blob: 63a1814ae93e8c64a702b8a5ca16a21852913aa6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.visitor;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.RelSubset;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinInfo;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMetadataQuery;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField;
import org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants;
import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.QueryContext;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.BroadcastExchangePrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.ExchangePrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.HashAggPrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.HashJoinPrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.JoinPrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.Prel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.RuntimeFilterPrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.ScanPrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.SortPrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.StreamAggPrel;
import org.apache.drill.exec.planner.physical.TopNPrel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* This visitor does two major things:
* 1) Find the possible HashJoinPrel to add a RuntimeFilterDef to it.
* 2) Generate a RuntimeFilterPrel over the corresponding probe side ScanPrel.
public class RuntimeFilterVisitor extends BasePrelVisitor<Prel, Void, RuntimeException> {
private final Set<ScanPrel> toAddRuntimeFilter = new HashSet<>();
private final Multimap<ScanPrel, HashJoinPrel> probeSideScan2hj = HashMultimap.create();
private final double fpp;
private final int bloomFilterMaxSizeInBytesDef;
private static final AtomicLong rfIdCounter = new AtomicLong();
private RuntimeFilterVisitor(QueryContext queryContext) {
this.bloomFilterMaxSizeInBytesDef = queryContext.getOption(ExecConstants.HASHJOIN_BLOOM_FILTER_MAX_SIZE_KEY).num_val.intValue();
this.fpp = queryContext.getOption(ExecConstants.HASHJOIN_BLOOM_FILTER_FPP_KEY).float_val;
public static Prel addRuntimeFilter(Prel prel, QueryContext queryContext) {
RuntimeFilterVisitor instance = new RuntimeFilterVisitor(queryContext);
Prel finalPrel = prel.accept(instance, null);
RuntimeFilterInfoPaddingHelper runtimeFilterInfoPaddingHelper = new RuntimeFilterInfoPaddingHelper();
runtimeFilterInfoPaddingHelper.visitPrel(finalPrel, null);
return finalPrel;
public Prel visitPrel(Prel prel, Void value) throws RuntimeException {
List<RelNode> children = new ArrayList<>();
for (Prel child : prel) {
child = child.accept(this, value);
if (children.equals(prel.getInputs())) {
return prel;
return (Prel) prel.copy(prel.getTraitSet(), children);
public Prel visitJoin(JoinPrel prel, Void value) throws RuntimeException {
if (prel instanceof HashJoinPrel) {
HashJoinPrel hashJoinPrel = (HashJoinPrel) prel;
//Generate possible RuntimeFilterDef to the HashJoinPrel, identify the corresponding
//probe side ScanPrel.
RuntimeFilterDef runtimeFilterDef = generateRuntimeFilter(hashJoinPrel);
return visitPrel(prel, value);
public Prel visitScan(ScanPrel prel, Void value) throws RuntimeException {
if (toAddRuntimeFilter.contains(prel)) {
//Spawn a fresh RuntimeFilterPrel over the previous identified probe side scan node or a runtime filter node.
Collection<HashJoinPrel> hashJoinPrels = probeSideScan2hj.get(prel);
RuntimeFilterPrel runtimeFilterPrel = null;
for (HashJoinPrel hashJoinPrel : hashJoinPrels) {
long identifier = rfIdCounter.incrementAndGet();
if (runtimeFilterPrel == null) {
runtimeFilterPrel = new RuntimeFilterPrel(prel, identifier);
} else {
runtimeFilterPrel = new RuntimeFilterPrel(runtimeFilterPrel, identifier);
return runtimeFilterPrel;
} else {
return prel;
* Generate a possible RuntimeFilter of a HashJoinPrel, left some BF parameters of the generated RuntimeFilter
* to be set later.
