blob: ee20b767060826bcb3c3f043aa020aaf5413f95a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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suite("test_oracle_jdbc_catalog", "p0") {
String enabled = context.config.otherConfigs.get("enableJdbcTest");
if (enabled != null && enabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
String resource_name = "oracle_catalog_resource";
String catalog_name = "oracle_catalog";
String internal_db_name = "regression_test_jdbc_catalog_p0";
String ex_db_name = "DORIS_TEST";
String oracle_port = context.config.otherConfigs.get("oracle_11_port");
String SID = "XE";
String test_insert = "TEST_INSERT";
String inDorisTable = "doris_in_tb";
sql """drop catalog if exists ${catalog_name} """
sql """drop resource if exists ${resource_name}"""
sql """create resource if not exists ${resource_name} properties(
"jdbc_url" = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@${oracle_port}:${SID}",
"driver_url" = "",
"driver_class" = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
sql """CREATE CATALOG ${catalog_name} WITH RESOURCE ${resource_name}"""
sql """ drop table if exists ${inDorisTable} """
sql """
CREATE TABLE ${inDorisTable} (
`id` INT NULL COMMENT "主键id",
`name` string NULL COMMENT "名字",
PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
sql """switch ${catalog_name}"""
sql """ use ${ex_db_name}"""
order_qt_test0 """ select * from STUDENT order by ID; """
sql """ insert into internal.${internal_db_name}.${inDorisTable} select ID, NAME, AGE from STUDENT; """
order_qt_in_tb """ select id, name, age from internal.${internal_db_name}.${inDorisTable} order by id; """
order_qt_test1 """ select * from TEST_NUM order by ID; """
order_qt_test2 """ select * from TEST_CHAR order by ID; """
order_qt_test3 """ select * from TEST_INT order by ID; """
order_qt_test5 """ select * from TEST_DATE order by ID; """
order_qt_test6 """ select * from TEST_TIMESTAMP order by ID; """
order_qt_test7 """ select * from TEST_NUMBER order by ID; """
order_qt_test8 """ select * from TEST_NUMBER2 order by ID; """
order_qt_test9 """ select * from TEST_NUMBER3 order by ID; """
order_qt_test10 """ select * from TEST_NUMBER4 order by ID; """
// The result of TEST_RAW will change
// So instead of qt, we're using sql here.
sql """ select * from TEST_RAW order by ID; """
// test insert
String uuid1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
sql """ insert into ${test_insert} values ('${uuid1}', 'doris1', 18) """
order_qt_test_insert1 """ select name, age from ${test_insert} where id = '${uuid1}' order by age """
String uuid2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
sql """ insert into ${test_insert} values ('${uuid2}', 'doris2', 19), ('${uuid2}', 'doris3', 20) """
order_qt_test_insert2 """ select name, age from ${test_insert} where id = '${uuid2}' order by age """
sql """ insert into ${test_insert} select * from ${test_insert} where id = '${uuid2}' """
order_qt_test_insert3 """ select name, age from ${test_insert} where id = '${uuid2}' order by age """
sql """drop catalog if exists ${catalog_name} """
sql """drop resource if exists ${resource_name}"""
// test only_specified_database argument
sql """create resource if not exists ${resource_name} properties(
"jdbc_url" = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@${oracle_port}:${SID}",
"driver_url" = "",
"driver_class" = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver",
"only_specified_database" = "true"
sql """ CREATE CATALOG ${catalog_name} WITH RESOURCE ${resource_name} """
sql """ switch ${catalog_name} """
qt_specified_database """ show databases; """
sql """drop catalog if exists ${catalog_name} """
sql """drop resource if exists ${resource_name}"""
// test lower_case_table_names argument
sql """create resource if not exists ${resource_name} properties(
"jdbc_url" = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@${oracle_port}:${SID}",
"driver_url" = "",
"driver_class" = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver",
"lower_case_table_names" = "true"
sql """ CREATE CATALOG ${catalog_name} WITH RESOURCE ${resource_name} """
sql """ switch ${catalog_name} """
sql """ use ${ex_db_name}"""
qt_lower_case_table_names1 """ select * from test_num order by ID; """
qt_lower_case_table_names2 """ select * from test_char order by ID; """
qt_lower_case_table_names3 """ select * from test_int order by ID; """
sql """drop catalog if exists ${catalog_name} """
sql """drop resource if exists ${resource_name}"""