache.drill.exec.util.Utilities;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.HashPrelUtil.HASH_EXPR_NAME;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* This test starts a Drill cluster with CLUSTER_SIZE nodes and generates data for test tables.
* Tests queries involve HashToRandomExchange (group by and join) and test the following.
* 1. Plan that has mux and demux exchanges inserted
* 2. Run the query and check the output record count
* 3. Take the plan we got in (1), use SimpleParallelizer to get PlanFragments and test that the number of
* partition senders in a major fragment is not more than the number of Drillbit nodes in cluster and there exists
* at most one partition sender per Drillbit.
public class TestLocalExchange extends PlanTestBase {
private static final int CLUSTER_SIZE = 3;
private static final String MUX_EXCHANGE = "\"unordered-mux-exchange\"";
private static final String DEMUX_EXCHANGE = "\"unordered-demux-exchange\"";
private static final String MUX_EXCHANGE_CONST = "unordered-mux-exchange";
private static final String DEMUX_EXCHANGE_CONST = "unordered-demux-exchange";
private static final String HASH_EXCHANGE = "hash-to-random-exchange";
private static final String EMPT_TABLE = "empTable";
private static final String DEPT_TABLE = "deptTable";
private static final UserSession USER_SESSION = UserSession.Builder.newBuilder()
private static final SimpleParallelizer PARALLELIZER = new DefaultQueryParallelizer(
1 /*parallelizationThreshold (slice_count)*/,
6 /*maxWidthPerNode*/,
1000 /*maxGlobalWidth*/,
1.2 /*affinityFactor*/);
private final static int NUM_DEPTS = 40;
private final static int NUM_EMPLOYEES = 1000;
private final static int NUM_MNGRS = 1;
private final static int NUM_IDS = 1;
private static String groupByQuery;
private static String joinQuery;
private static String[] joinQueryBaselineColumns;
private static String[] groupByQueryBaselineColumns;
private static List<Object[]> groupByQueryBaselineValues;
private static List<Object[]> joinQueryBaselineValues;
public static void setupClusterSize() {
updateTestCluster(CLUSTER_SIZE, null);
* Generate data for two tables. Each table consists of several JSON files.
public static void generateTestDataAndQueries() throws Exception {
// Table 1 consists of two columns "emp_id", "emp_name" and "dept_id"
final File empTableLocation = dirTestWatcher.makeRootSubDir(Paths.get(EMPT_TABLE));
// Write 100 records for each new file
final int empNumRecsPerFile = 100;
for(int fileIndex=0; fileIndex<NUM_EMPLOYEES/empNumRecsPerFile; fileIndex++) {
File file = new File(empTableLocation, fileIndex + ".json");
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(file);
for (int recordIndex = fileIndex*empNumRecsPerFile; recordIndex < (fileIndex+1)*empNumRecsPerFile; recordIndex++) {
String record = String.format("{ \"emp_id\" : %d, \"emp_name\" : \"Employee %d\", \"dept_id\" : %d, \"mng_id\" : %d, \"some_id\" : %d }",
recordIndex, recordIndex, recordIndex % NUM_DEPTS, recordIndex % NUM_MNGRS, recordIndex % NUM_IDS);
// Table 2 consists of two columns "dept_id" and "dept_name"
final File deptTableLocation = dirTestWatcher.makeRootSubDir(Paths.get(DEPT_TABLE));
// Write 4 records for each new file
final int deptNumRecsPerFile = 4;
for(int fileIndex=0; fileIndex<NUM_DEPTS/deptNumRecsPerFile; fileIndex++) {
File file = new File(deptTableLocation, fileIndex + ".json");
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(file);
for (int recordIndex = fileIndex*deptNumRecsPerFile; recordIndex < (fileIndex+1)*deptNumRecsPerFile; recordIndex++) {
String record = String.format("{ \"dept_id\" : %d, \"dept_name\" : \"Department %d\" }",
recordIndex, recordIndex);
// Initialize test queries
groupByQuery = String.format("SELECT dept_id, count(*) as numEmployees FROM dfs.`%s` GROUP BY dept_id", EMPT_TABLE);
joinQuery = String.format("SELECT e.emp_name, d.dept_name FROM dfs.`%s` e JOIN dfs.`%s` d ON e.dept_id = d.dept_id",
// Generate and store output data for test queries. Used when verifying the output of queries ran using different
// configurations.