* @param hashJoinPrel
* @return null or a partial information RuntimeFilterDef
private RuntimeFilterDef generateRuntimeFilter(HashJoinPrel hashJoinPrel) {
JoinRelType joinRelType = hashJoinPrel.getJoinType();
JoinInfo joinInfo = hashJoinPrel.analyzeCondition();
boolean allowJoin = (joinInfo.isEqui()) && (joinRelType == JoinRelType.INNER || joinRelType == JoinRelType.RIGHT);
if (!allowJoin) {
return null;
//TODO check whether to enable RuntimeFilter according to the NDV percent
double threshold = 0.5;
double percent = leftNDV / rightDNV;
if (percent > threshold ) {
return null;
List<BloomFilterDef> bloomFilterDefs = new ArrayList<>();
//find the possible left scan node of the left join key
ScanPrel probeSideScanPrel = null;
RelNode left = hashJoinPrel.getLeft();
RelNode right = hashJoinPrel.getRight();
ExchangePrel exchangePrel = findRightExchangePrel(right);
if (exchangePrel == null) {
//Does not support the single fragment mode ,that is the right build side
//can only be BroadcastExchangePrel or HashToRandomExchangePrel
return null;
List<String> leftFields = left.getRowType().getFieldNames();
List<String> rightFields = right.getRowType().getFieldNames();
List<Integer> leftKeys = hashJoinPrel.getLeftKeys();
List<Integer> rightKeys = hashJoinPrel.getRightKeys();
RelMetadataQuery metadataQuery = left.getCluster().getMetadataQuery();
int i = 0;
for (Integer leftKey : leftKeys) {
String leftFieldName = leftFields.get(leftKey);
Integer rightKey = rightKeys.get(i++);
String rightFieldName = rightFields.get(rightKey);
//This also avoids the left field of the join condition with a function call.
ScanPrel scanPrel = findLeftScanPrel(leftFieldName, left);
if (scanPrel != null) {
boolean encounteredBlockNode = containBlockNode((Prel) left, scanPrel);
if (encounteredBlockNode) {
//Collect NDV from the Metadata
RelDataType scanRowType = scanPrel.getRowType();
RelDataTypeField field = scanRowType.getField(leftFieldName, true, true);
int index = field.getIndex();
Double ndv = metadataQuery.getDistinctRowCount(scanPrel, ImmutableBitSet.of(index), null);
if (ndv == null) {
//If NDV is not supplied, we use the row count to estimate the ndv.
ndv = left.estimateRowCount(metadataQuery) * 0.1;
int bloomFilterSizeInBytes = BloomFilter.optimalNumOfBytes(ndv.longValue(), fpp);
bloomFilterSizeInBytes = bloomFilterSizeInBytes > bloomFilterMaxSizeInBytesDef ? bloomFilterMaxSizeInBytesDef : bloomFilterSizeInBytes;
//left the local parameter to be set later.
BloomFilterDef bloomFilterDef = new BloomFilterDef(bloomFilterSizeInBytes, false, leftFieldName, rightFieldName);
probeSideScanPrel = scanPrel;
if (bloomFilterDefs.size() > 0) {
//left sendToForeman parameter to be set later.
RuntimeFilterDef runtimeFilterDef = new RuntimeFilterDef(true, false, bloomFilterDefs, false, -1);
probeSideScan2hj.put(probeSideScanPrel, hashJoinPrel);
return runtimeFilterDef;
return null;
* Find all the previous defined runtime filters to complement their information.
private static class RuntimeFilterInfoPaddingHelper extends BasePrelVisitor<Void, RFHelperHolder, RuntimeException> {
public RuntimeFilterInfoPaddingHelper() {
public Void visitPrel(Prel prel, RFHelperHolder holder) throws RuntimeException {
for (Prel child : prel) {
child.accept(this, holder);
return null;
public Void visitExchange(ExchangePrel exchange, RFHelperHolder holder) throws RuntimeException {
if (holder != null) {
if (holder.isFromBuildSide()) {
return visitPrel(exchange, holder);
public Void visitJoin(JoinPrel prel, RFHelperHolder holder) throws RuntimeException {
boolean isHashJoinPrel = prel instanceof HashJoinPrel;
if (isHashJoinPrel) {
HashJoinPrel hashJoinPrel = (HashJoinPrel) prel;
RuntimeFilterDef runtimeFilterDef = hashJoinPrel.getRuntimeFilterDef();
if (runtimeFilterDef != null) {
if (holder == null) {
holder = new RFHelperHolder();
Prel left = (Prel) hashJoinPrel.getLeft();
left.accept(this, holder);
//explore the right build side children to find potential RuntimeFilters.
