blob: 3d81658b09cdd279b66f523a6b00d255f797a937 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
namespace cpp doris
namespace java org.apache.doris.thrift
include "Status.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "PlanNodes.thrift"
include "AgentService.thrift"
include "PaloInternalService.thrift"
include "DorisExternalService.thrift"
struct TExportTaskRequest {
1: required PaloInternalService.TExecPlanFragmentParams params
struct TTabletStat {
1: required i64 tablet_id
// local data size
2: optional i64 data_size
3: optional i64 row_num
4: optional i64 version_count
5: optional i64 remote_data_size
struct TTabletStatResult {
1: required map<i64, TTabletStat> tablets_stats
2: optional list<TTabletStat> tablet_stat_list
struct TKafkaLoadInfo {
1: required string brokers;
2: required string topic;
3: required map<i32, i64> partition_begin_offset;
4: optional map<string, string> properties;
struct TRoutineLoadTask {
1: required Types.TLoadSourceType type
2: required i64 job_id
3: required Types.TUniqueId id
4: required i64 txn_id
5: required i64 auth_code
6: optional string db
7: optional string tbl
8: optional string label
9: optional i64 max_interval_s
10: optional i64 max_batch_rows
11: optional i64 max_batch_size
12: optional TKafkaLoadInfo kafka_load_info
13: optional PaloInternalService.TExecPlanFragmentParams params
14: optional PlanNodes.TFileFormatType format
struct TKafkaMetaProxyRequest {
1: optional TKafkaLoadInfo kafka_info
struct TKafkaMetaProxyResult {
1: optional list<i32> partition_ids
struct TProxyRequest {
1: optional TKafkaMetaProxyRequest kafka_meta_request;
struct TProxyResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status;
2: optional TKafkaMetaProxyResult kafka_meta_result;
struct TStreamLoadRecord {
1: optional string cluster
2: required string user
3: required string passwd
4: required string db
5: required string tbl
6: optional string user_ip
7: required string label
8: required string status
9: required string message
10: optional string url
11: optional i64 auth_code;
12: required i64 total_rows
13: required i64 loaded_rows
14: required i64 filtered_rows
15: required i64 unselected_rows
16: required i64 load_bytes
17: required i64 start_time
18: required i64 finish_time
struct TStreamLoadRecordResult {
1: required map<string, TStreamLoadRecord> stream_load_record
struct TDiskTrashInfo {
1: required string root_path
2: required string state
3: required i64 trash_used_capacity
struct TCheckStorageFormatResult {
1: optional list<i64> v1_tablets;
2: optional list<i64> v2_tablets;
service BackendService {
// Called by coord to start asynchronous execution of plan fragment in backend.
// Returns as soon as all incoming data streams have been set up.
PaloInternalService.TExecPlanFragmentResult exec_plan_fragment(1:PaloInternalService.TExecPlanFragmentParams params);
// Called by coord to cancel execution of a single plan fragment, which this
// coordinator initiated with a prior call to ExecPlanFragment.
// Cancellation is asynchronous.
PaloInternalService.TCancelPlanFragmentResult cancel_plan_fragment(
1:PaloInternalService.TCancelPlanFragmentParams params);
// Called by sender to transmit single row batch. Returns error indication
// if params.fragmentId or params.destNodeId are unknown or if data couldn't be read.
PaloInternalService.TTransmitDataResult transmit_data(
1:PaloInternalService.TTransmitDataParams params);
// Coordinator Fetch Data From Root fragment
PaloInternalService.TFetchDataResult fetch_data(
1:PaloInternalService.TFetchDataParams params);
AgentService.TAgentResult submit_tasks(1:list<AgentService.TAgentTaskRequest> tasks);
AgentService.TAgentResult make_snapshot(1:AgentService.TSnapshotRequest snapshot_request);
AgentService.TAgentResult release_snapshot(1:string snapshot_path);
AgentService.TAgentResult publish_cluster_state(1:AgentService.TAgentPublishRequest request);
Status.TStatus submit_export_task(1:TExportTaskRequest request);
PaloInternalService.TExportStatusResult get_export_status(1:Types.TUniqueId task_id);
Status.TStatus erase_export_task(1:Types.TUniqueId task_id);
TTabletStatResult get_tablet_stat();
i64 get_trash_used_capacity();
list<TDiskTrashInfo> get_disk_trash_used_capacity();
Status.TStatus submit_routine_load_task(1:list<TRoutineLoadTask> tasks);
// doris will build a scan context for this session, context_id returned if success
DorisExternalService.TScanOpenResult open_scanner(1: DorisExternalService.TScanOpenParams params);
// return the batch_size of data
DorisExternalService.TScanBatchResult get_next(1: DorisExternalService.TScanNextBatchParams params);
// release the context resource associated with the context_id
DorisExternalService.TScanCloseResult close_scanner(1: DorisExternalService.TScanCloseParams params);
TStreamLoadRecordResult get_stream_load_record(1: i64 last_stream_record_time);
oneway void clean_trash();
// check tablet rowset type
TCheckStorageFormatResult check_storage_format();