blob: e9f748db9c1e73b5b62aef34a8798dbf3265c855 [file] [log] [blame]
-- This file is automatically generated. You should know what you did if you want to edit this
-- !q72 --
Local, mass universi 5212 0 13 13
5216 0 11 11
National, comple 5217 0 11 11
Important issues liv 5213 0 10 10
Plain, reluctant 5216 0 10 10
Bad cards must make. 5213 0 9 9
Important dem 5217 0 9 9
Plain, reluctant 5197 0 9 9
Please central m 5217 0 9 9
Quite effectiv 5205 0 9 9
Doors canno 5213 0 8 8
New proceedings fo 5209 0 8 8
New, net purposes 5209 0 8 8
Quite effectiv 5215 0 8 8
5213 0 7 7
Bad cards must make. 5210 0 7 7
Conventional childr 5217 0 7 7
Doors canno 5216 0 7 7
Friendly, suitable 5216 0 7 7
Local, mass universi 5206 0 7 7
Local, mass universi 5213 0 7 7
National, comple 5205 0 7 7
National, comple 5210 0 7 7
National, comple 5212 0 7 7
Please central m 5209 0 7 7
Please central m 5211 0 7 7
Bad cards must make. 5202 0 6 6
Doors canno 5198 0 6 6
Friendly, suitable 5212 0 6 6
Important dem 5214 0 6 6
Important issues liv 5217 0 6 6
New proceedings fo 5213 0 6 6
Plain, reluctant 5204 0 6 6
Please central m 5202 0 6 6
Quite effectiv 5200 0 6 6
Quite effectiv 5217 0 6 6
Rooms cook 5209 0 6 6
P New, net purposes 5216 0 6 6
5201 0 5 5
5202 0 5 5
5203 0 5 5
5211 0 5 5
Conventional childr 5199 0 5 5
Friendly, suitable 5200 0 5 5
Friendly, suitable 5204 0 5 5
Friendly, suitable 5205 0 5 5
Friendly, suitable 5208 0 5 5
Important dem 5203 0 5 5
Important dem 5211 0 5 5
Important dem 5213 0 5 5
Important dem 5216 0 5 5
Important issues liv 5212 0 5 5
Important issues liv 5214 0 5 5
Important issues liv 5216 0 5 5
Local, mass universi 5172 0 5 5
Local, mass universi 5197 0 5 5
Local, mass universi 5214 0 5 5
Local, mass universi 5215 0 5 5
National, comple 5197 0 5 5
National, comple 5204 0 5 5
National, comple 5215 0 5 5
New proceedings fo 5200 0 5 5
New proceedings fo 5212 0 5 5
New, net purposes 5190 0 5 5
New, net purposes 5200 0 5 5
New, net purposes 5205 0 5 5
New, net purposes 5211 0 5 5
New, net purposes 5218 0 5 5
Plain, reluctant 5200 0 5 5
Plain, reluctant 5205 0 5 5
Plain, reluctant 5210 0 5 5
Please central m 5206 0 5 5
Please central m 5213 0 5 5
Quite effectiv 5203 0 5 5
Quite effectiv 5204 0 5 5
Rooms cook 5214 0 5 5
Rooms cook 5217 0 5 5
Days might not imagine in a boards; normal, proposed Friendly, suitable 5215 0 5 5
Days might not imagine in a boards; normal, proposed Important dem 5215 0 5 5
Probably little problems organise earlier views. Large members attack even so special bills. Big opportunities may make only upper manufacturers. Angry, clever Important dem 5210 0 5 5
Probably little problems organise earlier views. Large members attack even so special bills. Big opportunities may make only upper manufacturers. Angry, clever Local, mass universi 5210 0 5 5
S Bad cards must make. 5213 0 5 5
Still head improvements used to head always inevitably small matters. Inner examinations work scottish, conservative times. Total reports used to understand only, young concepts. Rooms cook 5210 0 5 5
5171 0 4 4
5179 0 4 4
5210 0 4 4
5212 0 4 4
5214 0 4 4
5217 0 4 4
5218 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5167 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5187 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5203 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5205 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5212 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5214 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5216 0 4 4
Bad cards must make. 5217 0 4 4
Conventional childr 5182 0 4 4
Conventional childr 5214 0 4 4