groupByQueryBaselineColumns = new String[] { "dept_id", "numEmployees" };
groupByQueryBaselineValues = Lists.newArrayList();
// group Id is generated based on expression 'recordIndex % NUM_DEPTS' above. 'recordIndex' runs from 0 to
// NUM_EMPLOYEES, so we expect each number of occurrance of each dept_id to be NUM_EMPLOYEES/NUM_DEPTS (1000/40 =
// 25)
final int numOccurrances = NUM_EMPLOYEES/NUM_DEPTS;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_DEPTS; i++) {
groupByQueryBaselineValues.add(new Object[] { (long)i, (long)numOccurrances});
joinQueryBaselineColumns = new String[] { "emp_name", "dept_name" };
joinQueryBaselineValues = Lists.newArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EMPLOYEES; i++) {
final String employee = String.format("Employee %d", i);
final String dept = String.format("Department %d", i % NUM_DEPTS);
joinQueryBaselineValues.add(new String[] { employee, dept });
public static void setupHelper(boolean isMuxOn, boolean isDeMuxOn) throws Exception {
// set slice count to 1, so that we can have more parallelization for testing
test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.slice_target`=1");
// disable the broadcast join to produce plans with HashToRandomExchanges.
test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.enable_broadcast_join`=false");
test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.enable_mux_exchange`=" + isMuxOn);
test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.enable_demux_exchange`=" + isDeMuxOn);
public void testGroupByMultiFields() throws Exception {
// Test multifield hash generation
test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.slice_target`=1");
test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.enable_mux_exchange`=" + true);
test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.enable_demux_exchange`=" + false);
final String groupByMultipleQuery = String.format("SELECT dept_id, mng_id, some_id, count(*) as numEmployees FROM dfs.`%s` e GROUP BY dept_id, mng_id, some_id", EMPT_TABLE);
final String[] groupByMultipleQueryBaselineColumns = new String[] { "dept_id", "mng_id", "some_id", "numEmployees" };
final int numOccurrances = NUM_EMPLOYEES/NUM_DEPTS;
final String plan = getPlanInString("EXPLAIN PLAN FOR " + groupByMultipleQuery, JSON_FORMAT);
jsonExchangeOrderChecker(plan, false, 1, "hash32asdouble\\(.*, hash32asdouble\\(.*, hash32asdouble\\(.*\\) \\) \\) ");
// Run the query and verify the output
final TestBuilder testBuilder = testBuilder()
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_DEPTS; i++) {
testBuilder.baselineValues(new Object[] { (long)i, (long)0, (long)0, (long)numOccurrances});
public void testGroupBy_NoMux_NoDeMux() throws Exception {
testGroupByHelper(false, false);
public void testJoin_NoMux_NoDeMux() throws Exception {
testJoinHelper(false, false);
public void testGroupBy_Mux_NoDeMux() throws Exception {
testGroupByHelper(true, false);
public void testJoin_Mux_NoDeMux() throws Exception {
testJoinHelper(true, false);
public void testGroupBy_NoMux_DeMux() throws Exception {
testGroupByHelper(false, true);
public void testJoin_NoMux_DeMux() throws Exception {
testJoinHelper(false, true);
public void testGroupBy_Mux_DeMux() throws Exception {
testGroupByHelper(true, true);
public void testJoin_Mux_DeMux() throws Exception {
testJoinHelper(true, true);
private static void testGroupByHelper(boolean isMuxOn, boolean isDeMuxOn) throws Exception {
testHelper(isMuxOn, isDeMuxOn, groupByQuery,
isMuxOn ? 1 : 0, isDeMuxOn ? 1 : 0,
groupByQueryBaselineColumns, groupByQueryBaselineValues);
public static void testJoinHelper(boolean isMuxOn, boolean isDeMuxOn) throws Exception {
testHelper(isMuxOn, isDeMuxOn, joinQuery,
isMuxOn ? 2 : 0, isDeMuxOn ? 2 : 0,
joinQueryBaselineColumns, joinQueryBaselineValues);
private static void testHelper(boolean isMuxOn, boolean isDeMuxOn, String query,
int expectedNumMuxes, int expectedNumDeMuxes, String[] baselineColumns, List<Object[]> baselineValues)
throws Exception {
setupHelper(isMuxOn, isDeMuxOn);
String plan = getPlanInString("EXPLAIN PLAN FOR " + query, JSON_FORMAT);
if ( isMuxOn ) {
// # of hash exchanges should be = # of mux exchanges + # of demux exchanges
assertEquals("HashExpr on the hash column should not happen", 2*expectedNumMuxes+expectedNumDeMuxes, StringUtils.countMatches(plan, HASH_EXPR_NAME));