Prel right = (Prel) hashJoinPrel.getRight();
right.accept(this, holder);
boolean routeToForeman = holder.needToRouteToForeman();
List<BloomFilterDef> bloomFilterDefs = runtimeFilterDef.getBloomFilterDefs();
for (BloomFilterDef bloomFilterDef : bloomFilterDefs) {
return visitPrel(prel, holder);
* Find a join condition's left input source scan Prel. If we can't find a target scan Prel then this
* RuntimeFilter can not pushed down to a probe side scan Prel.
* @param fieldName left join condition field Name
* @param leftRelNode left RelNode of a BiRel or the SingleRel
* @return a left scan Prel which contains the left join condition name or null
private ScanPrel findLeftScanPrel(String fieldName, RelNode leftRelNode) {
if (leftRelNode instanceof ScanPrel) {
RelDataType scanRowType = leftRelNode.getRowType();
RelDataTypeField field = scanRowType.getField(fieldName, true, true);
if (field != null) {
return (ScanPrel) leftRelNode;
} else {
return null;
} else if (leftRelNode instanceof RelSubset) {
RelNode bestNode = ((RelSubset) leftRelNode).getBest();
if (bestNode != null) {
return findLeftScanPrel(fieldName, bestNode);
} else {
return null;
} else {
List<RelNode> relNodes = leftRelNode.getInputs();
RelNode leftNode = relNodes.get(0);
return findLeftScanPrel(fieldName, leftNode);
private ExchangePrel findRightExchangePrel(RelNode rightRelNode) {
if (rightRelNode instanceof ExchangePrel) {
return (ExchangePrel) rightRelNode;
if (rightRelNode instanceof ScanPrel) {
return null;
} else if (rightRelNode instanceof RelSubset) {
RelNode bestNode = ((RelSubset) rightRelNode).getBest();
if (bestNode != null) {
return findRightExchangePrel(bestNode);
} else {
return null;
} else {
List<RelNode> relNodes = rightRelNode.getInputs();
if (relNodes.size() == 1) {
RelNode leftNode = relNodes.get(0);
return findRightExchangePrel(leftNode);
} else {
return null;
private boolean containBlockNode(Prel startNode, Prel endNode) {
BlockNodeVisitor blockNodeVisitor = new BlockNodeVisitor();
startNode.accept(blockNodeVisitor, endNode);
return blockNodeVisitor.isEncounteredBlockNode();
private static class BlockNodeVisitor extends BasePrelVisitor<Void, Prel, RuntimeException> {
private boolean encounteredBlockNode;
public Void visitPrel(Prel prel, Prel endValue) throws RuntimeException {
if (prel == endValue) {
return null;
Prel currentPrel;
if (prel instanceof RelSubset) {
currentPrel = (Prel) ((RelSubset) prel).getBest();
} else {
currentPrel = prel;
if (currentPrel == null) {
return null;
if (currentPrel instanceof StreamAggPrel) {
encounteredBlockNode = true;
return null;
if (currentPrel instanceof HashAggPrel) {
encounteredBlockNode = true;
return null;
if (currentPrel instanceof SortPrel) {
encounteredBlockNode = true;
return null;
if (currentPrel instanceof TopNPrel) {
encounteredBlockNode = true;
return null;
if (currentPrel instanceof HashJoinPrel) {
encounteredBlockNode = true;
return null;
for (Prel subPrel : currentPrel) {
visitPrel(subPrel, endValue);
return null;
public boolean isEncounteredBlockNode() {
return encounteredBlockNode;
* RuntimeFilter helper util holder
private static class RFHelperHolder {
private boolean fromBuildSide;
private ExchangePrel exchangePrel;
public void setBuildSideExchange(ExchangePrel exchange){
this.exchangePrel = exchange;
public boolean needToRouteToForeman() {
return exchangePrel != null && !(exchangePrel instanceof BroadcastExchangePrel);
public boolean isFromBuildSide() {
return fromBuildSide;
public void setFromBuildSide(boolean fromBuildSide) {
this.fromBuildSide = fromBuildSide;