blob: c981924f59d60b92b829c3754889a1271c8253c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
/** Abstract class for sub-classes implementing several strategies for loading a Bulk Entry from a Parquet page */
abstract class VarLenAbstractPageEntryReader extends VarLenAbstractEntryReader {
protected final PageDataInfo pageInfo;
/** expected precision type: fixed or variable length */
protected final ColumnPrecisionInfo columnPrecInfo;
* @param _buffer byte buffer for data buffering (within CPU cache)
* @param _pageInfo page being processed information
* @param _columnPrecInfo column precision information
* @param _entry reusable bulk entry object
VarLenAbstractPageEntryReader(ByteBuffer _buffer,
PageDataInfo _pageInfo,
ColumnPrecisionInfo _columnPrecInfo,
VarLenColumnBulkEntry _entry,
VarLenColumnBulkInputCallback _containerCallback) {
super(_buffer, _entry, _containerCallback);
this.pageInfo = _pageInfo;
this.columnPrecInfo = _columnPrecInfo;
* Indicates whether to use bulk processing
protected final boolean bulkProcess() {
return columnPrecInfo.bulkProcess;
* Loads new data into the buffer if empty or the force flag is set.
* @param force flag to force loading new data into the buffer
protected final boolean load(boolean force) {
if (!force && buffer.hasRemaining()) {
return true; // NOOP
// We're here either because the buffer is empty or we want to force a new load operation.
// In the case of force, there might be unprocessed data (still in the buffer) which is fine
// since the caller updates the page data buffer's offset only for the data it has consumed; this
// means unread data will be loaded again but this time will be positioned in the beginning of the
// buffer. This can happen only for the last entry in the buffer when either of its length or value
// is incomplete.
int remaining = remainingPageData();
int bufferCapacity = buffer.capacity() - VarLenBulkPageReader.PADDING;
int toCopy = remaining > bufferCapacity ? bufferCapacity : remaining;
buffer.limit(toCopy); // Update the limit regardless to indicate the number of bytes available for reading
if (toCopy == 0) {
return false;
pageInfo.pageData.getBytes(pageInfo.pageDataOff, buffer.array(), buffer.position(), toCopy);
// At this point the buffer position is 0 and its limit set to the number of bytes copied.
return true;
* @return remaining data in current page
protected final int remainingPageData() {
return pageInfo.pageDataLen - pageInfo.pageDataOff;
* Fixed length readers calculate up front the maximum number of entries to process as entry length
* are known.
* @param valuesToRead requested number of values to read
* @param entrySz sizeof(integer) + column's precision
* @return maximum entries to read within each call (based on the bulk entry, entry size, and requested
* number of entries to read)
protected final int getFixedLengthMaxRecordsToRead(int valuesToRead, int entrySz) {
// Let's start with bulk's entry and requested values-to-read constraints
int numEntriesToRead = Math.min(entry.getMaxEntries(), valuesToRead);
// The goal is to ensure that a) we're not returning more than what is requested and
// b) ensure that we don't overflow while accessing the buffer
final int bufferCapacity = buffer.capacity() - VarLenBulkPageReader.PADDING;
numEntriesToRead = Math.min(numEntriesToRead, bufferCapacity / entrySz);
return numEntriesToRead;