jsonExchangeOrderChecker(plan, isDeMuxOn, expectedNumMuxes, "hash32asdouble\\(.*\\) ");
} else {
assertEquals("HashExpr on the hash column should not happen", 0, StringUtils.countMatches(plan, HASH_EXPR_NAME));
// Make sure the plan has mux and demux exchanges (TODO: currently testing is rudimentary,
// need to move it to sophisticated testing once we have better planning test tools are available)
assertEquals("Wrong number of MuxExchanges are present in the plan",
expectedNumMuxes, StringUtils.countMatches(plan, MUX_EXCHANGE));
assertEquals("Wrong number of DeMuxExchanges are present in the plan",
expectedNumDeMuxes, StringUtils.countMatches(plan, DEMUX_EXCHANGE));
// Run the query and verify the output
TestBuilder testBuilder = testBuilder()
for(Object[] baselineRecord : baselineValues) {
testHelperVerifyPartitionSenderParallelization(plan, isMuxOn, isDeMuxOn);
private static void jsonExchangeOrderChecker(String plan, boolean isDemuxEnabled, int expectedNumMuxes, String hashExprPattern) throws Exception {
final JSONObject planObj = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(plan);
assertNotNull("Corrupted query plan: null", planObj);
final JSONArray graphArray = (JSONArray) planObj.get("graph");
assertNotNull("No graph array present", graphArray);
int i = 0;
int k = 0;
int prevExprsArraySize = 0;
boolean foundExpr = false;
int muxesCount = 0;
for (Object object : graphArray) {
final JSONObject popObj = (JSONObject) object;
if ( popObj.containsKey("pop") && popObj.get("pop").equals("project")) {
if ( popObj.containsKey("exprs")) {
final JSONArray exprsArray = (JSONArray) popObj.get("exprs");
for (Object exprObj : exprsArray) {
final JSONObject expr = (JSONObject) exprObj;
if ( expr.containsKey("ref") && expr.get("ref").equals("`"+ HASH_EXPR_NAME +"`")) {
// found a match. Let's see if next one is the one we need
final String hashField = (String) expr.get("expr");
assertNotNull("HashExpr field can not be null", hashField);
assertTrue("HashExpr field does not match pattern",hashField.matches(hashExprPattern));
k = i;
foundExpr = true;
if ( foundExpr ) {
// will be reset to prevExprsArraySize-1 on the last project of the whole stanza
prevExprsArraySize = exprsArray.size();
if ( !foundExpr ) {
// next after project with hashexpr
if ( k == i-1) {
assertTrue("UnorderedMux should follow Project with HashExpr",
popObj.containsKey("pop") && popObj.get("pop").equals(MUX_EXCHANGE_CONST));
if ( k == i-2) {
assertTrue("HashToRandomExchange should follow UnorderedMux which should follow Project with HashExpr",
popObj.containsKey("pop") && popObj.get("pop").equals(HASH_EXCHANGE));
// is HashToRandom is using HashExpr
assertTrue("HashToRandomExchnage should use hashExpr",
popObj.containsKey("expr") && popObj.get("expr").equals("`"+ HASH_EXPR_NAME +"`"));
// if Demux is enabled it also should use HashExpr
if ( isDemuxEnabled && k == i-3) {
assertTrue("UnorderdDemuxExchange should follow HashToRandomExchange",
popObj.containsKey("pop") && popObj.get("pop").equals(DEMUX_EXCHANGE_CONST));
// is HashToRandom is using HashExpr
assertTrue("UnorderdDemuxExchange should use hashExpr",
popObj.containsKey("expr") && popObj.get("expr").equals("`"+HASH_EXPR_NAME +"`"));
if ( (isDemuxEnabled && k == i-4) || (!isDemuxEnabled && k == i-3) ) {
// it should be a project without hashexpr, check if number of exprs is 1 less then in first project
assertTrue("Should be project without hashexpr", popObj.containsKey("pop") && popObj.get("pop").equals("project"));
final JSONArray exprsArray = (JSONArray) popObj.get("exprs");
assertNotNull("Project should have some fields", exprsArray);
assertEquals("Number of fields in closing project should be one less then in starting project",
prevExprsArraySize, exprsArray.size());
// Now let's reset all the counters, flags if we are going to have another batch of those exchanges
k = 0;
foundExpr = false;
prevExprsArraySize = 0;
assertEquals("Number of Project/Mux/HashExchange/... ", expectedNumMuxes, muxesCount);
// Verify the number of partition senders in a major fragments is not more than the cluster size and each endpoint
// in the cluster has at most one fragment from a given major fragment that has the partition sender.
