blob: c91d2d324c9319d8faad1b91643551f147ae806e [file] [log] [blame]
select store.store_state as c0, store.store_city as c1, time_by_day.the_year as c2, time_by_day.quarter as c3, sum(sales_fact_1997.store_sales) as m0 from store as store, sales_fact_1997 as sales_fact_1997, time_by_day as time_by_day where sales_fact_1997.store_id = store.store_id and store.store_state in ('OR', 'WA') and store.store_city in ('Bellingham', 'Bremerton', 'Portland', 'Salem', 'Seattle', 'Spokane', 'Tacoma', 'Walla Walla', 'Yakima') and sales_fact_1997.time_id = time_by_day.time_id and time_by_day.the_year = 1997 and time_by_day.quarter = 'Q1' group by store.store_state, store.store_city, time_by_day.the_year, time_by_day.quarter;