blob: e74ed27ba366a56636f0a19a9541e76de515d7da [file] [log] [blame]
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suite("test_null_aware_left_anti_join") {
def tableName1 = "test_null_aware_left_anti_join1"
def tableName2 = "test_null_aware_left_anti_join2"
sql """
drop table if exists ${tableName1};
sql """
drop table if exists ${tableName2};
sql """
create table if not exists ${tableName1} ( `k1` int(11) NULL ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 4 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "1");
sql """
create table if not exists ${tableName2} ( `k1` int(11) NULL ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 4 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "1");
sql """
insert into ${tableName1} values (1), (3);
sql """
insert into ${tableName2} values (1), (2);
qt_select """ select ${tableName2}.k1 from ${tableName2} where k1 not in (select ${tableName1}.k1 from ${tableName1}) order by ${tableName2}.k1; """
sql """
insert into ${tableName2} values(null);
qt_select """ select ${tableName2}.k1 from ${tableName2} where k1 not in (select ${tableName1}.k1 from ${tableName1}) order by ${tableName2}.k1; """
sql """
insert into ${tableName1} values(null);
qt_select """ select ${tableName2}.k1 from ${tableName2} where k1 not in (select ${tableName1}.k1 from ${tableName1}) order by ${tableName2}.k1; """
sql """ set parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num=2; """
qt_select """ select ${tableName2}.k1 from ${tableName2} where k1 not in (select ${tableName1}.k1 from ${tableName1}) order by ${tableName2}.k1; """
sql """
drop table if exists ${tableName2};
sql """
drop table if exists ${tableName1};