private static void testHelperVerifyPartitionSenderParallelization(
String plan, boolean isMuxOn, boolean isDeMuxOn) throws Exception {
final DrillbitContext drillbitContext = getDrillbitContext();
final PhysicalPlanReader planReader = drillbitContext.getPlanReader();
final Fragment rootFragment = PopUnitTestBase.getRootFragmentFromPlanString(planReader, plan);
final List<Integer> deMuxFragments = Lists.newLinkedList();
final List<Integer> htrFragments = Lists.newLinkedList();
final PlanningSet planningSet = new PlanningSet();
// Create a planningSet to get the assignment of major fragment ids to fragments.
PARALLELIZER.initFragmentWrappers(rootFragment, planningSet);
findFragmentsWithPartitionSender(rootFragment, planningSet, deMuxFragments, htrFragments);
final QueryContextInformation queryContextInfo = Utilities.createQueryContextInfo("dummySchemaName", "938ea2d9-7cb9-4baf-9414-a5a0b7777e8e");
QueryWorkUnit qwu = PARALLELIZER.generateWorkUnit(new OptionList(), drillbitContext.getEndpoint(),
drillbitContext.getBits(), rootFragment, USER_SESSION, queryContextInfo);
// Make sure the number of minor fragments with HashPartitioner within a major fragment is not more than the
// number of Drillbits in cluster
ArrayListMultimap<Integer, DrillbitEndpoint> partitionSenderMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for(PlanFragment planFragment : qwu.getFragments()) {
if (planFragment.getFragmentJson().contains("hash-partition-sender")) {
int majorFragmentId = planFragment.getHandle().getMajorFragmentId();
DrillbitEndpoint assignedEndpoint = planFragment.getAssignment();
if (isMuxOn) {
verifyAssignment(htrFragments, partitionSenderMap);
if (isDeMuxOn) {
verifyAssignment(deMuxFragments, partitionSenderMap);
* Helper method to find the major fragment ids of fragments that have PartitionSender.
* A fragment can have PartitionSender if sending exchange of the current fragment is a
* 1. DeMux Exchange -> goes in deMuxFragments
* 2. HashToRandomExchange -> goes into htrFragments
private static void findFragmentsWithPartitionSender(Fragment currentRootFragment, PlanningSet planningSet,
List<Integer> deMuxFragments, List<Integer> htrFragments) {
if (currentRootFragment != null) {
final Exchange sendingExchange = currentRootFragment.getSendingExchange();
if (sendingExchange != null) {
final int majorFragmentId = planningSet.get(currentRootFragment).getMajorFragmentId();
if (sendingExchange instanceof UnorderedDeMuxExchange) {
} else if (sendingExchange instanceof HashToRandomExchange) {
for(ExchangeFragmentPair e : currentRootFragment.getReceivingExchangePairs()) {
findFragmentsWithPartitionSender(e.getNode(), planningSet, deMuxFragments, htrFragments);
/** Helper method to verify the number of PartitionSenders in a given fragment endpoint assignments */
private static void verifyAssignment(List<Integer> fragmentList,
ArrayListMultimap<Integer, DrillbitEndpoint> partitionSenderMap) {
// We expect at least one entry the list
assertTrue(fragmentList.size() > 0);
for(Integer majorFragmentId : fragmentList) {
// we expect the fragment that has DeMux/HashToRandom as sending exchange to have parallelization with not more
// than the number of nodes in the cluster and each node in the cluster can have at most one assignment
List<DrillbitEndpoint> assignments = partitionSenderMap.get(majorFragmentId);
assertTrue(assignments.size() > 0);
assertTrue(String.format("Number of partition senders in major fragment [%d] is more than expected", majorFragmentId), CLUSTER_SIZE >= assignments.size());
// Make sure there are no duplicates in assigned endpoints (i.e at most one partition sender per endpoint)
assertTrue("Some endpoints have more than one fragment that has ParitionSender", ImmutableSet.copyOf(assignments).size() == assignments.size());