blob: 5e8e6c165f3b2494209b0719c3248b8bf6d71836 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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suite("test_alter_user", "account") {
sql """drop role if exists test_auth_role1"""
sql """drop role if exists test_auth_role2"""
sql """drop user if exists test_auth_user1"""
sql """drop user if exists test_auth_user2"""
sql """drop user if exists test_auth_user3"""
sql """drop user if exists test_auth_user4"""
// 1. change user's default role
sql """set global validate_password_policy=NONE"""
sql """create role test_auth_role1"""
sql """grant select_priv on db1.* to role 'test_auth_role1'"""
sql """create role test_auth_role2"""
sql """grant drop_priv on ctl.*.* to role 'test_auth_role2'"""
sql """create user test_auth_user1 identified by '12345' default role 'test_auth_role1'"""
order_qt_show_grants1 """show grants for 'test_auth_user1'"""
sql """alter user test_auth_user1 default role 'test_auth_role2'"""
order_qt_show_grants2 """show grants for 'test_auth_user1'"""
sql """grant load_priv on ctl.*.* to test_auth_user1"""
sql """grant load_priv on ctl.*.* to role 'test_auth_role2'"""
// change user's role again
sql """alter user test_auth_user1 default role 'test_auth_role1'"""
order_qt_show_grants3 """show grants for 'test_auth_user1'"""
// 2. test password history
sql """set global password_history=0""" // disabled
sql """create user test_auth_user2 identified by '12345' password_history default"""
sql """grant all on *.* to test_auth_user2"""
sql """alter user test_auth_user2 identified by '12345'"""
sql """set password for 'test_auth_user2' = password('12345')"""
sql """set global password_history=1""" // set to 1
test {
sql """alter user test_auth_user2 identified by '12345'"""
exception "Cannot use these credentials for 'default_cluster:test_auth_user2'@'%' because they contradict the password history policy"
sql """alter user test_auth_user2 password_history 0"""
sql """set password for 'test_auth_user2' = password('12345')"""
def result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user2', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
sql """alter user test_auth_user2 password_history 2"""
sql """alter user test_auth_user2 identified by 'abc12345'"""
sql """alter user test_auth_user2 identified by 'abc123456'"""
test {
sql """alter user test_auth_user2 identified by 'abc12345'"""
exception "Cannot use these credentials for 'default_cluster:test_auth_user2'@'%' because they contradict the password history policy"
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user2', password = 'abc123456', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
sql """set global password_history=0""" // set to disabled
sql """create user test_auth_user3 identified by '12345' FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 2 PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 1 DAY"""
sql """grant all on *.* to test_auth_user3"""
// login success in multi times
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
// login failed in 2 times
try {
connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = 'wrong', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {}
assertTrue(false. "should not be able to login")
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Access denied for user 'default_cluster:test_auth_user3"), e.getMessage())
try {
connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = 'wrong', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {}
assertTrue(false. "should not be able to login")
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Access denied for user 'default_cluster:test_auth_user3"), e.getMessage())
// login with correct password but also failed
try {
connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {}
assertTrue(false. "should not be able to login")
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Access denied for user 'default_cluster:test_auth_user3'@'%'. Account is blocked for 86400 second(s) (86400 second(s) remaining) due to 2 consecutive failed logins."), e.getMessage())
// unlock user and login again
sql """alter user test_auth_user3 account_unlock"""
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
sql """alter user test_auth_user3 PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 5 SECOND"""
// login failed in 2 times to lock the accout again
try {
connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = 'wrong', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {}
assertTrue(false. "should not be able to login")
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Access denied for user 'default_cluster:test_auth_user3"), e.getMessage())
try {
connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = 'wrong', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {}
assertTrue(false. "should not be able to login")
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Access denied for user 'default_cluster:test_auth_user3"), e.getMessage())
// login with correct password but also failed
try {
connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {}
assertTrue(false. "should not be able to login")
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Access denied for user 'default_cluster:test_auth_user3'@'%'. Account is blocked for 5 second(s) (5 second(s) remaining) due to 2 consecutive failed logins."), e.getMessage())
// sleep 5 second to unlock account
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
// 4. test password validation
sql """set global validate_password_policy=STRONG"""
test {
sql """set password for 'test_auth_user3' = password("12345")"""
exception "Violate password validation policy: STRONG. The password must be at least 8 characters";
test {
sql """set password for 'test_auth_user3' = password("12345678")"""
exception "Violate password validation policy: STRONG. The password must contain at least 3 types of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special characters.";
sql """set password for 'test_auth_user3' = password('Ab1234567^')"""
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user3', password = 'Ab1234567^', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
sql """set global validate_password_policy=NONE"""
// 5. text expire
sql """create user test_auth_user4 identified by '12345' PASSWORD_EXPIRE INTERVAL 5 SECOND"""
sql """grant all on *.* to test_auth_user4"""
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user4', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'
try {
connect(user = 'test_auth_user4', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {}
assertTrue(false. "should not be able to login")
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Your password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords."), e.getMessage())
// 6. drop user and create again, new user with same name can login
sql """drop user test_auth_user4"""
sql """create user test_auth_user4 identified by '12345'"""
sql """grant all on *.* to test_auth_user4"""
result1 = connect(user = 'test_auth_user4', password = '12345', url = context.config.jdbcUrl) {
sql 'select 1'