blob: 0a582c2b43b4a20f3f1b1dc7c0896e25daae0ff5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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suite("test_mask_function") {
sql """
drop table if exists table_mask_test;
sql """
create table table_mask_test (
id int not null,
name varchar(20) not null,
phone char(11) null
distributed by hash(id)
'replication_num' = '1'
sql """
insert into table_mask_test values
(1, 'Jack Hawk', '18112349876'),
(2, 'Sam Smith', null),
(3, 'Tom Cruise', '18212349876'),
(4, 'Bruce Willis', null),
(5, 'Ming Li', '19943216789'),
(6, 'Meimei Han', '13556780000')
qt_select_all """
select * from table_mask_test order by id;
qt_select_mask """
select name, mask(name), mask(name, '*'), mask(name, '*', '#') from table_mask_test order by id;
qt_select_mask_nullable """
select phone, mask(phone), mask(phone, '*'), mask(phone, '*', '#', '@') from table_mask_test order by id;
qt_select_mask_first_n """
select name, mask_first_n(name), mask_first_n(name, 3), mask_first_n(name, 100) from table_mask_test order by id;
qt_select_mask_first_n_nullable """
select phone, mask_first_n(phone), mask_first_n(phone, 3), mask_first_n(phone, 100) from table_mask_test order by id;
qt_select_mask_last_n """
select name, mask_last_n(name), mask_last_n(name, 3), mask_last_n(name, 100) from table_mask_test order by id;
qt_select_mask_last_n_nullable """
select phone, mask_last_n(phone), mask_last_n(phone, 3), mask_last_n(phone, 100) from table_mask_test order by id;