blob: e45371715335f898aa5fa72741d6b1d6a407f3d7 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-- Modified
select /*+SET_VAR(exec_mem_limit=8589934592, parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num=2, enable_vectorized_engine=true, batch_size=4096, disable_join_reorder=true, enable_cost_based_join_reorder=true, enable_projection=true, runtime_bloom_filter_size=551943) */
s_name, s_address from
supplier left semi join
select * from
select l_partkey,l_suppkey, 0.5 * sum(l_quantity) as l_q
from lineitem
where l_shipdate >= date '1994-01-01'
and l_shipdate < date '1994-01-01' + interval '1' year
group by l_partkey,l_suppkey
) t2 join
select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_availqty
from partsupp left semi join part
on ps_partkey = p_partkey and p_name like 'forest%'
) t1
on t2.l_partkey = t1.ps_partkey and t2.l_suppkey = t1.ps_suppkey
and t1.ps_availqty > t2.l_q
) t3
on s_suppkey = t3.ps_suppkey
join nation
where s_nationkey = n_nationkey
and n_name = 'CANADA'
order by s_name;