blob: 4585f19dc39cd7f199087bfc652fe4f7a9a5cea8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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// Most of the cases are copied from
// /testing/trino-product-tests/src/main/resources/sql-tests/testcases
// and modified by Doris.
// syntax error:
// q06 q13 q15
// Test 23 suites, failed 3 suites
// Note: To filter out tables from sql files, use the following one-liner comamnd
// sed -nr 's/.*tables: (.*)$/\1/gp' /path/to/*.sql | sed -nr 's/,/\n/gp' | sort | uniq
suite("load") {
// Map[tableName, rowCount]
def tables = [customer: 15000000, lineitem: 600037902, nation: 25, orders: 150000000, part: 20000000, partsupp: 80000000, region: 5, supplier: 1000000]
def s3BucketName = getS3BucketName()
def s3WithProperties = """WITH S3 (
|"AWS_ACCESS_KEY" = "${getS3AK()}",
|"AWS_SECRET_KEY" = "${getS3SK()}",
|"AWS_ENDPOINT" = "${getS3Endpoint()}",
|"AWS_REGION" = "${getS3Region()}")
|"exec_mem_limit" = "8589934592",
|"load_parallelism" = "3")""".stripMargin()
// set fe configuration
sql "ADMIN SET FRONTEND CONFIG ('max_bytes_per_broker_scanner' = '161061273600')"
def uniqueID = Math.abs(UUID.randomUUID().hashCode()).toString()
tables.each { table, rows ->
// create table if not exists
sql new File("""${context.file.parent}/ddl/${table}.sql""").text
// check row count
def rowCount = sql "select count(*) from ${table}"
if (rowCount[0][0] != rows) {
def loadLabel = table + "_" + uniqueID
sql new File("""${context.file.parent}/ddl/${table}_delete.sql""").text
// load data from cos
def loadSql = new File("""${context.file.parent}/ddl/${table}_load.sql""").text.replaceAll("\\\$\\{s3BucketName\\}", s3BucketName)
loadSql = loadSql.replaceAll("\\\$\\{loadLabel\\}", loadLabel) + s3WithProperties
sql loadSql
// check load state
while (true) {
def stateResult = sql "show load where Label = '${loadLabel}'"
def loadState = stateResult[stateResult.size() - 1][2].toString()
if ("CANCELLED".equalsIgnoreCase(loadState)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("load ${loadLabel} failed.")
} else if ("FINISHED".equalsIgnoreCase(loadState)) {