blob: 5b24b06c500692d9609256770fafba8f3fcd028c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
// The cases is copied from
// /testing/trino-product-tests/src/main/resources/sql-tests/testcases/tpcds
// and modified by Doris.
* Load data use restore. We should use it as long as it works.
suite("load") {
restore {
location "s3://${getS3BucketName()}/regression_backup/clickhouse/github_events"
ak "${getS3AK()}"
sk "${getS3SK()}"
endpoint "http://${getS3Endpoint()}"
region "ap-beijing"
repository "regression_test_github_events"
snapshot "github_events"
timestamp "2022-03-23-12-19-51"
replicationNum 1
timeout 72000
* load data use stream load. If we cannot load data from restore, we could fallback to this.
* Notion, it will run a few hours and maybe fail.
// def tableName = "github_events"
// def filePrefix = "github_events_v2_"
// def fileSuffix = ".tsv.gz"
// def delimiter = "_"
// def starSplit = 0
// def endSplit = 311
// def splitNum = 311
// def splitWide = 4
// def subSplitWide = 2
// def subSplitNumMap = [
// 99 : 10,
// 100 : 10,
// 101 : 10,
// 102 : 10,
// 103 : 10,
// 104 : 10,
// 105 : 10,
// 106 : 10,
// 107 : 10,
// 108 : 10,
// 109 : 10,
// 110 : 10,
// 111 : 10,
// 112 : 10,
// 113 : 10,
// 114 : 10,
// 115 : 10,
// 116 : 10,
// 117 : 10,
// 118 : 10,
// 119 : 10,
// 120 : 10,
// 121 : 10,
// 122 : 10,
// 123 : 10,
// 124 : 10,
// 125 : 10
// ]
// if (starSplit == 0) {
// sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tableName} """
// sql new File("""${context.file.parent}/ddl/${tableName}.sql""").text
// }
// for (int i = starSplit; i <= Math.min(endSplit, splitNum); i++) {
// int subSplitNum = subSplitNumMap.get(i, 1)
// for (int j = 0; j < subSplitNum; j++) {
// // assemble file name, file format is :
// // no subsplit: github_events_v2_${split_number_with_4_char_wide}.tsv.gz
// // have subsplit: github_events_v2_${split_number_with_4_char_wide}_${sub_split_number_with_2_char_wide}.tsv.gz
// def fileName = filePrefix + "${i}".padLeft(splitWide, '0')
// if (subSplitNum != 1) {
// fileName = fileName + delimiter + "${j}".padLeft(subSplitWide, '0')
// }
// fileName = fileName + fileSuffix;
// // generate label to do failover
// def label = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
// // do stream load
// streamLoadWithRetry {
// table tableName
// retryNum = 3
// sleepMs = 2000
// set 'label', label
// set 'column_separator', '\t'
// set 'compress_type', 'GZ'
// set 'columns', 'file_time, event_type, actor_login, repo_name, created_at, updated_at, action, comment_id, body, path, position, line, ref, ref_type, creator_user_login, number, title, labels, state, locked, assignee, assignees, comments, author_association, closed_at, merged_at, merge_commit_sha, requested_reviewers, requested_teams, head_ref, head_sha, base_ref, base_sha, merged, mergeable, rebaseable, mergeable_state, merged_by, review_comments, maintainer_can_modify, commits, additions, deletions, changed_files, diff_hunk, original_position, commit_id, original_commit_id, push_size, push_distinct_size, member_login, release_tag_name, release_name, review_state'
// file """${context.config.s3Url}/regression/clickhouse/github_events/${fileName}"""
// time 0
// // stream load action will check result, include Success status, and NumberTotalRows == NumberLoadedRows
// // if declared a check callback, the default check condition will ignore.
// // So you must check all condition
// check { result, exception, startTime, endTime ->
// if (exception != null) {
// throw exception
// }
//"Stream load result: ${result}".toString())
// def json = parseJson(result)
// assertEquals("success", json.Status.toLowerCase())
// assertEquals(json.NumberTotalRows, json.NumberLoadedRows)
// assertTrue(json.NumberLoadedRows > 0 && json.LoadBytes > 0)
// }
// }
// }
// }